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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of wheat varieties under Melia dubia Cav. based agroforestry system
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Narender; Arya, Sandeep
    The present investigation entitled "Performance of wheat varieties under Melia dubia Cav. based agroforestry system” was carried out at a farmer field in village Gillan Khera of district Fatehabad situated in western semi-arid part of Haryana during Rabi season of 2018-2019. The experiment was carried out to study the performance of five wheat varieties (WH 1105, WH 711, DBW 88, HD 3086 and HD 2967) under Melia dubia, growth of trees, moisture and changes in chemical properties of soil. The mean of various tree growth parameters after harvest viz. diameter at breast height (56.6 cm), tree height (16.3 m), and canopy spread (6.9 m) was recorded higher in intercropped trees instead of pure stand of Melia dubia. Plant growth parameters, yield attributes and physiological parameters like photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate were reported significantly higher in open conditions as compared to under plantation. Different growth parameters were found higher in HD-3086. Maximum grain yield was obtained in wheat variety HD-3086. Plant height at different stages of growth, number of plants per meter, spike length, biological yield, straw yield and photosynthetic rate were observed significantly higher in HD-3086. Wheat variety WH-711 was recorded with lesser growth parameters as well as yield among both the conditions. The soil pH and EC decreased more under plantation of Melia dubia plantation over control (sole wheat). An increase in soil organic carbon and available N, P and K content was also observed under Melia dubia based agroforestry system than under control. A significant increase in soil moisture content was observed while going deeper in soil depth and vice versa while going away from tree row.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of barley varieties under Melia dubia Cav. based agroforestry system
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Nanda, Krishma; Arya, Sandeep
    The present investigation entitled “Performance of barley varieties under Melia dubia Cav. based agroforestry system” was carried out at a farmer field in village Gillan Khera of district Fatehabad situated in western semi-arid region of Haryana during Rabi season of 2018-2019. The experiment was carried out to study the performance of five barley varieties (BH-902, BH-959, BH-885, BH-946 and BH-393) under Melia dubia along with growth of trees, moisture and changes in chemical properties of soil. The mean of various tree growth parameters viz. diameter at breast height (55.95 cm), tree height (15.70 m), and canopy spread (6.31 m) was recorded higher in intercropped trees compared to pure stand of Melia dubia. Plant growth parameters and yield attributes were reported significantly higher in open conditions as compared to under plantation. Different growth parameters viz. number of tillers, number of spikes, test weight were found higher in BH-885. Maximum grain yield was obtained in barley variety BH-946. Plant height at different stages of growth, number of plants per meter, spike length, biological and straw yield was observed significantly higher in BH-902. Barley variety BH-885 was recorded with lesser yield among both the conditions however, it had maximum number of tillers per meter, number of spikes per meter and significantly higher test weight. The soil pH and EC decreased more under plantation of Melia dubia plantation over control (sole barley). A considerable increase in soil organic carbon and available N, P and K content was also observed under Melia dubia based agroforestry system than under control (devoid of trees).A significant increase in soil moisture content was observed while going deeper in soil depth and vice versa while going away from tree row. Physiological parameters viz. photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration were found higher in open conditions whereas RWC and MSI were recorded higher in intercropped conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Mycorrhizal fungi and potting media on growth and nutrient uptake of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. in nursery
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Ishwar Anand; Singh, M.K.
