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Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola

Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola was established on 20th October, 1969 with its head-quarter at Akola. This Agricultural University was named after the illustrious son of Vidarbha Dr. Panjabrao (alias Bhausaheb) Deshmukh, who was the Minister for Agriculture,Govt. of India. The jurisdiction of this university is spread over the eleven districts of Vidarbha. According to the University Act 1983 (of the Government of Maharashtra), the University is entrusted with the responsibility of agricultural education, research and extension education alongwith breeder and foundation seed programme. The University has its main campus at Akola. The instructional programmes at main campus are spread over in 5 Colleges namely, College of Agriculture, College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, College of Forestry, College of Horticulture and Post Graduate Institute. At this campus 4 degree programmes namely B.Sc.(Agri.) B.Sc. (Hort.), B.Sc. (Forestry) and B.Tech. (Ag. Engg.) , two Master’s Degree Programmes viz. M.Sc.(Agri.) and M.Tech. (Agri.Engg.) and Doctoral Degree Programmes in the faculties of Agriculture and Agril. Engineering are offered. The University has its sub-campus at Nagpur with constituent College, College of Agriculture which offers B.Sc.(Agri.) and M.Sc.(Agri.) degree programmes. The Nagpur Campus is accomplished with a garden, surrounded by its natural beauty and a well established Zoo which attract the general public and visitors to the city. A separate botanic Garden is being maintained on 22 hectares with a green house for the benefit of research workers. In addition there are 2 affiliated grant-in-aid colleges and 14 private non-grant-in-aid colleges under the umbrella of this University A Central Research Station is situated at the main Campus which caters to the need of research projects undertaken by Crop Scientists of the principle crops of the region are Cotton, Sorghum, Oilseeds and Pulses.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra., 2019-12-12) SARNAIK, SHAILESH DINKARRAO; Bhople, Dr. P. P. Dr. P. P.
    The present study entitled, ‘Job performance and job satisfaction of Subject Matter Specialists and perception of farmers towards extension service of KrishiVigyan Kendra’ was carried out in eight KrishiVigyan Kendra under Western Vidarbha Zone of Maharashtra State with following specific objectives. 1. To study personal, communication and psychological characteristics of subject matter specialists of KVK 2. To study the personal, socio-economic, communication and psychological characteristics of the farmers 3. To study the job performance and job satisfaction of subject matter specialists of KVK 4. To study the perception of farmers towards extension service of KVK 5. To find out the relationship between selected characteristics of the subject matter specialists with their job performance and job satisfaction 6. To study the relationship between selected characteristics of the farmers towards their perception about extension service of KrishiVigyan Kendra 7. To study the extension activities carried out by subject matter specialists of KVK 8. To find out the constraints encountered by the subject matter specialists in their job performance The sample for the study was confined to the 48 Subject Matter Specialists working in the KVK’s to ascertain the job performance and job satisfaction of the SMSs, along with 240 contact farmers selected randomly, who were in regular contact with the SMS’s to obtain handful suggestion on agriculture and allied sectors as and when required to access the perception of farmers towards extension service of KrishiVigyan Kendra. The salient findings with regard to the selected characteristics of the SMSs revealed that, larger proportion (64.58%) of the Subject Matter Specialists belonged to the middle age group i.e. between 36 to 50 years of age. Exactly half (50.00%) of the SMSs were had observed with post-graduation in agriculture or in allied science as their academic qualification with more than half (54.17%) of the SMS were recorded with low level of service experience (below 10 years) as Subject Matter Specialists. Majority (56.25%) of the SMSs had attained the in-service training for period of more than two weeks, whereas, 58.33 per cent of the respondents had expressed medium level availability of the infrastructure facilities at their respective KVKs. Half (50.00%) of the SMSs working in the KVKs under the study area were reported their moderate use of sources of information followed by 66.67per cent and 58.33 per cent of the SMSs had shown good level of job commitment and job involvement respectively. Majority (60.42%) of the SMSs recorded above average level of achievement motivation followed by slightly above half (52.08%) of the SMSs were moderately satisfied with the prevailing organizational climate at their respective KVK’s. Job performance and job satisfaction of the Subject Matter Specialists were studied as dependent variables, the findings with regard to the job performance of the SMS revealed that, 89.58 per cent SMS’s recorded themselves under good job performance category as per their self-rating whereas, 72.92 per cent of the SMSs falls under good job performance category as per the superior rating obtained from the Programme Coordinator about the job performance of the SMSs. Job performance and job satisfaction was assumed to be correlated with each other. It was observed that, job