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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

After independence, development of the rural sector was considered the primary concern of the Government of India. In 1949, with the appointment of the Radhakrishnan University Education Commission, imparting of agricultural education through the setting up of rural universities became the focal point. Later, in 1954 an Indo-American team led by Dr. K.R. Damle, the Vice-President of ICAR, was constituted that arrived at the idea of establishing a Rural University on the land-grant pattern of USA. As a consequence a contract between the Government of India, the Technical Cooperation Mission and some land-grant universities of USA, was signed to promote agricultural education in the country. The US universities included the universities of Tennessee, the Ohio State University, the Kansas State University, The University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Missouri. The task of assisting Uttar Pradesh in establishing an agricultural university was assigned to the University of Illinois which signed a contract in 1959 to establish an agricultural University in the State. Dean, H.W. Hannah, of the University of Illinois prepared a blueprint for a Rural University to be set up at the Tarai State Farm in the district Nainital, UP. In the initial stage the University of Illinois also offered the services of its scientists and teachers. Thus, in 1960, the first agricultural university of India, UP Agricultural University, came into being by an Act of legislation, UP Act XI-V of 1958. The Act was later amended under UP Universities Re-enactment and Amendment Act 1972 and the University was rechristened as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology keeping in view the contributions of Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, the then Chief Minister of UP. The University was dedicated to the Nation by the first Prime Minister of India Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 17 November 1960. The G.B. Pant University is a symbol of successful partnership between India and the United States. The establishment of this university brought about a revolution in agricultural education, research and extension. It paved the way for setting up of 31 other agricultural universities in the country.


Search Results

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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinico-biochemical, diagnostic and therapeutic studies in canine cardiac arrhythmia
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-01) Gupta, Devendra Kumar; Singh, J.L.
    A clinical survey was aimed for identifying the prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia among the canines in some parts of India. Overall 6.6% prevalence of cardiac arrhythmia was recorded in present clinical survey. Area wise, crime branch police dogs Delhi (34.9%) showed highest prevalence while Pantnagar showed lowest prevalence (4.7%). In other areas, prevalence rate was 7.0%, 5.9% and 5.0% in Mathura, Indore and Gwalior, respectively. In age and sex wise prevalence, cardiac arrhythmia was seen mainly in dogs aged two to six years (10.6%). Breed and sex wise, highest prevalence was in Labrador (11%). Overall females are more prone for cardiac arrhythmia as compared to males. Tachyarrhythmia (51.7%) was most commonly observed arrhythmia in canines followed by bradyarrhythmia (39.6%) and arrhythmia with normal heart rate (8.7%) was next in sequence of occurrence. Exercise intolerance, persistent nocturnal coughing, upright posture, dyspnoea and ascites were important clinical signs in cardiac arrhythmia. Among the various diagnostic procedures adopted in present study, auscultation proved to be the most valuable means of diagnosing heart diseases. ECG detected various abnormalities, which could not be detected by physical examination alone. Amplitude of P and R waves increased as per increased heart rate, while no significant alteration was reported in T wave as heart rate changes. P-R and Q-T intervals were inversely proportional to the heart rate. Radiography was found to be as useful as ECG in confirmatory diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia. Haematological profile except haemoglobin did not show any significant alteration in cardiac arrhythmia. Increased levels of serum sodium and calcium and low levels of potassium and magnesium were found in tachyarrhythmia whereas increased level of sodium, potassium and magnesium were found in bradyarrhythmia. There was significant elevation of blood glucose, total protein, cholesterol and triglycerides in tachyarrhythmia while no significant alteration of these was noticed in bradyarrhythmia. AST, CK and LDH activities were found high in tachyarrhythmia while CK activity suppressed in bradyarrhythmia. Antiarrhythmic medicine atenolol and verapamil was effective in cases of tachyarrhythmia. Verapamil was found very effective in severe tachyarrhythmia (> 190 beats/min) and atenolol in mild types of tachyarrhythmia. In respect to therapeutic management of bradyarrhythmia, terbutaline was found superior in comparison to theophylline + etophylline combination.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biochemical profiles to forecast post- parturient paresis in cross bred cows
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-08) Satya Vikas; Rajora, V.S.
