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Dr. Y. S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan

Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, was established on 1st December, 1985 with the objective to promote education, research and extension education in the fields of Horticulture, Forestry and allied disciplines. Late Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar, the first Chief Minister and the architect of Himachal Pradesh perceived the importance of Horticulture and Forestry to develop and improve the State economy which led to the establishment of this University. Its history lies in erstwhile Himachal Agricultural College, Solan, established in 1962 and affiliated to the Panjab University. It became one of the campuses of Agriculture Complex of Himachal Pradesh University on its formation in 1970. Consequent upon the establishment of Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in 1978, this campus became its Horticulture Complex and finally in 1985, assumed the status of a State University, being the only University in the country engaged exclusively in teaching, research and extension in Horticulture and Forestry. The University is located at Nauni in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh, 13 km from Solan on Solan-Rajgarh Road, at an elevation of 1300 metres above mean sea level. Solan town is situated on national highway (NH-22) and is well connected by train and bus services. The University has four constituent colleges, out of which, two are located at the main campus Nauni, one for horticulture and the other for forestry, having 9 and 7 departments, respectively. The third College i.e., College of Horticulture & Forestry is located at Neri in Hamirpur District on Nadaun-Hamirpur state highway, about 6 Km from Hamirpur town and is well connected with bus service. The college offers three Undergraduate Degree Programmes i.e. BSc (Hons.) Horticulture, BSc (Hons.) Forestry and B. Tech. Biotechnology and MSc degree programme in a few subjects. The fourth college i.e. College of Horticulture and Forestry, Thunag (Mandi) is located at Thunag District Mandi. This college offer BSc (Hons.) Horticulture and BSc (Hons.) Forestry degree programme. In addition, there are five Regional Research Stations, 12 Satellite Stations and five Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) situated in different zones of the State.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT Bacterial canker caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis is known to cause significant economic losses to tomato production worldwide. Biological control has been proposed as an alternative to current chemical containment methods, which are often inefficient and may leave adverse effects on the environment. However, only little headway has so far been made in developing biocontrol strategies against C. michiganensis subsp. michiganensis. To address this knowledge gap, we investigated the antagonistic capacity of different PGPRs having multifarious plant growth promoting traits (P-solubilization, IAA production, siderophore production, lytic enzyme activity, and ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen) on C. michiganensis under in vitro and in planta conditions. PGPRs are highly diverse and in this study we focus on rhizobacteria as biocontrol agents. Their effects can occur via local antagonism to soil-borne pathogens or by induction of systemic resistance against pathogens throughout the entire plant. Several substances produced by antagonistic rhizobacteria have been related to pathogen controland indirect promotion of growth in many plants, such as siderophores, lytic enzymes and antibiotics. Induced systemic resistance (ISR) in plants resembles pathogen-induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR) under conditions where the inducing bacteria and the challenging pathogen remain spatially separated. Five antagonistic bacterial isolates were tested for biocontrol potential against C. michiganensis under net house conditions. Isolate S1 showed maximum reduction in disease incidence and disease index along with maximum increase in plant growth parameters. The isolate was identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciensby 16S rDNA sequencing. Therefore, strain S1 had considerable biocontrol potential as well as plant growth promoting ability and could be used as a potential biocontrol agent against bacterial canker of tomato.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT Plant growth promoting rhozobacteria (PGPR) are known to influence plant growth by various direct or indirect mechanisms. Environmental protection and the need to enhance agricultural output have made research in new sustainable technologies necessary. As in most sectors of agriculture, there is increasing demand for organic tomatoes. Therefore, the overall strategy for increasing crop yields, sustaining them at a high level and maintaining proper soil health must include an integrate approach to develop effective and more consistent active plant growyh promoting rhozobacteria (PGPR) inocula, because, there is a considerable experimental support for the idea that PGPR may be used as biofertilizers and biocontrol agent to increase the early growth of tomato seedlings in the nursery and subsequently the yield with concomitant decrease in the chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Therefore, the aim of this study is to screen the indegeneous plant growth promoting rhizobacterial isolates for multifarious plant growth promoting traits and to determine the effect of inoculation with PGPR’s on growth of tomato seedlings in filter paper assay and in soil less medium under growth chamber. The bacterial strains