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Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa

In the imperial Gazetteer of India 1878, Pusa was recorded as a government estate of about 1350 acres in Darbhanba. It was acquired by East India Company for running a stud farm to supply better breed of horses mainly for the army. Frequent incidence of glanders disease (swelling of glands), mostly affecting the valuable imported bloodstock made the civil veterinary department to shift the entire stock out of Pusa. A British tobacco concern Beg Sutherland & co. got the estate on lease but it also left in 1897 abandoning the government estate of Pusa. Lord Mayo, The Viceroy and Governor General, had been repeatedly trying to get through his proposal for setting up a directorate general of Agriculture that would take care of the soil and its productivity, formulate newer techniques of cultivation, improve the quality of seeds and livestock and also arrange for imparting agricultural education. The government of India had invited a British expert. Dr. J. A. Voelcker who had submitted as report on the development of Indian agriculture. As a follow-up action, three experts in different fields were appointed for the first time during 1885 to 1895 namely, agricultural chemist (Dr. J. W. Leafer), cryptogamic botanist (Dr. R. A. Butler) and entomologist (Dr. H. Maxwell Lefroy) with headquarters at Dehradun (U.P.) in the forest Research Institute complex. Surprisingly, until now Pusa, which was destined to become the centre of agricultural revolution in the country, was lying as before an abandoned government estate. In 1898. Lord Curzon took over as the viceroy. A widely traveled person and an administrator, he salvaged out the earlier proposal and got London’s approval for the appointment of the inspector General of Agriculture to which the first incumbent Mr. J. Mollison (Dy. Director of Agriculture, Bombay) joined in 1901 with headquarters at Nagpur The then government of Bengal had mooted in 1902 a proposal to the centre for setting up a model cattle farm for improving the dilapidated condition of the livestock at Pusa estate where plenty of land, water and feed would be available, and with Mr. Mollison’s support this was accepted in principle. Around Pusa, there were many British planters and also an indigo research centre Dalsing Sarai (near Pusa). Mr. Mollison’s visits to this mini British kingdom and his strong recommendations. In favour of Pusa as the most ideal place for the Bengal government project obviously caught the attention for the viceroy.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of group dynamics among the women SHG members involved in dairy sector
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa, Samastipur, 2017) Vandana; Singh, Meera
    In India, Micro Finance Institute model started through in the 1990s. SHGs, which are instrumental in empowering rural poor, are adopting dairy farming is one of the important activities and significantly contributing in empowering the group members socially and economically. SHG is conceptualized as a voluntary gathering of homogenous people, who share the same type of needs or the same type of problems, which are not being addressed by others. The concept of Self Help Groups serves to underline the principle “for the people, by the people, and of the people”. The Self Help Groups is the brainchild of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh, which was founded by Prof. Mohammed Yunas of Chittagong University in the year 1975. The Self Help Groups scheme was introduced in Tamilnadu in 1989. This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of group dynamics among the SHG members and evaluate the information-seeking behavior amongst them. The group provides a base for self-employment and empowerment through group dynamics. In India, these mutual help based groups are known as Self Help Groups. Keeping in view of the all above facts.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Agricultural Development An Analytical Study At Samastipur District of (Bihar)
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2017) Kumari, Richa; Kumari, Arunima
    he present study entitled “Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Agricultural Development-An Analytical Study at Samastipur District of Bihar”, has been taken up with the following specific objectives - to study prevalent knowledge about ICT of farmers, to study accessibility (status) of ICT among farmers in Samastipur district, to study information gained from the ICT to develop the agriculture, to study constraints faced by the farmers in using ICT, to ascertain the relationship between selected socio economic variable with their knowledge gained through ICT in the field of agriculture. There are 20 blocks in Samastipur district out of which two blocks viz. Pusa and Kalyanpur were selected purposively. Out of these two blocks two villages from each block were selected randomly for study.40 farmers from Pusa block and 40 farmers from Kalyanpur block were selected as sample for data collection. Out of these 40 farmers, 20 progressive and 20 non- progressive farmers selected that included small, medium and large farmers on the basis of land holding. In this study it is concluded that role of ICTs in agriculture development was influenced by respondents, age, caste, education, size of family, family type, social participation, family annual income, sources of information and size of land holding, high and medium level of knowledge about agricultural activities among farmers through ICT tools, in the case of progressive farmers, the variables caste, education, social participation significantly correlated with accessibility of ICTs, in the case of non-progressive farmers, the variables were found as significant such as education and sources of information/media exposure, in the case of progressive farmers, the variables education and sources of information/media exposure turned out to be significant contributors towards information gained from ICT to develop the