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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Adaptive Responses To Cadmium Toxicity And Salinity By Nitric Oxide In Chickpea ( Cicer Arietinum L.) Plants
    (Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University; Hisar, 2009) Anita Kumri; Sheokand, Sunita
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Transpiration traits and biodrainage potential of some tree species
    (CCSHAU, 2008) Mahesh Kumar; Datta, K.S.
    The present investigation was carried out on 10 different tree species i.e. Eucalyptus Clone-10, Eucalyptus Clone-130, Eucalyptus Clone-3, Eucalyptus hybrid, Tamarix aphylla, Prosopis juliflora, Callistemon viminalis, Melia azedarach, Terminalia arjuna and Pongamia pinnata to study various transpirational traits and correlate these with their biodrainage potential. For this, their growth parameters (height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and girth) and physiological traits (leaf area index (LAI), stomatal conductance, stomata density, relative water content (RWC), excised leaf water loss (ELWL), potometric water loss (PWL), sub stomatal CO2, transpiration rate, and photosynthesis rate) were recorded. Eucalyptus C-10, Eucalyptus C-3, Eucalyptus C-130 and Eucalyptus hybrid showed maximum plant height and DBH. LAI was highest in Eucalyptus hybrid. Stomatal density was found in the range of 197-335/mm2 on adaxial side, 215-451/mm2 on abaxial side. Minimal stomata density of 167 /mm2 was found in Tamarix aphylla and maximum of 592/ mm2 in Callistemon viminalis. Overall range of stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, sub-stomatal CO2 and transpiration rate were in range of 0.08-0.40 mol m2 S-1, 3.52 to 12.0 μ mol m2 S-1, 325.3- 269.48 μ mol/ mol, 4.22-7.39 m mol m2 S-1 respectively. PWL, RWC, ELWL were on the higher side in Eucalyptus species (varying amongst different species). Melia azedarach showed longer and wider vessels length than other species but Tamarix aphylla had shortest vessels and Eucalyptus Clone -130 had narrowest vessels. Tracheids were longer in Eucalyptus C-10 and shortest in Melia azedarach with wide variation among the different tree species. However, width of tracheids in all the species was in a very narrow range i.e. 20-29 μm. It was seen that water table started declining beneath the plantation after 08.00 hrs, and towards 16.00 hrs it reached a minimum level during the diurnal cycle. Amongst the different tree species biodrainage potential, as determined by decline in water table beneath the plantation, was in order of: Eucalyptus C-10 ≈ Eucalyptus hybrid > Eucalyptus C-130 ≈ Tamarix aphylla > Prosopis juliflora > Eucalyptus C-3 > Callistemon viminalis ≈ Melia azedarach > Terminalia arjuna ≈ Pongamia pinnata. Correlation analysis showed that by and large biodrainage potential had a significant positive correlation with LAI, height, DBH, stomata density and transpiration rate. Trends of significant correlation with other physiological traits like PWL, RWC, ELWL and length and width of tracheary elements were not significantly consistent in all the species.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) genotypes for phosphorus uptake efficiency
    (CCSHAU, 2008) Lamba, Ishu; Sandooja, J.K.
