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Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of land configuration and date of sowing on yield of soybean
    (JNKVV, 2013) Pandey, Priyanka; Kant, Deva
    ABSTRACT Soybean [Glydne max (L.) Merr.) family leguminosae, sub family Papilionoideae is an important global crop. Soybeans can stand some moisture stress during the vegetative phase. However, yield will be reduced by stress during pod. Similarly, yield will be reduced by early rains due to poor crop establishment. Land treatments not only increased in situ soil moisture conservation, but also minimized runoff and soil erosion and increased the yield of principal crops grown in the region. Planting dates of soybean showed the major influence on its yield, as yield depends on the environmental parameters in addition to the land configuration. In order to observe the moisture depletion pattern under different land configuration and its effect on yield of soybean and to assess the yield of soybean JS-97-52 in three land configuration (Raised bed, Ridge and furrow and Flat bed) and five date of sowing (8 June, 18 June, 28 June, 8 July and 18 June), the study on “Effect of Land Configuration and Date of Sowing on Yield of Soybean” was conducted. Moisture content was monitored in different land configuration at 15, 30 and 45 cm depth from each 45 plots. Crop parameters like plant population, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of seed per pod, number of pods per plants, biological yield, crop yield and harvest index were recorded. The data were analyzed by method of Analysis of Variance with split plot designing. The fluctuation of moisture depends on rainfall. Significant difference was found in pre harvest and post harvest studies for plant population, plant height and number of branches per plant, number of seed per pod, number of pods per plants, biological yield and crop yield under different treatments. Raised bed method of sowing significantly affected soybean crop yield and gave (11.4 q/ha) maximum yield than other two treatments (Flat bed & Ridge & furrow) more yield than Flat bed. Moisture content depleted at different rates in different land configuration. The highest average moisture content (24.1%) was recorded in treatment (Raised bed) and crop yield was also found maximum (11.4 q/ha) in this treatment. Other two treatments Ridge and furrow and Flat bed showed similar trends with correlation of the moisture content with crop yield i.e. lower moisture availability in there two treatments resulted in lesser yield.Rate of depletion varied from 0.08 % per day to maximum 0.13 % per day in treatments. Sowing on Flat bed resulted in lower crop yield (8.6q/ha) due to suffering of crop either due to water logging or water stress. Date of sowing affects crop yield mainly due to availability of moisture. No definite pattern of increase / decrease in crop yield with respect to date of sowing was registered. Maximum crop yield was recorded when the crop was sown in D5 (18 July 2012) the yield was 11.4 q/ha and minimum yield was observed in D1 (8 June 2012) 8.6 q/ha.