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Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economics of production and marketing of flower under protected cultivation in jabalpur district of madhya pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2014) Tiwari, Yogesh; Awasthi, P.K.
    The present study entitled “Economics of Production and Marketing of flower under protected cultivation in Jabalpur District of Madhya Pradesh (M.P.)” was undertaken with a view to workout costs and return of gerbera and rose cut flowers produced under protected condition, their marketing patter and production and marketing constraints. A sample of 5 cut flowers polyhouse established in four blocks of Jabalpur were selected purposively. The required primary data were collected by survey method and personal interview of selected sample respondent using pre- tested interview schedule pertains to the agriculture year 2013-14. Cost of cultivation, profitability measures, break - even analysis, marketing cost, marketing margins and opinion ranking technique etc were employed to analysed the collected data. The study revealed that total cost in gerbera production grown on an average 1200 m2 were Rs 757672 out of which share of operational and fixed cost was 35:65. In rose production total cost incurred was also at per with gerbera (Rs 735431) and more than two - third contribution was of fixed cost. The annual gerbera and rose production on sample polyhouse 409288 and 342000 flowers respectively which is 108 and 76% higher than the break- even level, Net profit was to the extent of Rs 529868 and Rs 345288 and benefit- cost ratio was 1:70 and 1:46 respectively. Thus, existing production technology yield sufficient profit to the cut flowers growers. There are three marketing channels prevalent for cut flower marketing in the study area. (Channel I) covers Producer – consumer, (Channel II) Producer – wholesaler – retailer consumer and (Channel III) Producer– commission agent – retailer – consumer. Respondents retained meager quantum of production for their own consumption and major production was marketed and marketable surplus. Major portion of produce was disposed off through channel III because producer gets maximum of gerbera and rose price per bag in channel III i.e. Rs 680 and Rs 710. Price spread ranged between Rs 190 to Rs 300 in gerbera and Rs 180 to 340 in rose. Producer share in consumer price was 76.2, 66.6 and 69.3% in respectively channel I to channel III. Huge investment requirement, Shortage of trained manpower, Price fluctuation, cold storage facilities were the important production and marketing constraints reported by sample respondents. These constraints should be minimized to augment production and profit of cut flower growers in the study area.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Growth and variability of major crops in raisen district of madhya pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2014) Raghuwanshi, Naval Kishor; Raghuwanshi, R.S.
    ABSTRACT (An abstract of the dissertation submitted to the Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture, Agril. Economics & F.M.) The growth rates in area, production and productivity for cereal, pulses and oil seed were secured in different micro-farming situation of Madhya Pradesh. The technical advancement in growth, resulting into higher productivity and stabilized the effective substitute of land use and cropping pattern, while has the growth impulse for cereals, pulses and oilseeds of Madhya Pradesh specially, Raisen District. The following objectives were undertaken: 1. To find out the trend and growth rates of area production and productivity of major crops. 2. To estimate the variability in area, production and productivity of major crops in the study area. 3. To identify the major factors affecting the production and productivity of the major selected crops. 4. To offer suggestion of augments production and productivity of the major crops in the study area. The present study was undertaken in Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh and the Secondary data of area, production and productivity of major crops were collected from District Statistical Office of Raisen District from the year 2002-03 to 2011-12. The mean was worked out by using the time series secondary data. To measure the variability the coefficient of variation (C.V.) was worked out growth rate and trend analysis were carried out by using least square method and fitting the linear model. Results of this study shows that variability in production of soybean in different tehsils was higher mainly due to acreage and productivity variability and high variability in production of paddy, the moderately high variability in production of wheat as compared to variability in its acreage and productivity was mainly found due to interactive action of variability of both area and productivity. In case of gram, there was no relationship between the variability of area, production and productivity in different tehsils of the district and the growth in area of paddy was found to be positive and highly significant for all tehsils except tehsil Udaipura where growth in area was significant. The highly significant reduction in acreage and production of soybean was noted for the whole district. Soyabean crop is vanishing from the cropping pattern due to irregular trend of monsoon rain and introduction of hybrid rice. The growth in area of gram in most of the tehsils was positively and highly significant in six tehsils but growth in production was positive and highly significant in six tehsils along with district level. Near about 89 per cent variables in yield of paddy was contributed by all four variables taken under study. Some of the other variables like rainfall during crop season, fertilizer consumption may be included in the selection indices while determining the yield Only 50 Percent variation in the yield of the soybean was explained by all these studied variables. The yield of gram positively and significantly influenced by irrigated pulses area only in Silwani tehsil. The multiple R2 value was 76.52% at district level indication that more than 23.50% of the total variation in yield of gram was unexplained by all there variables taken under study.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An economic analysis of farm loan provided by union bank to the farmers of reswa district of madhya pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2014) Kakodiya, Rajkumar; Khan, N.
