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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on drought frequency and its effects on kharif crop production in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Rahul; Dagar, C.S.
    The present study entitled ―Study on drought frequency and its effects on kharif crop production in Haryana‘‘, was conducted in 21 districts of Haryana. The primary objective of the study was to calculate the occurrence of drought frequency and its effects on crop production in Haryana during 1987 to 2016. For identification of drought year‘s two drought indices i.e. SPI and rainfall deviation from normal as given by IMD were used and the extent of deficit of annual rainfall, the annual rainfall departure analysis has been carried out. Rainfall variability analysis during kharif season showed a decreasing trend of rainfall in eastern and western zones of Haryanaexcept Faridabad in eastern zone and Hisar in western zone which showed slightly increasing trend.On the basis of SPI values the Ambala and Mewat in eastern zone and Fatehabad and Rewari in western zone are more prone to moderate drought, whereas Sonipat and Hisar has more chances to experience severe drought based on their past experience. Kurukshetra and Kaithal seems to be safer in terms of their proneness to sever drought as they never experienced SPI based severe drought condition during the study period. Another criteria i.e. IMD‘s rainfall deviation criteria of drought frequency reflected that the districts of Sonipat, Bhiwani and Rewari have more tendency of getting moderate drought as compared to other districts and Kurukshetra and Kaithal in case of severe drought. In eastern zone of Haryana majority of area was under no drought conditions on the basis of both indices.As drought category is concerned the IMD criterion for drought is more sensitive to ‗Moderate‘ and ‗Severe‘ droughts and the SPI found more sensitive to ‗No drought‘ conditions.It was concluded that more number of drought years was observed in western zone as compare to eastern zone of Haryana. The effect of drought on kharifcrops was analyzed by using correlation and scatter plot. Rice, Bajra, maize and cotton showed negative relationship with rainfall and SPI, whereas moong crop showed positive relationship with rainfall and SPI where these crops were grown. The adverse effects of drought on crop productivity were nullified by the assured irrigation facilities. The increased rainfall decreased the productivity by favouring the high incidence of pest and diseases except moong crop which were grown in summer season and relish the rainfall.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Long term Rainfall Behavior in Western Agro-climatic zone of Haryana
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Harshana; Raj Singh
    The present research study entitled „Long term rainfall behaviour of western agro-climatic zone of Haryana‟ was undertaken to study seasonal characteristics, extreme events and trend of rainfall. It also analyzed relationship between rainfall and yield performance of major crops in Western Haryana. In Western Agroclimatic Zone, weekly mean maximum rainfall in 28th SMW was observed at Bhiwani (29.7 mm), Jhajjar (38.4 mm), Mahendragarh (34 mm), Rewari (42.4 mm), Jind (36.3 mm) and Rohtak (32.2 mm), respectively whereas in 31st SMW at Fatehabad (23.3 mm), 29th SMW at Hisar (29.0 mm) and in 27th SMW at Sirsa (25.6 mm). Monthly mean maximum rainfall in July was observed at Bhiwani (109.3 mm), Hisar (109.3 mm) and Jind (126.9 mm) while in August at Fatehabad (78 mm), Jhajjar (152.6 mm), Mahendragarh (115.7 mm), Rewari ( 146.3 mm), Rohtak (134.3 mm) and Sirsa ( 86.2 mm) respectively. In overall western agro-climatic zone, 332.9 mm, 14.2 mm, 23.1 mm and 22.3 mm rainfall was received by SW, NE ,Winter and Summer season respectively during the entire period of study. Annual mean rainfall was highest at Jhajjar (524.4 mm) and lowest in Sirsa (313.2 mm) while CV (%) value was highest at Rohtak (51.4 %) and lowest in Hisar (27.9 %) respectively. All stations of western Haryana exhibited decreasing annual rainfall trend where annual rainfall was decreasing significantly in four stations viz. Fatehabad, Jhajjar, Rohtak and Sirsa @ -3.08 mm, -7.54 mm, -12.25 mm and -4.78 mm per annum respectively. Post Monsoon rainfall exhibited significant decreasing rainfall trend @ -0.33 mm per annum in Rohtak. Monsoon season exhibited significant decreasing rainfall trend @ -3.42, -5.58, -9.12 and – 3.23 mm per annum in Hisar, Jhajjar, Rohtak and Sirsa, respectively. Winter Season exhibited significant decreasing trend @ -0.68 mm and -0.40 mm per annum at Rohtak and Sirsa. Pre monsoon season showed increased trend in most of the stations. Value of standard deviation and coefficient of variation was high on temporal and spatial scale which indicated highly variable rainfall in the western agro-climatic zone during study period. Extreme rainfall events mostly occurred during monsoon season which received highest rainfall. Crop seasonal rainfall and mustard and chickpea productivity was negatively correlated in all stations may be due to outbreaks of insects and pests in high temperature and humidity conditions caused by high rainfall. Crop seasonal rainfall and wheat productivity was positively correlated in four stations (Bhiwani, Jind, Mahendragarh and Rewari) and negatively correlated in rest of the 5 stations (Fatehabad, Hisar, Jhajjar, Sirsa and Rohtak).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of microclimate on growth and yield of strawberry intercropping with chilli under open and controlled environments