agriculture, in the case of non-progressive farmers, only two independent variables education, and social participation, was found as significantly correlated with information gained from ICT to develop the agriculture, in the case of progressive farmers, that ‘t’ value of co-relation coefficient of independent variables under study could not emerge as significant predictors, in the case of non-progressive farmers, out of the nine independent variables fitted in co-relation coefficient analysis, no any variables contributed significantly correlated with knowledge level of farmers about pre harvest agricultural activities, in the case of progressive farmers, variables could not emerge as significant correlated with knowledge level of farmers about post-harvest agricultural activities, in the case of non-progressive farmers, one independent variables size of land holding were found as significantly correlated with knowledge level of farmers about post-harvest agricultural activities, major constraints faced by respondents in using ICT tools was mobility constraints and low level of education, lack of pertinent knowledge about new innovation, lack of knowledge about using modern communicational techniques i.e. computer, high cost of agricultural tools. None, of the respondents having accessed internet, computer, software and you tube as ICT tools for agricultural information.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on Empowerment of women through their involvement in Mithila Painting
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2017) Kumari, Savita; Kumari, Shipra
    The handicrafts of Bihar are appreciated all over the world because of their great aesthetic value and their adherence to tradition. Mithila painting is more than an art. Through this creative ability, a group of women express their desires, dreams, expectations, hopes and aspirations to the people. Mithila painting, is also known as Madhubani painting. Madhubani painting is an emblematic expression of day-to-day experiences and beliefs. As such, symbolism, simplicity and beauty hold them together in a single school of traditional art. Traditional artisan skills exist in clusters and are unique to Bihar. Mithila painting is one such art form. Madhubani painting has been encouraged by All India Handicrafts Board and this traditional skill, as it has been rigorously promoted by the Government, has a unique work and trade organization, though co-operatives are yet to establish ground amongst the artisans. While earnings from these activities are low ranging from Rs 30–35 with a likely median of Rs 50–60 per day, many of these could be helped to become more viable occupations. This research focuses on impact of Mithila paintings on the status of women artisans and also on the economy of Bihar. Objectives 1) To know the Socio-Economic & Personal profile of the Mithila painting artists. 2) To assess the empowerment of women involved in Mithila painting. 3) Ascertain relationship between socio economic and personal profile with empowerment of women. 4) To identify the perceived constraints involved in Mithila painting. Research Methodology The study was conducted in Madhubani district of Bihar. Where two blocks were selected purposively (i.e.; Rahika & Rajnagar) from where 60 respondents were selected from five village where Mithila painting was being run effectively. Findings Section 1: Socio-economic & personal profile of the respondents Nearly 50 per cent of the respondents belonged to young age group, 65 per cent were from UR category. Nearly 40 per cent were engaged in farming, business and painting while house wife constituted only 35 per cent. Thirty per cent were found to have studied beyond high school. In general, participation in social institution appeared to be very low five per cent of them were office bearers of an organization, 25 per cent were members of an organization, 30 per cent were not members of any organization and 40 per cent were members of more than one organization. Nearly 80 per cent of them had joint family and 20 per cent had to nuclear family. Among the surveyed women, 50 per cent had income ranging from Rs. 50,001 to Rs. 75000 i.e. were in the medium income group. Medium entrepreneurial orientation were found among 55 per cent of the respondents. Majority (68.33 %) of the respondents had high risk followed by medium (25 %) and low (6.67 %) risk orientation. Local leaders at the tola/panchayat level, neighbour and relatives were the ‘most often’ and ‘sometimes’ used source of information by majority of respondents. Majority of them were using these source of information ‘often’ and ‘most often’ such as scientist and handicrafts fair while other sources of information such as officials, family members, friends, magazine, news paper, radio and television were used ‘most often’ and ‘sometimes’. About 3-15 per cent of respondents were found to have never consulted any of these cosmopolite interpersonal sources of information. Section: 2 Empowerment of women involved in Mithila painting. Majority of the respondents (66.94 %) had psychological empowerment, 60.3 per cent social empowerment, 59.78 per cent cultural empowerment, 60.3 per cent economic empowerment and 56 per cent of the respondents were politically empowered after starting Mithila painting in Rahika and Rajnagar block. Section: 3 Relationship between socio-economic and personal profile with empowerment of women. The result of psychological, social and economic empowerment revealed that out of ten variables which were subjected to analysis, only three variables education, entrepreneurial orientation and family annual income were found to be highly significant contributors towards empowerment of women artists. However, education and entrepreneurial orientation were found to be non-significant contributors towards cultural and political empowerment of women artists. Section : 4 Constraints faced by women artists involved in Mithila painting. 61.33 per cent of the respondents experienced personal constraints, 63.99 per cent faced socio-psychological constraints while 66.99 per cent had economic constraints after starting Mithila painting .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study of Empowerment of Women through Mithila Milk Union
