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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Long-term effects of organic manures and fertilizers on soil organic carbon pools and nitrogen fractions
    (CCSHAU, 2013) Kumara, B.H.; Antil, R.S.
    An ongoing long-term experiment on the integrated nutrient management (FYM and fertilizer N) under pearl millet-wheat cropping sequence was selected which has been running at the research farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University since October, 1967. The experimental treatments consisted of 3 levels of FYM at 15, 30 and 45 Mg ha-1 till 2007-08 and 5, 10 and 15 Mg ha-1 from 2008-09 onwards; there modes of application: every kharif crop (summer season), in every rabi crop (winter season) and in both (kharif and rabi) the crops. An absolute control with application of FYM in any of the seasons was maintained as control. These 10 treatments (3 FYM levels X 3 modes of application + 1 FYM control) were allocated in the main plots and each main plot was subdivided into 3 sub-plots receiving fertilizer N at 0 and 120 kg N ha-1 in each season through urea using split plot design. Keeping the results of the above long-term experiment in mind, another long-term experiment was planned in 1995, to test/validate the results of above experiments by using different kinds of organic manures in combination with fertilizers under pearl millet-wheat cropping system. The experiment was laid out with the following treatments in a randomized block design with three replications; 75 kg N + 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1, 150 kg N + 60 Kg ha-1 P2O5 ha-1, 15 Mg FYM ha-1, 15 Mg FYM + 150 kg N ha-1, 15 Mg FYM + 150 kg N+30 Kg P2O5 ha-1, 5 Mg poultry manure ha-1, 5 Mg poultry manure +150 kg N+30 Kg P2O5 ha-1, 7.5 Mg press mud ha-1, 7.5 Mg press mud +75 kg N + 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1, 7.5 Mg press mud +150 kg N + 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1. The changes in soil organic C fractions (DOC, MBC, LFC and HFC) and N fractions (acid insoluble-N, hydrolysable NH3-N, amino acid-N, amino sugar-N, hydrolysable unknown-N and total hydrolysable-N) were more dynamic in various treatments consisting of modes and levels of FYM and fertilizer N. A significant increase in soil organic C pools and N fractions when FYM applied at 15 Mg ha-1 followed by 10 and 5 Mg ha-1. Highest increase in soil organic C pools and N fractions were noticed when 15 Mg FYM ha-1 was applied along with 120 kg N ha-1 in both the seasons compared to applied in rabi or kharif seasons. Increased organic C, available macro (N, P and K) and micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu) and concentration of nutrients (NPK) contents were affected by the degree of change from the historical (43 years of experiments) amendment of FYM in different modes and levels of the intervention and fertilizer N levels. Increase in organic C, available N, P, K, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu, and concentration of nutrients contents was obsreved, when FYM applied at 15 Mg ha-1 followed by 10 and 5 Mg ha-1 and highest were noticed when FYM applied in both the seasons compared to applied either in rabi or kharif season. Continuous application of organic manures alone or in conjunction with NP fertilizer for 16 years led to resulted increase in the contents of various pools/form of organic C and N. The highest organic C and N fractions were recorded with 15 Mg FYM+150 kg N + 30 Kg P2O5 ha-1. The build-up of organic C and N fractions and nutrient contents were higher in surface (0-15 cm) soil as compare to sub-surface (15-30 and 30-45 cm) soil. Application of FYM along with NP fertilizers led to the greatest increase in various organic N fractions followed by pressmud and poultry manure. Organic C, available N, P, K, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu contents of the soil decreased from its initial value, when only NP fertilizers were applied and increased significantly with the application of organic manures applied alone or applied in conjunction with NP fertilizers. Application of organic manures (FYM, pressmud and poultry manure) along with NP fertilizers produced significantly higher grain yield of pearl millet and wheat. Integrated use of fertilizers with organic manures maintained the sustainability of the pearl millet-wheat cropping system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of greenhouse gas mitigation potential of conservation agriculture practices under rice-wheat cropping system
    (CCSHAU, 2014) Vivek Shankar; Grewal, M.S.