    A pot experiment was conducted in the Nursery of Forestry Department, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during 2017-18. The experiment consists of 12 treatments with potting media in 1:1:1 ratio of field soil, FYM, and pond silt. These potting media inoculated with two (10g each) mycorrhiza fungi namely Glomus intraradices and Acaulospora scrobiculata was laid out in CRD with 3(10 seedlings/replications) and results were recorded after three and six months interval. All the growth parameters, available soil nutrients, and nutrient uptake understudied was recorded significantly higher in the treatment consisting of Field soil + FYM + Glomus intraradices except in root length, it was found significantly higher in the treatment consist of Field soil + FYM + Acaulospora scrobiculata. The potting mixture containing Field soil + FYM with mycorrhiza performed better than Field soil + Pond silt with mycorrhiza in terms of germination percent, root and shoot length, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot, number of leaves, collar diameter, Colonization Index, Mycorrhizal dependency, seeding quality index, spore count, Available N, P and K contents and nutrient uptake in plants after six months of Ailanthus excelsa seeds sown in potting media. Finally, it was observed that potting media consisting of Field soil + FYM + Glomus intraradices followed by Field soil + FYM + Acaulospora scrobiculata performed significantly better than any other treatments understudied.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different spacings of poplar (Populus deltoides) on growth and production of fodder crops
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Yadav, Sneh; Dhillon, R.S.
    The present investigation entitled “Effect of different spacings of poplar (Populus deltoides) on growth and production of fodder crops” was carried out at research area of Forestry Department, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during kharif and rabi seasons of 2018-19. The experiments were carried out to study the effect of different spacings (3×3 m, 4×3 m, 5×3 m, 6×3 m, 7×3 m and 8×3 m) of poplar on the growth and production of fodder crops (cowpea, sorghum, berseem and oat) as well as the changes in physico-chemical properties of soil. The maximum basal diameter (16.90 cm), DBH (13.92 cm) and crown spread (6.79 m) in poplar was recorded in8×3 m spacing. However, the maximum plant height (9.61 m) was attained in 3×3 m spacing of poplar. Plant population, plant height, leaf area index and fresh and dry fodder yield of the fodder crops were found significantly higher under 8×3 m spacing as compared to other spacings under study. Similarly, maximum light intensity (1056.3 Lux) was recorded in 8×3 m spacing at 1.00 pm in March. However, a reduction in fresh fodder yield of cowpea under spacings 3×3 m, 4×3 m, 5×3 m, 6×3 m, 7×3 m, 8×3 m of poplar was 81.71, 75.14, 63.00, 49.62, 39.81 and 25.60 per cent, respectively over control (devoid of trees), indicating that cowpea is more sensitive to shade. The soil pH and EC deceased more under different spacings of poplar over control (sole crop). A considerable increase in soil organic carbon and available N, P and K content was also observed under closer spacings (3×3 m, 4×3 m, 5×3 m) of poplar over control (devoid of trees).The cropping system of poplar (3×3 m) with oat was found more economical, gave maximum net returns (Rs.151767/-) and B:C ratio (2.24) followed by poplar + sorghum at same spacing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of winter crops under eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) based agroforestry system
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Kombra, Stanley; Ahlawat, K.S.
    The present investigation entitled “Performance of winter crops under eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) based agroforestry system” was carried out at the research area of Department of Forestry, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during winter season of 2017-18 to study the effect of 3 year old eucalypts plantation spaced at 7 × 3 m on growth and yield parameters of winter season crops vz. Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Oat (Avena sativa), Mustard (Brassica juncea) and Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum). In this study, the minimum per cent reduction in moisture content was found at 3.5 m away from eucalypts tree line as compared to other distances near the tree line. However, the moisture content increased with the increase in soil profile. In eucalypts based agroforestry system the maximum per cent decrease in light intensity was 55.8 over control during the month of February, however, the minimum reduction (44.8%) in light intensity was in the month of March. Growth and yield attributing parameters of all the winter crops under study were affected significantly under eucalypts plantation. The yield of winter crops was also significantly reduced in association with eucalypts plantation over to control. Among winter crops the maximum reduction in grain yield of wheat was 18.6% under eucalypts based cropping system and it followed the order: mustard (17.64%), barley (12.5%), oat (9.32%) and berseem (8.1%) during the present investigation. In present study, berseem was found to be best shade tolerant crop followed by oat and barley under eucalypts based agroforestry system. Maximum net return (Rs. 102799.8/ha) was observed under eucalypts + berseem. The overall B:C ratio in all five winter crops under study was calculated higher in eucalypts based agroforestry system over control (sole crop).