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Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar

Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University popularly known as HAU, is one of Asia's biggest agricultural universities, located at Hisar in the Indian state of Haryana. It is named after India's seventh Prime Minister, Chaudhary Charan Singh. It is a leader in agricultural research in India and contributed significantly to Green Revolution and White Revolution in India in the 1960s and 70s. It has a very large campus and has several research centres throughout the state. It won the Indian Council of Agricultural Research's Award for the Best Institute in 1997. HAU was initially a campus of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. After the formation of Haryana in 1966, it became an autonomous institution on February 2, 1970 through a Presidential Ordinance, later ratified as Haryana and Punjab Agricultural Universities Act, 1970, passed by the Lok Sabha on March 29, 1970. A. L. Fletcher, the first Vice-Chancellor of the university, was instrumental in its initial growth.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Agricultural insurance in india vis-à-vis in Haryana: problems and prospects
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-07) Punia, Meenu; Kundu, K. K
    The present investigation was carried out to study price and yield risk involved in different crops at national and state level, performance of the existing and earlier national agricultural insurance scheme, awareness and knowledge of respondent farmers towards crop insurance schemes, and problems and prospects of agriculture insurance schemes. The required secondary data on production and prices of insured crops were collected from secondary sources. Primary data pertained to Haryana state, which divides into three clusters. Multistage random sampling used and total 240 respondent farmers (120 insured and 120 non-insured) were selected for conducting the study. In case of wheat, area and production followed declining trend and became more stable after Green revolution period. But, in case of wheat at all India level, yield risk were maximum volatile and its value shot up more than 100 per cent, respectively. Further, the instability of yield in case of India rose due to frequent severe droughts during 1981-82 to 2003-04. In case of Bajra, overall risk in area was highest among all the principal crops (i.e. approx. 11%). So, in case of Haryana, gram showing the maximum overall risk in area and production (45.69% and 70.29%) among other crops. Gram has been observed to be the riskiest crop in respect of production as well as yields. This understand the need for addressing risks in farm income by devising area-specific crop insurance or other suitable mechanisms and implementation of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) in year 2016 is an important tool in addressing this issue. The study revealed that age of the respondent did not show any significant difference between borrower and non-borrower. Respondent farmers suggested for improving existed scheme and they want quick settlement of claims which is usually taking more time. Risk factors faced mostly in agriculture are drought, flood, fire etc. Overall majority of the borrower had opted the Banks/ financial institutions compulsion as the top most motivating factor for taking crop insurance i.e. 35.83 per cent. Second position was taken by the benefit of insurance (26.66%) for their motivation. No one gave others option as motivation factor. Constraints generally faced by the borrower farmer like delay in claim settlement (25.83%), inaccurate yield estimation (20.83%), inadequate implementation (20.00%), delay in claim settlement (25.83%), lack of awareness about the scheme and exclusion of a malicious damage, theft and grazed and destroyed by domestic animals etc. as 3.33 per cent. as major constraints. Further, the claim premium ratio in First Individual Approach Scheme was 8.34, indicating that for every one rupee of premium collected; the scheme paid Rs 8.34 in claims. It means high out go in the scheme. The benefits of CCIS were highly skewed towards few states and many more drawbacks found in different schemes. Under PMFBY from kharif 2016 to kharif 2017, there has been a significant increase in the number of gross premiums, claims paid and farmers benefitted: 21 per cent, 64 per cent and 29 per cent, respectively. The difference between gross premium and claim paid/compensation paid in the Kharif season has reduced and indicated a divergence in the data on the disbursement of claims and the profits made by private insurance companies. While the negative effects, the number of insured farmers has declined by 14 percent from Kharif 2016 to Kharif 2017, and the total area insured has decreased by ten percent over the span of one year. Likewise, from kharif 2017 to kharif 2018 no. of insured farmers has declined further by 4 per cent, and the total area insured has decreased by seven per cent. However, there has been a significant increase in the number of gross premiums as 45 per cent. The PMFBY has therefore failed to achieve its main targets, i.e. increasing the area and the number of farmers insured. Awareness must be created among farmers regarding different insurance schemes available to farmers, procedure for insuring the crops, methods of loss assessment and compensation determined etc. to tackle the problems.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An Economic Analysis of Laser Land Levelling Practice in Haryana
    (CCSHAU,HiSAR, 2020) Dinesh Kumar; Dalip Kumar Bishnoi
    The Study was carried out in Karnal and Sirsa district of Haryana in 2019-2020. These districts were selected purposively on the basis of highest area under paddy-wheat and cotton-wheat cropping patterns, respectively. 120 respondents were selected randomly. Results revealed that total cost of cultivation of all the crops under study was found higher under LLL as compared to CLL while gross returns, net returns and B-C ratio were found higher under CLL as compared to LLL, showing its profitability. Major benefits of using LLL were in reducing irrigation time per irrigation and per crop season and increasing water productivity. But, reduction in irrigation time and net benefits of using LLL were higher in paddy-wheat (Karnal) compared to cotton-wheat (Sirsa) cropping system. Also, study showed that machine hours and yield were increased while use of all other inputs were reduced under LLL vis-à-vis CLL showing resource conserving potential. Results of Bisaliah decomposition model showed that major change in productivity was due to technological change (positive impact) as compared to input use (negative impact). Regression analysis showed that by adopting LLL resource use efficiency of irrigation and fertilizer can be improved significantly while that of other inputs varies from crops under study. Major constraints found in adoption were non-availability of machine due to sorter window between two seasons, orthodox mindset and high cost of levelling. Also, study revealed role of fellow farmers and friends in diffusion of technology and of private players in providing service. It was found that LLL is not biased towards large farmers and is a scale neutral technology. Therefore, study suggested to increase machines under custom hiring by cooperatives societies, farmers cooperatives and Department of Agriculture, Government of Haryana, so that constraints related to high cost of levelling and non-availability of machine during peak season could be resolved.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance and functioning of Electronic National Agricultural Market (e-NAM) in Haryana: An economic analysis
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-08) Baljit Kaur; Kundu, K.K.