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Suresh; Ram Niwas
    The field investigations on “Study on Effect of microclimate on growth and yield of strawberry intercropping with chilli under open and controlled environments” was carried out under greenhouse and open field during winter of 2018-19 at Precision farming development centre, Department of Horticulture, Gate no. 3, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, during Rabi season 2018-19. The treatments consisted of five treatments sole strawberry (SS), sole chilli (SC), 1 chilli one strawberry row (1C1S), 1 chilli 2 strawberry rows (1C2S), and 1 chilli 3 strawberry rows (1C3S). The twenty combinations were evaluated in randomized block design under open field conditions and twenty combinations were evaluated in completely randomized design under greenhouse conditions. The highest thermal and radiation indices in 1 chilli 3 strawberry rows (1C3S) treatment as compared to other treatments under both conditions. But HUE and RUE were higher in chilli crop in 1 chilli 3 strawberry rows (1C3S) treatment as compared to other treatments under both conditions. When growing parameters were compared, it was found that crop planted inside the greenhouse was superior in all aspects including yield parameters. Among strawberry, chilli and their intercropping treatments 1chill three strawberry rows (1C3S) consumed highest heat units, heliothermal units and photothermal units as compared to other treatments under open and greenhouse field conditions. HUE, RUE and yield parameters were highest in chilli crop in 1C3S treatment in greenhouse conditions. LAI was maximum at 90 DAP and dry matter at maturity under both conditions. Also, 1chilli 3 row strawberry (1C3S) treatment was proved to be superior in both open and greenhouse field conditions. The correlation and regression analysis were carried out to study the relationship between yields attributes and microclimate of strawberry, chilli and their intercrops in all treatments. Most of the yield parameters were positively correlated with maximum temperature and non-significant negative correlation with morning relative humidity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on microclimate and its effect on growth and yield of strawberry under open and controlled conditions
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Amanpreet; Ram Niwas
    The field investigation on “Study on microclimate and its effect on growth and yield of strawberry under open and controlled conditions” was carried out under polyhouse and open field at PFDC, Department of Horticulture, Gate no. 3, Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, during Rabi season 2018-19. The main plot treatments consisted of four dates of planting (15th September, 25th September, 5th October and 15th October) and sub plot treatments consisted of three varieties (Chandler, Winter Dawn and Winter Star). The thirty-six combinations were evaluated in split plot design with three replications under open field and thirty-six combinations were evaluated in completely randomized design with three replications in polyhouse. Temperature and relative humidity were higher inside polyhouse by 2-5o C and 6-13 % respectively. Maximum radiation absorption was in strawberry crop planted on 15th September and in variety Chandler. HUE and RUE were higher in the early planted crop i.e. 15th September under both conditions. All growth parameters were found maximum in crop planted on 15th September. When growth parameters were compared, it was found that crop planted inside the polyhouse was superior in all aspects including yield parameters. Among different strawberry varieties, Winter Star consumed highest heat units, heliothermal units and photothermal units as compared to Chandler and Winter Dawn under both conditions. HUE, RUE and yield parameters were highest in Chandler variety. LAI was maximum at 90 DAP and dry matter at maturity under both conditions. Also, Chandler proved to be superior in both parameters. Radiation interception was maximum in open field conditions and at the top of the crop canopy. The correlation and regression analysis were carried out to study the relationship between yield attributes and microclimate of strawberry varieties. Most of the yield parameters were positively correlated with temperature and relative humidity. In variety Chandler, 96 per cent variability in fruit yield/plant was explained by mean temperature and mean relative humidity under open field conditions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Agrometeorological Analysis of Okra Cultivation in Spring-Summer Season
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Ashish Kumar; Surender Singh
