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University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru

University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, a premier institution of agricultural education and research in the country, began as a small agricultural research farm in 1899 on 30 acres of land donated by Her Excellency Maharani Kempa Nanjammanni Vani Vilasa Sannidhiyavaru, the Regent of Mysore and appointed Dr. Lehmann, German Scientist to initiate research on soil crop response with a Laboratory in the Directorate of Agriculture. Later under the initiative of the Dewan of Mysore Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah, the Mysore Agriculture Residential School was established in 1913 at Hebbal which offered Licentiate in Agriculture and later offered a diploma programme in agriculture during 1920. The School was upgraded to Agriculture Collegein 1946 which offered four year degree programs in Agriculture. The Government of Mysore headed by Sri. S. Nijalingappa, the then Chief Minister, established the University of Agricultural Sciences on the pattern of Land Grant College system of USA and the University of Agricultural Sciences Act No. 22 was passed in Legislative Assembly in 1963. Dr. Zakir Hussain, the Vice President of India inaugurated the University on 21st August 1964.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 2023-02-09) DEEPA V PAWADASHETTI; R. VASANTHA KUMARI
    An experiment was conducted on investigation and identification of elite mutants induced through physical mutagen for floral traits in gladiolus (Gladiolus hybrida L.) at floriculture unit, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru during the years 2020-2022. The data from two generations revealed that 25 Gy gamma ray dosage had shown maximum variation in most of the vegetative, floral, corm and quality parameters. In M1 generation untreated corms of Arka Pratham (9.13 days) recorded minimum number of days for sprouting, maximum length of spike was observed in Arka Gold corms treated with 25 Gy (120.07 cm), maximum floret diameter was recorded in Arka Gold corms treated with 25 Gy (11.13 cm), maximum number of spikes per corm was recorded in Arka Amar corms treated with 25 Gy (1.80), maximum diameter of the corm was recorded in Arka Gold corms treated with 25 Gy (12.07 cm), maximum vase life of spikes was recorded in Arka Amar corms treated with 25 Gy (10.00 days). In M2 generation untreated corms in Arka Pratham (9.47 days) took minimum number of days for sprouting, , highest length of spike was recorded in Arka Gold corms treated with 25 Gy (120.87 cm), maximum floret diameter was recorded in Arka Gold corms treated with 25 Gy (11.13 cm), more number of spikes per corm was recorded in Arka Amar corms treated with 25 Gy (2.07), more diameter of the corm was recorded in Arka Gold corms treated with 25 Gy (12.60 cm), more vase life of spikes was recorded in Arka Amar corms treated with 25 Gy (10.53 days), more number of abnormal leaves was recorded in Arka Gold corms treated with 55 Gy (4.69). Among three varieties Arka Amar performed better i.e. maximum number of spikes per corm, number of florets per spike and vase life of spikes was recorded.
