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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSK HPKV, Palampur., 2019-07-03) Damle, Himanshu Umesh; Adarsh Kumar
    The present work involved standardization of various ultrasonographic techniques for scanning the equine abdomen and their clinical application. The standardization process involved 10 native adult horses and four different techniques were standardized viz. complete abdominal ultrasound technique, Fast Localized Abdominal Sonography in Horse (FLASH), transrectal ultrasound technique, and translumbar ultrasound technique. The equine abdomen was studied with respect to the ultrasonographic anatomy, relative position of organs and their clinically relevant features. In the FLASH technique, seven different windows were scanned in order to obtain specific information regarding various organs and the peritoneal space. With the translumbar technique, both kidneys were imaged in good detail and inferred that the technique can be applied on patients suspected for renal pathologies. The transrectal ultrasound technique helped visualize the organs of the caudal abdomen satisfactorily and also aided diagnosis in the patients. The various ultrasound techniques were applied on 16 patients presented with abdominal affections. The FLASH technique was applied on 14 patients and a diagnosis was achieved in 64.28 per cent of patients. The FLASH technique effectively identified peritoneal free fluid and its characteristics, changes in wall thickness, distended or turgid loops of small intestine with altered motility, and abnormal location of an intestinal segment in a very short span of time. With the FLASH technique, a diagnosis was achieved in the early hours of presentation and helped decide whether the patient is to be managed medically or surgically. Serial ultrasonography of the equine abdomen in the immediate post-operative period was found to be beneficial in montoring the status of the abdominal cavity. It was concluded that, ultrasonography is a versatile tool to study the equine abdomen and has immense diagnostic and prognostic significance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Anatomically Contoured Intramedullary Interlocking Nailing for Fixation of Femoral Fractures in Dogs.
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-07-23) Sakshi; Tyagi, S. P.
    The study was conducted on the clinical cases of dogs presented in the department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, DGCNCOVAS, CSKHPKV, Palampur from January 2018 to April 2019. The main objectives were to evaluate the clinical application of specially designed anatomically contoured interlocking nails (ACIILN) for repair of femoral fractures in dogs and to compare it with other fixation techniques in similar kinds of fractures. Besides, a brief study was also undertaken to record the regional occurrence of fractures in dogs. The dogs formed the majority of fracture cases presented to the department (204 out of 262). The distribution of fractures in them was found to be 78 per cent and the incidence as 16 per cent with juveniles forming the majority among them (105 out of 204). The automobile accident was the main etiology for fractures in dogs (96 out of 204) followed by fall from a height (55 out of 204) and the femur, most affected among long bone (53 out of 145). All the femoral fractures in dogs were closed; the fracture types varied a lot and were repaired with different fixation techniques. ACIILN technique was utilized to fix 10 selected cases of simple diaphyseal femoral fractures in these dogs. The technique was later compared with only end threaded self-tapping pinning (ETP) in three selected comparable cases of mid-diaphyseal fractures.The ACIILN technique was almost similar to straight IILN techniques. However, difficulty was faced during drilling of distal holes to align with cannulation of ACIILN. Frequent misalignment of distal screws occurred, particularly at the most distal level. It was due to the sloping anatomy of distal femur leading to slipping of drill bits a little despite use of appropriate drill sleeves. It resulted in causing an eccentric hole and hence screws often missed the ACIILN cannulation. However, at least one screw could still be fixed properly in either segment of fractures in all cases and the fractures largely remained stable leading to uneventful healing in most cases. However, technically, it was more cumbersome, time- consuming and challenging as compared to ETP technique. Adequate intramedullary reaming of distal femurs by straight reamers was another common difficulty during application of ACIILN.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-07-23) Charbiwala, Murtaza Khozema; Tyagi, S. P.