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2017) Patel, Ruchika; Kumari, Punam
    Empowerment is most frequently used term in development dialogue today. It is also the most nebulous and widely interpreted concepts, which has simultaneously become a tool for analysis and also an umbrella concept to justify development interventions. Empowering women is one of the most crucial concerns of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. Empowerment in the context of women’s development is a way of defining, challenging and overcoming barriers in a woman’s life through which she increases her ability to shape her life and environment. Livestock sector in India has experienced remarkable growth during the last two decades in terms of production, value of output from livestock and trade. Livestock contributes nearly 25% to the gross value of agricultural output at the national level and is a potential enterprise. At the household level, its contribution is much more in the case of small who comprise a sizeable proportion of rural households and control bulk of the livestock resources. Through the proportion of workers engaged in livestock production declined, livestock production is more women oriented as women contribute more than 70% of the labour requirement. Keeping in view of the above facts the present investigation entitled ‘Empowerment of Women through Mithila Milk Union’ was undertaken with the following objectives; I. Socio-personal characteristics of women respondents II. Women affiliation to the milk union and their empowerment III. Relationship between socio-personal characteristics of women respondents The study was conducted in purposively selected in Pusa Block of Samastipur district of Bihar state. A sample of five dairy cooperative societies was selected by following proportionate random sampling technique. A sample of hundred members was also selected with proportionate random sampling method. Thus the study was carried out on five women dairy cooperative society and hundred members of women dairy cooperative societies. The data collected with the help of interview schedule were analysed and interpreted using appropriate statistical technique which included percentages, frequency and mean value. The major findings of the present study are summarized that- A majority of respondents (58 %) belongs to young age group, (21 %) were in middle age group. Whereas, (21 %) old age group, on the basis of educational level women had been classified into seven groups, majority of respondents, 23% respondents fell into the educational category of ‘can read and write’, the overall data indicated that family education of respondents fell into the categories majority of respondents having passed ‘high school’ 24.5 %, most of the respondents fell into other backward class that is 48.5 % followed by respondents following into general caste category, the data related to social participation revealed that only 2 % women respondent from experimental group were the member of organizations, on the basis of family type viz; nuclear and joint. more than 50 % of respondents that is 53.5 % belonged to nuclear family as vice-versa. The overall data related to family size shows that 53.5 % for medium size followed by small and large, the data related to means of communication and transport shows that cycle was being use as means of transportation by the family in about 79.5% followed by motor cycle in 17% cases, livestock population related data reveals that number of livestock population (cow) was found low (46.5%) were as in medium was 16.5%. In buffalo, majority of population fell into low group 30.5 % and in medium group population was found only 3%, data of duration of membership 79 % of respondents were the members of dairy cooperative for more than 4 years. In Agricultural decisions, farm related decisions data shows that a majority of respondents 71 % respondents to farm related themselves under control group where as it was 92 % is experimental group, a majority of respondents in labour allocation related decisions, there was not significant difference between in labour allocation decisions being taken by both of groups, livestock related decisions, the data reveals that t-value being 4.129 experimental group women were participating highly in livestock related decisions the significance being at 1 % level. In household decisions data related to home management decisions inferred that the difference between the control group and experimental group women is indicating at 5 % level of significance the t-value being 2.12, in child related decisions data shows that there was no significant difference in making child related decisions by making both of groups, in economic decisions, data reveals that capital transaction decisions by both groups which was found non-significant, experimental group women was participated highly decisions to purchasing farm materials the t-value being 6.8, purchasing necessary household there is no significant difference between the groups in decision-making related to purchasing household necessary items. Disposal of farm produce, data shows that the experimental group women were different at 5 % level of significance pertaining to decision related to disposal of farm produce, in paired sample test for control and experimental group data cleared depicts that the experimental group women were participated significantly in livestock related and purchasing farm materials decisions the difference being a significant at 1 % level followed by significance of difference in decision making in cases of disposal of farm produce and household decision and home management decisions. Decision-making pertain with both of groups was found non-significant in case of purchasing necessary household items taking capital transaction decisions., child related decisions and labour allocation decisions .
