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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

After independence, development of the rural sector was considered the primary concern of the Government of India. In 1949, with the appointment of the Radhakrishnan University Education Commission, imparting of agricultural education through the setting up of rural universities became the focal point. Later, in 1954 an Indo-American team led by Dr. K.R. Damle, the Vice-President of ICAR, was constituted that arrived at the idea of establishing a Rural University on the land-grant pattern of USA. As a consequence a contract between the Government of India, the Technical Cooperation Mission and some land-grant universities of USA, was signed to promote agricultural education in the country. The US universities included the universities of Tennessee, the Ohio State University, the Kansas State University, The University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Missouri. The task of assisting Uttar Pradesh in establishing an agricultural university was assigned to the University of Illinois which signed a contract in 1959 to establish an agricultural University in the State. Dean, H.W. Hannah, of the University of Illinois prepared a blueprint for a Rural University to be set up at the Tarai State Farm in the district Nainital, UP. In the initial stage the University of Illinois also offered the services of its scientists and teachers. Thus, in 1960, the first agricultural university of India, UP Agricultural University, came into being by an Act of legislation, UP Act XI-V of 1958. The Act was later amended under UP Universities Re-enactment and Amendment Act 1972 and the University was rechristened as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology keeping in view the contributions of Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, the then Chief Minister of UP. The University was dedicated to the Nation by the first Prime Minister of India Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 17 November 1960. The G.B. Pant University is a symbol of successful partnership between India and the United States. The establishment of this university brought about a revolution in agricultural education, research and extension. It paved the way for setting up of 31 other agricultural universities in the country.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic studies on reproduction and production traits of Uttara breed of chicken and its crosses
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-08) Chandankar, Sonali D.; Shive Kumar
    The data for the present study were obtained from 1711 progenies of 288 dams and 48 sires from 12 hatches maintained at Instructional Poultry Farm (I.P.F) of University. A total eight genetic groups viz. Cross 1 (Uttara × White Cornish), cross 2 (White Cornish × Uttara), cross 3 (Uttara × Uttara), cross 4 (White Cornish × White Cornish), cross 5 (Uttara × Kadaknath), cross 6 (Kadaknath × Uttara), cross 7 (Uttara × White Leghorn) and cross 8 (White Leghorn × Uttara) were developed for the present experiment. The aim of the experiment was to study growth traits, production traits, conformation traits, carcass traits, proximate analysis of meat samples, egg quality traits, haemato-biochemical traits, heritability estimates, genetic and phenotypic correlations of different crosses. The data were recorded on males of body weights from day old to 22 weeks at 2 weeks interval. The average of 22 weeks body weight in C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 and C8 crosses were 1360.89 ± 5.59, 1292.65 ± 5.68, 1290.33 ± 5.75, 1289.24 ± 5.81, 1252.69 ± 9.79, 1241.15 ± 6.36, 1272.46 ± 11.39 and 1277.98 ± 8.24 gm and corresponding values in females were 1299.14 ± 3.21, 1232.81 ± 4.58, 1235.18 ± 12.50, 1229.28 ± 6.55, 1189.94±12.51, 1169.82 ± 9.26, 1225.60 ± 8.70 and 1216.41 ± 7.72 gm respectively. The higher body weights were observed in cross 1 for males and females than other crosses. The lower age at first egg found in cross 1 and higher egg production found in cross 7 and 8 than the other crosses. The egg weight at 35 weeks of age was found higher in cross 7 than the other crosses. The higher values of conformation traits for males and females found in cross 1 than other crosses. Cross 1 had the highest percentage in most of the carcass traits which is considered as desirable traits followed by other crosses. The proximate analysis of meat in present study indicates that cross 1 had highest crude protein and lower fat per cent in thigh muscle. The egg albumen width was significantly lower in cross 5 and 6. The albumen height, albumen weight and yolk width were significantly higher in cross 7 than other crosses. The egg yolk height was found significantly higher in cross 5 and 6 and egg yolk weight was significantly higher in cross 8 and lower in cross 5 and 6 in present findings. Lower blood glucose and total cholesterol levels found in cross 5 and 6. Low triglyceride levels and LDL values were found in cross 5, 6, 7 and 8 in comparison to other crosses. Higher protein and globulin values were observed in cross 1, whereas, lower albumin values were found in cross 1 and 2 than other crosses. Higher hemoglobin values were found in cross 5 and lower packed cell volume was observed in cross 1 in comparison to other crosses.Body weight and conformations traits viz. shank length, keel length and breast angle (8 and 20 weeks of age) had medium to high heritability estimates for males and females in different crosses.The age at first egg and egg number had low to high heritable estimates. Heritability estimates were medium to high for egg weight at 35 weeks of age in different crosses and ranged from 0.21 ±0.11 to 0.41 ±0.37. At genetic and phenotypic level there existed low to high positive correlation among the body weights in