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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variability and interrelationship among horticultural traits in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
    (palampur, 2017-06-30) Sharma, Simran; Singh, Yudhvir
    The present investigation entitled, “Genetic variability and interrelationship among horticultural traits in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)” was undertaken at the Research Farm of the „Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture‟, College of Agriculture, CSK HPKV, Palampur during winter season 2015-16. The experimental material comprising of thirty five genotypes of faba bean including one check namely, „Vikrant-B‟ were evaluated in randomized block design over three replications to assess the nature of genetic variability, association among various traits, and their direct and indirect effects on pod yield per plant for effective selection. Data were recorded on nineteen characters viz., days to 50 per cent flowering, node at which first flower appears, branches per plant, pods per node, nodes per plant, plant height (cm), days to maturity, pod length (cm), pods per plant, pod yield per plant (g), seeds per pod, seed yield per plant (g), seed size (cm), 100-seed weight (g), harvest index ( per cent), total soluble solids (oBrix), dry matter ( per cent), ascorbic acid (mg/100g) and protein content ( per cent). In addition, morphological characterization for seed colour was also recorded visually. The observations were recorded on ten competitive plants which were randomly selected in each entry over the replications. On the basis of mean performance, „Local-1-C‟ was the top ranking genotype for pod yield per plant which significantly outperformed all the genotypes with an increase in yield of 44.58 per cent over check „Vikrant-B‟. In addition, fifteen genotypes produced pod yield similar to that of „Vikrant-B‟. HB-123-B (54.00g), HB-123-C (51.00g), HB-511-C (48.00g), PRT-7-B (46.87g), HB-40-A (46.67g) and HB-193-A (45.33g) were the top performing genotypes among them. The superior performance of these genotypes for fresh pod yield per plant was mainly attributed to their superior/comparable performance for pods per node, nodes per plant, pod length, pods per plant, branches per plant, seed yield per plant, 100-seed weight to that of best performing check „Vikrant-B‟. High heritability along with high genetic advance was observed for node at which first flower appears, pods per plant, harvest index, protein content and pod yield per plant indicating the inheritance of these characters under the control of additive gene action and selection would be more effective for their improvement. Based on correlation and path coefficient analysis, nodes per plant, pods per plant, branches per plant, seed yield per plant, seed size, 100-seed weight, harvest index and protein content could be considered as the best selection parameters for evolving high yielding genotypes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSHHPKV Palampur, 2017-06-15) SEHGAL, NIDHI; Chadha, Sanjay
    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most important solanaceous vegetable crops grown widely all over the world. Its cultivation in commercial growing pockets of Himachal Pradesh is severely affected due to bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum Smith. Resistant genotypes have been developed at various research centers, located within the country and abroad but these genotypes were not found suitable for growing in Himachal Pradesh as these are lacking in one or other characteristics. The present investigation entitled “Variability and association studies in F4 progenies of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” was undertaken by evaluating 18 bacterial wilt resistant F4 progenies viz., (Palam Pride × BWR-5)-1-15, (Palam Pride × BWR-5)-1-16, (Palam Pride × BWR-5)-2-3, (Palam Pride × BWR-5)-2-6, (Hawaii 7998 × Palam Pride)-2-7, (Hawaii 7998 × BWR-5)-3-1, (CLN2070B-1 × 12-1)-2-8, (CLN2070B-1 × 12-1)-2-16, (CLN2123A-1 × BWR-5)-3-6, Avtaar-1-3, Avtaar-1-13, Avtaar-1-15, (12-1 × BWR-5)-1-7, (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-2, (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-13, (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-14, (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-18 and (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-19 along with two bacterial wilt resistant standard checks (Palam Pink and Palam Pride) to identify the promising progenies on the basis of nature and extent of genetic variability, association among component traits and marketable yield and direct and indirect effects of each of the component traits on marketable yield. These genotypes were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications in summer-rainy season’2016 at the Vegetable Research Farm of the Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, COA, CSK HPKV, Palampur. To ascertain the severity of the disease, two susceptible checks, Roma and Marglobe were planted at every alternate 11th row in the experiment. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among the genotypes for all the traits except plant survival. The maximum marketable yield per plant was produced by the progenies Avtaar-1-3 (0.87kg) followed by (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-18 (0.76kg), (Hawaii 7998 × BWR-5)-3-1 (0.75kg), (Palam Pride × BWR-5)-2-3 (0.70kg), (Palam Pride × BWR-5)-1-16 (0.69kg), (CLN2070B-1 × 12-1)-2-8 (0.66kg), Avtaar-1-15 (0.63kg) and (12-1 × BWR-5)-2-14 (0.62kg). These top yielding progenies also excelled in many other horticultural traits. For most of the characters high to moderate PCV and GCV estimates along with high heritability and genetic advance were observed. The estimates of PCV were higher than corresponding GCV for all the characters studied which indicated that the apparent variation is not only due to genotypes but also due to the influence of environment. Marketable yield per plant was positively and significantly correlated with total and marketable fruits per plant, gross yield per plant and pericarp thickness at phenotypic and genotypic levels. Days to 50 per cent flowering, locules per fruit, plant height and total soluble solids had significant negative association with marketable yield per plant at genotypic level. Path coefficient analysis revealed that marketable fruits per plant and average fruit weight had the maximum positive contribution (direct and indirect) towards marketable yield per plant, hence these traits require special attention to improve upon marketable yield and other component traits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018) Shiksha; Sharma, Parveen
    Fourteen genotypes of cherry tomato were evaluated under modified naturally ventilated polyhouse at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur during autumn winter season, 2017-2018 for marketable yield and its component traits to assess the morphological diversity among the genotypes. Based on the mean performance, genotypes viz. Solan Red Round, IC-383117 and EC-383109 were found superior for marketable fruit yield, number of marketable fruits per plant, number of fruits per cluster, number of nodes per plant and plant height among all the genotypes evaluated. Sufficient genetic variability was observed for almost all the traits studied. High PCV, GCV, heritability and genetic advance were observed for number of fruits per cluster and lycopene content. Hence, it was inferred that there is better scope for improvement of these traits through direct selection. Marketable yield per plant was positively and significantly correlated with number of fruits per cluster, number of fruits per plant, number of nodes per plant and plant height at both phenotypic and genotypic level. Number of marketable fruits per cluster had the maximum and significant direct contribution towards marketable yield per plant followed by plant height. However, fruit yield per plant was also significantly increased by indirect effects of number fruits per plant, number of nodes per plant and plant height via number of fruits per cluster. As number of fruits per cluster, plant height, number of fruits per plant and number of nodes per plant have high selection index, therefore due emphasis should be given to these characters in selection programme for improvement of cherry tomato to evolve high yielding genotypes from consumers’ perspective.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2017-03-29) Samita Kumari; Chandel, K.S.
    Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) also known as egg plant or aubergine belong to family Solanaceae and one of the most commonly grown vegetable throughout the country. India is considered to be the centre of origin with secondary diversity in China and South East Asia. It is grown commercially as fresh market crop especially in low and mid hill areas of Himachal Pradesh. Inspite of its economic importance, no major strive has so far been made for the improvement of yield and quality traits in this crop. Based on these considerations, the present investigation was, therefore, undertaken to obtain information on the relative magnitude of additive, dominance and epistatic component of genetic variance and average degree of dominance as inferred from the analysis of different traits such as marketable fruit yield per plant, days to 50% flowering, days to first picking, number of marketable fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, plant height, number of branches per plant, fruit weight, pedicel length, total soluble solids, dry matter content, iron content, phenol content and bacterial wilt incidence by following a triple test cross mating design analysis involving contrasting parents/inbred lines. The experimental material consisted of thirty triple test cross (TTC) progenies of a) SP and H-8, b) AK and BN, c) AN and SN, d) PPC and DPBBWR-2 (Sel-2) developed through the triple test cross mating design proposed by Kearsey and Jink (1968) during Kharif, season 2014. The triple test cross (TTC) progenies of the respective parents were then planted and evaluated along with corresponding original parents/testers (L1 and L2), F1‟s (L3) and F2‟s (Pi lines) in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications at the Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSKHPKV, Palampur (H.P.) during kharif, 2015. Good quantum of genetic variability has been generated through triple test cross