    The present study was carried out with the objectives to analyse the impact of e-market on prices received by farmers and market arrivals, functioning of e-markets in Haryana from the stakeholders’ perspectives and also process innovation, lessons learned from electronic trading to e-NAM in Haryana, constraints in the diffusion of e-NAM and to suggest the policy measures. The study was based on primary as well as secondary data. A total of 30 markets with 15 e-NAM linked markets as treatment (e-NAM) and another 15 as control (non-e-NAM) were selected for data collection. In the present study samples of 10 Farmers and 5 traders from each e-market and five each farmers and traders from each non-e-market were selected randomly. Similarly, the secondary data were collected for the year 2014-2019 for e-NAM and 2010-2019 for non-e-NAM selected markets from agmarknet website for collecting the information on arrival and prices from selected mandis. The tools and techniques employed in the analysis of gathered data were Absolute change, comparative change, average, Difference in-difference (DID) approach, price volatility. The outcomes of study revealed that the increase in prices was more in the e markets (treatment group) compared to non-e-markets (control group) for all three commodities wheat, paddy and potato. There is increase in arrivals of potato in the e-markets as compared to non-e-markets. However there is decrease in arrivals of wheat and paddy in e-markets after the implementation of e-NAM in the selected markets. Through the difference in difference technique the e-NAM impact was observed as 27.96, 47.86 and 107.19 per cent increase for wheat, paddy and potato respectively. The similar figures for arrivals of these commodities were 57.36, -28.86 and 92.04 indicating decline in arrivals for paddy through e-NAM platform; while increase in arrival was observed for wheat and potato. About 95 per cent of the farmers told that proper cleaning facilities are available at the mandi. Only 29 per cent of the farmers reported availability of sorting facility, 20 per cent reported availability of grading facility, 100 per cent and 79 per cent reported proper weighing and assaying facility respectively at the selected e-NAM mandis.mandis. The trader cum commission agent response about cleaning (85%) sorting (17%) grading (16%) weighing hundred percent assaying (61%) bid management (73%) e-auction (59%) and grain storage (51%) were aware about these facilities in the e-NAM selected markets. The time taken for online payments received by the farmers takes more than 20 days (57.3%) followed by 10 to 20 days (28%) and 2 to 10 days (15%). The similar figures for traders were 24, 45 and 31 per cent respectively. Both the farmers and traders cum commission agents reported that there is no online payment on the same day. Majority of the farmers were aware of e-auctions (86%) and computer entry at the gate (92%) in the e-markets, but in the non e-NAM markets, 36 per cent of the farmers knew about e-markets functioning and process. Overall, 70.7 per cent of farmers, 32 per cent of traders cum commission agents said the e-market concept is good and were satisfied with the e-NAM. Majority of the traders cum commission agents (68 %) did not favour e-markets, but majority of the farmers were in its favour. None of the farmers and trader cum commission agent informed that they got timely payment. All of the traders highlighted no proper dissemination of information, 80 per cent of traders reported complexity of sale process, 14.7 per cent reported the lack of trained personnel to help them with e-NAM, 85.3 percent of traders faced delay in online payments, and 80 per cent & 60 per cent of traders reported for unavailability of adequate assaying laboratory. About 89.3 per cent of respondent traders faced difficulties in getting license for trading. The increase in prices was more in the e-NAM markets compared to non-e-NAM markets. There is increase in arrivals of potato in the e-NAM markets as compared to non-e-NAM markets. However there is decrease in arrivals of wheat and paddy in e-NAM markets after the implementation of e-NAM in the selected markets. Most preferred medium of crop sale by farmers during post e-NAM period is commission agents. Almost all sampled farmers preferred e-NAM platform to sell the crops in post e-NAM period. Most of the farmers were satisfied with the e-NAM concept but traders cum commission agents did not favour it. None of the farmer or trader reported timely payments in e-NAM system. The findings of the study also revealed constraints by different stakeholders and suggestions for improvement in the functioning of e-NAM in Haryana.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Economic analysis of integrated pest management (IPM) and integrated nutrient management (INM) in paddy (Basmati) crop in Haryana
