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Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat

Assam Agricultural University is the first institution of its kind in the whole of North-Eastern Region of India. The main goal of this institution is to produce globally competitive human resources in farm sectorand to carry out research in both conventional and frontier areas for production optimization as well as to disseminate the generated technologies as public good for benefitting the food growers/produces and traders involved in the sector while emphasizing on sustainability, equity and overall food security at household level. Genesis of AAU - The embryo of the agricultural research in the state of Assam was formed as early as 1897 with the establishment of the Upper Shillong Experimental Farm (now in Meghalaya) just after about a decade of creation of the agricultural department in 1882. However, the seeds of agricultural research in today’s Assam were sown in the dawn of the twentieth century with the establishment of two Rice Experimental Stations, one at Karimganj in Barak valley in 1913 and the other at Titabor in Brahmaputra valley in 1923. Subsequent to these research stations, a number of research stations were established to conduct research on important crops, more specifically, jute, pulses, oilseeds etc. The Assam Agricultural University was established on April 1, 1969 under The Assam Agricultural University Act, 1968’ with the mandate of imparting farm education, conduct research in agriculture and allied sciences and to effectively disseminate technologies so generated. Before establishment of the University, there were altogether 17 research schemes/projects in the state under the Department of Agriculture. By July 1973, all the research projects and 10 experimental farms were transferred by the Government of Assam to the AAU which already inherited the College of Agriculture and its farm at Barbheta, Jorhat and College of Veterinary Sciences at Khanapara, Guwahati. Subsequently, College of Community Science at Jorhat (1969), College of Fisheries at Raha (1988), Biswanath College of Agriculture at Biswanath Chariali (1988) and Lakhimpur College of Veterinary Science at Joyhing, North Lakhimpur (1988) were established. Presently, the University has three more colleges under its jurisdiction, viz., Sarat Chandra Singha College of Agriculture, Chapar, College of Horticulture, Nalbari & College of Sericulture, Titabar. Similarly, few more regional research stations at Shillongani, Diphu, Gossaigaon, Lakhimpur; and commodity research stations at Kahikuchi, Buralikson, Tinsukia, Kharua, Burnihat and Mandira were added to generate location and crop specific agricultural production packages.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (College of Veterinary Science Assam Agricultural University Khanapara, Guwahati-781022, 2017-07) KAYE, MIKEN; Amonge, T. K.
    An investigation was undertaken to study the performance of crossbred (Jersey x Local) cattle of East and West Siang districts of Arunachal Pradesh from February 2017 to July 2017. One hundred twenty dairy farmers, 60 from each district headquarters, viz. Pasighat and Along, within a radius of 25 km were selected at random. In the present study, the data obtained from 340 crossbred cattle were analyzed for various productive and reproductive parameters and 200 fresh milk samples were collected to estimate the fat, SNF, protein per cent and specific gravity of milk. A separate diary was maintained to record the local fodders available at the farmers’ level in different seasons. In respect of socio-economic condition of the farmers, in East Siang district, majority (50 % ) of the dairy farmers belonged to middle age group (35-49 years), majority (55%) of them were having medium sized families (4-7 members), majority (43%) of them were illiterate, and majority (48%) of them had medium (Rs.2,18,235- Rs. 3,62,852) annual income. Corresponding values for West Siang district were 55, 38, 45 and 73 per cent, respectively. In regards to housing and sanitation, majority (67%) of the cattle shed in East Siang were semi-pucca, 30 per cent kutcha and 3 per cent were pucca. Corresponding values for West Siang were 90, 3 and 7 per cent, respectively. In East Siang district, majority (80%) of the farms were located on plain area, 12 per cent on low lying area, 8 per cent on elevated area and corresponding values for West Siang were 50, 25, 22 per cent, respectively and 3 per cent were located on hillock area. In East Siang, majority (88%) of the animal sheds were constructed below 5 meters, 2 per cent within 5-10 meters, 7 per cent within 10-20 meters and 3 per cent above 20 meters from the human dwellings and corresponding values for West Siang were 95,0, 2 and 3 per cent, respectively. In East Siang, majority (42%) of the wall of cattle shed were open type, 33 per cent closed (full wall), 23 per cent half wall without net and 2 per cent half wall with net and corresponding values for West Siang were 62, 23, 18 and 2 per cent, respectively. In East Siang, majority (67%) of the dairy farmers used CGI sheet as roofing material and 33 per cent used thatch, and corresponding values for West Siang were 28 and 72 per cent, respectively. In East Siang, majority (55%) of the floor of cattle shed was kutcha, 37 per cent concrete and 8 per cent wooden. The corresponding values for West Siang were 93, 3, and 0 per cent, respectively. In