    The present investigation was undertaken to record the prevalence of post parturient paresis, to evaluate biochemical profiles in peri parturient crossbred cows and to study shift in normal pattern of the profiles to identify the metabolic markers to forecast the occurrence of parturient paresis. The prevalence was computed on the basis of records collected from Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Pantnagar and State Veterinary Hospitals around Pantnagar for a period of five years from 2000 to 2004. Of 26802 cases in crossbred cows, 254 (0.95 percent) were found to be having metabolic disorders out of which 152 (59.84 percent) were of post parturient paresis. Highest prevalence of post-parturient paresis was recorded in the winter season. The blood and urine samples were collected at 48 hrs pre calving and 24, 48 and 72 hrs post calving in healthy cows and 48 hrs pre calving and 24, 48 hrs and at the time of the disease in the affected cows. In this study in healthy cows the plasma calcium, plasma inorganic phosphorous, plasma creatinine, plasma calcium and inorganic phosphorous ratio and urinary creatinine did not differ significantly at 48 hrs pre calving and 24, 48 and 72 hrs post calving, whereas the urinary hydroxyproline and the ratio between urinary hydroxyproline and urinary creatinine increased at 24, 48 and 72 hrs post calving in comparison to the 48 hrs pre calving. In cows developing post parturient paresis the plasma calcium decreased significantly at 24 and 48 hrs post calving and at the time of disease in comparison to the levels at 48 hrs pre calving in paretic and healthy cows. Plasma inorganic phosphorous concentrations decreased at the time of disease in comparison to the concentration at 48 hrs pre calving. Plasma Ca:iP ratio at 24 hrs post calving and at the time of disease decreased significantly in comparison to the ratio at 48 hrs pre calving of affected cows and 24 and 48 hrs post calving of healthy cows. Urinary hydroxyproline and ratio between urinary hydroxyproline and urinary creatinine decreased significantly at 24 and 48 hrs post calving and at the time of disease. The findings of the study will be of immense use in monitoring sub clinical parturient hypocalcaemia and as an aid to forecast the occurrence of parturient paresis for evolving the specific control programmes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinico-pathological, diagnostic and therapeutic studies of cystitis in canines
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Satyendra Kumar; Singh, J.L.
    The present study was aimed for identifying the prevalence of cystitis among the canines in some parts of India. Based on retrospective study of hospital record, cystitis was more prevalent in Pantnagar during 2004-2005. However, cystitis based on clinical screening was more prevalent in Mathura. Cystitis was seen mainly in female dogs of above six years age. Dysuria, haematuria, frequent painful micturition, pollakiuria, squatting posture and incontinence were the important clinical signs suggestive of cystitis. Routine clinical parameters namely rectal temperature and heart, pulse and respiration rates were increased in cystitis significantly. Haematological study revealed significant increase in TLC and neutrophil counts, while significant decreases were found in haemoglobin levels and lymphocyte numbers. Serum creatinine and urea nitrogen were increased significantly, while serum glucose level was decreased significantly. Serum albumin and albumin/globulin ratio were decreased significantly. However, serum globulin was increased significantly. Serum sodium and calcium level were significantly low in value. Whereas analytical value of serum inorganic phosphorus was high in cystitis. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) level were increased significantly in cystitis. In present study, urine pH and specific gravity were increased significantly. Protein, urea nitrogen and creatinine in urine were increased significantly in cystitis. The ratio of urinary protein/cretinine was observed significantly high in cystitis affected dogs. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) level in urine were increased significantly in cystitis. The bacteria commonly identified in this work were E.coli., Staph.Spp., Strept. Spp., Klebsiella spp.,Proteus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Contrast cystographic study of urinary bladder demonstrated distended irregular shaped sac with a smooth mucosal surface. In USG study, the lumen of urinary bladder in all cases found to be anechoic in appearance surrounded by hyperechoic bladder wall. Echogenic accumulations (thickened bladder wall) in the dependent region of the urinary bladder were found as another prominent sonographic lesions of cystitis. Therapeutic management point of view, Doxycycline was found as antibiotic of primary choice followed by Cefotaxime, Amikacin and Oflaxacin as secondary, tertiary and quarternary choice, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biochemical profiles to forecast post-parturient paresis in cross bred cows
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-08) Satya Prakash; Rajora, V.S.