males for all crosses. The genetic and phenotypic correlations among body weights in females were highly positive in cross 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8, except day old body weight with all body weights at phenotypic level were low to medium positive. There existed negative low to high association at genetic and low at phenotypic level between age at first egg and egg number in all crosses. The correlation between body weights and conformation traits were positive in all crosses for male and female at genetic and phenotypic levels except negative association in some conformation traits. The correlation between body weights and age at first egg were negative in magnitude at genetic and phenotypic level. The correlation between body weights and egg number were negative in cross C1 and C7 at genetic and phenotypic levels. The cross of Uttara with White Cornish was found better for growth performance and carcass traits than other crosses, it may be considered as meat purpose breed. Cross of Uttara with White Leghorn having higher egg production and better egg quality traits than other crosses can be suggested for egg purpose breed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of dietary supplementation of lemongrass and peppermint essential oils on the performance of Japanese quail
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-08) Srivastava, Siddhartha; Palod, Jyoti
    An experiment was conducted on 150, six-day-old Japanese quails for a period of 5 weeks, to study the impact of lemon grass and peppermint essential oils supplementation on the growth performance, haematological, certain serum biochemical and health status related parameters, carcass traits and economics of Japanese quails. Experimental Japanese quail chicks were randomly allocated into 5 different treatment groups (T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4) with three replicates of 10 Japanese quail chicks each. Different treatment groups were supplemented with essential oils T0 control (no essential oil), T1(0.1% lemongrass essential oil), T2(0.1% peppermint essential oil), T3(0.05% lemongrass + 0.05% peppermint essential oils) and T4(0.1% lemongrass + 0.1% peppermint essential oils).Growth parameters were studied at weekly intervals as well as for different periods viz. Starter (I-II week), Finisher (III-V week) and Overall period (I-V week). At the end of feeding trial on 35th day, two Japanese quails from each replicate (6 Japanese quails /treatment) were randomly sacrificed for study of carcass yield, yield of cut up parts, organ weights and processing losses. At that time representative blood samples were also collected for haemato-biochemical parameters. Results of experiment indicated that inclusion of lemon grass and peppermint essential oils increased body weight gain, reduced feed intake, improved feed conversion ratio, performance index, protein efficiency ratio and production efficiency factor, with best performance during all the periods was noted in T3 group. The blood picture revealed that TEC, Hb and PCV were improved in T3group of Japanese quails while TLC increased in T2 group over control and MCV and MCH showed significant reduction in T3 group. Serum glucose was reduced in lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplemented groups with minimum in T2 group. Whereas serum total cholesterol levels were reduced in Japanese quails of all supplemented groups, except T2 with minimum in T3group. Serum triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol were reduced in lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplemented groups with minimum in T4and T3 group of Japanese quails, respectively. Serum HDL-cholesterol was increased in all lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplemented groups with maximum value was observed in T3 group of Japanese quails. Serum total protein, albumin and globulin were improved in all lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplemented groups of Japanese quails with maximum values observed in T3 group of Japanese quails. Serum uric acid, serum creatinine, total bilirubin and SGPT levels were significantly (P<0.05) reduced by lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplementation in Japanese quails. Lemongrass and peppermint essential oils at 0.05% each in combination significantly (P<0.05) improved dressed yield with and without giblets.Cut up parts in terms of thigh, breast, drumsticks and wing weights were significantly (P<0.05) improved in lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplemented groups with maximum weight observed in T3group of Japanese quails. Lemongrass and peppermint essential oils improved weights of heart, gizzard and giblets. Liver weight and processing losses were not significantly affected by lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplementation in any treatment group. Lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplementation reduced the feed cost per kg weight gain significantly (P<0.01) except T4 group. Minimum feed cost per kg weight gain was noted in Japanese quails of group supplemented with 0.05% each of lemongrass and peppermint essential oils in combination. From the results of present investigation, it can be concluded that dietary lemongrass and peppermint essential oils supplementation at 0.05% each may be advised to improve growth performance, haemato-biochemical parameters, dressed yield and yield of cut-up arts along with economical Japanese quails production. Further research may be carried out using these and other essential oils in laying Japanese quails and other species of poultry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on morphological and performance traits of feathered shank local hill fowl
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-06) Sharma, Naresh Chand; Singh, S.K.