    This experiment was initiated in a farmer s participatory mode at Karnal, Haryana with the specific objectives to assess GHG (CH4, N2O and CO2) mitigation potential of conservation agriculture practices in rice-wheat cropping system under contrasting establishment systems and to study the effect of inorganic Nitrogen fertilization application on GHG fluxes from rice wheat cropping system. The location for conducting the experiment was chosen in the village Taraori (N 29°48 35; E 76°55 16) in Karnal district of Haryana, which was under rice-wheat rotation continuously since past 15 years. The experiment was installed in the year 2011 on a soil classified as clay loam texture. The experiment consisted of different TCE & residues and nitrogen levels system with a splitplot experimental design with three replicates. GHGs fluxes were monitored using an opaque chamber manual sampling system. At each sampling date, GHG samples were collected at 0, 10, 20 and 30 minutes interval from each gas chamber. Collected samples were analyzed for GHGs fluxes using a Bruker Gas Chromatograph equipped with Thermal conductivity detector (TCD), Flame ionization detector (FID) and Electron Capture Detector (ECD). For the first year rice crop, statistically non-significant CH4-C emissions were recorded across the three TCE methods. For PTR treatments, cumulative emission of 14.27 kg CH4-C ha-1 was observed, which was very high than that recorded for the DSR-R and DSR+R treatments, as 3.97 and 3.36 kg CH4-C ha-1. However for the second year (2012) rice crop, significant difference was observed amongst the three main plot treatments. Cumulative emissions for PTR treatments of 20.83 kg CH4-C ha-1 was statistically different and higher than that from the DSR-R and DSR+R treatments, whose observed values were 0.54 and 3.98 kg CH4-C ha-1, respectively. For the first year of wheat crop (2011- 12) total cumulative emission from the ZTW-R treatment was 0.29 kg N2O-N ha-1, which was very low as compared to the CTW and ZTW+R treatments. For the CTW treatment, cumulative N2O-N emission was 0.29 kg ha-1, while for ZTW+R treatment, cumulative N2O-N emission was 0.30 kg ha-1. For the second crop of wheat (2012-13), cumulative emission from the ZTW-R treatment was 1.00 kg N2O-N ha-1, which was very high as compared to the CTW and ZTW+R treatments. For the CTW treatment, cumulative N2O-N emission was 0.72 kg ha-1, while for ZTW+R treatment, cumulative N2O-N emission was 0.90 kg ha-1. For rice crop, (2011), the GWP values for the main plot treatments differed significantly, with PTR plots recording a GWP of 10.09 tons of CO2-eq/yr, which was higher as compared to the two notill plots i.e. DSR-R and DSR+R treatments, which recorded a value of 7.58 and 7.28 tons of CO2- eq/yr, respectively. For the second year rice crop (2012), the GWP values for the main plot treatments did not differed significantly with each other. The GWP values for PTR treatments were higher than that for the no till treatments. PTR plots recorded a GWP of 10.92 tons of CO2-eq/yr, which was higher as compared to the two no-till plots i.e. DSR-R and DSR+R treatments, which recorded a value of 10.40 and 10.46 tons of CO2-eq/yr, respectively. For the first crop of wheat (2011-12), although, TCE methods remained non significant, there had been quite obvious differences in the GWP for CTW, ZTW-R and ZTW+R treatments. CTW recorded the highest GWP of 7.75 tons of CO2-eq/yr, as compared to 6.76 tons of CO2-eq/yr, GWP forZTW-R treatment. The ZTW+R treatment recorded the lowest GWP value of 6.54 tons of CO2-eq/yr. similar trend was followed by the second year wheat crop (2012-13) too. CTW recorded the highest GWP of 10.41 tons of CO2-eq/yr, as compared to 9.81 tons of CO2-eq/yr, GWP for ZTW+R treatment.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil properties, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and residual effect on pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)
    (CCSHAU, 2014) Kidane, Tadele Amdemariam; Mittal, S.B.