progenies with respect to different traits studied as revealed by the significant analysis of variance. The triple test cross (TTC) progenies viz.,(P1 x L1), (P2 x L3), (P5 x L1), (P7 x L1), (P2 x L1); (P3 x L1), (P4 x L3), (P2 x L2), (P7 x L1), (P3 x L3); (P4 x L1), (P6 x L1), (P3 x L2), (P6 x L3), (P3 x L1) and (P1 x L1), (P9 x L1), (P6 x L3), (P3 x L3), (P8 x L3) manifested high mean values and heterotic effects for fruit yield, quality traits and yield contributing components over the respective better parent/testers in each inter-varietal cross SP x H-8, AK x BN, AN x SN and PPC x DPBBWR-2, respectively. Heterotic effects were observed in almost all the characters studied and supported through genetic analysis of the triple test cross (TTC) progenies, where the preponderance of epistasis, additive and dominance components of genetic variation was observed for marketable fruit yield, quality traits and yield contributing components, revealing thereby the role of additive and non-additive gene action for the inheritance of marketable fruit yield and its component traits which could be exploited through bi-recurrent selection and heterosis breeding for the development of better cultivars possessing high yield and quality traits in brinjal.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-06-22) Sandeep Kumar; Katoch, Viveka
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on inbreeding depression and combining ability in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.)” was carried out at the Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK HPKV Palampur during rabi 2016-17 to derive information on extent of residual heterosis, inbreeding depression and nature of gene action following line × tester analysis. The experimental material comprised of five diverse lines of pea viz., Line 12, Line 13, Line 14, Line 15 and Line 17; three testers namely, Matar Ageta, Palam Triloki and Arkel and F2 generation of 15 crosses. Cross L13 × T2 exhibited maximum significant negative residual heterosis over Line12 (BP) and Matar Ageta (SC1) for days to 50% flowering and days to first picking. Cross L17 × T2 was most promising for pod yield per plant and related traits like number of pods per plant and number of primary branches per plant. Estimates of GCA effects among parental lines revealed that Line 17 was the best general combiner for days to 50% flowering, pod length, number of pods per plant and pod yield per plant. Line 14 was the best general combiner for pod length and number of seeds per pod. Line 13 was the best general combiner for days to 50% flowering and total soluble solids. Among testers, Palam Triloki (T2) was the best general combiner for days to 50% flowering and days to first picking. The estimates of SCA variances were much higher than the GCA variances for all the characters studied except for days to first picking and pod yield per plant, indicating importance of non-additive gene effects. On the basis of mean performance and residual heterosis cross L13 × T2 was found to be the best with respect to earliness and pod length. Cross L17 × T2 exhibited highest number of pods per plant and pod yield per plant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-06-08) Singh, Paras; Chadha, Sanjay
    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most widely produced and consumed vegetables in the world both for fresh market and processed food industries. Its cultivation in commercial growing pockets of Himachal Pradesh is severely affected due to bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. Resistant genotypes have been developed at various research centres, located within the country and abroad but these genotypes were not found suitable for growing in Himachal Pradesh as these are lacking in one or other characteristics. The present investigation entitled “Genetical studies for fruit yield and related traits in bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)” was carried out by evaluating 29 bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of tomato (developed in the Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK HPKV, Palampur) along with three bacterial wilt standard checks viz., Arka Vikas (National check), Palam Pride and Palam Pink (State checks) with the objectives to assess the magnitude of the genetic variability in bacterial wilt resistant genotypes of tomato, to find out the inter-relationship among component traits and direct and indirect contribution on marketable fruit yield, and to identify the most promising genotypes. These genotypes were evaluated in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications in summer-rainy season, 2017 at the Vegetable Research Farm of the Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, COA, CSK HPKV, Palampur. To ascertain the severity of the disease, two susceptible checks, Roma and Arka Meghali were planted at every alternate 11th row in the experiment. All the genotypes and resistant checks exhibited a high degree of resistance level (>90% plant survival). The maximum marketable yield per plant was produced by the genotypes HPBT-8 (1.44kg) and was significantly at par with HPBT-17 (1.42kg), HPBT-23 (1.38kg), HPBT-2 (1.29kg) and also with the standard check Palam Pink (1.36kg). These top performing