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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutritional evaluation and utilization of ber (Ziziphus Mauritiana Lamk.) powder for the development of value added products
    (CCSHAU, 2013) Bajaj, Malika; Boora, Pinky
    The present investigation was carried out to develop powders from three varieties of ber namely Gola, Kaithali and Umran, to study sensory, physico-chemical, nutritional and shelf-life properties of powder, to utilize the prepared powder for the development of value-added products and study their nutritional, sensory and shelf-life properties. The acidity, total soluble sugars/acid ratio and browning of powders ranged from 2.09 to 2.19 per cent, 8.82 to 9.66 and 0.08 to 0.09, respectively. The moisture, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber and ash content of ber powders varied from 5.21 to 5.68, 6.92 to 7.83, 0.99 to 1.07, 3.52 to 3.91 and 4.27 to 4.49 per cent, respectively. The total soluble sugars, reducing sugars and nonreducing sugars content of powders ranged from 19.08 to 20.17, 3.61 to 3.98 and 15.47 to 16.19 per cent, respectively. The calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc content of powders varied from 148.56 to 153.63, 17.87 to 18.65, 84.43 to 90.33 and 0.91 to 0.98 mg/100g, respectively. The ascorbic acid and β-carotene content of powders varied from 46.77 to 48.23 and 2.38 to 2.94 mg/100g, respectively. The in-vitro protein and starch digestibility of powders ranged from 76.53 to 78.53 per cent and 40.13 to 41.80 mg maltose released/ g powder, respectively. Significant differences were observed for acidity, total soluble sugars/acid ratio, crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, total soluble sugars, non-reducing sugars, calcium, iron, ascorbic acid, β-carotene and in-vitro protein and starch digestibility. All the powders were studied for shelf-life for two months and were found to be organoleptically acceptable during storage. Powder of Umran variety of ber was used for the development of value-added products based on its sensory evaluation, high total soluble sugars/acid ratio, high protein content, high carbohydrate content, high mineral content like calcium, iron and magnesium, high ascorbic acid content, high in-vitro protein and starch digestibility. The products were developed under four categories which included traditional (custard and kheer), baked (biscuits and cake), extruded (pasta and noodles) and unfermented beverage (RTS beverage). The products were developed using 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 per cent ber powder except in RTS beverage where supplementation level was up to 40 per cent only. All the products were organoleptically acceptable. All the baked products had good acceptability scores. The traditional products and extruded products were best acceptable up to 30 per cent supplementation while and unfermented beverage up to 20 per cent supplementation with ber powder. All the developed products were nutritionally analyzed. Results of nutritional analysis indicated that all the nutrients content increased as the supplementation level of powder increased except the protein content of baked and extruded products. Significant differences in various nutrients content were observed after increased supplementation. The products like biscuits, pasta, noodles and RTS beverage were studied for shelf-life. All the stored products were organoleptically acceptable except RTS beverage prepared using 40 per cent ber powder. Biscuits prepared with 10, 20 and 30 per cent and pasta, noodles and RTS beverage prepared with 10 and 20 per cent ber powder were best acceptable among all during storage.