    An experiment was conducted with six pigeonpea genotypes namely Paras, ICPL-88039, H2000-37, H2000-47, H2001-4,and H2001-37, at different levels of phosphorus i.e. 15%, 30%, 60% and 100% in pot culture house. Various parameters like fresh and dry weight of root and shoot, leaf area, photosynthetic rate, total chlorophyll content, total phosphorus content of root and shoot, total nitrogen content of root and shoot, fresh weight of nodules, leghaemoglobin content, acetylene reduction activity, yield and its attributing characters were analysed at three sampling stages i.e. 45, 75 & 110 days after sowing. Another experiment was conducted in laboratory with four pigeonpea genotypes i.e. H2001-37, Paras, H2000-37 and ICPL-88039 with same treatments of phosphorus. However, the parameters studied were root length, number of root hairs, root-shoot ratio and alkaline phosphatase activity only 10 days after sowing  Maximum fresh wt. of the root was observed in ICPL-88039 and minimum fresh weight was observed in H2001-37, whereas maximum fresh weight of shoot was observed in H2000-37 genotype and minimum was in Paras genotype.  Dry weight of root was maximum in H2001-27 whereas dry weight of shoot was maximum in H2000-37. Minimum root was observed in H2001-37 genotype whereas minimum dry weight of shoot was observed in Paras genotype.  Photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content, leaf area was maximum in Paras genotype (Check variety). However, total phosphorus and nitrogen content at low phosphorus application was better in H2000-37 genotype.  Nodule weight, acetylene reductase activity, leghaemoglobin content was high in Paras & H2001-37 genotype. However at lower P application H2001-37 performed better. In second experiment, at low phosphorus application maximum root length was observed in H2000-37 where number of root hairs were highest in H2001-37 genotype. Phosphatase activity was highest in H2001-37 genotype at low phosphorus application.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of some herbicides for management of resistant littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor retz.)
    (CCSHAU, 2009) P. Bhasker; Dhawan, Rupa
    Littleseed canarygrass (Phalaris minor Retz.) is a major weed in wheat fields, and has developed resistance to the commonly used herbicide isoproturon. Some reports of evolution of cross resistance against fenoxaprop-p-ethyl have also appeared. This study explores the potential use of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, clodinafop, pinoxaden and ready mix formulation of sulfosulfuron plus metsulfuron (‘Total’), as post-emergence herbicides to control resistant littleseed canarygrass in wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) and investigate the mechanism of evolution of cross resistance to fenoxaprop in P.minor. Greenhouse studies were carried out to determine the phytotoxicity of these herbicides in relation to percent mortality, plant height, fresh plant biomass, dry plant biomass, chlorophyll and carotenoid content and leaf membrane injury on littleseed canarygrass and wheat. These experiments were conducted in green house unit, Department of Agronomy, CCS HAU, Hisar (India). Resistant biotypes of Phalaris minor were collected from different locations of Haryana during 2007-08. Seven biotypes of P.minor from HAU-Hisar, Uchana, Ambala, Nangla, Chanarthal-1, Chanarthal-2 and Chanarthal-3, were raised along with wheat (PBW- 343) in pots. Herbicides (0-240 g ha-1 fenoxaprop, 0-60 g ha-1 clodinafop, 0-120 g ha-1 pinoxaden, 0-80 g ha-1 ‘Total’) were sprayed 35 DAS. Application of fenoxaprop 120 g ha-1, clodinafop 60 g ha-1, pinoxaden 60 g ha-1, provided control of biotypes from HAU-Hisar, Uchana, Ambala and Nangla but not from Chanarthal. However, application of pinoxaden 120 g ha-1 and ready mix formulation of sulfosulfuron plus metsulfuron 80 g ha-1 provided complete control of all biotypes of P.minor. Same situation was observed in laboratory experiments. Of the 7 biotypes studied, these were classified as sensitive (HAU-Hisar and Ambala), partially resistant (Uchana and Nangla) and resistant types (Chanarthal-1, Chanarthal-2 and Chanarthal-3). Dose response curves of decline in fresh weight against herbicide doze provided good indication of the resistance in various biotypes. GR50 values of the populations tested against fenoxaprop were in the range of 80 - >240 g ha-1, against clodinafop 30->60 g ha-1, against pinoxaden 10-120 g ha-1 and against ‘Total’ was 20 - > 80 g ha-1. This is supported by pigment retention tests and ion efflux tests. Pigment retention (chl-a, chl-b and carotenoid) was lesser in susceptible biotypes and more in resistant biotypes after herbicide spray. Ion efflux was also more in susceptible biotypes as compared to resistant biotypes. Experiment on mechanism of evolution of resistance to fenoxaprop is indicative of the fact that there is lesser involvement of detoxification mechanism pointing towards target site alteration.