    ABSTRACT The introduction of modern technology to agriculture led to intensive use of inputs and the package of practice, resulting in manifold increase in the requirement of production credit. Credit from informal sources is available but with strings attached to it. Thus realizing this fact, RBI in 1998 directed all Public Sector Bank (Ps B’s), Regional Rural bank and Cooperative Bank to introduce Kisan Credit Card. The KCC aims at extending adequate and timely support from banking system to the farmer to meet the crop production and ancillary activities. It was made obligator for the implementing agencies to operate the KCC with an in built component of lofe insurance for KCCs beneficiary. The KCCs as envisaged has substituted all other existing institutional modes of short term credit delivery. District Union Bank of India, Rewa was selected considered to fulfill the objectives of the present study selected bank covers all blocks of the district. In order to keep the study within manageable limit one block i.e. Rewa was selected considered. 10 villages namely viz. Chorhata, Bholgarh, Agdal, Kachur, Hardi, Umri, Khamariya, Karahiya, Mahidal and Khaira, within the redius of 10 kms from block headquarter and 40 farmers from small, medium and large size grouped totaled to 120 were selected randomly. Both secondary and primary data were required for the present study. Secondary data regarding block wise numbers of Kisan Credit card union Bank during last 10 years (2001 to 2010). Required primary data were collected by personal interview from the selected beneficiary farmers by survey method. With the help of pro-tested questionnaire schedule, Primary data pertains to the period year 2009-2010. Absolute and relative changes, compound growth rate, average percentage and before after statistical techniques were used to analyse the collected Secondary and Primary data. There was long variation in absolute and relative change of kisan credit card is Rewa block and Rewa district in 2001 to 2010. S.B.I. State bank of Indore, P.N.B., Bank of India, Punjab & Sindh Bank, Canara Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and D.C.C. Bank have disbursed same the target they had. Other banks to not taken this mater so, serially that is why they not achieved the target of issuing KCC. Average size of family member of sample respondents was 7, which increased with increase in farm size. About 11 people of sample farmers in different size groups were illiterate, literate respondents was more on small and large farm. Soybean, Paddy and maize were the main Kharif Crops of the study area. During Rabi season wheat and Gram were from by the sample farmers. Average farm size was ha which ranged between 1.24 ha on small farm, 3.37 hectare on medium farm and 6.87 ha an large farm. Cropping intensity reveled inverse relation with size of farm which ranged between 187.80 to 196.77 percent. Productivity of all on sample crops increased after availing facilities provided under KCC irrespective of size of holding maximum increase in productivity was observed in Paddy (34.50%) followed by soybean (4.57%). In other crops the increase was to the extent of 20.21 percent. Net income from farm business irrespective of farm size was double with the timely was use of provided inputs made possible due to financial assistance provided under KCC. Benefit-cost ratio increased from 1.66 to 2.09 on sample farm. Untimely and poor quality availability of inputs followed by credit limits, irregular power low product price etc were the major problems reported by sample farmers. Suggestions More publicity of the scheme in needed through mass communications media, so that the needy farmers can approach to the financing institutions for obtaining the loan through this scheme for productive purpose. Uniformity in all the financing institution should be maintained for fixation of credit limits (season wise kharif, Rabi and summer). Repayments and mode of disbursement (cash and kind in shape cheque). Strength of field staff be increased for proper supervision of advances disbursed to avoid diversions of funds. Banker cheque is provided for purchase of inputs that can be in cash at the tehsil and district head quarter so that the farmers can purchase better quality of inputs in time.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on arrivals and price of farm products in karhiya krishi upaj mandi of rewa district in madhya pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2014) Mishra, Kashyap Kumar; Gautam, A.S.
