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Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur

Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya (renamed as Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya in June, 2001) was established on 1st November, 1978.The College of Agriculture (established in May, 1966) formed the nucleus of the new farm University. It is ICAR accredited and ISO 9001:2015 certified institution. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has ranked this University at eleventh place among all farm universities of the country. The University has been given the mandate for making provision for imparting education in agriculture and other allied branches of learning, furthering the advancement of learning and prosecution of research and undertaking extension of such sciences, especially to the rural people of Himachal Pradesh. Over the years, this University has contributed significantly in transforming the farm scenario of Himachal Pradesh. It has developed human resources, varieties and technologies and transferred these to farming community enabling the State to receive the “Krishikarman award” of Govt. of India four times in row for food grain production among small states of the country. Today, the State has earned its name for hill agricultural diversification and the farming community has imposed its faith in the University.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Elucidating the role of MYC2 transcription factor in Cucumber mosaic virus infection
    (palampur, 2019-07-30) Eshwar, Jadhav; Hallan, Vipin
    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has the broadest host range among known plant viruses, infecting more than 1,200 species of plants from monocotyledons to dicotyledons. As the effects of CMV is very diverse in nature causing epidemics in diverse crops, it is important to understand the host- pathogen interactions in order to develop plants which can be resistant to plant virus infections. The expression of stress-responsive genes is intimately dependant on its transcriptional control which directly leads to plant response to various stresses. The MYC2 class of transcription factors has recently emerged as a master regulator of the signalling pathways of jasmonic acid (JA) and those of other phytohormones such as abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins (GAs), and auxin (IAA). Jasmonic acid is the plant hormone that regulates the plant growth, development and defense responses. The MYC2-3 mutant line of Arabidopsis thaliana was used for the analysis of the role MYC2 transcription factor in CMV virus infection. Characterization of MYC2-3 mutant line through jasmonic acid and abscisic acid treatments revealed that the wild type showed reduced root length as compare to MYC2-3 mutant. It was also revealed that the MYC2-3 mutant line has resistance to CMV virus as compared to the wild type plant. Also, SDS PAGE and MALDI-TOF analysis showed that the expression of enzymes and proteins involved in the photosynthetic pathway to be directly affected in the MYC2-3 mutant line on CMV infection. This study could be directly used for development of CMV resistant plant varieties through genome editing in future
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (CSKHPKV, Palampur, 2019-07) Eshwar, Jadhav; Hallan, Vipin
    Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has the broadest host range among known plant viruses, infecting more than 1,200 species of plants from monocotyledons to dicotyledons. As the effects of CMV is very diverse in nature causing epidemics in diverse crops, it is important to understand the host- pathogen interactions in order to develop plants which can be resistant to plant virus infections. The expression of stress-responsive genes is intimately dependant on its transcriptional control which directly leads to plant response to various stresses. The MYC2 class of transcription factors has recently emerged as a master regulator of the signalling pathways of jasmonic acid (JA) and those of other phytohormones such as abscisic acid (ABA), gibberellins (GAs), and auxin (IAA). Jasmonic acid is the plant hormone that regulates the plant growth, development and defense responses. The MYC2-3 mutant line of Arabidopsis thaliana was used for the analysis of the role MYC2 transcription factor in CMV virus infection. Characterization of MYC2-3 mutant line through jasmonic acid and abscisic acid treatments revealed that the wild type showed reduced root length as compare to MYC2-3 mutant. It was also revealed that the MYC2-3 mutant line has resistance to CMV virus as compared to the wild type plant. Also, SDS PAGE and MALDI-TOF analysis showed that the expression of enzymes and proteins involved in the photosynthetic pathway to be directly affected in the MYC2-3 mutant line on CMV infection. This study could be directly used for development of CMV resistant plant varieties through genome editing in future.