were characterized for plant growth promoting activities and antifungal-antibiotic activities under in vitro conditions. Seed bacterization with bacterial strains increased the germination percent and overall root/shoot parameters of tomato seedlings in filter paper assay and under growth chamber. Among twenty seven bacterial strains, including refrence strain, isolate S2 showed significant effect in filter paper assay with maximum increase in per cent germination, root length, plant dry weight and vigour index. Isolate *S25 showed maximum increase in root length, root dry weight, shoot dry weight and plant biomass in growth chamber. *S25 also possessed maximum P-solubilization, maximum IAA production, siderophore synthesis, chitinase activity, protease activity, ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen and antifungal activity against Alternaria solani, D.necatrix and Sclerotium rolfsii. Therefore, *S25 strain had considerable growth promotion and biocontrol ability, and it could be used as a biofertilizer or biocontrol agent.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT Colors are one of the significant visual properties and are important attribute of any article. Many artificial food colors usually used in foodstuff, dyestuff, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals pose various hazardous effects which may cause damage to the vital organs. Natural colors are generally extracted from fruits, vegetables, roots and microorganisms and are often called as biocolor. Microorganisms serve as a potential source for natural colors. The present investigations entitled “Biocolor production from bacteria inhabiting hot water springs of Himachal Pradesh” was carried in the Deaprtment of Basic Sciences, Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni - Solan (HP) during the years 2013- 2015. The study was carried out to isolate the pigment producing bacteria from different hot water springs of Himachal Pradesh. Subsequently, their screening and characterization was done on the basis of morphological, biochemical and molecular parameters. Out of 44 bacterial isolates 3 bacterial isolates viz., M1, V1 and MS2 were identified as yellow color producing Micrococcus sp, pink colour producing Miccrococcus sp. (roseus) and orange red color producing Sarcina sp. respectively. The higher yields of biocolors from these three isolates was obtained in LB medium after 72 hrs of incubation at pH 7.0 and 40 o C temperature. Among different carbon sources glucose (0.5%) M1 and maltose (0.5% and 1%) V1 and MS2 were found to be the best. Among different nitrogen sources, peptone (0.5%) for M1, urea (0.1% ) for V1 and potassium nitrate (0.5%) for MS2 were found to be the most suitable for maximum pigment production. Thin layer chromatography of the pigments showed the presence of 2 spots for each pigment. The yellow pigment of M1 showed Rf values of two spots were 0.90 and 0.91 typical to that of -carotene. The two spot of orange pigment of MS2 isolate gave the Rf values 0.80 and 0.83 which was identified as prodigiosin. The third isolate producing peach colored pigment exhibited Rf values of 0.75 and 0.18 which were identified as tourulene and torularhodin. The bacterial isolates namely, M1(yellow) and MS2 (orange red) yielded stable colors out of 3 selected bacterial isolates. These two bioclors can be used for dyeing of cotton fabrics with thiourea as mordant. Thus, potential of biocolor from bacteria inhabiting hot water springs of Himachal Pradesh can be exploited in dyeing industrie
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT Plant hormones are chemical messengers that affect a plant's ability to respond to its environment. Hormones are organic compounds that are effective at very low concentration; they are usually synthesized in one part of the plant and are transported to another location. Botanists recognize five major groups of hormones: auxins, gibberellins, ethylene, cytokinins, and abscisic acid. IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) is the member of the group of phytohormones and is generally considered the most important native Auxin. It functions as an important signal molecule in the regulation of plant development including organogenesis, tropic responses, cellular responses such as cell expansion, division, differentiation, and gene regulation. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to isolate and screen IAA producing rhizobacteria from kiwi vines and to optimize cultural conditions for maximum production of IAA. One hundred and fifty seven isolates (sixty three rhizospheric and ninety four root endophytic isolates were isolated from different cultivars of kiwi vines and were screened for IAA production. These IAA producing isolates were further screened for P-solubilization on PVK media, siderophore production on CAS medium and their ability to grow on nirtrogen free medium. Overall maximum IAA producing twenty isolates were selected for screening of other PGP traits. Variation was also observed in their plant growth promoting (PGP) activities such as IAA production, P-solubilization and siderophore production. Out of twenty, majority isolates exhibited antifungal activity and showed enzyme production. Overall six most efficient bacterial isolates were finally selected and evaluated for plant growth promotion of tomato and kiwi seedlings under net house conditions. The most efficient isolate B2S10 was further subjected to optimization of cultural conditions for IAA production. Maximum IAA production of (55μg/ml) was observed after 96 hours of incubation at 35⁰C temperature, pH 9 in LB broth amended with 1.00 (%) tryptohan. The most efficient isolate was identified as Serratia marcescens by 16SrRNAgene sequence analysis