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Testing Effectiveness of selected Active Learning Method (Small Group Discussion) in Educating Teen-age Girls
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2016) Kumari, Madhu; Kumari, Punam
    Active learning is structured learning activity that significantly increases the level of student’s engagement in the learning process. The investigator studied the effect of an active learning method( Small Group Discussion) in educating teen-age girls. Under this study knowledge test items on ‘importance of protein for human body’ was prepared by the investigator for the purpose . Lecture and lecture followed by small group discussion were the treatments selected for the study. The knowledge test was fed to the respondents divided into control and experimental groups. Pre-test was given to both the groups before delivering of lecture and after lecture, the experimental group was given a small group discussion. The mean difference score of experimental group was 4.00 ,while it was only 1.24 in control group after the treatment . The difference in pre-test, post –test score was found to be significant with a calculated ‘t’ value of 2.18 and 5.00 for control and experimental group respectively . . It was thus concluded that the lecture along with small group discussion was more effective for educating teen-age girls than lecture alone.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Socio-Economic Upliftment of Rural Women Under Jeevika Project of Muzaffarpur District
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2016) Kumari, Kavita; Kumari, Shipra
    Women constitute almost half of the population in India but they are not enjoying their freedom, equalities ,privilege at par with their male counterparts. Since implementation of planning in India several policies and approaches were made to reduce inequalities between women & men. As a result to shift from ‘welfare’ to ‘development’ to ‘empowerment’ to human development approaches has taken place to change the position & status of women. Both government & NGO’s sectors were intervening to social and economic upliftment of the women. With same objective the government of Bihar has initiated a project on rural livelihood promotion with support from World Bank. This initiative is implemented through a Society registered with government of Bihar by the name of Bihar rural livelihoods promotion society (BRLPS) or Jeevika. BRLPS through the Bihar Rural livelihoods project (BRLP) aims to improve rural livelihood options & works towards social & Economic empowerment of the rural poor and women. Focussing on the need to study and analyze how the project is affecting the rural people in enhancing their status this study has been designed with the following specific objectives. 1. To study the Socio-Economic profile of Jeevika beneficiaries. 2. To assess the knowledge level of Jeevika beneficiaries with respect to Non- Jeevika beneficiaries. 3. To ascertain the Social Upliftment of women beneficiaries. 4. To ascertain the Economic Upliftment of women beneficiaries. 5. To study the constraints faced by Jeevika beneficiaries engaged in various income generating activities. METHODOLOGY The present study was conducted in Sakra block of Muzaffarpur district in Bihar. Four villages were selected namely Faridpur, Rami Rampur, Rasulpur Tajo and Mansurpur. A complete list of the beneficiaries who have under gone through livelihood training on bee-keeping & system of rice intensification from Jeevika project was obtained from training centre KVK Biruali. Forty beneficiaries and forty non-beneficiaries respondents were selected for the study. Ten beneficiary and ten non-beneficiary from each village was selected thus the total eighty number of beneficiaries and non- beneficiaries were selected for the study Further ten independent variables i.e. age, caste, occupation, education, size of family, source of income, economic motivation, credit facility, risk orientation & knowledge and two dependent variables viz. Social upliftment & economic upliftment were selected to analyze the study. The data were collected by personally interviewing the respondent with interview schedule and through observation techniques. The statistical test like frequency, average, percentage, t-test, correlation and multiple regression were used for meaningful interpretation of data. MAJOR FINDINGS The present study illustrates that majority of the women agro –based entrepreneur belongs to the young age group(47.5%).It is found that majority of women entrepreneurs belonging to Hindu religion & most of them backward caste. Among the women entrepreneurs majority of them having primary level of education major occupation for them was agriculture and majority of them having small size of family with 4-5 members. Agriculture and allied activities were the major source of income for most of the respondents. Out of ten independent variables undertaken in study, eight variables caste, occupation, education, source of income, economic motivtion, risk orientation, credit facility and knowledge level were positively and significantly correlated with social upliftment of women in livelihood activities. Further eight variables namely age, occupation, education, source of income, economic motivation, risk orientation, credit facility and knowledge level were positively and significantly correlated with economic upliftment of women in livelihood activities
