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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on tillage-induced soil compaction using an embedded microprocessor based cone penetrometer
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2023-02) Kumari Nisha; Upadhyay, Ganesh
    Soil compaction is a major concern for agricultural field management which can either positively or negatively affects plant growth and crop yield. Measurement of compaction in terms of soil penetration resistance or cone index (CI) using a hand penetrometer requires more time and effort. Therefore, to reduce the human engagement, a tractor hydraulic assisted embedded microprocessor based penetrometer was developed to make the results easy to monitor and also decrease the human error. The developed penetrometer consisted of a driving system for pushing the penetrometer probe into the soil up to the desired depth at the desired speed, a sensor unit for measuring the force required to push the probe and depth of penetration, and a data logging system. The driving system consisted of a directional control valve and a double-acting hydraulic cylinder actuated by the tractor hydraulic system. A load cell was fitted between the cylinder and penetrometer rod to measure the penetration resistance. An ultrasonic sensor mounted beneath a circular plate fixed in the cylinder rod monitored the depth of penetration. A WiFi module helped to transmit the data to a developed Android mobile application through WiFi. The developed system was successfully able to measure a maximum soil penetration resistance of 5000 kPa up to a penetration depth of 500 mm. The embedded system of the penetrometer comprised various components such as Arduino Uno microcontroller, I2C, WiFi module, HX711 amplifier, 9 V battery etc. The acquired data also includes date/time parameters along with latitude and longitude locations picked up from the GPS system of the mobile. The performance of the developed embedded microprocessor based cone penetrometer was also assessed based on sensor performance characteristics such as accuracy, sensitivity, non-linearity, and non-repeatability. The average and maximum absolute variations in the cone index values measured with the developed system and a hand-held digital penetrometer were observed to be 22.50% and 25.13%, respectively. A study was also conducted to quantify the data regarding freshly induced soil compaction beneath the tillage working depth purely due to the tilling action of the active tillage machinery such as Rotavator, Power harrow, and PTO-operated disc tiller in terms of parameters such as cone index, bulk density, and porosity. The results of compaction study showed that the maximum soil compaction beneath the working depth (120-220 mm depth range) in terms of increment in soil CI and bulk density and decrement in soil porosity occur in treatment T1 (1 × rotavator) followed by treatments T4 (1 × cultivator + 2 × disc harrow), T3 (1 × PTO-operated disc tiller), and T2 (1 × power harrow).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of an experimental plot corn harvester
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2023-08) Mohit Kumar; Vijaya Rani
    Maize is one of the most important cereal crop in the world next to rice and wheat. In India, the cultivated area of corn in 2020-2021 was 9.8 million hectare with an average productivity of 3199 kg ha-1 and in Haryana, it was six thousand hectares with an average productivity of 2.83 t ha-1. The scientist community viz. agronomist, soil scientist, breeders, are working on maize crop. The scientist laydown experiments on small plots which are to be harvested. In the experimental design, the plots are small and scientists demand for small corn harvester. However, for the scientific research, there is requirement of the machines for collection of data multiple times. Harvesting is one of the most crucial task in maize farming. Manual harvesting operations typically require 8 to 10 persons to pick cobs from one acre area between 8 and 10 h which is very costly, tedious and time consuming. Thus, this study was undertaken to develop an experimental plot corn harvester. The corn harvester was developed and constitutes of feeding cum snapping unit, corn cob collection bucket, power transmission unit and main frame. The power was transmitted from PTO of the power tiller to the chain-sprocket mechanism and the gear assembly which rotated the feeding cum snapping unit as per required rpm. The power tiller was operated as per speed required in experimental design. The corn stalk entered the feeding