    The present investigation was undertaken to record the prevalence of post parturient paresis, to evaluate biochemical profiles in peri parturient crossbred cows and to study shift in normal pattern of the profiles to identify the metabolic markers to forecast the occurrence of parturient paresis. The prevalence was computed on the basis of records collected from Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Pantnagar and State Veterinary Hospitals around Pantnagar for a period of five years from 2000 to 2004. Of 26802 cases in crossbred cows, 254 (0.95 percent) were found to be having metabolic disorders out of which 152 (59.84 percent) were of post parturient paresis. Highest prevalence of post-parturient paresis was recorded in the winter season. The blood and urine samples were collected at 48 hrs pre calving and 24, 48 and 72 hrs post calving in healthy cows and 48 hrs pre calving and 24, 48 hrs and at the time of the disease in the affected cows. In this study in healthy cows the plasma calcium, plasma inorganic phosphorous, plasma creatinine, plasma calcium and inorganic phosphorous ratio and urinary creatinine did not differ significantly at 48 hrs pre calving and 24, 48 and 72 hrs post calving, whereas the urinary hydroxyproline and the ratio between urinary hydroxyproline and urinary creatinine increased at 24, 48 and 72 hrs post calving in comparison to the 48 hrs pre calving. In cows developing post parturient paresis the plasma calcium decreased significantly at 24 and 48 hrs post calving and at the time of disease in comparison to the levels at 48 hrs pre calving in paretic and healthy cows. Plasma inorganic phosphorous concentrations decreased at the time of disease in comparison to the concentration at 48 hrs pre calving. Plasma Ca:iP ratio at 24 hrs post calving and at the time of disease decreased significantly in comparison to the ratio at 48 hrs pre calving of affected cows and 24 and 48 hrs post calving of healthy cows. Urinary hydroxyproline and ratio between urinary hydroxyproline and urinary creatinine decreased significantly at 24 and 48 hrs post calving and at the time of disease. The findings of the study will be of immense use in monitoring sub clinical parturient hypocalcaemia and as an aid to forecast the occurrence of parturient paresis for evolving the specific control programmes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Therapeutic evaluation of some ethnomedicinal plants against Fasciola gigantica
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Parihar, Ganesh Singh; Upadhyay, A.K.
    Various organic solvent and aqueous extracts of three ethnomedicinal plants viz., Butea frondosa, Embelia ribes and Mallotus philippensis were evaluated for their in vitro efficacy against Fasciola gigantica. The extracts were phytochemically analysed for presence of various groups of chemical compounds. Effective extracts were fractionated and characterized through HPTLC. Two (2.5 and 5.0 mg/ml) concentrations of all the extracts were prepared in H-F solution. Similar concentrations of three standard antitrematodal drugs viz., Triclabendazole, Rafoxanide and Closantal were also prepared to run positive control test. The results obtained form each of the extract were compared with that of standards and cumulative efficacies of the extracts and overall efficacies of the plant materials were analysed and interpreted. Mallotus philippensis showed maximum overall efficacy (49.05 % and 46.67 % at 2.5 and 5.0 mg/ml concentrations respectively). Butea frondosa showed 41.43 and 40.95 % whereas Embelia ribes gave 31.43 and 30.95 % overall efficacies at 2.5 and 5.0 mg/ml concentrations respectively. Butea frondosa showed maximum cumulative efficacy in its benzene extract (80.00 and 73.33 % at 2.5 and 5.0 mg/ml concentrations respectively) whereas Mallotus philippensis gave maximum cumulative efficacy with cold aqueous extract (73.33 % in both the concentrations). Embelia ribes showed maximum 46.67 % cumulative efficacy in methanol extract at 2.5 mg/ml and 50.00 % cumulative efficacy in hexane extract at 5.0 mg/ml. Phytochemical analysis was carried out to detect alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, flavonoids, glycosides, proteins, reducing sugars, resins, saponins, sterols, tannins and triterpenes. All the chemical groups were present in one or another extract of Butea frondosa except flavonoids. Flavonoids, proteins and sterols were absent in extracts of Embelia ribes whereas anthraquinones, flavonoids, proteins and reducing sugars could not be detected in any extract of Mallotus philippensis. Determination of Rf values and absorption maxima of the substances present in the effective extracts was carried through HPTLC.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on natural outbreaks of Marek’s disease in vaccinated domestic fowl with special reference to PCR based diagnosis
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-07) Agrawal, Vishal Shyamsundar; Shukla, S.K.