    The present study was conducted to evaluate the morphological and performance traits of feathered shank local hill fowl.” The average body weight at day old, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 weeks of age were 30.84±0.18, 43.81±0.23, 51.83±0.29, 84.27±0.60,107.11±0.52, 185.60±0.70, 251.03±0.82, 373.56±1.62, 513.99±1.71, 585.01±2.21, 737.49±3.83, 879.35±4.81, 965.90±4.94, and 1194.17± 6.25 g. Feathered shank local hill fowl males had prominently mixed colours in their plumage with, black brown gold (43%), followed by black brown, black white, black golden and black red brown white. However, female birds had 50% single colour plumage; most frequent single colour was founded to be black followed by brown, dusty brown and almond colour. Feathered shank females also had notably mixed colour plumage (50%). It was found that feathered shank local hill fowl dominated with single type comb i.e. 99% and 98% in males and females birds, respectively. However, (2%) female birds possess pea type comb and male birds occasionally have rose comb (1%). Ear lobe was found to be mainly white red (46%) followed by yellow red (30%) and red (24%) in colour in feathered shank male hill fowl. However, red colour predominantly distributed (46%) in females followed by white red (44%) and yellow red (10%). Eyes were predominantly brown-black (45% in males and 54% in females), followed by grey-black (44% in males and 34% in females), orange-black (8% in males and 5% in females), total black (3% in males and 4% in females); and grey brown (3% in females only) in feathered shank local hill. The skin colour in feathered shank hill fowl was generally yellow. It was noted that black yellow colour shanks were the more frequently (53% in males and 61% in females) encountered in the feathered shank local hill fowl, followed by yellow shanks (28% in males and 5% females) and white yellow colour shanks (19% in males and 34% in females). The averages of heamoglobin packed cell volume (PCV), total leucocytes count (thousands /cmm), lymphocytes count, heterophils, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils and H: L ratio were found to be 12.94±0.06 g/dl, 39.6±0.25%, 24.04±0.10X103/cmm, 68.98±0.88, 16.40±0.66, 5.03±0.34, 2.46±0.11%, and 0.24±0.01 male birds and 9.73± 0.06 g/%, 31.6± 0.65%, 23.96±0.08 x103/cmm, 68.06±0.71, 10.11±0.83, 14.05±0.61, 4.43±0.14, 2.29±0.16% and 0.21±0.61 in female birds. The averages of total protein, albumin, and globulin, cholesterol, glucose and A: G ratio were 4.62±0.03 g/dl, 1.85±0.01 g/dl, 2.77±0.03 g/dl, 114.51±2.00 mg/dl, 235.62±0.92 mg/dl and 0.67±0.01 in male and 4.14±0.02 g/dl, 1.75±0.00 g/dl, 2.39±0.03 g/dl, 113.421±0.68 mg/dl, 234.38 ±1.64 mg/dl, 0.74 ±0.01 in female, respectively. Fertility, hatchability on the basis of fertile egg set and total egg set were 71.16±1.16, 85.32±1.68 and 60.78±1.70 per cent in feathered local hill fowl, respectively. The average live weight at twenty weeks of age, dressed weight, eviscerated weight, giblet weight, skin weight, feet and shank weight, head weight, feather weight, wing weight and neck weight were 1202.00±37.98, 922.80±31.37, 750.40±28.03, 66.60±1.13, 161.00±1.63,66.4±2.41, 42.20±1.55, 84.00±3.87, 90.60±3.29 and 54.40±2.12 g in male and 1044.00±6.68, 812.00±5.01, 643.00±3.43, 61.80±0.53, 151.00±2.41, 49.8±1.06, 37.80±0.58, 81.00±2.21, 83.2±1.24,and 48.20±1.69g in female, respectively .the average egg weight, shape index, haught units, shell thickness, specific gravity, albumin index, yolk index, albumin weight, albumin volume, yolk weight and shell weight in feathered shank local hill fowl were 52.74±0.62g, 70.61±1.05, 76.22±2.82, 0.38±0.01mm, 1.08±0.03, 0.09±0.01, 0.50±0.01, 27.75±0.74g, 25.70±0.25ml, 16.93±0.37g and 5.02±0.16 g, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on morphological and performance traits of clean shank local hill fowl
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-06) Singh, Abhay Kumar; Singh, D.V.
