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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic analysis of grain filling components using molecular markers in RILs of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)
    (CCSHAU, 2013) Gollen, Babita; Subhadra Singh
    A total of 103 F10 RILs of bread wheat derived from HUW-510 x WH-730 were evaluated for their grain filling process under normal sown (NS) and late sown (LS) field experiments conducted in Rabi seasons of 2010-11 and 2011-12.An รก-design in replicates with 15 block each was used for evaluation. The grain filling was studied by sampling the developing grains at 5 - day intervals after days to anthesis (DAA) till physiological maturity. The process of grain filling was characterized by estimating 3 parameters of grain development, namely final grain weight (W), maximum grain filling rate (R) and grain filling duration (GFD) by fitting non-linear logistic regression. Highly significant genotypic differences existed for all the three grain filling traits. However, a comparisons of : RILs with that of parents, between parents and among RILs revealed gene dispersion between parents. This inference was substantiated by the observation of transgressive segregants in both positive and negative directions for all the traits in the RIL population. Selective genotyping method of QTL detection was used and a total of 300 SSR primers were screened in a sub-population of 37 RILs and 112 primers were found to be polymorphic. Linkage map was constructed using 99 unambiguous polymorphic markers. QTL detection for W, R, GFD and also TGW and KPS was performed using single marker analysis (SMA) and composite interval mapping (CIM). A total of 61 putative QTLs using SMA and a total of 23 major QTLs were detected using CIM. Some QTLs in coupling and some in repulsion phase were observed and explained positive and negative associations respectively between traits. A number of QTLs for increasing the grain filling rate (R) and reducing the grain filling duration (GFD),were found to be useful to counteract the terminal heat stress . These QTLs may be exploited for genetic improvement of the wheat. Markers Xgwm95 and barc21 were found to be closely linked to QTLs for R and GFD and can be used for MAS after validation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic analysis of terminal heat tolerance in wheat using molecular markers
    (CCSHAU, 2014) Gupta, Mamta; Chawla, Veena
    The present investigation was carried out for genotyping and phenotyping of F2 population for heat tolerance in wheat and identification of putative QTLs using F2 population of cross PBW373 x WH1081 and PBW373 x PBW343. Three parents and four check varieties (Raj3765, WH730, DBW17 and WH711) were evaluated in field under normal sown (29.Nov.2011)and late sown (3.Jan.2012) conditions. Two factor ANOVA exhibited highly significant differences for genotypes, environments, as well as for genotype x environment interactions for days to heading, days to anthesis, days to physiological maturity, grain filling duration, plant height, number of productive tillers/plant, number of grains/spike, 1000 grain weight, grain yield/plant, biomass/plant, harvest index and membrane thermostability. HSI (Heat susceptibility index) for 1000 grain weight and grain yield/plant was observed to be significantly low in all tolerant genotypes (PBW373, Raj3765 and WH730). The performance of sensitive parents was affected to more extent in late sown conditions as compared to that in tolerant parents. Grain yield/plant showed a positive correlation with plant height (0.69**, 0.28**), biomass/plant (0.98**, 0.94**) and number of productive tillers/plant (0.89**, 0.85**) in both the crosses. For genotyping DNA from three parents PBW373, WH1081 and PBW343 was amplified using 200 SSRs. 158 SSRs showed amplification in parents. Only 22 SSRs produced polymorphic bands, of size between 100 to 300 bp and an average of 1.45 alleles. No polymorphism was observed in parents of other population. SSR amplification profile of 152 F2plants was used for identification of QTLs using QTL Cartographer version- 2.5. The single marker analysis identified 19 markers indicating the putative QTLs for yield, its components and heat stress related physiological traits. A total 22 SSRs were used to construct the map and these were found to be mapped on 16 linkage group. The number of markers on these 16 linkage groups varied from one to four. On A genome 13 QTLs were identified, on B genome 5 QTLs and on D genome 9 QTLs recepectively. The A-, Band D- genomes had 1360.3 cM, 272.4 cM and 919.5 cM of linkage coverage with average interval distances of 104.63 cM, 54.48 cM and 102.16 cM/Marker. A total of nine QTLs were resolved following composite interval mapping,one QTL was detected at a LOD score equal to threshold value of 2.5 while eight at LOD scores above the threshold value. All the nine QTLs were shown to be definitive located on chromosome 3A (QDh.CCSHAU-3A, QDa.CCSHAU-3A and QPm.CCSHAU-3A), cromosome 5A (QBm.CCSHAU-5A, QCtd.CCSHAU-5A and QCl.fl.CCSHAU-5A), chromosome 6A (QPh.CCSHAU-6A) and chromosome 3B (QTgw.CCSHAU and QMts.CCSHAU-3B). Positive QTL effect suggested that an allele of the above QTL for heat stress tolerance is available in the tolerant parental genotype PBW373. These putative QTLs indicated by the SSRs may be used in MAS after further validation using another mapping population.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Molecular analysis of recombinant inbred lines for Karnal bunt (Neovossia indica) resistance in wheat
    (CCSHAU, 2012) Sandeep Kumar; Chawla, Veena
    Present study was carried out t o screen 107 recombinant inbred l in es (RILs) of cross H567. 71 (r esistant) x WH542 (susceptible) for Karnal bunt resistance and to identify and validate SSR markers associated with Karnal bunt resistance in wheat. There was significant variation among all the recombinant in bred lines for percentage and coefficient of infection to Karnal bunt. Most of the RILs (85) and (72) showed up to 5% infection during the y ear 2010 and 2011 and thus were resistant. The range of percentage of infection (PI) in the susceptible RILs was 5.19 to 22.93 and 5.38 to 36.46 in the year 2010 and 2011 respectively , whereas, coefficient of infection on RILs ranged f r om 0 t o 8. 28 and 0 t o 14. 45 in the yea r 2010 and 2011 respectively. Significant variation s were also observed for different morphological traits such as, plant height, spike length, days to flowering, till er s/plant , 100 grain weight and grain yield/ plant. A total of 70 SSR markers were used t o screen parental genotypes out of these 42 were polymorphic. These 42 SSR markers were used to screen 20 selected RILs and a fingerprinting database was generated. Total of 88 alleles were detected, number of alleles per locus ranged from 2-3 with an average of 2.09 alleles per locus. Genetic similarity analysis showed that parental genotypes were quite distinct from each other . The cluster analysis led to distribution of parents and their RILs in to two groups at the similarity coefficient value of 0.39. Major cluster I, included resistant parent H567.71 with resistant lines and major cluster II had susceptible parent WH542 and susceptible lines. Bulk segregant analysis showed that three prime rs (Xgwm637, Xgwm337, Xgwm538) which were already reported to be associated with Karnal bunt resistance, also showed association with Karnal bunt resistance in population under study . A new marker (Xgwm6) located at 1.6 cM from Xgwm538 (o n chromosome 4B) was identif ied to be associated with karnal bunt resistance. These four markers were fur the r used to screen o n whole population and results were confirmed. Hence, these markers may be used for marker assisted selection for Karnal bunt resistance in early segregating generations .