    The present study was carried out to diagnose, evaluate and manage corneal melanosis in animals; evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic management of other ocular conditions; and to record and study the regional occurrence of ocular affections in animals. The study was conducted on the clinical cases of animals presented to the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, DGCN College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, CSKHPKV, Palampur, India from April, 2018 to March, 2019. The overall occurrence of ocular affections in animals was found to be 10.26 per cent; species-wise incidence was higher in dogs; sex-wise in males; ocular anatomy-wise in cornea. Among different animals, dogs were more commonly affected with corneal melanosis and the condition was mostly associated with Brachycephalic ocular syndrome with Pugs being most-commonly affected breed and males showing a higher incidence than females. Various characteristics like degree, depth and pattern of ‘Corneal melanosis’ were recorded and evaluated. Management of corneal melanosis was conducted with medical and surgical methods often in conjunction. Topical steroids, Cyclosporine and tacrolimus largely proved to be good in halting progression of corneal melanosis but not in reducing the exiting melanosis. Diamond burr superficial keratectomy (DBSK) proved to be an easy, effective and fast technique for surgical debridement of corneal melanosis. DBSK along with partial conjunctivectomy and diathermy of limbal vessels adjacent to melanotic area proved good in minimizing re-pigmentation of cornea following surgery. Parotid duct transposition proved to be a good option to lubricate eyes in cases of refractory keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Pre-emptive correction of macropalpebral fissure and medial lower entropion in young dogs by Medial canthoplasty prevented the development of corneal pigmentation in susceptible dogs. Post-operative diligent topical therapy was found to be extremely important for good outcomes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-07-23) Kumar, Arvind; Kumar, Adarsh
    Aim of the present study was the application of sonography of urinary bladder (UB) to derive the normal biometric parameters and compare the same with animals suffering from Enzootic Bovine Haematuria (EBH). For standardization USG scanning was done in 50 apparently healthy cattle.The echo pattern of UB in healthy animals was found to be homogeneously anechoic (black), indicative of clear urine content. The wall of UB showed a hyperechoic (white) appearance. The mean thickness value of UB wall at 7 different locations ranged from 0.18±0.003 cm to 0.27±0.003 cm and the average wall thickness of different locations was 0.22±0.003 cm in healthy animals. Seventy (70) animals suspected to be affected with EBH were examined in Kullu and Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh. Maximum occurrence of EBH was reported in the age group of 2 to 8 years (58.57 %). Males (44.28%) were almost equally affected as females (55.71%). USG scanning was done in all 70 animals suffering from EBH and findings were classified on the basis of severity. The 1st-degree alterations constituted wall undulation and consolidation showing hypoechogenic wall thickness increased at single or multiple places with smooth, irregular, pinhead eruption and inflamed bladder. The mean wall thickness in the affected bladder at 7 different locations of UB ranged from 0.37±0.01 cm to 0.57±0.012 cm. and the average wall thickness of different locations was found to be 0.46±0.012 cm which was significantly (P<0.05) increased as compared to that of healthy animals. This was found to be the most sensitive and early indicator of initiation of EBH. The 2nd-degreealterationsincludedfocal and multifocal hyperechoic growths that arose from the mural surface of the bladder wall and projected towards the bladder lumen. Focal growths from the UB mucosa were found to occur initially in the caudal region followed by trigone of the UB. The 3rd-degree alterations constituted infiltrative growths that interrupted the continuity and infiltrated up to the muscular layer of the bladder wall, and hence could not be differentiated ultrasonographically. The 4th-degree alterations included fragile and shredded margins of proliferative growths that led to continuous and profuse bleeding during the act of micturition. The 5th- degree included massive obliterative narrowing of cystic luminal space with or without projections that extended up to urethra. Margins of these growths were found to be hyperechogenic due to its fibrotic nature and thus had comparatively less chance of bleeding. Colour Doppler studies at all stages of disease revealed extensive vascular supply justifying the bleeding nature of the condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2014-07-17) Chanana, Mitin; Adarsh Kumar
    The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the clinical efficacy of end-threaded intramedullary pinning for management of various long bone fractures in canines. The study was carried out in two phases, managing 25 client owned dogs presented with different fractures. Initially, the technique of application of end threaded intramedullary pinning in long bone fractures was standardized in 6 clinical patients presented with long bone fractures. In this phase, end threaded pins of different profiles i.e. positive and negative, were used as the internal fixation technique. These patients, allocated randomly in two groups, when evaluated postoperatively revealed slight pin migration in group-I (negative profile), which resulted in disruption of callus site causing delayed union in one case and large callus formation in other two cases whereas no pin migration was observed in group-II (positive profile). Other observations in group-I