    A field experiment entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil properties, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield and residual effect on pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) was carry out at Soil Science Research Farm, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 2011-12 and 2012-13 to investigate the impact of different combinations of fertilizers with manure and bio-fertilizers (N fixing bacteria-Azotobacter and P solubilizing bacteria (Phosphobacterium) on wheat productivity, soil physico-chemical properties and to study their residual effect on the subsequent pearl millet crop. The experiment was laid out in split-split plot design with three replications comprising four levels of manure (control; 20 t ha-1 FYM; 10 t ha-1 FYM+10 t ha-1 vermicompost; and 20 t ha-1 vermicompost) in main plot; three levels of fertilizers (no NPK; 50% of recommended NPK and full (100%) recommended NPK) in sub plots and two levels of bio-fertilizes i.e., no inoculation and Azotobacter + phosphate solubilizing bacteria used as seed inoculants in sub-sub plots. Treatments were applied to wheat and the residual effects were studied on pearl millet. Results showed that, in wheat, significantly higher plant height, seeds/spike, 1000-seeds weight and effective tillers/m were registered in treatment VC20+NPK100 which was at par with FYM20+NPK100 for 1000-seed weight and plant height. Sole application of fertilizer gave at par results to VC20+NPK50 for plant height, effective tillers/m, seeds/spike and 1000-seed weight. Treatment VC20+NPK100, [VC10+FYM10]+NPK100 and FYM20+NPK100 were at par and gave significantly higher grain and straw yields of wheat over other treatments. Bio-fertilizer (Azo+PSB) significantly increased the yield attributing characteristics and the grain and straw yields of wheat. Uptakes of N, P and K by wheat were significantly varied with treatments and for a given level of manure, an increase in the level of NPK led to a significant increase in the content and uptake of these nutrients. Application of NPK100 without manure was at par with FYM20+NPK50. [VC10+FYM10] + NPK50 and VC20+NPK50 treatments for N and P uptake by the crop. Use of manure alone, whether as VC or FYM or their mix, was significantly inferior to the combined application of manure and NPK fertilizer for N, P and K content and uptake in wheat. Integration of manure, fertilizer and bio-fertilizer significantly improved the DTPA extractable micronutrients and their uptake by wheat. Bio-fertilizer use caused significantly higher total N, P, K and micronutrient uptake over the BF0. Soil pH and EC tended to decrease with the increase in organic carbon supply and lower values were recorded in FYM20 and NPK100 treatments while the higher were in FYM/VC0 and NPK0 treatment. Considering manure and NPK fertilizer, significantly higher available N, P and K and DTPA extractable micronutrients were obtained in VC20 and NPK100 treatments. Combined use manure and full fertilizer recommendations (FYM20+NPK100,[VC10+FYM10] + NPK100, and VC20+NPK100) showed significantly higher maximum soil moisture holding capacity (MSWHC), water stable soil aggregate (WSA) and hydraulic conductivity (HC). MSWHC, HC and WSA were lower in FYM/VC0+NPK100 while this treatment showed higher soil bulk density. Results on residual effect of INM applied in the preceding wheat to pearl millet showed that pearl millet grain and straw yields were significantly influenced by the residual effects of manure, fertilizer and bio-fertilizer and higher results were obtained in treatment FYM20, FYM10+VC10, and VC20. Considering manure and fertilizer, higher grain and straw yields were recorded in residuals of FYM10+VC10 and NPK100 and lower yields were recorded in FYM/VC0 and NPK0 treatment. Significantly higher available N, P and K and DTPA extractable Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn were recorded in plots that received 20 tons of manure in the preceding wheat while the lower values were found in FYM/VC0 treatment. The MSMHC, HC and WSA values were significantly improved due to the interaction effect of manure and fertilizer and higher percentage of MSMHC, HC and WSA were observed in FYM20+NPK100 treatment.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nitrogen mineralization in neem cake amended soil and its uptake by wheat
    (CCSHAU, 2010) Saha, Sushanta; Dahiya, Daljit Singh
    The effect of different proportions of neem cake on urea hydrolysis and N-transformation in soils was studied in the laboratory. The findings of the study revealed that the amount of unhydrolysed urea decreased with the increase of incubation period from 3 h to 24 h sampling in all the soils. However, at a particular incubation period the hydrolysis of urea decreased markedly with increasing proportions of neem cake treated with the soil. The content of NH4 +-N increased upto 1st day of incubation in soils containing treatments from control to 50% N supplied through neem cake and decreased with further increase in incubation period. Similarly, the soil amended with 75% N through neem cake the NH4 +-N increased upto 7 days of incubation and decreased thereafter. On the other hand, the increase in NH4 +-N content was found upto 28 days in soil amended with only neem cake and then decreased with the further increase in incubation periods. The amount of NO3 --N increased with increasing incubation period in all the soils. The NO3 --N content decreased significantly at each incubation