East Siang, majority (85%) of the cattle shed had kutcha drain, 8 per cent had concrete drain and 7 per cent had no systematic drain as such and corresponding values for West Siang were 80, 17 and 3 per cent, respectively. In East Siang, majority (95%) of the farmers disposed of the dung in open space while only 5 per cent used manure pit to dispose of the dung and corresponding values for West Siang were 95 and 5 per cent, respectively. In East Siang, majority (88%) of the dairy farmers followed stall feeding cum grazing while only 12 per cent followed stall feeding alone. Whereas, in West Siang, majority (98%) of the dairy farmers followed stall feeding, while only 2 per cent followed stall feeding cum grazing. Further, in East Siang, majority of the farmers (98%) fed their animals twice a day, while only 2 per cent of the farmers fed their animals thrice a day. Contrastingly, in West Siang, majority (85%) of the farmers fed their animals thrice a day, while only 15 per cent farmers fed their animals twice a day. Besides, those farmers who followed stall feeding cum grazing, majority (77%) of the farmers grazed their animals for 4-8 hours, 16 per grazed their animals for above 8 hours and 7 per cent of the farmers grazed their animals for 1-4 hours daily. In East Siang, farmers on an average fed 6.49±0.31 kg green fodder, 5.19±0.10 kg of dry fodder, and 4.8±0.97 kg concentrate feed per animal per day, the corresponding values for West Siang were 18.12±0.23, 5.44±0.11 and 4.55±0.15 kg, respectively. Ad libitum water was always provided to animals in both the districts throughout the day and night which was supplied from either govt. supply water, own farm tube well or well etc. In East Siang district, majority (58%) of the dairy farmers followed vaccination, while 42 per cent didn’t followed vaccination, majority (52%) of the dairy farmers practiced artificial insemination, while 48 per cent didn’t practiced artificial insemination and majority (63%) of the dairy farmers followed deworming, while 37 per cent didn’t followed deworming. Corresponding values for West Siang were 53, 47, 65, 35, 63 and 37 per cent, respectively. In regards to reproductive and productive traits of crossbred cows, in East Siang, the average age at first calving, inter calving period, service period, gestation period, lactation length, lactation yield, average daily milk yield and dry period were 1024.30±16.38 days, 394.41±4.03 days, 113.52±3.25 days, 280.89±0.10 days, 278.80±2.98 days, 1381.00±53.00 litres, 4.89±0.17 litres and 115.61±2.98 days, respectively. Corresponding values for West Siang were 1017.70±19.13 days, 420.40±7.17 days, 138.90±3.25 days, 281.80±0.33 days, 290.80±1.94 days, 1908.30±47.94 litres, 6.56±0.16 litres and 129.44±1.93 days, respectively.. Fat , SNF, protein and specific gravity content of milk were 4.89±0.15 per cent, 8.49±0.09 per cent, 3.101±0.04 per cent and 1.028±0.300, respectively and corresponding values for West Siang were 4.92±1.93 per cent, 8.59±0.08 per cent, 3.09±0.03 per cent and 1.038±0.003, respectively. Inter calving period, service period, lactation length, lactation yield, average daily milk yield and dry period differed significantly (P<0.01) between the two districts. On the hand, there was no significant difference with regards to age at first calving, gestation period, fat, SNF, protein per cent and specific gravity of milk. Lactation order was found to have non-significant effect on fat, SNF, protein per cent and specific gravity of milk. Stage of lactation had highly significant effect on fat per cent of milk, whereas, it had non-significant effect on SNF, protein per cent and specific gravity of milk. In regards to marketing of milk and milk products, producer to consumer was the most common marketing channel observed in both the districts. In East Siang district, milk was sold on an average Rs. 50.00 -60.00 per litre , majority (98%) of the farmers sold the milk to the consumer households, majority (75%) of the farmers practiced conversion of milk to other products, majority (93%) of the farmers used bicycle for transportation. Corresponding values for West Siang were Rs. 60.00-100.00, 95 , 60, 85 per cent respectively. In regards to the local fodders, the species available were more or less similar in both the districts. The species generally found and normally fed the cattle were grasses and shrubs such as Saccharum spontaneum, Ageratum conizoid, Setaria palmifolia, Imperata cylidrica, Polygonum sp., Bidens pilosa, Manihot esculenta, Urena lobata, Pteris semipinnata, Brachiaria sp. and tree leaves such as Musa sp., Artocarpus heterophyllus, Castanopsis sp., Ficus auriculata, Bambusa sp., Arenga pnnata, Debregesia sp., Bauhinia purpurea, Kydia glabrescens, Alpinia sp., Ficus sp., Gmelina arborea, Trema orientalis, Ficus hirta, Ficus sp., Ficus sp.. In regards to constraints faced by the dairy farmers, East Siang district, majority (76.70%) of the farmers mentioned that shortage of green fodder during winter, price of milk (48%), disease incidence (38%), cost of feed (25%), lack of suitable land for farm (25%), problem with neighbours (23%), scarcity of water (17%), lack of grazing land (13%), availability of hired labour (10%), price and problem in collection of straw (10%) and inadequate breeding facilities (8%) as the major constraints faced by them. Corresponding values for West Siang were 52, 9, 35, 40, 50, 13, 8, 42, 12, 42 and 42 per cent respectively.