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Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Status and Market opportunities of Farmer Producer Organization in Kanpur and Agra Districts of Uttar Pradesh
    (Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner – 334006, 2019) PRAVIN KUMAR BHARDWAJ; Satyveer Singh Meena
    Farmers’ organizations are inclusive of the small and marginal are charged with the purpose of becoming a market outlet for smallholder farmers in India. Improving farmers’ income-earning capability and agricultural productivity has been an important strategy of India’s agriculture development policy. Farmers' Organizations (FOs) play an important role in the form of an institutional vehicle to promote agricultural development through the help of farmers in solving common problems related to agricultural inputs, loans, technical knowledge and marketing of produce. The aim of all these services is to improve agricultural activities and to enable them to gain economic benefits to maintain them. The initiation has been taken by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture to mainstream the idea of “promoting” and “strengthening” member-based institutions of farmers in India. As per the statistics of Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), out of 833 registered FPOs in India, 144 FPOs are functioning in Madhya Pradesh, followed by Karnataka 120, Maharashtra 100 and Uttar Pradesh 50 respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Management and Biochemical Studies on Charcoal Rot of Cowpea Incited by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi.) Goid.
    (College of Agriculture, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, 2019) NITIKA KUMARI; A. K. Meena
    Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] is an important pulse crop. It is grown in various parts of Indian subcontinent. It has different growth habits i.e. erect, semi-erect, trailing, climbing and bushy growths. It can be used as a pulse, vegetable as well as fodder crop in India. The consumption varies in different ways like the tender young leaves and green pods are used as vegetables while several snacks and main meal dishes like dal are prepared from the grain. The seeds can also be preserved by canning or freezing. It is also used as green manure crop. It is grown to flowering and then incorporated in soil as a green manure. All the plant parts that are used for food are nutritious. It consists of over one hundred different species widely found in the tropical and sub-tropical regions and has a great morphological and ecological diversity (Ng and Monti, 1990). It is a most versatile pulse crop since it has smothering nature and drought tolerant characters. It is a native to central Africa and belongs to the family Fabaceae.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Eco-Friendly Management of Aphid, Hyadaphis coriandari (Das) on Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
    (College of Agriculture, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, 2022) Maya Choudhary; B.S.Mitharwal
    Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) is an important spices crop commonly known as ‘Saunf’ belongs to family Apiaceae. Fennel is mainly grown in Gujarat and Rajasthan and to some extent in Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir but Gujarat is the “heart” of India for the production of fennel. In India, it occupies an area of 80 thousand hectares with an annual production of 129 thousand metric tonnes and productivity of 1687 kg ha -1 . during 2020-21 ( Anonymous, 2021a). It grows well in cool and dry climate with well drained loamy soil or sandy soil rich in organic matter. The fennel growing districts in Rajasthan are Sirohi, Tonk, Jodhpur, Baran, Pali, Bikaner, Dausa, Alwar, Sawai Madhopur and Jaipur. In Rajasthan, it occupies an area of 30.81 thousand hectares with an annual production of 33.56 thousand metric tonnes and productivity 1089.0 kg ha -1 . during 2020-21 ( Anonymous, 2021 b).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Molecular Characterization and Population Structure Analysis of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) germplasm
    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub and belongs to the family Punicaceae. Pomegranate is considered as an ancient fruit under modern horticulture. It has diploid chromosome number (2n = 2x = 18) and small genome size (328 Mb) with 29229 annotated genes (Qin et al., 2017). Pomegranate is native to Iran and extensively grown in the Mediterranean countries like Spain, Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan and Baluchistan. It is also cultivated to some extent in Myanmar, China, USA and India. The global estimate of pomegranate production is around 20.55 lakh tonnes from an area of 3.00 lakh hectares (FAO, 2018).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Market size Analysis of PGR and Adjuvant segment in Nashik District of Maharashtra
    (Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University Bikaner – 334006, 2021) Waghmare Harshal Sanjay; Meenakshi Chaudhary
    Market investigation ponders the engaging quality and the elements of an extraordinary market inside an uncommon industry. It is a piece of the business investigation and along these lines thus of the worldwide condition examination. Through these examinations, the qualities, shortcomings, openings, and dangers (SWOT) of an organization can be distinguished. At long last, with the assistance of a SWOT examination, satisfactory business techniques of an organization will be characterized. The market examination is otherwise called an archived examination of a market that is utilized to advise a company's arranging exercises, especially around choices of stock, buy, work drive development/compression, office extension, buys of capital hardware, special exercises, and numerous different parts of an organization.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of Knowledge and Utilization pattern of social media among PG students of Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University and Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner (Rajasthan)
