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Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study on Women’s Participation and Decision Making Pattern in Agriculture Activities in Sehore District of Madhya Pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2013) Bhairve, Vivek; Jaiswal, D.K.
    ABSTRACT Title: '' A study on women’s participation and decision making pattern in agricultural activities in Sehore district of Madhya Pradesh Major Advisor: Dr.D.K.Jaiswal Student: Vivek Bhairve Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in our country where farm business has become a family enterprise in which both men and women take part evenly. The roles of women’s are generally complimentary, not only in physical participation in agricultural activities, but also in respect of decision making process. Agricultural activities mainly involve three stages viz. production, post harvest management and marketing. In most of the stages women are found actively involved in respect of participation as well as in decision making process. There are plenty of empirical evidence to show that women do participate practically and for decision making in all regions, crop/climatic zones and at different stages of agricultural production. Decision making is the prerogative of the male head of the farm family, but any such decision taken is strongly influenced by the attitude and opinion of the women partner. A proper standing of the complexity of the decision making process and ascertaining the role of farm women’s in agricultural activities will help in toning up agriculture modernization in the country as well as transformation of family life in rural society. Thus, considering the importance of farm women’s participation in agricultural operations and decision-making pattern, the present study has been conducted with the following objectives: Objectives: 1. To study the profile of selected farm women. 2. To measure the extent of participation of women in agricultural activities. 3. To identify the decision making pattern of women regarding agricultural activities. 4. To find out the association between profile of women and their extent of participation and decision making pattern in agricultural activities. 5. To identify the constraints faced by farm women in participation and decision making in agricultural activities and suggest the ways and means to over come them. Conclusions: The analysis of the data led to the following conclusions: A. Profile of farm women:-  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were in middle age group followed by young and old.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were in medium annual income group followed by low and high annual income group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to illiterate group followed by primary education and middle and above education group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were have medium size of land holding followed by small and big size of land holding group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to medium social participation group followed by high and low social participation group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to individual family group followed by joint family group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to medium size of family group followed by large and small size of family group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to other backward caste group followed by Sc/St and general caste group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to medium material possession group followed by high and low material possession group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to medium farm power possession group followed by high and low farm power possession group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to farming group followed by farming+business and farming+service+other group.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were have mixed type of house followed by packa and kachacha type of house.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to overall medium socio economic status group followed by low and high socio economic status group. B. Participation of farm women in agricultural activities.  It may be concluded that the farm women over all participated medium level among the all agricultural activities. The farm activities in which farm women participated in first foremost agriculture activities were weeding followed by selection of seed varieties, harvesting, soil testing and winnowing process. The least performance activities were preparatory of land, marketing and soil treatment respectively.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were found to overall medium participation group followed by high and low participation group. C. Decision making pattern of farm women in agricultural activities:-  It may be concluded that the farm women participated in decision making process was found to medium level among all the agricultural activities. In respect of agriculture activities in which the farm women took highest decision and the foremost were sowing, grain storage, irrigation management and weeding respectively. The least decision making preference activities were soil treatment marketing, plant protection and preparatory of land respectively.  It can be concluded that in study area, most of the farm women were performed overall medium decision regarding agricultural activities followed by low and high decision. D. Association between profiles of farm women with extent of participation in agricultural activities:-  It may be concluded that age had an influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 12.8 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that annual income had an influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 12.1 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that socio economic status had an influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 11.9 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that economic motivation had an influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 11.7 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that aspiration had an influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 11.1 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that extension participation had no influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 7.9 was found to be non significant.  It may be concluded that cosmopoliteness had an influence on the extent of participation of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 9.7 was found to be significant. E. Association between profiles of farm women with decision making pattern in agricultural activities:-  It may be concluded that age had an influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 12.8 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that annual income had an influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 9.5 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that socio economic status had no influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 9.1 was found to be non significant.  It may be concluded that economic motivation had an influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 9.7 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that aspiration had no influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 9.0 was found to be non significant.  It may be concluded that extension participation had an influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 10.0 was found to be significant.  It may be concluded that cosmopoliteness had an influence on the extent of decision making of farm women in agricultural activities. The calculated Chi-square value 13.5 was found to be significant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study on the Impact of Vocational Training Conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra on Income Generation among Women in Jabalpur District M.P.
    (JNKVV, 2013) Jain, Payal; Singh, D.K.