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Study of Role Expectation and Role Performance of lady Supervisors under ICDS
    (Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2016) Kumari, Runi; Singh, Meera
    India is now taking much interest in the welfare of children. Starting from the First Five Year Plan, several programmes were launched by the Government for the welfare of the children particularly in the field of health, nutrition and education, but in spite of all these programmes children of the country still face a number of problems. It is needless to say that child mortality rate is still quite large, during the 1st year of their life. This child mortality is still more than 10 per cent. Looking to this essential demand, the scheme “Integrated, Child Development Services” (ICDS) was launched on 2nd October, 1975. It is Central Government sponsored programme, which of services comprising of supplementary nutrition, immunization, health checkups, treatment of minor ailments, referral services, pre-school education, non-formal education, health education and convergence of other supportive services such as safe drinking water, sanitation etc. The ICDS is mainly a preventive and development programme to improve including the health and nutritional status of children below 6 years of age their mother. In Samastipur district, so far no study has been conducted on the lady supervisors engaged in Integrated Child Development Service and an assessment of their role expectation and role performance. For this reason, Samastipur district has been selected as locale of the research. Also the researcher is native of this district and the knowledge of local language and other factors helped the researcher in obtaining the data more accurately. Keeping in view the above facts, the present study is undertaken with the following specific objectives: Objectives 1. To study the socio-economic profile of supervisors engaged under the ICDS. 2. To identify the role expectation to be performed by supervisors. 3. To assess the role performance of ICDS supervisors. 4. To find out the relationship of socio-economic variables with the role expectation and role performance of supervisors engaged under the ICDS. 5. To elucidate the constraints faced by lady supervisors and suggest strategies for effective implementation of the ICDS. Methodology The present research in all the blocks of Samastipur district of north Bihar region for assessment of role expectation and role performance of lady supervisor under the ICDS. There are 116 lady supervisors engaged in ICDS scheme in this district. Out of which 50 per cent i.e. 58 lady supervisors constituted the sample size of the study using the Random Sampling Technique. Major findings The study reveals that majority of the lady supervisors were belonged to young age group, backward classes (BC+EBC) posses post graduate level of education, nuclear and small size of family, low level of family income, less than 5 years of length of service, medium level of job involvement and medium of knowledge. The findings shows that majority of the respondents (68.97%) had perceived their role expectation high level under the ICDS. Further, study shows that majority (62.07%) of the lady supervisors perform their role was also a high level. The correlation coefficients of socio-economic variables of the respondents with their role expectation indicated that the variables age, education, job involvement and knowledge level was positively and significantly associated with the role expectation. The multiple regression analysis indicated that in case of role expectation knowledge level of the supervisors had a maximum contribution and thus it ranked first. R2-value (0.827) altogether explained 82 per cent of variability towards the dependent variable. The variables education, type of family, job involvement and knowledge level of the respondents have positively and significantly correlated with their role performance. further, multiple regression analysis indicated that in case of role performance the variable education, knowledge level, job involvement contributed significantly towards the dependent variable. However, R2-value (0.663) altogether explained 66 per cent of variability towards the dependent variable. The maximum gap in the role expectation and role performance by lady supervisors was observed in the area of reporting, liaison & linkage and evaluation. The major social, psychological, institutional and infrastructural constraints faced by lady supervisors were lack of training facilities for AWWs, lack of complete knowledge of ICDS, lack of adequate facilities regarding work & work site information and lack of proper location of anganwadi buildings, respectively. Conclusion For effective implementation of ICDS programme the frequency of visit by