    (College Of Agriculture S.K. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner-334006, 2022) VIKASH KUMAR MEENA; Dr. A.K. JHAJHARIA
    Social media have been defined in a variety of ways. The definition of social media as a “platform to create profiles, make explicit and traverse relationships” by (Boyd & Ellison, 2008) has been cited over 13,000 times according to Google scholar other definitions, identifying social media by the set of functionalities or “building blocks” (Kietzmann et al. 2011), has 3,000 citations. Taxonomy of “social media” splitting the field into 6 distinctive categories (Blogs, Social Networking Sites, Collabouration Projects, Content Communities, Virtual Social Worlds, and Virtual Game Worlds) introduced by (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010), too finds resonance with 11,000 citations on Google scholar. The trend of creating new and updating old definitions continues, as does the development, use and adoption of social media (Kapoor et al. 2017). Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation or sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via networks. The revolution in the IT sector has ease the access to the social media and opened up new platforms for sharing information and knowledge and enhancing the interconnectivity as a result nowadays social media has emerged as a multitasking tool that serves various needs of the individual. With the advancement of technology at a very rapid pace the pattern of communication as well its use keeps on changing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutritional Composition and Product Development using Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus undatus)
    Dragon fruit is a savoury fruit with juicy pulp of creamy and attractive texture having lots of small brittle seeds embedded in it. The presence of tiny and edible black crunchy seeds gives it the resemblance of kiwi fruit. It is a flowering cactus of Cactaceae family which has numerous nomenclatures like ‘pitaya’, ‘pitahaya’, ‘night blooming cereus’, ‘belle of the night’, ‘conderella plant’ and ‘queen of the night’. But it is mainly famous as ‘dragon fruit’ all over Asia because of its skin covered with bracts (scales) similar to those of a dragon. It has two variants namely Stenocereus (sour variety) and Hylocereus (sweet variety). Furthermore, sweet dragon fruits are available in three varieties having common characteristics in terms of shape (round or oval) and texture of skin (leathery and leafy): · Hylocereus undatus (Pitaya blanca or white dragon fruit) is the most abundant variety having white fleshed fruit with pink skin. · Hylocereus costaricensis (Pitaya roja or red dragon fruit, also called Hylocereus polyrhizus) is red fleshed fruit with red skin. · Hylocereus megalanthus (Pitaya amarilla or yellow dragon fruit, also called Selenicereus megalanthus) is white fleshed fruit with yellow skin.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Production and Marketing of Mango in Haridwar District of Uttarakhand
    (Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner – 334006, 2022) Vashu; Seema Tyagi
    Agriculture is the lifeblood of the Indian economy, as it provides food, labor, materials, and other necessities to the industrialized cities. India's largest private enterprise contributes one-fourth of the country's GDP, supports two-thirds of the country's livelihood, and is the backbone of agribusiness. Horticulture employs more than three-fifths of India's population while contributing only one-fifth of the country's GDP. There should be legitimate concerns regarding the efficient operation of this sector, both in terms of yield/efficiency and promotion. Markets provide a middle of the road connection between manufacturers and last interest by purchasers, while yield and usefulness are supply side components. Fruit and vegetables, whether green, yellow, orange, red, or purple, keep us healthy while also adding variety, taste, and texture to our diets. Even if you eat rice or bread every day, you most likely ingest a variety of fruits and vegetables. A monotonous diet is not only bad for humans; it's also bad for the environment because it can lead to monocultures and biodiversity loss. Fruit and vegetables are edible plant components (e.g., seed-bearing structures, flowers, buds, leaves, stems, shoots, and roots) that are either farmed or gathered wild, and are consumed fresh or with minimal processing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Eco-friendly Management of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) on Cumin, Cuminum cyminum Linn.
    Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) is important seed spice crop commonly known as Jeera belongs to family Apiaceae. It is a drought tolerant, tropical or subtropical crop. The stem of plants are slender and branched, rarely exceeding 1 feet in height and somewhat angular. The leaves are divided into long, narrow segments like fennel, but much smaller and are of a deep green colour, generally turned black at the ends. The upper leaves are nearly stalking less, but the lower ones have longer leaf stalks. The flowers are small, rose-colored or white, in stalked umbels with only four to six rays, each of which are only about 1/3 inch long. They are oblong in shape, thicker in the middle, compressed laterally about 5 inch long, resembling caraway seeds, but lighter in colour and bristly instead of smooth, almost straight, instead of being curved.