was reduced muscle girth and delayed healing time as compared to group-II. In clinical application phase, on the basis of results obtained from standardization phase, 19 client-owned dogs clinically presented with different fracture, implanted with end threaded intramedullary positive profile screw ended self tapping pin. Immediate post-operative radiograph revealed anatomical reduction, good cortical contact and stable implant fixation whereas muscle girth showed an initial decrease followed by a gradual increase over time. The 21st and 42nd day post-op radiographical follow-up revealed no pin migration in any of the cases and there was no bone shortening or fragment collapse. Based upon the above observations, it was concluded that the end threaded intramedullary positive profile screw ended self-tapping pin used for fixation of long bone fractures in canines can resist pin migration, pin breakage and all loads acting on the bone i.e. compression, tension, bending, rotation and shearing to an extent with no post-operative complications. The implant was found economical and can be easily used in field conditions in managing long bone fractures in canines, as compared to other orthopaedic implants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2016-07-21) M.C., Vasanth Kumar; Adarsh Kumar
    The aim of the present study was to assess sonography and theloscopy techniques for the management of bovine teat and udder affections. A total of 98 bovines patients were included in the study. A linear probe of 7.3-10 MHz was used to scan the udder (transcutaneous scan) and teat (water bath scan). Ectopic udder was imaged as a mass having functional GC, TC, glandular tissue. Congenital teat fistulas were imaged as ancillary hypoechoic rent in TW. Conjoined teats were imaged as teats with accessory TC and GC which were having independent drainage from glandular tissue. Athelia was imaged as quarters with functional GC and absence of TC, SC. Herniation of intestines into udder was imaged as a motile sacculated loop with mixed echogenic content. Tumor in glandular tissue imaged as a large hypoechoic mass with the well marginated hyperechoic capsule showing high vascular perfusion. The abscesses in udder were imaged as a circular mass with the hyperechoic capsule and mixed echogenic contents. The statistical analysis of sonographically measured teat parameters like SCL, SCD, TEW, TCD, TWT was conducted. The effects of parity on TEW and lactation period on SCL & TEW were significant (P< 0.05). Other factors like age, pregnancy, udder lobe (RFQ, RHQ, LFQ, LHQ), CMT scores did not have any effect on the measurements. The various TC lesions diagnosed in axial theloscopy included foreign body, fibrosis cord, calcified mass, large blood clots, large pedunculated mass, diffused nodules, fibrotic pedunculated mass, deformed AF, nodular fibrin accumulation, edematous mass, mucosal diaphragm, granulation tissue mass. The ultrasonography proved as a vital diagnostic aid for diagnosing various insidious udder and teat disorders which can be a potential threat to the productivity of animals. Along with the diagnosis of the lesion by sonography, additional features like size, shape, location, vascularity, contents were also ascertained. Sonographic measurements of teat structures like SCL, SCD, TEW, TWT, TCD provided an imperative diagnostic lead in the prophylaxis and prediction of the incoming teat and udder disorders. Theloscopy was found to be a vital imaging aid for diagnosing various milk outflow disorders. The virtual telescopic examination of teat lesion gave a lead for therapeutic theloresectoscopy. Both the techniques can serve as gold standard indicators for determining the diagnosis, therapeutics and prognosis of the teat and udder affections.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2014-07-19) Farooq, Uiase-Bin; Adarsh Kumar
    The present work on equine abdominal ultrasonography was conducted in two phases. In standardization phase, detailed abdominal ultrasonographic scan was performed on native 10 adult (5horses and 5 mules) healthy equines of either sex to develop baseline topographical data of various organs. In this phase, the organs of right and left hemi-abdomen were topographically located, their echo-architecture was described. A baseline data of landmarks for locating different abdominal organs was elucidated. The sonographic calliper measurements of different organs were generated along with dynamic parameters of alimentary tract to help delineate the pathology. In clinical application phase, 14 clinical cases of equines suspected for abdominal disorders were subjected to ultrasonography for assisting the diagnosis. Colonic impactions were imaged as hyperechoic intraluminal structure casting a strong acoustic shadow. Bull’s eye or sandwich like appearance of intestinal loops was characteristic of intussusceptions and can be imaged transabdominally. Descending colon obstructions were imaged as a large hyperechoic intraluminal masses casting a strong acoustic shadow with loss of normal sacculations and peristaltic movement of descending colon. In case of peritonitis the peritoneum could be imaged as thin echogenic layer with lot of peritoneal fluid present inside the abdominal cavity with marked thickening of jejunal wall. It was concluded that thorough clinical investigation combined with ultrasonography was found to be an important diagnostic imaging aid for diagnosing different abdominal disorders in equines and equips the surgeon/clinician to identify the exact etiology, which helps reach at an accurate diagnosis and formulate a precise and efficient therapeutic plan.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of combination therapies for gastric ulcerations and erosions in dogs
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2014-04-07) Suresh, Shastri Piyush; Tyagi, S. P.