performance of an individual increases with the increase in the job satisfaction. Keeping this in view the job satisfaction of the SMSs was studied. It was observed that, more than half(54.17%) of the SMSs were recorded their satisfaction while working as SMSs in the KVK, while slightly above one third (35.42%) of the SMSs recorded their highest level of satisfaction while working as SMS. The relational analysis of the dependent variables with the selected characteristic of the Subject Matter Specialists was worked out, from the findings it was inferred that, sources of information, job commitment, job involvement, achievement motivation and organizational climate had positive and highly significant relation with the job performance of the SMSs at 0.01 level of probability whereas infrastructure facilities was found positive and significant correlation at 0.05 level of probability with their level of job performance. The rest of the variables under the study did not show any kind of relationship with the job performance of the SMSs. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the independent characteristics was recorded 0.8683, which means that 86.83 per cent of total variation in the job performance of the Subject Matter Specialists was observed due to presence of above mention characteristics of the SMSs. The coefficient of correlation was also worked out between selected characteristics of the SMSs with their job satisfaction, the findings revealed that organizational climate had positively and highly significant with the job satisfaction of the SMSs at 0.01 level of probability whereas, infrastructure facilities, job commitment and job involvement had positive and significant with the job satisfaction of the SMSs at 0.05 level of probability. The remaining characteristics did not form any kind of relationship with the job satisfaction of the SMSs. The coefficient of determination (R2) was recorded 0.5320, which means 53.20 per cent of the total variation in the job satisfaction of the SMSs was recorded due to the presence of above characteristic of the SMSs. The constraints experienced by the SMSs during their job performance were recorded and tabulated in their rank order. No provision of family pension after retirement (70.83%), lack of promotional opportunities (62.50%) followed by lack of response from farmers in participation of training programme (58.33%), lack of job diversity (52.08%) and lack for facility for medical claims (50.00%) were the major constraints reported by the Subject Matter Specialists in their job performance. The findings with regard to the extension activities carried out the SMSs during last one year were analyzed, results indicated all the SMSs had organized 152 FLD’s, 140 OFT’s, 103 field days, 686 diagnostic visit and made 1058 field visits with 725 training programmes on the different aspects of crop cultivation. The other aspect of the study was to ascertain the perception of the farmers towards the extension service of KVKs. The findings with regard to the respondent farmers revealed that, slightly less than half (47.08%) of the farmers were belonged to the middle age category i.e. between 36 to 50 years of age. It was worthy to mention that majority (45.42%) of the farmers were recorded college-university level education while 36.25 per cent of the farmers were engaged in subsidiary occupation along with farming. The findings with respect to the land possessed by the farmers, it was revealed that almost equal number of the farmers i.e. 29.17 per cent and 28.33 per cent had semi medium and small type of land holding respectively. Larger proportion (44.58%) of the farmers were observed with the medium level of farming experience and majority of them 71.67 per cent were following seasonal cropping pattern followed by 60.83 per cent of the farmers had recorded medium level of extension contact and nearly half (47.92%) of them had underwent training up to period of one week. More than half of the farmers i.e. 56.67 per cent and 52.08 per cent were observed under the medium category of scientific orientation and innovativeness respectively. The perception of the farmers towards the extension service of KVK was studied as dependent variable. Larger proportion (57.50%) of the farmers under the study perceived the advisory services rendered through KVK were useful to them whereas, nearly one third (30.83%) of the farmers recorded extension services were extremely useful for them. The correlational coefficient was worked out to ascertain the relationship between the selected characteristics of the farmers with their perception towards the extension service of KVK, the findings revealed that extension contact, training received, scientific orientation and innovativeness formed positive and highly significant relationship with their perception towards extension service of KVKs at 0.01 level of probability, whereas, age, education and farming experience had found to be in a positive and significant relationship at 0.05 level of probability whereas, remaining characteristics of the farmers viz., occupation, landholding and cropping pattern does not form any kind of relationship with their perception towards the extension service of KVK. The findings with regard to the multiple regression analysis revealed that the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) was 0.4867 which means that the selected characteristics under the study jointly contribute 48.67 per cent of the variation in the perception of the farmer's towards the extension service of the KrishiVigyan Kendra.