    ABSTRACT Krishi Vigyan Kendra has been established by ICAR, New Delhi at district level to enhance the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of different agricultural occupations in the district level through various extension methods considering socio-economic and environmental conditions of the districts. KVK imparts various need based and skill oriented vocational trainings to create the income for women. Vocational Training Programme plays a positive role for the empowerment of women. Vocational trainings are the important tool to prepare respondents for job that are based on manual or practical activities traditionally non-academic and totally related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the respondent directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques or technology. Income generation through Vocational Training Programmes is a major mandate of Krishi Vigyan Kendra. KVK has emphasized on four categories for imparting Training i.e. agriculture, agro processing, agro based enterprise and non farming sector. KVK imparts need based and skill oriented trainings to create the income for women. Vocational Training Programmes take into account all methods and means which will result in skill development in rural youths in the area of their interest. Keeping the view, the present study entitled “A study on the impact of Vocational Training conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra on Income Generation among women in Jabalpur District (M.P.)” was undertaken with the following specific objectives. Objectives of the study:’ 1. To know the profile of selected trainees. 2. To determine the extent of income generation. 3. To analyze the association between profile of selected trainees and income generation. 4. To find out the problem faced by the women and suggest ways for effective training. Methodology: The investigation was carried out in panagar block of Jabalpur district in the operational area of KVK, Jabalpur. Maximum numbers of vocational training on tailoring & stitching and handicraft have been conducted among women by KVK, Jabalpur during the years 2007-10.Out of which ninety women respondents was taken as sample for the study. The data were collected with the help of pre-tested structured schedule by personal interview method. Percentage and chi square test was used to analyze the data. Variables: Independent: Age, education, caste, Size of family, type of house, social participation, annual income, attitude towards vocational training, number of training received, employment generation. Dependent: Income generation. Conclusion: The majority of respondents belonged to young age group and was formally educated up to higher secondary and above, higher percentage of respondents was found in schedule caste/schedule category, the majority of the respondents had medium size of family structure, higher percentage of respondents had pakka type of house, majority of the respondents had low social participation and was from low annual income group. Higher percentage of respondents belonged to the medium attitude towards vocational training, majority of the respondent received only one training. Majority of the respondents who received vocational trainings in aspects, namely tailoring & stitching and handicraft were having medium employment and majority of respondents had medium level of income generation. Caste, size of family and type of house were found non-significantly associated with income generation of the respondents. Age, education, social participation, annual income, attitude towards vocational training, number of vocational training received and employment generation were found significantly associated with income generation of the respondents. The important problem faced by rural women were lack of marketing facilities, duration of training were not sufficient, complex learning procedure, lack of capital to start work, methodology of training were not explained in detail by trainer etc. Some suggestion were given as - marketing facilities should be created by involving government and KVK, duration of training programmes should not be less than one week, easy and local terminology should be used during training progromme, involving Government and KVK should provide credit to start work, methods of training should be explained in detail by the trainer.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on impact of district poverty intiative project (DPIP) in empowering the rural women in tikamgarh district (M.P.)
    (JNKVV, 2014) Singh, Mukesh; Dubey, M.K.
    Empowerment is defined as “giving power to creating power within and enabling is a relative concept which describes a relationship between a powerful people has power over others. Empowerment entails power sharing a change in the balancing of power between people. Therefore empowerment involves negotiation of the balance of power between the more and less ∗ powerful”. Empowerment is a multi dimensional process, which should enable people to realize their full identify and power in all spheres of life. Empowering women through better education, economic opportunity and healthcare including family planning is pivotal to world progress, with far-reaching benefits for families, communities and the planet. The DPIP being implemented in the States of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan is a poverty alleviation program designed to empowerment and women for self development so that the poor create and manage their own development opportunities. The DPIP targets socially and economically disadvantaged groups, particularly the SC/ST households, households migrating out for wage employment, households without proper shelters/ dwellings, women and women headed households. The DPIP programme was launched in the Tikamgarh district since 2001 for the disadvantaged group of people. For keeping the view the present study was carrying out in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh. “A study on Impact of District Poverty Initiative Project (DPIP) in empowering the rural women of Tikamgarh Block, District Tikamgarh (M.P.)” with the help of following specific objectives: 1. To study the profile of selected women beneficiaries of DPIP. 2. To determine the impact of DPIP in terms of income and employment generation of selected women. 3. To find out the association between independent variables with (Singh and Bansal 2002). dependent variables beneficiaries of DPIP. 4. To locate the constraints perceived by the women beneficiaries in perceiving the benefits under DPIP. 5. To record their suggestion of women beneficiaries for better implementation of DPIP. Methodology: In order to achieve these objectives, the investigation was conducted in Tikamgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, because the district has pioneer work under DPIP Since 2001. The Tikamgarh district comprises of 6 blocks namely Tikamgarh, Niwari, Jatara, Prathvipur, Baldevgarh, and Palera. Out of these Tikamgarh block was selected purposively due to maximum number of women SHGs. carrying out agricultural activities like as vegetable, spices, poultry, seed production and dairy enterprises. Since 13 years under DPIP. The Tikamgarh block consists of 72 villages in which 6798 beneficiaries were benefited through 737 SHGs under DPIP. Out of which 10 villages were selected on the basis of maximum number of beneficiaries has been benefited. The total 120 women beneficiaries were selected as sample of the study through proportionate random sampling method. The data were collected with help of prestructered interview schedule. These were analyzed by investigator using frequency, percentage, chi-square test and rank order. In order to ascertain relationship between independent and dependent variables, the chi-square was worked out. Conclusion: 1. To study the profile of selected women: Maximum of women were from middle age group, Higher of the women other backward class and nuclear family, maximum of the women had illiterate. Most of the women medium mass media exposure, economic motivation, scientific orientation, extension contact, training exposure, and low income category. 