    The present investigation was undertaken to study the prevalence, clinico biochemical changes, histopathological changes, frequency of organ involvement, pathogenicity testing and PCR based diagnosis of Marek’s disease (MD). The samples and data were collected by personal visits to the poultry farms located in U. S. Nagar district of Uttaranchal. Incidence of MD ranged between 0.59 – 26.31% with an average of 9.17% in all the 7 farms. Mortality in birds gradually decreased as the age advanced. Maximum mortality was found during first part of laying phase. Clinical signs includes typical posture of one leg stretched forward and one backward, leg paralysis, incoordination, off feed, gradual reduction in body weight, prominent keel bone, curling of toes, torticollis and thickening and paleness of comb. Post mortem lesions included thickening of sciatic nerve with loss of striation and tumourous lesions or diffuse enlargement of visceral organs. Microscopically, most of the organs revealed loss of normal architecture, which was evident by degeneration and necrosis and massive pleomorphic cell infiltration. Reduction in Hb, PCV, heterophils, MCV and MCH and increase in TLC, ESR, lymphocytes were noticed. However no alteration in TEC, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils and MCHC values was recorded. Elevated plasma total protein, globulin, cholesterol, LDH, creatinine kinase, creatinine, BUN AST, ALT, AKP levels and decrease in A:G ratio were observed. No alteration in albumin and creatinine kinase MB levels was noticed. Plasma sodium, potassium and magnesium values were significantly higher with low calcium level in the infected birds. However, no alteration in plasma phosphorus level in infected birds was noticed. Investigation revealed 64% of the feather follicle samples positive for MD precipitinogen by standard antiserum. PCR by using specific primers for gA gene of MDV 1 amplify antigen A gene fragment of pathogenic MDV from feather, blood, liver, spleen. The amplified DNA product of 314 bp was detected on agarose (1.7%). HVT specific primers amplified none of the DNA isolated from infected samples. The probable reasons for the vaccination failures are early infection of chicks with virulent strain, maternal antibodies interfering with vaccinal immunity, mutation of MDV to vMDV, rearing of birds of multiple ages on same premises, mismanagemental practices, excessive dilution of vaccine, immunosuppression and lack of biosecurity measures.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinico-therapeutic evaluation of polyherbal formulations in diarrhoeic calves
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-04) Nag, Lavkush; Rajora, V.S.
    The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate clinico-haematobiochemical parameters, total fluid deficit and therapeutic efficacy of five treatments in natural cases of diarrhoea in calves. Six calves with no sign of diarrhoea were also included as healthy control. Clinical examination of diarrhoeic calves revealed semisolid to watery faeces and loss of appetite besides dry mucous membrane, sunken enophthalmos, dull to strenal recumbency, loss of skin elasticity and cool extremities in varying number of calves. Diarrhoeic calves had significantly higher haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume and total erythrocyte count and lower total leucocyte count, mean corpuscular haemoglobin and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration. Differential leucocyte count revealed neutrophilia and lymphopenia. Biochemical findings of affected calves revealed significant increase in blood urea nitrogen, serum total proteins, albumin, globulins, chloride and potassium and decrease in albumin globulins ratio and serum sodium. Total fluid deficit (TFD) in diarrhoeic calves estimated on the basis of clinical approach and based on laboratory approach indicated a significant difference in TFD between these two approaches. Alcoholic extracts of Terminalia chebula and Cuminum cyminum and aqueous extracts of Eugenia jambolana, Cassia absus, Terminalia chebula and Cuminum cyminum in concentration of 500 mg/ml possessed in-vitro anti-E. coli activity. Polyherbal formulation-1 containing Eugenia jambolana, Aegle marmelos, Terminalia chebula and Zingiber officinale and intrim bolus were found to have equally high therapeutic efficacy for treatment of diarrhoea in cases with 100% recoveries and significant improvement in clinico-haematobiochemical profiles. The recovery in diarrhoeic calves treated with polyherbal formulation-2 containing Cuminum cyminum, Kalanchoe pinnata, Helicteres isora and Cassia absus was 83.33% and 50% at the dose level of 15 gm and 7.5 gm respectively. Polyherbal formulation-1 at the dose level of 15 gm and 7.5 gm b.i.d. for 3-5 days was found to be an effective and cheap therapeutic alternative for the treatment of diarrhoea in calves of below 30 days of age.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of essential oils and aqueous extracts of some medicinal plants of sub Himalayan region for antibacterial properties