cum snapping unit smoothly and the cob was later snapped by the snapping roller after which the cob was collected in the collection bucket. It was evaluated under the operating parameters: three forward travel speed (0.47 km h-1-0.70 km h-1, 1.12 km h-1-1.60 km h-1 and 1.83 km h-1-2.27 km h-1 ), three level of inclination angle (00, 100 and 200) and three rotational speed of feeding cum snapping rollers ( 400 rpm, 500 rpm and 600 rpm ). The optimum parameters were obtained as forward travel speed 1.34 km h-1, rotational speed of feeding cum snapping rollers 500 rpm and inclination angle of feeding cum snapping unit zero degree. The Corn cob picking efficiency, cut corn cob percentage and corn cob damage percentage of corn harvester were 97 %, 1.27 % and 0.97 % respectively. Actual field capacity of the harvester was found 0.046 ha h-1 with field efficiency of 76.67 %. The cost of operation was Rs 7586.11 ha-1. Thus, it saved 77.78 % of labour requirement for harvesting in one hectare area in comparison to manual method of harvesting. The break-even point was found 90.93 h yr-1. The payback period was found 0.39 years and benefit cost ratio was 1.32.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Design, development and evaluation of straw combine suitable for both paddy and wheat crops
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-06) Anil Kumar; Vijaya Rani
    Residue burning is major problem in rice-wheat cropping system resulting in soil health deterioration, air pollution-induced human health issues, loss of biodiversity, diminishing farm profits etc. The problem can be solved by in-situ or ex-situ management methods but none of these methods can provide ease in residue management, and they need additional cost and management skills. Keeping in mind the above, the straw combine was designed and developed. The design of straw combine was based on physical, morphological and mechanical properties of paddy and wheat straw. The morphological analysis was done using FESEM machine and mechanical proerties were studied by using Texture analyzer. The straw combine consisted of cutter bar unit (reel and cutter bar), conveying unit (feeding auger and beater), chopping unit (chaffer cylinder, basket and concave), guiding unit (rotor and sieve), blowing unit (worm, blower/fan and deflector), frame and power transmission unit. The straw combine was evaluated at 3 levels of moisture content (5, 10, 15 % in wheat and 20, 35, 50 % in paddy), 3 levels of forward speed (1.7, 1.9, 2.1 km h-1) and 3 levels of cylinder speed (29.6, 31.4, 33.2 m s-1) for field capacity, field efficiency, fuel consumption, chopping efficiency, straw split and straw size. The optimization of machine-crop parameters was done by using Multi Response Optimization (MRO) technique using desirability factor (DF). The optimal setting of machine-crop parameters in wheat straw was moisture content at 5 %, forward speed at 1.9 km h-1 and cylinder speed at 33.2 m s-1 which gaves maximum field capacity (0.32 ha h-1), field efficiency (75.04 %), chopping efficiency (99.50 %), straw split (99.28 %) and minimum straw size (13 mm) as well as fuel consumption (5.95 l h-1). The optimal setting of machine-crop parameters in paddy straw was moisture content at 20 %, forward speed at 1.9 km h-1 and cylinder speed at 33.2 m s-1 which gaves maximum field capacity (0.32 ha h-1), field efficiency (73.76 %), chopping efficiency (96.48 %), straw split (82.66 %) and minimum straw size (41.29 mm) as well as fuel consumption (6.13 l h-1). The economic analysis showed that payback period of the designed straw combine was 1.96 years if operated for 500 hours in a year (Wheat and Paddy). The result of Benefit: Cost ratio is more than unity (1.28) which indicated that investment in machine is economically viable. The straw combine designed and developed is farmer-friendly, economical and having options of removing or leaving full/partial residue from the field and works satisfactiry in both wheat and paddy straw.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance evaluation of battery operated tractor
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-08) Shinde, Vyankatesh Shankarrao; Jain, Mukesh
