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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 22-06-19) Choudhary, Deeksha; Dixit, S. P.
    The presentt iinvesttiigattiion was carriied outt on wheatt duriing rabii,, 2017-18 tto sttudy tthe effectt of prescriipttiion based ferttiilliizer applliicattiion on diifferentt fracttiions of ziinc iin a llong tterm experiimentt iiniittiiatted duriing khariiff,, 2007 att tthe experiimenttall farm of tthe Departtmentt of Soiill Sciience CSK HPKV,, Pallampur.. The experiimentt was llaiid outt iin a randomiized bllock desiign consiisttiing of eiightt ttreattmentts.. The soiill of experiimenttall fiielld was siilltty cllay lloam iin ttextture,, pH 5..2,, organiic carbon 7..2 g kg--1 and avaiillablle N,, P and K sttattus was 236,, 41 and 272 kg ha--1,, respecttiivelly.. The soiill samplles from 0- 0..15 m soiill deptth were collllectted before and aftter harvestt of wheatt.. The soiill samplles were anallyzed for physiicall,, chemiicall,, biiollogiicall properttiies and diifferentt fracttiions of ziinc iin soiill att harvestt of tthe crop.. Graiin and sttraw samplles were collllectted from each pllott and anallyzed for N,, P,, K,, Fe,, Mn,, Zn,, Cu conttentt and ttheiir upttake by graiin and sttraw of wheatt.. The sttudy revealled tthatt tthe ttargett yiielld of 35 q ha--1 wiitth FYM resulltted iin hiighestt wheatt graiin yiielld (34..9 q ha--1) and sttraw yiielld (58..4 q ha--1).. In prescriipttiion based ferttiilliizer applliicattiion for ttargetted yiielld of 25 q ha--1 wiitth and wiitthoutt FYM a siigniifiicantt hiigher graiin and sttraw yiielld was recorded as compared tto ttreattmentts where ferttiilliizer was applliied as per soiill ttestt based and generall recommended dose.. A siigniifiicantt iimprovementt iin nuttriientts upttake was recorded iin ttargett yiielld ttreattmentts wiitth FYM as compared tto wiitthoutt FYM ttreattmentts.. The DTPA-exttracttablle miicronuttriientt cattiions,, organiic carbon,, and miicrobiiall biiomass carbon were hiigher iin 25 and 35 q ha--1 ttargett yiielld ttreattmentts wiitth FYM iin compariison tto restt of tthe ttreattmentts.. The conttiinuous use of chemiicall ferttiilliizers broughtt outt marked depllettiion iin tthe poolls of Zn,, whiille iinttegratted applliicattiion of FYM and chemiicall ferttiilliizers recorded rellattiivelly hiigher conttentt of poolls of Zn over chemiicall ferttiilliizer applliicattiion.. Resiiduall Zn was tthe mostt domiinantt fracttiion of ziinc conttriibuttiing aboutt 49..94 per centt and non-speciifiicalllly adsorbed exchangeablle ziinc was tthe lleastt domiinantt fracttiion of ziinc conttriibuttiing aboutt 0..43 per centt tto ttottall ziinc..
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 22-06-19) Choudhary, Deeksha; Dixit, S. P.
    The presentt iinvesttiigattiion was carriied outt on wheatt duriing rabii,, 2017-18 tto sttudy tthe effectt of prescriipttiion based ferttiilliizer applliicattiion on diifferentt fracttiions of ziinc iin a llong tterm experiimentt iiniittiiatted duriing khariiff,, 2007 att tthe experiimenttall farm of tthe Departtmentt of Soiill Sciience CSK HPKV,, Pallampur.. The experiimentt was llaiid outt iin a randomiized bllock desiign consiisttiing of eiightt ttreattmentts.. The soiill of experiimenttall fiielld was siilltty cllay lloam iin ttextture,, pH 5..2,, organiic carbon 7..2 g kg--1 and avaiillablle N,, P and K sttattus was 236,, 41 and 272 kg ha--1,, respecttiivelly.. The soiill samplles from 0- 0..15 m soiill deptth were collllectted before and aftter harvestt of wheatt.. The soiill samplles were anallyzed for physiicall,, chemiicall,, biiollogiicall properttiies and diifferentt fracttiions of ziinc iin soiill att harvestt of tthe crop.. Graiin and sttraw samplles were collllectted from each pllott and anallyzed for N,, P,, K,, Fe,, Mn,, Zn,, Cu conttentt and ttheiir upttake by graiin and sttraw of wheatt.. The sttudy revealled tthatt tthe ttargett yiielld of 35 q ha--1 wiitth FYM resulltted iin hiighestt wheatt graiin yiielld (34..9 q ha--1) and sttraw yiielld (58..4 q ha--1).. In prescriipttiion based ferttiilliizer applliicattiion for ttargetted yiielld of 25 q ha--1 wiitth and wiitthoutt FYM a siigniifiicantt hiigher graiin and sttraw yiielld was recorded as compared tto ttreattmentts where ferttiilliizer was applliied as per soiill ttestt based and generall recommended dose.. A siigniifiicantt iimprovementt iin nuttriientts upttake was recorded iin ttargett yiielld ttreattmentts wiitth FYM as compared tto wiitthoutt FYM ttreattmentts.. The DTPA-exttracttablle miicronuttriientt cattiions,, organiic carbon,, and miicrobiiall biiomass carbon were hiigher iin 25 and 35 q ha--1 ttargett yiielld ttreattmentts wiitth FYM iin compariison tto restt of tthe ttreattmentts.. The conttiinuous use of chemiicall ferttiilliizers broughtt outt marked depllettiion iin tthe poolls of Zn,, whiille iinttegratted applliicattiion of FYM and chemiicall ferttiilliizers recorded rellattiivelly hiigher conttentt of poolls of Zn over chemiicall ferttiilliizer applliicattiion.. Resiiduall Zn was tthe mostt domiinantt fracttiion of ziinc conttriibuttiing aboutt 49..94 per centt and non-speciifiicalllly adsorbed exchangeablle ziinc was tthe lleastt domiinantt fracttiion of ziinc conttriibuttiing aboutt 0..43 per centt tto ttottall ziinc..