    The study was conducted in 2 phases on 24 adult healthy medium sized mongrel dogs divided into 6 equal groups. In phase 1, Inj. Dexamethasone @ 1mg/kg, IV, b.i.d. was administered in all the animals until a predetermined severity of GUE was achieved and thereafter phase 2 commenced in which animals were subjected to no treatment, lansoprazole @1.5mg/kg, Seabuckthorn seed oil @1ml/dog, 40% Aloe vera pulp @ 5ml/dog, Lansoprazole @1.5mg/kg + 1ml Seabuckthorn seed oil and 4ml of 40% Aloe vera pulp + 1ml seabuckthorn seed oil p.o. b.i.d. till complete healing of GUE lesions. The progression of GUE was evaluated by gastro-endoscopic, clinical, fecal occult blood test, hematological and biochemical examinations at regular intervals. Gastro-endoscopic examinations revealed that by 10th day, 58.38% dogs reached the desired GUE index. Clinical examinations revealed a slight fluctuation in rectal temperature, heart rate and respiration rate but well within the normal limits. It accompanied 12.53% loss in body weight. Subjective assessment revealed a general lack of activity, reduced appetite (n=16/24) and occasional vomiting (n=5/24). The severity of gastric lesions evidenced endoscopically co-related well with melena observed in the dogs from 7th to 16th day with maximum severity on the 10th day (16/19) and there onwards. There was direct correlation between presence of gastric bleeding and positive fecal occult blood test. Haematological studies revealed a marked decrease in Hb, PCV, TEC, monocytes and lymphocytes. TLC and granulocytes exhibited significant increase on all observation intervals. Gastro-endoscopically, complete healing of GUE lesions during phase 2 was earliest in group 5 (combination of lansoprazole with seabuckthorn oil) at 7.5 days followed by group 2 (lansoprazole) at 9.0 days, group 1 (negative control) at 9.75 days, groups 3 and 6 (SBT oil and combination of SBT oil + Aloe vera) at 10.5 days, and the longest in group 6 (Aloe vera) at 14.25 days respectively. The severity of melena gradually decreased towards the end of study in all the groups with the animals of groups 5 and 3 showing earliest signs of improvement. Fecal occult blood test was positive in all the animals till there was endoscopic evidence of gastric bleeding. This test was found sensitive in diagnosing subclinical gastric bleeding. Clinical and haematological parameters improved markedly towards the end of phase 2. AST, ALT, BUN, creatinine and total protein remained within normal physiological limits throughout the study. It is concluded that the combination of Lansoprazole with SBT seed oil has synergistic therapeutic efficacy in dexamethasone-induced GUE in dogs, as it results in faster healing when compared with either of them used alone.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2017-08-27) Rohit Kumar; Adarsh Kumar
    The study was undertaken to clinically standardize the positive pressure ventilation with anaesthesia in clinical settings. The study was designed as prospective clinical trials carried out on 20 client owned dogs divided into two groups which were designated as group ATRA (Atracurium) and group VECU (Vecuronium) with 10 dogs in each group. A total of 7 ophthalmic and 3 orthopedic procedures were performed under IPPV in ATRA group and 6 ophthalmic and 4 orthopedic procedures in VECU group. Animals of both ATRA and VECU groups received Inj. Butorphanol @0.2 mg/kg b.wt. I/M followed 30 minutes later with Inj. Atropine sulphate @0.04 mg/kg b.wt. S/C. Ten minutes later, premedication with Inj. Diazepam @0.5 mg/kg b.wt. I/V followed by Inj. Propofol "till effect" I/V for induction of surgical anaesthesia. Following induction, the animal was maintained on Isoflurane. After stabilizing the animals on isoflurane for five minutes, the muscle relaxation was induced using Inj. Atracurium @0.5 mg/kg b.wt. I/V in ATRA group and Inj. Vecuronium @0.1 mg/kg b.wt. I/V in VECU group and the animals were shifted to the volume controlled IPPV mode of the ventilator with the settings as respiration rate at 15 breaths per minute, tidal volume at 10 ml/kg b.wt. and inspiratory to expiratory ratio of 1:2. The eye ball deviated to ventromedial position after the induction with diazepam and propofol but resumed the central position within 30 seconds of atracurium and vecuronium administration, thus proving highly beneficial for the globe and corneal interventions. The muscle relaxation facilitated easy manipulations in the orthopedic procedures. The atracurium provided muscle relaxation for 40.1 ± 4.71 minutes and vecuronium provided muscle relaxation for 37.7 ± 1.01 minutes. The IPPV with NMBA had isoflurane sparing effect. Both the combinations with Atracurium and Vecuronium along with IPPV minimally altered the physiological parameters without any clinical consequences, thus can be considered complication free anaesthesia for procedures necessitating muscle relaxations.