    Present study was conducted to evaluate the morphological and performance traits in clean shank local hill fowl of Nainital region. Clean shank local hill fowls had mixed colour plumage. Most prominent was white colour, followed by black-white, black, golden with black spot, black-brown, brown-gold, black dark green spot on feathers and white with brown. Skin colour was generally yellow, followed by white, and black. Shank colour was mostly yellow, followed by black, white yellow, and white. Earlobe was found to be mainly red and white red. Eyes were predominantly greyblack, followed by black-brown, black and grey in clean shank local hill fowl. Majority of comb colour was found red with a few having pale comb and black colour comb. Mean body weight at day old, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 weeks of age were 31.84±0.24, 47.07±0.40, 57.84±0.38, 81.23±0.74, 114.47±0.53, 176.52±0.70, 267.3±1.02, 380.95±1.12, 526.65±0.93, 628.05±0.91, 762.25±1.17, 923.9±6.0, 1025.45±1.17 and 1206.55±6.26 g, respectively. Mean values of haemoglobin, PCV, TLC, lymphocytes, monocytes, heterophils, eosinophils and H:L ratio at 20 weeks of age were found to be 12.78±0.32 g%, 40.4±0.52%, 2.33±0.032 103/mm3, 67.4±0.94%, 7.5±0.40%, 20.1±0.86%, 4.2±0.35% and 0.29±0.01, respectively in male birds and 10.24±0.48 g%, 38.7±0.36%, 2.33±0.02 103/mm3, 64.4±0.88%, 7.4±0.42%, 23.4±0.83%, 4.7±0.49% and 0.35±0.01, respectively in female birds. Averages of total protein, albumin and globulin, cholesterol, glucose and A:G ratio at 20 weeks of age were 4.12±0.11 g/dl, 1.83±0.08 g/dl, 2.28±0.12 g/dl, 115.05±0.73 mg/dl, 234.04±0.88 mg/dl, 0.82±0.07 in male and 3.85±0.03 g/dl, 1.73±0.08 g/dl, 2.11±0.09 g/dl, 115.24±0.72 mg/dl, 233.25±0.85 mg/dl, 0.84±0.09 in female birds, respectively. Age at first egg laid, fertility, hatchability on the basis of fertile egg set and total egg set were 186.2±1.21 days, 82.0±1.0%, 88.4±0.82% and 74.4±0.82%, respectively in clean shank local hill fowl. Mean live weight, dressed weight, eviscerated weight, weight of giblet, skin, feet and shank, head, feather, wing and neck at 20 weeks of age were 1248±13.52, 974.0±14.42, 788.6±6.55, 61.40±0.65, 165.2±1.43, 70.6±0.96, 46.6±0.42, 87.2±0.81, 94.4±0.82 and 60.4±0.52 g in male and 1277±16.56, 945±21.79, 782±9.65, 60±1.20, 164.8±0.95, 56.2±1.23, 45.6±0.36, 84.0±1.0, 93.4±30.98 and 59.4±0.76 g in female birds, respectively. Average egg weight, shape index, haugh unit, shell thickness, specific gravity, albumin index, yolk index, albumin weight, albumin volume, yolk weight and shell weight in clean shank local hill fowl were 51.41±0.56 g, 72.86±0.12, 78.56±0.45, 0367±0.016 mm, 1.08±0.004, 0.083±0.004, 0.498±0.008, 30.40±0.46 g, 29.5±0.34 ml, 16.80±0.19 g and 6.25±0.18 g, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on viability of sustainable crossbred chicken for backyard farming
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2006-07) Shukla, Sanjeev Kumar; Ashok Kumar
    Backyard poultry farming has been a traditional economic activity in rural areas and rural farmers are accustomed to rear nondescript poultry birds. Keeping the importance of backyard poultry farming (BYPF) for upliftment of rural people, crossing of indigenous and exotic breeds is must to exploit the economic traits of both types of breeds. Current study was conducted on various aspects of BYPF for crosses involving Aseel (A) × Rhode Island Red (RIR), Aseel (A) × Brown Cornish (BC), Kadaknath (K) × Brown Cornish (BC), Kadaknath (K) × Rhode Island Red (RIR) at nineteen villages of Udham singh nagar. Comparative evaluation for production traits as body weight gain and egg production was done among four cross-breds K x BC, A x BC, K x RIR and A x RIR under BYPF. The average body weight at 20 week of age were estimated as 1312.01,1745.27,1161.86 and 1502.36 g, and average annual egg production as 157.44, 140.45, 173.78 and 168.45 for crosses K x BC, A x BC, K x RIR and A x RIR respectively. On the basis of comparative evaluation A x BC was judged best for body weight gain, K x RIR was the best layer and A x RIR was evaluated as best dual purpose crossbred for back-yard poultry farming.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on effect of different light source on growth and heat shock protein 70 expression in commercial broiler
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2006-07) Hajra, Dilip Kumar; Shive Kumar
