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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru

University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, a premier institution of agricultural education and research in the country, began as a small agricultural research farm in 1899 on 30 acres of land donated by Her Excellency Maharani Kempa Nanjammanni Vani Vilasa Sannidhiyavaru, the Regent of Mysore and appointed Dr. Lehmann, German Scientist to initiate research on soil crop response with a Laboratory in the Directorate of Agriculture. Later under the initiative of the Dewan of Mysore Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah, the Mysore Agriculture Residential School was established in 1913 at Hebbal which offered Licentiate in Agriculture and later offered a diploma programme in agriculture during 1920. The School was upgraded to Agriculture Collegein 1946 which offered four year degree programs in Agriculture. The Government of Mysore headed by Sri. S. Nijalingappa, the then Chief Minister, established the University of Agricultural Sciences on the pattern of Land Grant College system of USA and the University of Agricultural Sciences Act No. 22 was passed in Legislative Assembly in 1963. Dr. Zakir Hussain, the Vice President of India inaugurated the University on 21st August 1964.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 2009-07-15) HARSHA, A. S.; LEELA, SHAHIJRAM
    A study on inducing som atic embryogenic activity in pom egranate was carried ou t by using explants of mature origin viz., petal, le a f and anthers/stamens and m olecular profiling o f the embryogenic callus issued from these explants w as carried out by using RAPD m arkers with an objective o f developing standardized protocol for regeneration of pomegranate, to develop cultivars resistant to bacterial blight pathogen (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Punicae). U sing conventional breeding procedures, it is difficult to develop resistant cultivars due to time and space constraint. Hence, somatic embryogenesis offers viable protocols since it produces both root and shoot meristems necessaiy for complete plant growth. For inducing somatic embryos, explants of field origin were collected. Initiation of growth and maintenance o f explants w as done on MS and W PM semi-solid media. Callus initiation was seen after 3 and 8 weeks o f inoculation from petal and leaf explants respectively and somatic em bryos were obtained. Response o f anthers/stamens w as seen positively w hich produced embryogenic callus. Shoot apex form ation was seen from petal and leaf derived embryogenic callus 22 w eeks of inoculation. Callus issued from petal and anther was subjected for RAPD marker analysis. 12 different primers OPG -03, O PG -05, OPG -08, OPG - 13, OPG -16 OPG -18, OPI-01, OPI -03, OPI -10, OPI -12, OPI -14 & OPI -18 screened revealed clear amplification between petal derived and anther derived callus from which it was strongly believed that the anther derived callus is o f sporophytic origin.