  • ThesisItemEmbargo
    The experiment was conducted to study the effect of nano NPK fertilizer application on growth, fruit yield and quality of sapota (Manilkara achras Mill Fosberg) Cv. Kalipatti during the years 2020-21 and 2021-22. The pooled data from two successive years for sapota tree revealed that treatment consisting of 50 per cent RDF with foliar application of 0.3 per cent nano NPK fertilizer had significant influence on parameters like plant height (3.71 m), plant spread in East-West (8.83 m) and North- South (8.48 m) direction, less number of days taken for flower initiation (28.50 days), maximum number of flowers per shoot (39.00), per cent fruit set (81.67 %), less duration of flowering (28.00 days), fruit length (6.47 cm), fruit width (5.35 cm), fruit volume (77.33 ml), circumference of the fruit (23.70 cm), fruit weight at harvest stage (155.00 g) and at ripe stage (132.33 g), fruit pulp weight (25.17 g), number of fruits per shoot (32.00), number of fruits per tree (1441.33), average fruit weight (119.83 g), yield per tree (169.56 kg) and yield per hectare (16.96 t) with the benefit cost ratio of 7.77. The treatment consisting of 50 per cent RDF with foliar application of 0.2 per cent nano NPK fertilizer was recorded greater values for parameters like TSS (21.00 oBrix), shelf life (6.83 days), fruit firmness (72.51 N), physiological loss in weight of fruits (2.16 %), acidity (0.16 %) and overall acceptability of fruits (5.00). Chlorophyll content (2.17 mg/g), reducing and total sugars were found maximum (9.24 % and 22.02 % respectively) in treatment consisting of 50 per cent RDF with foliar application of 0.1 per cent nano NPK fertilizer.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, 2023-01-31) RAKESH BISWAS; M. Thimmarayappa
    A field experiment entitled “Effect of different organic manures on growth, yield and quality of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)” was conducted at RIOF experiment block, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore during rabi 2021. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with 11 treatments replicated thrice. Results revealed that application of 100 percent N equivalent through biodigester liquid organic manure recorded significantly higher growth parameters like plant height (25.39 cm), number of leaf plant-1 (21.57) plant spread (45.17 cm2), number of days taken to head initiation (59.20 DAT) and number of days taken to head maturity (86.40 DAT) at harvest, yield attributes like diameter of head (14.29 cm), average weight of head (1240 g), yield of head plot-1 (40.53 kg) and yield of head ha-1 (240.36 q). Higher gross return Rs.6,00,900 ha-1) and net return (Rs.5,19,800 ha-1) was obtained with the application of 100 per cent N equivalent through biodigester liquid organic manure. Whereas, higher B:C ratio (7.75) was recorded with the application of 100 percent N equivalent through farm yard manure (FYM). Quality parameters like ascorbic acid (35.63 mg) and protein content in head (3.10 %) was obtained with the application of 100. percent N. equivalent. through vermicompost.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore, 40120) SRIKANTAPRASAD, D; VASUNDHARA, M
    An investigation on the “Standardization of Vegetative propagation of Morinda citrifolia L. var. citrifolia by cuttings” using various inputs was carried out in a medium cost poly house during 2008-09 at Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru. Experiments were conducted to standardize the vegetative propagation of noni cuttings using growth regulators with sand as rooting medium and organic preparations with different rooting media. Among the different nodal cuttings and growth regulators treatments triple nodal (12 cm) cuttings were significantly superior in time taken for sprouting (18.64 days), number of roots (2.87), root length (4.88 cm) and survival rate (46.33%), whereas IBA 3000 ppm recorded significant number of roots (2.96), length of root (7.80cm), and survival rate (72.22%), their interaction recorded highest number of roots (2.89), root length (11.44 cm) and survival rate (73.33%). Among the organics panchagavya recorded highest number of roots (18.27), root length (7.96 cm) and survival rate (70.67%) whereas the vermiwash recorded 22.96 days to sprout, 95.33 per cent rooting, 13.07 roots, 4.00 cm root length, and 66.00 per cent survival rate. Among the different rooting media used, mixture of red soil, sand and FYM (1:1:1) was found to be significant with higher rooting (88.67 %), number of roots (14.96), longest root (4.53 cm) and survival rate (64 %). The combination of panchagavya with 1:1:1 rooting mixture of red soil, sand and FYM was found to be significantly superior with respect to root and shoot parameters. This combination recorded maximum number of roots (24.11) and longest root (10.82 cm). The present study can be concluded as, triple nodal cuttings coupled with IBA 3000 ppm is the best treatment for propagation. Whereas panchagavya or vermiwash coupled with rooting media comprising of 1:1:1 mixture of red soil, sand and FYM is best for organic cultivation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore, 40006) SUDHINDRA KUMAR, S. N; SREENIVAS, K. N