period as the proportions of N through neem cake increases from 25% to 100% as compared to soil treated with 100% N through urea. To study the effect of different levels of N and neem cake on yield and uptake of nutrients by wheat a screen-house experiment was conducted. The results revealed that mean dry matter yield of wheat increased significantly with increasing levels of N upto 60 mg kg-1 over control in the presence of neem cake when it was applied at both 20 days before sowing and at the time of sowing. The dry matter yield of wheat also enhanced significantly with the increasing doses of neem cake upto 0.125% when applied at 20 days before sowing and 0.250% when applied at the time of sowing and then decreased as the doses of neem cake increased to 0.500%. The uptake of N, P and K increased significantly with increasing levels of neem cake upto 0.125% and 0.250%, respectively, when applied at 20 and 0 days before sowing. The mean uptake of Zn, Cu and Mn by wheat increased with increasing levels of N in the presence of neem cake upto 60 mg kg-1 over control when neem cake was applied at both 0 and 20 days before sowing. Mean uptake of Fe increased upto 40 mg kg-1 N when neem cake was applied at 20 days before sowing and upto 60 mg kg-1 when applied at 0 days before sowing. The mean uptake of Zn and Cu also increased with increasing levels of neem cake upto 0.125% and 0.250%, respectively, when applied at 20 and 0 days before sowing. Similarly, mean uptake of Fe increased with increasing levels of neem cake upto 0.125% in both the cases of neem cake application. However, the mean uptake of Mn by wheat decreased with increasing levels of neem cake at both 20 and 0 days before sowing. Available N, P and organic carbon content of post harvest soil samples increased with the increasing levels of nitrogen and neem cake. The post-harvest available K content decreased with the application of N but increased with the application of neem cake.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Long-term effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on soil organic carbon and nitrogen fractions in rice-wheat system
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Kaur, Jasritu; J.P. Singh
    Thirteen years of continuous cropping without any fertilization or with inadequate supply of nutrients in imbalanced manner led to loss of total organic carbon over its initial level in soil. The per cent increase in soil organic carbon was 49.0, 39.2, and 13.7 % over mineral fertilizer treatment (N150P75K75Zn25) in pressmud, farmyard manure and green manure amended treatments, respectively. The content of all four organic carbon fractions increased significantly over control by use of combined application of organic manures with inorganic fertilizers. The pressmud, farmyard manure and green manure amended treatments accumulated significantly higher organic carbon fractions than burnt rice husk and N150P75K75Zn25 treatments. On an average, the heavy fraction carbon constituted the major portion (about 80.7%) of the total soil organic carbon. Continuous rice-wheat cultivation for 13 years without any fertilization was unable to maintain total soil nitrogen level to its original level and resulted in decrease at 8 mg N kg-1 year-1. Likewise, all the N fractions recorded a significant decrease over their initial levels in the soil. The increase in total N content with the application of farmyard manure, pressmud and green manure plus inorganic fertilizer treatments over mineral fertilizer only treatment (N150P75K75Zn25) was 23.1, 34.4 and 7.0%, respectively. All the four hydrolysable N fractions and non-hydrolysable N registered significant increase due to inorganic fertilizers or organic amended treatments over their respective initial status. On an average, amino acid-N, amino sugar-N, ammonia-N and hydrolyzable unknown-N constituted about 27.4, 10.2, 28.2 and 34.2 per cent of the total hydrolysable-N after wheat harvest, respectively. Balanced application of nutrients (N150P75K75Zn25) increased the grain yield of rice significantly as compared to control or inadequate supply of nutrients to rice. Application of FYM along with fertilizers increased rice grain yield by 5.0 q ha-1 over that obtained with mineral fertilizer only treatment (N150P75K75Zn25). The grain yield of rice did not differ significantly among press mud, green manure, burnt rice husk and mineral fertilizer only treatments (N150P75K75Zn25). Application of N75P37.5K37.5Zn25 in green manured plot produced rice grain yield similar to that obtained with N150P75K75Zn25 treatment indicating a saving of approximately 50% of inorganic fertilizers with Sesbania green manuring. The residual effect of FYM, press mud and green manure on the grain yield of succeeding wheat crop was positive but significant effect was observed only for FYM treatment. Among the organic manures treatments, the highest uptake of macro-and micronutrients by rice crop was observed with FYM, followed by green manure and press mud treatments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Status and distribution of potassium and sulphur in north-eastern region of Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Mondal, Koustav; Ramkala