2. To determine the impact of DPIP in terms of income and employment generation of selected women: Maximum number of respondents (47.50%) was engaged in employment; however, they fall in the medium category of employment generation (43 to 85 man days). As regard to income of respondents were concerned, the maximum number of respondents i.e. 45.83 per cent was earning medium income up to Rs.14, 000. 3. To find out the association between independent variables with dependent variables beneficiaries of DPIP: Age had non-significant association and influenced the in empowering the rural women, whereas annual income, education, caste, type of family, occupation, economic motivation, scientific orientation, mass media exposure, extension contact, training exposure had significant association with income and employment generation of rural women. 4. To locate the constraints perceived by the women beneficiaries in perceiving the benefits under DPIP: The major problem reported by the respondents such Illiteracy, Non availability of guiding agency, Lack of training related to agriculture., All members did not attend meeting, Dual role of women, Lack of co- ordination amongst Members, Unaware about the rules of the bank, Less importance to SHG. 5. To record their suggestion of women beneficiaries for better implementation of DPIP: The important suggestions as offered by the rural women were suggestions like women must be literate, encourage more saving, timely training, co- ordination among the member, women should be right to take decision.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on technological gap in cultivation of cotton crop in nisarpur block of dhar district madhya pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2014) Patidar, Santosh; Agriwal, S.K.
    ABSTRACT Cotton (gossipium spp.) is one of the most important commercial fiber crops it play prominent role in the national and international economy due to its high commercial value, it is also named as “white gold”. Cotton is grown chiefly for its fiber used in the textiles industries and it is also used for several other purposes like making threads for mixing in other fibers, oil extraction from cotton seeds, crushed seeds for animal feed, lint for religious purpose etc. India has largest area under the cotton in world but occupies third position in production with 35.20 million bales which cover the 12.18 million ha. of land. In India, enough research on cotton production technology has been generated in agricultural universities and research institutes but the target adopters of the technology have not been able to adopt it to desired level. There had always a gap between recommended technologies and their adoption by the ultimate users of the technology. Therefore, the present investigation entitled “A study on technological gap in cultivation of cotton crop in Nisarpur block of Dhar District, M.P.” The specific objectives of the investigation were as follows: 1. To know the socio-economic, psychological and communicational attributes of cotton growers. 2. To determine the technological gap in different practices of cotton cultivation followed by cotton grower. 3. To find out the association between socio-economic, psychological and communicational attributes with technological gap. 4. To find out the constraints perceived by cotton growers in adoption of recommended cotton production technology and suggestion to overcome them. In order to achieve these objectives, the investigation was carried out in Nisarpur block of Dhar district (MP). By using random sampling method 120 soybean growers were selected from 10 villages. Data were collected with the help of pretested interview schedule. The data were analyzed by investigator using frequency, percentage, mean, Chi-square test and rank order. In case of socio-economic attributes most of the cotton growers belonged to middle age group, acquired up to primary education, having medium size of land holding, had medium material possession, had low social participation, having low farm power and annual income. In case of communicational attributes higher percentages of cotton growers were having low mass media exposure, had medium contact with extension agencies, and having low extension participation. In case of psychological attributes, most of the cotton growers had medium scientific orientation, had medium knowledge of package of practices, having medium adoption level and medium technological gap. In relation to technological gap of various package of practices of cotton, it was found that , the maximum mean technological gap was found in plant protection management and minimum mean technological gap was found in picking management of cotton. The association between various attribute of cotton growers like education level, land holding, form power, annual income, , mass media exposure, contact with extension agencies, scientific orientation, knowledge of package of practices, adoption level and technological gap were found to be significant association with technological gap, whereas only age, material possession, social participation and extension participation had shows non- significant association with technological gap of cotton growers. The major constraints reported by cotton growers were irregular supply of electricity, lack of the knowledge about recommended dozes of insecticides and fungicides, lack of the knowledge about insect-pest and their control measures, higher cost of inputs like seed, fertilizer and pesticides, lack of labourers at the time of picking of cotton, lack of regular contact of RAEOs with farmer, lack of technical guidance from RAEOs, higher charges of labourers, lack of the knowledge about seed treatment process, lack of training programme on cotton production technology , poor transport facilities, non availability of seed and fertilizer in co-operative at proper time, co-operative societies is away from village and complex bank loaning procedure. Similarly, majority of cotton growers suggested that the electricity should be made available, improved cotton production technology training should be given at proper time, dissemination of technology from research field to farmer field, visit of R.A.E.O. should be regular, cost of seed, fertilizer, and insecticide should be less, there should be co-operative near the village, technical knowledge should be given by RAEOs , simplification in crop loan process, the crop loan should be provide at proper time.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access