    The investigation on “The Value Added Nutraceutical Products of Guava Blended with Aloe vera and Roselle” was carried out at processing, analytical and quality control laboratories in the Division of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra, Bangalore, during the year 2006-07. The investigation was under taken to prepare value added nutraceutical products of Guava blended with Aloe vera and Roselle such as squash, syrup, RTS beverage and nectar by following standard recipes. Prepared products were subjected to oganoleptic evaluation. The Squash prepared with 30 per cent juice, 45OB and 1.00 per cent acidity was rated superior organoleptically. Syrup prepared with 50 per cent juice 68OB and 1.5 per cent acidity was rated superior organoleptically. RTS Beverage’s best recipe was 15 per cent juice, 10OB and 0.30 per cent acidity. Whereas, the nectar prepared with 20 per cent juice, 20OB and 0.25 per cent acidity was rated the best with highest scores for organoleptic quality. The prepared products were subjected to 120 days to storage at ambient temperature to study storage stability and overall acceptability. Variation in sugar, pH, acidity, ascorbic acid, Calcium and iron were recorded at an interval of 30 days for different recipes of squash, syrup, RTS beverage and nectar. The panel of judges evaluated the products after 120 days of storage for their quality attributes like appearance, flavour, taste and overall acceptability and found highly acceptable. Therefore, the above recipes are recommended for commercial production of products on large scale.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different levels and methods of mycorrhizal inoculum and fertilizer application on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)
    (University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore, 40865) AHMAD JAWID, ZAMANY; NARASE GOWDA, N. C
    An experiment to study the effect of different levels and methods of mycorrhizal inoculum and fertilizer application on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) cv. hybrid NS-501was conducted at the University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. The study included two levels of mycorrhiza viz., 250 and 500 g per hectare through soil application and seedling dipping with three levels of fertilizer i.e., 100 per cent recommended NPK, 100 per cent recommended NK plus 75 per cent P and 100 per cent NK plus 50 per cent P. The maximum plant height, dry weight of roots per plant and number of flowers per cluster were observed in the treatment mycorrhizal inoculum through seedling dip @ 10g/l plus full dose NPK at 90 DAT the same treatment has recorded maximum bacterial population at harvest. The maximum number of branches, dry weight of leaves, stem, fruits, reproductive parts, root volume and total dry weight per plant at 90 DAT were observed in treatment mycorrhizal inoculum through soil application at 250 g/ha plus 100 per cent recommended NPK. The same treatment has recorded maximum number of clusters per plant, number of fruits per cluster, total number of fruits per plant, total yield per hectare, root colonization, spore count, fungi population in soil samples, P uptake and available P content. Highest fruit set percentage was recorded in treatment mycorrhizal inoculum through soil application at 250g/ha + 100 per cent NK + 50 per cent P. The population of actinomycetes was highest in mycorrhizal inoculum through soil application at 250 g/ha with 100 per cent NK and75 per cent P. The maximum Total Soluble Solids content of the fruits were observed in treatment mycorrhizal inoculum through soil application at 500 g/ha plus full dose NPK and the maximum days taken to reach ten per cent fruit spoilage was recorded in mycorrhizal inoculum through soil application 500 g/ha with 100 per cent NK and 75 per cent p.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore, 40865) PUSHPA, T. N; CHANDRE GOWDA, M
