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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) also called as egg plant or aubergine is a member of family Solanaceae and one of the most commonly grown vegetables all the year round in the country. India is considered to be the centre of origin with secondary diversity in China and South East Asia. It is grown commercially as fresh market crop especially in low and mid hill areas of Himachal Pradesh. Inspite of its economic importance, no major strive has so far been made for the improvement of yield and quality traits in this crop. Based on these considerations, the present investigation was, therefore, undertaken to obtain information on the nature and quantum of genetic variability generated through the biparental mating along with association of characters in biparental vis-a-vis F3 progenies and to study the genetic architecture of biparental progenies as inferred from the analysis for different traits such as marketable fruit yield per plant, days to 50% flowering, days to first picking, number of marketable fruits per plant, fruit length, fruit diameter, average fruit diameter, plant height, number of branches per plant, fruit weight, pedicel length, total soluble solids, bacterial wilt incidence, dry matter content, iron and phenol content in two inter-varietal crosses by following a biparental mating North Carolina Design-I proposed by Comstock and Robinson (1948 and 1952) involving contrasting parents. The experimental material consisted of forty eight biparental progenies (BIP’s) developed in F2 generations of two inter-varietal crosses viz., Swarna Pratibha x Hisar Shyamal (SP x H-8) and Arka Keshav x Bhola Nath (AK x BN) and sixty F3 progenies developed by selfing of plants used in the biparental mating in each cross, respectively. The biparental (BIP’s) and F3 progenies were then planted and evaluated along with corresponding original parents, F1’s and F2’s in two different experiments relating to two different crosses in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications at Experimental Farm, Department of Vegetable Science and Floriculture, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur during Kharif 2013. The biparental progenies viz., M4 x F46, M3 x F41 and M1 x F18 in cross Swarna Pratibha x Hisar Shyamal (SP x H-8) and M4 x F45, M2 x F38 and M2 x F23 in cross Arka Keshav x Bhola Nath (AK x BN) recorded high mean values for marketable fruit yield, quality traits and yield contributing components over the respective parents, F1, F2 and F3 generations of both the crosses, respectively. The association studies revealed that marketable fruit yield was positively and highly significantly correlated with fruits per plant, plant height and fruit weight in BIP’s and F3 progenies of both crosses. Path analysis indicated that fruit weight had a maximum direct effect with marketable fruit yield. Indirect effects of fruit weight on marketable fruit yield via other characters viz., fruits per plant, plant height and fruit length were also of higher magnitude. Genetic analysis revealed the prevalence of non-additive genetic variance for marketable fruit yield, days to 50% flowering, days to first picking, fruit length, fruit weight, pedicel length and bacterial wilt incidence, whereas the additive genetic variance was pre-dominant for plant height and branches per plant in both the crosses and for fruit diameter, total soluble solid in Swarna Pratibha x Hisar Shyamal (SP x H-8) and fruits per plant and average fruit diameter in Arka Keshav x Bhola Nath (AK x BN). Bacterial wilt incidence was comparatively lower in biparental progenies due to preponderance of more heterozygosity. Negatively significant‘t’-ratio estimates indicate the possibility to isolate early transgressive sagregants for bacterial wilt resistance. As is evident from the present study, biparental mating magnifies the chances of reassembling the maximum number of potentially functional genes and leads to the isolation of stable and widely adapted genotypes. The pre-ponderance of additive and non-additive genetic component of variance for most of the traits studied in both crosses revealed the role of additive and non-additive gene action for the inheritance of marketable fruit yield and its component traits which could be utilized through birecurrent selection and heterosis breeding for the development of high yielding and quality cultivars in brinjal.