supervisor should be increased. Support from health- Inter-sectoral coordination department is needed in conducting health education program, health check-ups, immunization camps and house visit. In area of AWCs there is need of infrastructure facility building ownership, roof material and floor material, number of rooms, kitchen facility, safe water supply, toilet facility and availability of electricity for effective implementation of ICDS. For frequent monitoring and supervising of the AWCs under the ICDS scheme the lady supervisors may be equipped with two wheeler vehicle. The major constraint is required to overcome for effective performing the role of lady supervisors. Besides this there is need of proper training facilities for AWWs about complete knowledge of ICDS, adequate facility regarding work & worksite, proper location of AWCs building etc. is required for effective role performance by lady supervisors under the ICDS.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    Role of women in today’s agriculture: An impact study in Samastipur district of Bihar
    (Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa (Samastipur), 2015) Kumari, Pooja; Kumari, Arunima
    Women are vital human resources and constitutes half of the world population. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (2011), women farmers account for more than quarter of the world’s population. Women comprise on an average 43 percent of the agricultural work force in developing countries. In India women constitutes 48.49% of population (World Bank, 2012). As farmers, agricultural workers and entrepreneurs, women constitute the backbone of India’s agricultural and rural economy. As per census 2011, the percentage of female main workers to the total population of female stood at 25.5 percent. At All-India level the percentage share of females as cultivators, agricultural labourers are 24.92 percent and 18.56 percent respectively. The participation of woman farmers varies from carrying out actual farm operations in the field to supervision, management and decision making in different agricultural operations. Despite their productive contribution in agriculture, woman as farmers face constraints such as lack of accessibility to skills, trainings, information, technology, access to inputs, credits, financial incentives, market and control over farm income. Women farmers are less likely then men to use modern inputs such as improved seeds, fertilizers, mechanical tools etc., Hence, to bring about immediate desirable changes in the behaviour of farm women, they must be provided with the opportunities and resources. 100 rural women were randomly selected from four villages i.e., Harpur, Mahamdda, Gorai and Madhopur of Pusa and Kalyanpur blocks in Samastipur district and categorized into landless, marginal, small and medium farmers on the basis of size of land holding. Some of the most revealent independent variables i.e., age, caste, education, size and type of family, family income, occupation, size of land holding, social participation and knowledge level were selected. The dependent variables of the study were nature of involvement of woman farmers in agriculture, decision-making pattern of woman farmers in agriculture, and extent of adoption of improved agricultural technology of wheat production. The findings of the study revealed that the participation of woman varies from pre-harvest to post-harvest agricultural activities. The maximum involvement of woman farmers was in post harvest activities than pre harvest activities. Marginal woman farmers were participating physically more while small and medium woman farmers were supervising the activities. The study further found that the woman having more involvement in production process were also participating more in decision-making process. The maximum participation of woman farmer in decision-making was that of marginal farmers. The extent of adoption of various improved technology of wheat was varying and the maximum adoption was of post harvest technology like harvesting of crops and storage management of grains. The study further found that maximum woman farmers were taking money as loan from from their personal savings, friends or co-operatives. The various constraints that hinder the progress of women as farmers were their dual role played at farm and home, male dominance, lack of knowledge and skill, lack of credit,etc., The most important factors influencing the involvement of woman farmers in agriculture were caste, income, and size of land holding as these factors were positively and significantly affecting the involvement of woman farmers in agriculture. The study further indicated that the knowledge level of women farmers and marital status were positively and significantly affecting the decision-making pattern of woman farmers and in terms of extent of adoption of improved agricultural technology, the factors, occupation of respondents, family income, size of land holding and knowledge level of woman farmers were contribution as important factors. So these factors should be kept in due consideration while studying the role of woman as farmers.