    The present investigation was carried out with twenty five genotypes of fenugreek having diverse geographical origins during kharif of 2009 in Randomized Block Design with two replications to find out the promising genotypes suitable for Bengaluru. The results revealed that all the genotypes varied significantly with respect to growth and yield parameters. The genotype CO-1 performed well with respect to growth parameters whereas, Chikkabalapur Local for yield parameters. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were maximum for the number of branches per plant at 30 DAS, number of branches and plant spread at harvest. Heritability and genetic advance estimates were high for all the traits except for plant height, number of branches and plant spread at 30 DAS, pod length and harvest index. Seed yield was found to be positive and significantly correlated with shelling percentage, number of pods per plant, 1000 seed weight, number of seeds per pod and plant spread at harvest. Path analysis revealed that number of pods per plant, shelling percentage, harvest index, number of branches and plant height at harvest exhibited high positive direct effect on seed yield. Some of the genotypes have been identified as desirable for growth and yield attributes which can be used in the breeding programme for further improvement.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore, 40865) ATIQULLAH, SEDIQY; GOPINATH, G
    Golden rod (Solidago canadensis L.) is one of the most favoured flower crops grown for its cut flowers in the world market. It is being used as a filler material in bouquets and vases. Studies were conducted on the post-harvest life of golden rod (Solidago canadensis L.). The present studies involving sucrose solution, metallic salts like aluminium sulphate, cobalt sulphate and silver thiosulphate were used alone or in combination with sucrose and 8-HQS with the main objective of knowing their influence in maintaining the quality and extending the post harvest life of the golden rod cut flowers. The treatments T4 (STS @ 400 ppm + sucrose @ 2 per cent + 8-HQS @ 200 ppm) and T8 (aluminium sulphate @ 1000 ppm + sucrose @ 2 per cent + 8-HQS @ 200 ppm) which were on par with each other registered higher cumulative uptake of water (195.00 and 204.00 g/cut flower, respectively). Similarly, the treatments T1 (tap water) and T2 (distilled water) which were on par with each other registered lower cumulative loss of water (91.66 and 93.00 g/cut flower, respectively). The treatments T3 (STS @ 400 ppm + sucrose @ 2 per cent + 8- HQS @ 100 ppm), T1, T6 (cobalt sulphate @ 1000 ppm + sucrose @ 2 per cent + 8-HQS @ 200 ppm) and T7 (aluminium sulphate @ 1000 ppm + sucrose @ 2 per cent + 8-HQS @ 100 ppm) which were on par with each other recorded higher water balance (-5.66, -6.33, -6.00 and -6.00 g/cut flower, respectively). Higher fresh weight of cut flowers was registered by the treatments T4 and T8 which were on par with each other (9.33 and 10.00 g/cut flower, respectively). Higher stem browning (100%) was recorded in the treatment T6. The longest vase life of 14.33 days was recorded with the treatment T7. Beneficial and economical total cost to vase life ratio of 1.05 was associated with the treatment T7 (aluminium sulphate @ 1000 ppm + sucrose @ 2 per cent + 8-HQS @ 100 ppm).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences GKVK, Bangalore, 40865) PATIL RAGHWENDRA, ARUNRAO; SUDHAKAR RAO, D. V
    Experiments were conducted to study the effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on alleviation of chilling injury in custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) fruits. Three different kinds of flexible films viz. low density polyethylene (LDPE), Cryovac Opti 300 and Cryovac PD-961 of 30×25 size were used for packing the fruits. Eight fruits were packed in each film bag and these packs were further packed in ventilated CFB boxes. The boxes were stored in “Walk-in” cold rooms maintained at 8, 12 and 15 oC (85-90 % RH) respectively. Each treatment was replicated thrice. At weekly intervals the fruits stored at different temperatures were taken out from film and allowed to ripen at room temperature (RT) to study their ripening behaviour. Experiments revealed that MAP of custard apple fruits with LDPE or Cryovac PD-961 film could alleviate the chilling injury to considerable extent, besides extending the storage life. Furthermore, MAP at lower temperature could maintain the quality of the fruits for a longer duration (two weeks) when compared to non-packed fruits at RT (four days). Fruits stored at 8oC though maintained their quality up to three weeks of storage, but lacked desirable appearance due to development of chilling injury. At 12oC, the fruits could be kept in unripe condition up to two weeks, when the fruits were packed either in LDPE or Cryovac PD-961 film. These fruits ripened normally without CI in three days when they were shifted to RT after unpacking. However, at 15oC the MA packed fruits ripened within the pack by two weeks of storage life when compared to one week in nonpacked fruits. Hence, it can be concluded that the storage life of custard apple fruits could be extended at 12oC without any CI by packing the fruits in LDPE or Cryovac PD-961 film.