    Farm mechanization is one of the most important elements of modernization of agriculture. Agricultural tractor is an integral part of agricultural mechanization and has a crucial role in increasing agricultural productivity. The diesel engine agriculture tractor requires fuel to produce energy, due to burning of fuel, it produce GHG which affect adversely on environment. Diesel engine tractor require periodical maintenance, emits high noise, produce more vibration. The increasing cost and limited resources of diesel fuel, increasing pollution, calls to use alternate energy source for agriculture tractor. Therefore, study, on performance evaluation of battery operated tractor was carried out. The present study was undertaken to assess the various performance tests like drawbar test, noise test, vibration test, field test, haulage test etc. and operating cost analysis of ET. The performance evaluation of the ET was conducted at NRFMTTI, Hisar. The maximum drawbar pull and drawbar power of ET with gross weight of 1005 kg were measured as 7.35 kN and 8.26 kW, respectively, with limiting wheel slip of 15 %. ET produces very low noise, and produces low level of vibrations during work, which will assure a nice working environment, without any negative effect on operator. The maximum noise produced at bystander’s position and at operator’s ear level was 73.3 dB (A) and 76.3 dB (A), respectively, which was 13.76 % and 20.52% lower against the maximum permissible limit of 85 dB (A) and 96 dB (A) as per IS 12207:2019. Noise was also measured during field operation with rotavator at bystander’s position and operator’s ear level which was measured as 73.9 dB (A) and 82.3 dB (A), respectively. The amplitude of mechanical vibration on ET was approximately 52 per cent less than the requirement of IS 12207:2019. The actual field capacity with rotavator and M B plough were 0.250 hah−1 and 0.125 hah−1, respectively with 82.38 and 92.05 per cent field efficiency. The battery power consumption during field operation with rotavator and M B plough was observed as 4.52 to 5.3 kWh−1 and 1.4 to 2.05 kWh−1, respectively. Specific battery energy consumption during haulage test was observed as 0.15 to 0.16 kWhkm−1t−1. During the haulage test, battery consumption per km was observed as 0.22 to 0.24 kWhkm−1. The cost of operation of electric tractor with rotavator was Rs 1324 per hectare and Rs 332 per hour.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of cryogenic treatment on the performance of straw combine blade.
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2021-07) Jakhar, Chander; Kumar, Anil
    The harvesting machines (combine, reaper and straw combine) are developed to overcome the shortage of labor and timely operations and also to facilitate the multi cropping sequence in India. The cutting blades are made up of high carbon steel having carbon content ranging from 0.60 to 1.00 percent. The carbon is the main element for higher strength and hardness of cutting steel blades. However, during cutting at high temperature and in abrasive environment, these cutting materials faces excessive surface degradation which ultimately reduces the life of the blade and increased cutting cost of the machine. In recent times the cryogenic treatments have positive effect to improve the wear resistance, hardness and life of the cutting tools. The present study was undertaken to improve the mechanical properties of cutter bar blade (A type) and chopping cylinder blade (M type) of straw combine with cryogenic treatment. For this, the laboratory testing was done in Tribology laboratory of NIT, KUK, Kurukshetra, whereas, field testing was done at farmers field in Ludas and Sahpur village of Hisar district. In laboratory experiment three replication of load (15, 20 and 25 N), time (150, 300 and 450 s) and sliding velocity (1.31, 2.61and 3.92 m s-1) were used for wear analysis. The wear analysis was done by using Pin on disc wear testing machine. The diameter and the length of the coated and uncoated high carbon steels specimens for testing were 10 and 35mm, respectively. In uncoated specimens, the wear was significantly affected by load followed by sliding velocity and time, whereas in coated specimen, the load was the only significant parameter to affect the wear properties of the specimens. The time and sliding velocity had negligible effect on the coated specimens. During field testing, the coated and uncoated blades were installed on the straw combine and operated for 38.33 hours. The wear of the blades was analyzed with respect to the weight and dimensions of the blades before and after work. The wear (%) in cutter bar and chopping cylinder blades for uncoated and coated were found as 2.82, 0.69 and 1.48, 0.41%, respectively. The cryogenic treatment resulted in increase of 9.38 and 13.61% cost of the cutter bar and chopping cylinder blades, respectively. This increased cost was fully justified by the increased cutter bar and chopping cylinder blade life by 75 and 72 %, respectively.