    For the investigation of status of potassium and sulphur in north-eastern region of Haryana, 264 surface soil samples (0-15 cm depth) were collected at an interval of 2-3 km. from Ambala (86), Yamunanagar (102) and Panchkula (76) districts using GPS. Eight soil profile samples from each of Ambala, Yamunanagar and Panchkula districtsat depth from 0-15, 15-30, 30-60, and 60-90cm. were also collected to study the distribution of potassium and sulphur. Available potassium of surface soil samples ranged from 44 (Kashroli villege) to 867 (Kalu mazra village) kg/ha with a mean value of 148 kg/ha in Ambala district. In panchkula district it ranged from 44 (Mattawala village) to 865 (Ramgarh village) kg/ha with a mean value of 138 kg/ha where as in Yamunanagar district potassium content varied from 62 (Bhallo mazra village) to 441 (Bamboli village) kg/ha with a mean value of 147 kg/ha. Maximum potassium deficient samples were observed at Panchkula district that is 60.5 % followed by Yamunanagar and Ambala 36.3 and 30.2 % respectively. In case of Ambala and Yamunanagar districts maximum percent soil samples were in medium that is 62.8 and 52 % respectively. Nutrient index value for potassium was found 1.77, 1.76 and 1.47 in Ambala, Yamunanagar and Panchkula districts respectively. Available sulphur ranged from 4 to 39 (Devinagar village) mg/kg soil with a mean value of 15.4 mg/kg soil in Ambala district. In Panchkula district it ranged from 1.9 (Pota village) to 39.4 (Ramgrh village) mg/kg soil with a mean value of 13.6 mg/kg soil where as in Yamunanagar district sulphur content varied from 3.8 (Shakhon majra village) to 41.3 (Pritnagar village) mg/kg soil with a mean value of 20 mg/kg soil. Maximum percent sulphur deficiency was found in Panchkula that is 38.2 % whereas in case of Ambala and Yamunanagar district percent deficiency of sulphur was found to be 30.2 and 11.8 % respectively. Nutrient index value for sulphur was found 2.29, 1.95 and 1.80 in Yamunanagar, Ambala and Panchkula respectivelyThe distribution of different forms of potassium i.e. water soluble, exchangeable, non- exchangeable and total K varied from 7 to 42 mg/kg, 23 to 198 mg/kg, 111 to 749 mg/kg and 1.24 % to 2.13 % respectively. Organic carbon and CEC showed positive correlation with all the forms of K and which were found to be positively correlated with each other. The distribution of different forms of sulphur i.e. available, organic, non-sulphate inorganic and total sulphur content varied from 1.9 to 35 mg/kg, 31.3 to 74.5 mg/kg , 43.5 to 92.5 mg/kg and 179.4 to 186.3 mg/kg respectively in the north-eastern region of Haryana.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response and enrichment of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) genotypes with respect to zinc and iron application
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Deb Roy, Partha; Narwal, Ramphal
    To understand the response and enrichment of seed and straw of green gram genotypes with Zn and Fe, a screen house experiment was conducted at CCS HAU, Hisar during the year 2010-11.The results of the study revealed that application of Zn and Fe increased all the yield attributes i.e. branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per pod and seed weight significantly over control. But recommended doses of soil plus foliar application of Zn and Fe was found better as compare to other methods of Zn application in increasing the yield attributes. Combined application of 5.5 kg Zn ha-1 plus 0.1% Zn as foliar increased the yield of straw by 56.4% and seed yield by 57%, which was highest as compare to rest of the treatment. Likewise, when Fe was applied @ 10 kg Fe ha-1 plus two foliar spray of 0.1% Fe, gave the maximum straw yield of 63.2 g pot-1. But, in green gram genotypes, highest seed yield (8.23 g pot-1) was observed where Fe was applied in soil @ 30 kg ha-1. The maximum Zn concentration in straw and seed (5.48 and 3.5 folds over control) was achieved when combined application of soil plus foliar was made. In case of iron a combined application of 10 kg Fe ha-1 plus foliar spray of 0.1% Fe gave the highest Fe content in straw and seed as 1.9 folds in straw and 1.3 folds in seed of green gram genotypes respectively. The uptake of Zn and Fe in all the green gram genotypes also increased significantly with externally applied increased level of zinc and iron. Soil plus foliar application of both Zn and Fe increased the seed crude protein content by 26.9 % and 26.5 % respectively over control. Green gram genotypes showed a considerable variation among their tolerance to Zn and Fe stress condition. Under Zn stress condition, Muskaan was the most tolerant while Basanti, Satya and MH 318 were found quite susceptible to zinc. Whereas in case of Fe stress condition, genotypes Asha, Basanti and MH 318 were found moderately tolerant and Satya, MH 421, MH 565 and Muskan were grouped as susceptible. Post harvest analysis of soil sample showed a significant increase in soil available Zn and Fe content when applied as basal in soil. In correlation analysis it was found that Zn and Fe content in seed and straw showed a positive and significant correlation with DTPA-extractable zinc and iron. Among yield attributes, seed and straw Zn content showed a significant and positive correlation with all the yield attributes except branches per plant. Likewise, straw iron concentration was also significantly and positively correlated with most of the yield attributes. On the contrary, Fe concentration in seed showed a significant and positive correlation only with seed weight.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Long term effect of sodic water irrigation, gypsum and FYM on soil properties and okra yield
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Monika; Sharma, S.K.