    The experiment was conducted for a period of 6 weeks to evaluate the effects of fluorescent and incandescent light on growth performance, stress response and cost effectiveness. Two hundred commercial broiler chicks were randomly divided into two equal groups. Group I was provided fluorescent light and group II was under incandescent light. Except for first 3 days an 18L:6D regimen with 15 to 20 lux light intensity was maintained throughout the experimental period. Body weight, feed intake were measured and feed conversion ratio, performance index were calculated at weekly intervals up to 6 weeks. Blood samples were collected on 21st and 42nd day of experiment for estimation of cortisol and expression of HSP70. Electrical energy expenditure by the light sources was calculated and profit/loss statement was made after the end of experiment. The results of the experiment indicated that there was significant (P<0.05) improvement in FCR and performance index of broilers under fluorescent light source as compared to incandescent light source from 2nd week onward up to 6th week of age. Significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight was observed under fluorescent light during 5th (1351.20±13.39 g) and 6th (1885.60±15.63 g) week of age. Weekly weight gain was unaffected by fluorescent and incandescent light source but overall weight gain (1840.56±15.76 g) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in fluorescent light. Average daily feed consumption was statistically similar in both experimental groups. In relation to stress response both light source had no appreciable difference in plasma cortisol level and HSP70 expression. As energy expenditure and FCR values were significantly lower in fluorescent light, profit per bird from this group was (Rs. 4.88) more than the bird under incandescent light. It can be concluded from the present investigation that the fluorescent light substantially improves the final weight, FCR and performance index as compared to incandescent light.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative studies on growth, carcass and egg quality traits of crossbred chickens in backyard poultry rearing
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-05) Gupta, Chandra Sen; Ashok Kumar
    Backyard poultry rearing is one of the most effective methods to assure the availability of poultry eggs and meat in rural areas. The present studies were conducted on various aspects of the backyard poultry rearing for crosses involving indigenous breeds Kadaknath and Aseel as male line and exotic Brown Cornish and Rhode Island Red breeds as female line. Investigations were carried out at six villages of Dineshpur block of Udham Singh Nagar District. Comparative studies on growth, carcass and egg quality traits were evaluated among four crossbreds as Kadaknath × Brown Cornish, Kadaknath × Rhode Island Red, Aseel× Brown Cornish and Aseel × Rhode Island Red. Among the four crossbreds evaluated under backyard poultry rearing, Kadaknath × Brown Cornish was found to be performing well as far as the body weight is concerned. The average body weight at 20 weeks age for crosses Kadaknath × Brown Cornish, Aseel × Brown Cornish, Kadaknath × Rhode Island Red and Aseel × Rhode Island Red were estimated as 1927.70 20.34, 1541.2017.43, 1204.0015.68 and 1279.7020.34 gm, respectively which differed significantly with each other (P<0.05). The average dressing, eviscerated, edible and giblet weight percentage at 20 weeks age for crosses K × BC, A × BC, K × RIR and A × RIR were observed as 75.950.64, 58.361.40, 64.581.77 and 6.210.28; 73.002.13, 57.262.27, 63.772.42 and 5.880.23; 69.982.27, 55.931.82, 62.122.03 and 6.210.97 and 68.643.40, 57.811.92, 64.612.21 and 6.810.53 per cent, respectively. The proximate analysis of deboned meat of crossbred chickens under backyard poultry rearing were estimated to have more crude protein and less ether extract per cent than the earlier report for intensive poultry rearing. On basis of comparative evaluation of egg quality traits, A ×RIR was judged to be the best suitable for egg quality traits among four crossbred chickens. Results revealed that there exists a vast scope of backyard poultry rearing in the Tarai area of Uttaranchal.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative study of economic traits in pearl and lavender varieties of Guinea fowl
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-06) Verma, Rajat; Singh, Brijesh