genotypes also excelled in other horticultural traits. For most of the characters high to moderate PCV and GCV estimates along with high heritability and genetic advance were observed. The estimates of PCV were higher than corresponding GCV for all the characters studied which indicated that the apparent variation is not only due to genotypes but also due to the influence of environment. Marketable yield per plant was positively and significantly correlated with gross yield per plant, total fruits per plant, marketable fruits per plant, pericarp thickness and average fruit weight, whereas negatively and significantly correlated with titrable acidity and ascorbic acid. Days to 50 per cent flowering had significant positive association with marketable yield per plant at genotypic level. Path coefficient analysis revealed that gross yield per plant and total fruits per plant had the maximum positive contribution towards marketable yield per plant at phenotypic and genotypic level, respectively. Hence, these traits require special attention to improve upon marketable yield and other component traits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2016-06-30) Negi, Viplove; Pardeep Kumar
    Pomato is an innovative plant developed by simple grafting of tomato as a scion on potato as a rootstock. Potato and tomato are the crops of high economic importance and being genetically similar they can be easily grafted together and grown as a single plant producing potatoes and tomatoes on the same plant. With rapid urbanization and industrialization cultivable land is becoming the most limiting resource especially in urban areas making intensive cultivation practices inevitable to produce more crops per unit area to fulfill the quality food requirements of the ever increasing population. Crop plants like pomato can be a suitable alternate in maximizing the potential of crops with efficient utilization of land and other resources. No systematic research work has been conducted in India on this aspect, therefore to generate substantial practical and useful information the present investigation entitled “Studies on development of pomato through grafting under protected environment” was undertaken at Vegetable Research Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK HPKV, Palampur, Himachal Pradesh with the objectives to develop pomato plant through grafting, to find out the best recombinant on the basis of yield and component traits and to work out the cost of cultivation. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design with three replications and data was recorded on various horticultural and quality traits for potato and tomato. Kufri Himalini has been found to be the best rootstock for tomato scion. Cleft grafting is reported as best grafting method which resulted in maximum survival of grafted plants as well as maximum grafting success rate. Whereas, the effect of tongue grafting was more pronounced on yield and quality traits of either of the crop species. GS-600 was found to be the best compatible scion for potato rootstocks. Rootstock-scion combination of Kufri Himalini and GS-600 was found to be the best recombinant on the basis of yield and component traits. Treatment combination V2G1S2 (V2 = Kufri Himalini, G1 = Tongue grafting and S2 = GS-600) resulted into maximum survival of grafted plants (93.25%), tuber yield per plant (471.80 g), tuber yield per square meter (2.83 kg) in potato and number of marketable fruits per plant (22.55), marketable fruit yield per plant (1.74 kg), marketable fruit yield per square meter (10.44 kg) and harvest duration (97.33 days) in tomato. Minimum days to first flowering (47.33), days to first harvest (140.00) and maximum ascorbic acid content (21.34 mg/100g) in tomato was recorded in treatment combination V3G1S2 (V3 = Kufri Giriraj, G1 = Tongue grafting and S2 = GS-600). Maximum TSS (6.47°Brix) in potato, average fruit weight (89.32 g) and plant height (276.34 cm) in tomato were recorded in treatment V1G2S2 (V1 = Kufri Himsona, G2 = Cleft grafting and S2 = GS-600). Treatment combination V2G2S1 (V2 = Kufri Himalini, G2 = Cleft grafting and S1 = Avtar (7711)) recorded maximum fruit length (5.42 cm) and fruit width (5.72 cm) in tomato. Maximum average tuber weight (139.04 g) in potato and TSS (7.60°Brix) in tomato fruits were recorded in treatment V3G1S1 (V3 = Kufri Giriraj, G1 = Tongue grafting and S1 = Avtar (7711)). Maximum pericarp thickness (8.23 mm) in tomato was recorded in treatment combination V1G1S1 (V1 = Kufri Himsona, G1 = Tongue grafting and S1 = Avtar (7711)). Treatment combination V1G1S2 (V1 = Kufri Himsona, G1 = Tongue grafting and S2 = GS-600) recorded maximum starch content (24.58%) in potato. Maximum number of tubers per plant (4.81) in potato were recorded in treatment combination V2G1S1 (V2 = Kufri Himalini, G1 = Tongue grafting and S1 = Avtar (7711)). Data indicated that there was no significant effect of interaction between rootstocks, grafting methods and scions on days to harvest in potato. Pomato resulted in cost-benefit ratio of 1:2.12 which was significantly higher than sole cultivation of tomato (1:1.93) and potato (1:0.26) under protected environments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-07-19) Samim, Samiullah; Sood, Sonia
    Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) also called as lady‟s finger or bhindi is one of the most common, export-oriented and principal vegetable crops grown all the year round in the country including low and mid hills of Himachal Pradesh. Development of high yielding and yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) resistant varieties is the major necessity in this crop. Interspecific and intervarietal hybridization followed by selection have been adopted to develop high yielding and YVMV resistant varieties. However, a frequent breakdown of YVMV resistance of most of the resistant varieties has taken place and this needs immediate attention. Hence, identification and development of new improved disease resistant cultivars is very important to further boost up the production and productivity of the crop. Based on these considerations, the present investigation was, therefore, undertaken in 19 diverse genotypes of okra evaluated in Randomized Block Design with three replications at Palampur during summer-rainy season, 2016 to assess the genetic parameters of variability and to understand the inter-relationships among horticultural traits and fruit yield. The estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) were high for first fruit producing node. Moderate PCV and GCV were noticed for days to 50 per cent flowering, plant height, fruit yield per plant, fruits per plant, nodes per plant and internodal length. High heritability along with high genetic advance were observed for days to 50 per cent flowering, fruit yield per plant, fruits per plant and nodes per plant indicating the role of additive gene action for their inheritance. Hence, these characters could be improved through direct selection. High to moderate heritability with low genetic advance was recorded for days to first picking, harvest duration and dry matter, indicating the non-additive gene activity, these could be improved through hybridization. Among visually observed characters, green, dark green, yellowish green and dark red fruit colour at immature stage, downy to slightly rough pubescence and 5 ridges per fruit were recorded in the genotypes evaluated. The association studies revealed that the selection based on plant height, harvest duration, fruits per plant, nodes per plant, fruit length and average fruit weight would be fruitful and rewarding for effective improvement of fruit yield per plant. The genotypes 9801, Palam Komal, Hisar Unnat, Parbhani Kranti, VRO-6 and VRO-4 were found to be promising for fruit yield per plant along with other desirable quantitative and quality traits. Thus these genotypes can be directly used after multilocation testing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2018-07) Nitish Kumar; Chadha, Sanjay
    The present investigation was undertaken to estimate the extent of per se performance and heterosis, work out the nature and magnitude of gene action and to identify potential parental lines and cross combinations on the basis of combining ability under organic and inorganic conditions. Eight lines viz., IIS CMS, IIIM CMS, GA(P) M CMS, III-1-1, I-4-6, I-4-4, I-4-3 and SC-5-5-4 and three testers viz., Glory-7, KGAT-1 and E-1-1&-2, and their 24 F1s developed as per line × tester mating design alongwith two standard checks (Varun and KGMR-1) were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications at organic and inorganic conditions during rabi seasons of 2015-16 and 2016-17. The analysis of variance indicated significant differences among genotypes (G) for marketable head yield and other component traits in all the environments. Significant differences for environment (E) and G × E interaction for most of the traits indicated a definite role of environment on the performance of genotypes/crosses. Variances due to lines, testers and line × tester and their interaction with environment were significant for most of the traits under organic and inorganic conditions, indicating the importance of testing parents as well as cross combinations across environments. The parental lines viz., IIS CMS and I-4-3 under organic conditions and III-I-I and I-4-6 under inorganic conditions, whereas, the testers KGAT-1 and Glory-7 under organic conditions and inorganic conditions, respectively were the most promising general combiners for marketable head yield and component traits. On the basis of specific combining ability, heterosis and per se performance for marketable head yield and related traits, cross combinations viz., I-4-4 × Glory-7, I-4-3 × KGAT-1 and III-I-I × KGAT-1 under organic conditions and I-4-6 × Glory-7, III-I-I × KGAT-1 and IIIM CMS × E-1-1&-2 under inorganic conditions were the most promising as they surpassed the standard checks (Varun and KGMR-1). Overall, III-I-I × KGAT-1 was the most promising cross combination among the top hybrids under organic and inorganic conditions. For most of the traits important from commercial point of view, there was preponderance of non-additive gene action, which reaffirms the importance of hybrids in cabbage. There was differential response of different genotypes to organic and inorganic conditions. This necessitates the separate breeding programme to identify potential genotypes responsive to organic and inorganic input conditions.