    A field study was conducted using the experimental unit of an ongoing long term experiment which has been in progress since 1994. The okra crop was irrigated with high RSC (11.5 me/L) sodic water having three levels of gypsum [(G0, G1 and G2) G0 control, G1=50% neutralization of RSC, G2=100% neutralization of RSC] as well as FYM [(F0, F1 and F2) (F0=Control, F1=10 tons/ha, F2=20 tons/ha)] in 2010-11 on a sandy loam Typic Ustochrept having 19.6 percent clay and 9.3 cmol kg-1 CEC in 0-30cm layer at the Vegetable Crops Research Farm of CCS HAU, Hisar. The days to 50% germination and days to appearance of 1st flower in 50% plants was hastened with the increased application of FYM and gypsum. The plant height, number of branches and number of fruits per plant and okra yield showed a significant increase with the application of FYM @ 10 (F1) and 20 (F2) tons ha-1 and gypsum @ 50% (G1) and 100% (G2) neutralization of RSC. The Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe and Ca+Mg in okra plant were also significantly increased with the application of gypsum and FYM. The sodium concentration in okra plant showed the decreasing trend with the increase in application of FYM and gypsum. The increase in Na/K ratio of plant showed the declining trend with okra yield. The sodium concentration decreased but Ca+Mg concentration increased significantly both with gypsum and FYM. Adverse effect of residual alkalinity of irrigation water was quite prominent on physico-chemical and microbiological properties of soil. Infiltration rate as well as hydraulic conductivity were significantly increased with increase in gypsum level and decreased with increase in FYM level. But the bulk density decreased with FYM and gypsum. The pH and ESP of soil particularly in surface layer (0-15cm) which were very high under F0G0, lowered to normality with the use of FYM and gypsum as amendments. However, the CaCO3 and organic carbon concentration increased significantly with increasing levels of gypsum and FYM. The basal respiration ratio as well as microbial biomass carbon concentration showed a significant increase with the application of FYM and gypsum. The Alkaline phosphtase and dehydrogenease activity were also increased significantly with the increase in application of FYM and gypsum when compared with treatments without the use of FYM and gypsum as amendments.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil and physiological properties in pearl millet-wheat cropping system
    (CCSHAU, 2011) Kamboj, Kamal; Manoj Kumar
    The field experiment entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil and physiological properties in pearl millet-wheat cropping system” was conducted during the year 2010- 11 at Agronomy Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar (India). The experiment consisting of twelve treatments was laid out in randomized block design with four replications. Soil fertility status was observed better with integrated nutrient management treatments particularly where 50% N was substituted with FYM in pearl millet and 100 RD-NPK in wheat as compared to chemical fertilizer treatments. In pearl millet crop, treatment T6 (50% RD-NPK + 50% N through FYM in pearl millet and 100% RD-NPK in wheat) exhibitedhighest photochemical quantum yield and chlorophyll content in leaves. Yield contributing characters and in yields (grain and straw) were also recorded highest in treatment T6. Grain and stover yields of pearl millet increased with progressive increase in inorganic fertilizer dose. In pearl millet-wheat cropping system total N,P and K uptake by both grain and straw in pearl millet was higher in integrated nutrient management treatments as compared to inorganic fertilizer treatments.In wheat crop, treatment T6 exhibitedhighest photochemical quantum yield and chlorophyll content in leaves. Yield contributing characters and yields (grain and straw) were also recorded highest in treatment T6. Grain and straw yields of wheat increased with progressive increase in inorganic fertilizer dose. In pearl millet-wheat cropping sequence total N, P and K uptake by both grain and straw in wheat was higher in integrated nutrient management treatments as compared to inorganic fertilizer treatments.