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-06) Gangwar, Pritee; Mahesh Kumar
    The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the antibacterial properties of essential oils and aqueous extracts of Anethum graveolens, Coriandrum sativum, Eucalyptus globulus, Lantana camara, Mentha spicata and Ocimum sanctum against Staph. aureus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. typhi and Pr. vulgaris and to find out the active phytochemical components in these using HPTLC. Over all essential oil of Ocimum sanctum was most effective followed by Eucalyptus globulus, Coriandrum sativum, Anethum graveolens, Mentha spicata and Lantana camara in decreasing order. Maximum MIC (0.97 l/ml) was of E. globulus and O. sanctum against Pr. vulgaris and E. coli while lowest (62.5 l/ml) activity was noticed against P. aeruginosa by A. graveolens and L. camara. Among aqueous extracts the order of efficacy was E. globulus > A. graveolens > O. sanctum > M. spicata > C. sativum and L. camara. Lowest (500 mg/ml) MIC was exhibited by aqueous extract of E. globulus against S. typhi and O. sanctum against P. Aeruginosa while highest (62.5 mg/ml) against Staph. aureus by E. globulus aqueous extract. Overall Staph. aureus was most sensitive and P. aeruginosa had least sensitivity for all the oils and extracts. Against E. coli, none of the aqueous extract had efficacy. All the essential oils and aqueous extracts (except L. camara) had either equal or more activity against Proteus vulgaris when compared with the ampicillin (10 g/disc). Rest of the treatments with essential oils and aqueous extracts were found less effective as compared to the standard antibiotics. Upon fractionation essential oils fractionated mainly in 4 and sometimes into more and less number of fractions with probability of carvone and dillopiole in A. graveolens and C. sativum. Even after the absence of many phytochemical groups in aqueous extracts they were well fractionated on chromatography. Aqueous extract revealed the probability of presence of known alkaloids like quinine and flavonopid like isosakuranetin (flavone) in E. globulus; anthraquinones like furnonaphoquines in L. camara; and flavonoids like flavones. Though many phytochemical groups were not detected in some cases on analysis and some fractions were present but they did not tally with the known ones. Some common phenolic fractions having similar Rf and max viz., 0.02 and 312 nm in L. camara, M. spicata and O. sanctum; 0.07 and 319 nm in L. camara and M. spicata and 0.07 and 329 nm in A. graveolens and C. sativum were noticed, which may probably be the similar components in these plants.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Fractionation and characterization of extracts of some ethnomedicinal plant having efficacy against Haemonchus contortus
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-06) Singh, Saurabh; Mahesh Kumar
    The present investigation was undertaken to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of extract residues of three ethnomedicinal plants, Butea frondosa, Embelia ribes and Scindapsus officinalis against Haemonchus contortus and to further fractionate and characterize the identified effective extract residues into various constituent phytochemical groups. Six extracts were prepared namely, cold and hot aqueous, methanol, diethyl ether, hexane and chloroform from each plant. On screening the extract residues at 10 mg/ml and 20 mg/ml concentrations in vitro overall methanol and diethyl ether extracts of Butea frondosa were found most efficacious, while in Embelia ribes methanol and hexane extract residues revealed maximum efficacy and cold aqueous and hexane extract residues of Scindapsus officinalis were found to have maximum efficacy. Among three ethnomedicinal plants Scindapsus officinalis was found to be most effective against Haemonchus contortus with 53.34 % overall efficacy followed by Butea frondosa with overall 42.92 %efficacy, whereas Embelia ribes extract residues were least effective with an overall efficacy of 40.00 % only. The identified effective six extract residues, two for each plant, viz., methanol and diethyl ether for Butea frondosa, methanol and hexane for Embelia ribes and cold aqueous and hexane for Scindapsus officinalis were further fractionated by HPTLC into the constituent phytochemical groups. Fractionation of residues revealed presence of a plethora of fractions belonging to the phytochemical groups like alkaloids, anthraquinones, coumarins, saponins, glycosides, phenols, sterols, tannins, flavonoids and triterpenes. Upon fractionation, extract residues revealed presence of known alkaloids like quinine and quinidine; anthraquinones like embodic acid and aloe-emodin and flavonoids like flavone. The fractions belonging to the phytochemical groups like phenols, coumarins, saponins, tannins and triterpenes were also present.