    Abstract This chapter deals with summary, conclusion and suggestions of the investigation entitled “A study on Arrivals and Price of farm products in karhiya Krishi Upaj Mandi of Rewa district in Madhya Pradesh”. Price of farm products decrease sharply with increase in arrivals (supply) just after harvesting of the produce and increases with decreases in arrival during slack period, It is a well known fact that Indian agriculture is characterized by wide variations in output of major crops which subsequently lead to wider fluctuation in market arrivals. The extent of fluctuation in market arrivals largely contribute to the price variability of major crops. In order to device the appropriate ways and means for not only reducing the degree of fluctuations. The present study was being undertaken to estimate the inter year and intra year price behavior an impact of the market arrivals on it which will assure the farmers in getting responsible prices of their produce from time to time. The study showed the variation in arrivals and prices in different seasons and relative impact of arrival on price. As study the market arrivals and their respective price behavior which forms an essential requirement for the policy formation. In this study the arrivals and price behavior of two different crops i.e. wheat (cereals) and gram (pulses) crops were considered for the intent study, the study analyzed the variation in annual and monthly market arrivals and price, determined the relationship between arrivals and price in the market and identified further constraints present in the study area here who identified from the farmers and traders. Time series secondary data for the year 2001-10 has been collected for arrivals, prices and lagged farm harvest price. The primary data were also collected to identify different constraints with the help of interview schedule. Findings of the study are: 1. The arrivals of both wheat and gram in krishi upaj mandi, karhiya is increased over the years and shown increasing trend. 2. The relationship between annual arrivals of wheat and its model price was found to be positive for all the years accept for the 2003 where as for gram it is found to be negative for the year of 2006. 3. The increase in outcome of wheat and Gram in Krishi Upaj Mandi might be due to production technological diffusion, adoption and support of government policy on marketing systems. 4. Relative change and absolute changes were found positive and variability in both the commodity during study period of time. 5. Volatility of price and demand are almost stable in increasing trend in arrival as well as monthly in all years of study period of time. These might be due to store supply/production linkage of wheat and gram in Krishi Upaj Mandi area. 6. The lack of market finance was found the main constraint of the farmer’s in marketing of produces (84%) followed by lack of facilities of insurances of produces(68%), lack of grading facilities (60%), lack of loding facilities (50%), wastage and spoilage (40%) and inadequate weighing facilities (28%). 7. The inadequate storage facilities (44%) was found the main constraint of the trader’s in Krishi Upaj Mandi, krhiya followed by inadequate transport facilities and irregularity in electricity supply (28%) and inadequate weighing facilities (16%). 8. Lack of parking facilities (72%) was found the main common constraint of farmers and traders in krishi upaj mandi, karhiya followed by lack of standard machine for cleaning the produces, inadequate security staff and inadequate water supply (60%). From the above findings it is suggested that:- There is need for uplifted the market arrivals with the increased in prices of the products as it is cleared from the study that price, plays an important role for increasing arrivals of the products and significantly affected the arrivals of the products. The concentration of arrivals of products were less in the rain season periods hence, it is suggested that there is a necessity of all weather roads from the village to krishi upaj mandi. Affords can also be follow up for regular cleaning of sheds, proper arrangement for loading of the produce, parking facilities of the produces in the Krishi Upaj Mandi. Transportation facilities to the mandi yards, regular water and electric supply and improve the timely payment system in the krishi upaj mandi. Further, the cover shade facilities are also required to protect the produces in monsoon.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access