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-06) Sehal, Mohit; Pawar, Neeraj
    The present study was carried out with the objective to study the extent of use of IPM-INM among IPM-INM farmers, to estimate the cost of cultivation, yield and returns obtained in the IPM-INM and CPM farmers and to identify the constraints faced by the farmer in the adoption of IPM-INM in basmati paddy. Four district of Haryana namely Karnal, Kaithal, Sonipat, Jind was purposively selected. One block was selected randomly from each district. From each Block, 20 IPM-INM farmers and 10 CPM farmers were selected. Thus, in all, 120 farmers were selected randomly. The primary data for the agriculture year 2019-20 was collected by survey method through personnel interviews of the selected farmers with the help of specially designed interval schedules. The overall findings reveal that mostly cultural practices are adopted by IPM-INM farmers and in case of INM, farmers use organic component more as compared to biological. The total cost of cultivation for IPM-INM paddy (₹ 110574/ha) was somewhat greater than CPM paddy (₹ 106456/ha), the per quintal cost of production of IPM-INM paddy (₹ 2197) which was lower as compared to its CPM (₹ 2300) mainly due to higher productivity of IPM-INM (50.33 q/ha) paddy than the CPM (46.29 q/ha). The gross returns from IPM-INM and CPM farm was estimated to ₹ 138854 and ₹ 127927 per hectare respectively. As indicated by B: C ratio of 1.26:1 for IPM-INM and 1.20:1 for CPM, paddy cultivation was economically more viable in IPM-INM methods than CPM paddy. As far as the constraints were concerned, Lack of skill in using IPM-INM tools was 37.50 per cent, non-availability of bio-pesticide agents and bio-fertilizers was with 96.25 per cent, Non-availability of labour for inter-culture like uprooting of weeds, cleaning of water channels/harvesting was 53.75 per cent. Therefore, the cultivation of paddy was found to be profitable with the adoption of IPM-INM technology due to the saving in cost of plant protection on one hand and increase in yield on the other. Based on the findings of the study, it is suggested that the extension activity need to be intensified to create awareness among the farmers for higher adoption of IPM-INM technology for sustainable production of paddy.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Spatial and temporal crop diversification in India and their consequences on agriculture
    (CCSHAU, Hisar, 2020-02) Swamy H. M.; Sharma, U. K.
    After the independence Indian agriculture focused mainly on the food security issues targeting more of food rains, but in the recent decades Indian agriculture able to meet food demand and became net food grain exporter, this was achieved from technology called green revolution, till then agriculture in India was of subsistence in nature but in the recent decades agricultural concern shifted from food grain crops to commercial or non-food grain crops to meet economic and financial demand of farmers. The results of the analysis indicated that Southern region witnessed composite entropy index value crossing 50 per cent in case of cereals (0.63) and total crop sector (0.62) during 2005-17 periods. While, Western region revealed an average of five periods composite entropy index of 0.53, 0.52 and 0.51 in case of total food grains, oilseeds and total crop sector. Northern region shown significant improvement in diversification index from 0.27 to 0.41 during 1955-65 to 1985-95. Thereafter, downfall in the diversification index was noticed. Exactly the reverse trend was seen in case of pulses and oilseeds. Commercial, fiber crops and over all crop sector revealed consistent increase in diversification index from 0.16 to 0.32, 0.21 to 0.29 and 0.40 to 0.49. In the eastern region cereals and pulses drawn the significant increase in diversification index value from 0.35 to 0.49 and 0.42 to 0.54 during study period. North eastern region all crop groups have showcased remarkable progress in terms of diversification index which was 0.24 to 0.46 in cereals, 0.01 to 0.47 in pulses, 0.24 to 0.46in total food grains, 0.06 to 0.42 in oilseeds, 0.10 to 0.19 in commercial crops, 0.12 to 0.34 in fiber crops and 0.41 to 0.43 during study period. At all India level composite entropy index for cereals, pulses, oilseeds and fiber crops have shown a slight improvement, but commercial and over all crop sector have witnessed significant improvement having diversification value of 0.22 to 0.46 and 0.42 to 0.51 for commercial and overall crop sectors, respectively. Thereby, clarifying a clear message of diversification going on towards commercial crops, at the same time maintaining area under other crops as well, this might be due to increased cropping intensity and other such factors.