    A field study was conducted in Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University in the research farm of Department of Agricultural Meteorology entitled “Agrometeorological Analysis of Okra Cultivation in Spring-Summer Season” with the objectives to quantify various agrometeorological indices for different phenophases and to examine the relationship between weather variables and yield attributes of Okra. The experiment was conducted in split plot design with four dates sowing (2, 12 and 22 March and 2 April) and three varieties (Hisar Unnat, Hisar Naveen and Varsha Uphar) in 3.0 x 3.0 m plot with 30 cm x 10 cm spacing. The results showed that Hisar Naveen resulted into significantly higher growth parameters like plant height (122.20 cm at 90 DAS), LAI (2.22 at 90 DAS), leaf dry matter (25.97 g/plant at 90 DAS), number of branches per plant (2.1), yield attributes like fruit length (8.21 cm); fruit weight (7.30 g), fruit diameter (1.40 cm) and yield (120.3 q/ha) and 22 March of sowing of okra found to be the most suitable date. The different weather indices like GDD (301.040 C day at germination to 763.52 0C day at first picking), Heliothermal units (567.470 C day hours at germination to 55576.460 C day hours first picking), Photothermal units (927.110 C day hours at germination to 9593.170 C at first picking), Hydrothermal units (6094.200 C days hours at germination to 47685.460 C days hours) ; heat use efficiency (0.4140 C at first picking to 1.1520 C day hour at physiological maturity); heliothermal use efficiency (0.590 C day hour at first picking to 0.190 C day hour at physiological maturity); photo thermal use efficiency (0.320 C day hour at first picking to 0.780 C day hour at physiological maturity); hydrothermal use efficiency (0.199 kg/ha 0C day at first picking to 0.512 kg/ha 0C day at physiological maturity) and photothermal index (16.24 kg/ha 0C day at germination to 17.60 kg/ha 0C day at first picking) were found better in okra crop sown on 22 March while Hisar Naveen variety was superior in using the agrometeorological parameters like maximum and minimum temperature, actual vapour pressure during morning and evening; relative humidity during morning and evening; wind speed; sunshine hours; evaporation and rainfall. The regression equation (R2) ranged from 0.51; 0.56; 0.52; 0.71 for GDD; Heliothermal units; photothermal units; hydrothermal; units and hydrothermal use efficiency, respectively. Overall; Hisar Naveen (120.3 q/ha) variety found suitable for maximum growth and yield while third week of March month provides highest yield (122.3 q/ha) with better utilization of all agrometeorological resources.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of regression model based on meteorological and remote sensing parameters for wheat yield estimation
    (CCSHAU, 2019) Manjeet; Anurag
    Wheat is a major food grain in India and cultivated in its most parts having main productive region in northern plains. Haryana state contributes 8.6 % of total wheat production in India. Yield estimates or yield prediction is of immense importance for govt. planning and policies owing to huge population. Agromet-Spectrals models have been developed for crop productivity estimation with different kind of input data. The present study was carried out at Deptt. of Agricultural Meteorology, CCS HAU Hisar, to develop an integrated model for yield prediction of wheat by taking meteorological data and incorporation with Remote Sensing data of two locations representing different Agro-climatic zones of state. Besides meteorological variables, satellite based NDVI values taken from two sources i.e. IARI-CREAMS (Consortium for Research on Agroecosystem Monitoring and Modeling from Space) and NASA s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, 16 days composite imageries of 250 m resolution) were used. Empirical models were developed for predicting wheat yield for Hisar and Karnal district in Haryana, India. Data of Meteorological parameters data were used from 2000 to 2017. These models further integrated with NDVI values from both of sources for corresponding location and time to enhanced the accuracy of models. Regression models were developed using significant weather derived variables and NDVI data for wheat yield prediction for Hisar and Karnal districts. The model when integrated with remote sensing data (NDVI) gave better prediction as compared to agromet model. In Agromet models, adjusted R2 ranged from 0.38 to 0.78% (without time) whereas in second model (with time) ranged from 0.50 to 0.96%. Further, Agromet models accuracy slightly enhance by addition IARI NDVI, and adjusted R2 ranged from 0.33 to 0.77% (without time model), whereas in second model (with time) ranged from 0.47 to 0.96%. Percentage error ranged from 3.11 to 17.55% and 0.52 to 8.99% respectively. Further, agromet models integrated with satellite data based NDVI i.e. MODIS NDVI for both station to enhanced the accuracy and gave best result as compared to earlier models. The adjusted R2of new model ranged without and with time was from 0.61-0.58 and 0.86-0.97 and percent deviation ranged from 3.11 to 10.84% and 0.13 to 11.16% respectively. The lead time of these models wheat yield prediction was 60 days before harvest. On the basis of results it is concluded that integration of NDVI enhanced the accuracy of weather based yield prediction model for wheat. The Agromet-Spectral wheat model accuracy was higher in eastern climatic zone as compared to western. The MODIS NDVI values observed to be more effective for wheat yield predication.