    In the present experiment, there were two groups constituted of Pearl and Lavender varieties of guinea fowl. A total of 300 day-old keets 150 from Pearl and 150 from Lavender variety of guinea fowl were used. The aim of the experiment was to study comparative egg weight, fertility, hatchability, growth performance, carcass traits, hematological and biochemical parameters in Pearl and Lavender varieties of guinea fowl. For the study of growth performance, body weight and feed uptake were recorded at 2 weekly intervals throughout the experimental period. Growth parameters were studied in three different periods viz. Starter (1st-4th week), Grower (5th-8th week), Finisher (9th-12th week) and overall period (1st-12th) at two weekly intervals. At the end of 84th day, six birds from each group were randomly sacrificed for study of carcass yield, yield of cut up parts, organ weights and processing losses. At that time blood was also collected for haemato-biochemical parameters. The results of experiment indicated that the average egg weights were significantly (P<0.05) higher in Pearl as compared to Lavender variety of guinea fowl. The fertility and hatchability were higher in Pearl than Lavender variety of guinea fowl. Pearl had significantly (P<0.05) higher body weight gains than Lavender during all the periods. Pearl had significantly (P<0.05) lesser feed intake than Lavender variety of guinea fowl. Pearl had significantly (P<0.05) better Feed conversion ratio than Lavender during all the periods. The mean of dressing percentage with and without giblet were significantly (P<0.05) higher in Pearl than Lavender variety. The cut up parts in terms of thigh, breast and drumstick weight were significantly (P<0.05) higher in Pearl than the Lavender group. The organ weights in terms of gizzard weights were significantly (P<0.05) higher in Pearl than the Lavender group. The blood picture revealed that the mean value of Hb was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Pearl than the Lavender variety. The mean values of total protein and globulin were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the Pearl than the Lavender variety whereas albumin was significantly (P<0.05) higher in the Lavender than the Pearl variety. From the results of present investigation it can be concluded that Pearl has better performance than Lavender variety of guinea fowl.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on production and reproduction traits of different crossbred chickens
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-05) Mondal, Avijit; Patel, M.
    A study was conducted to evaluate the productive and reproductive performance of 800 crossbred chickens of 6 genetic groups viz., Kadaknath x Rhode Island Red (KxRIR), Aseel x Rhode Island Red (AxRIR), Aseel x Brown Cornish (AxBC), Kadaknath x Brown Cornish (KxBC), Rhode Island Red x Aseel (RIRxA) and Brown Cornish x Kadaknath (BCxK) which were obtained in three hatches at I.P.F., Pantnagar. Weekly body weight was recorded from day old to 10th week for accessing the growth trend. To study the carcass quality traits six birds from each genetic group were slaughtered at 10th week of age. Eggs collected during 2nd week of laying were used for egg quality analysis. Similarly eggs collected from crossing of two genetic groups were used for calculating reproductive performance. Among the six genetic groups, KxBC showed maximum body weight gain (1023 g) marginally followed by AxBC and miminum in KxRIR (762 g) at 10th week of age. In the conformation traits, keel bone length ranged from 7.12 to 7.29 cm, shank length from 6.06 to 6.57 cm, and breast angle from 58.11 to 61.16° respectively. In Kadaknath crosses, day old body weight exhibited positive correlation with all the growth traits except at 10th week of age. All the conformation traits were found to be positively correlated among themselves and were significant. In carcass traits, AxBC and BCxK were superior in live weight attained closely followed by KxBC and minimum in KxRIR which differed significantly. Dressing (%) ranged from 77 to 81 with maximum recording in AxBC followed by RIRxA and KxRIR. In all the six genetic groups similar trend with respect to live, bled and dressed weight was maintained except in AxRIR and RIRxA. In all the three Kadaknath crosses KxRIR, KxBC, and BCxK the weight of the different cut up parts was in the sequence of breast, thigh, back, drumstick, wing and neck in the decreasing order. Genetic group with maximum and minimum giblet weight recorded maximum and minimum in liver and gizzard weight. Mean egg weight ranged from 41.90 to 46.362 g in the six genetic groups with maximum in RIRxA closely followed by BCxK. Maximum albumen index (0.173) was recorded in the eggs laid by KxBC and minimum (0.087) in AxBC. Mean shape index ranged from 0.34 to 0.365 which did not differ significantly between the genetic groups. RIRxA had the heaviest shell weight closely followed by AxRIR and KxBC. Albumen weight was highest in AxRIR closely followed by BCxK and was least for AxBC. Yolk index ranged from 0.4 to 0.5 except in AxBC where it was 0.35. Haugh Unit ranged from 75 to 77 except in BCxK where it was 80.5. The percent hatchability on TES basis ranged from 36.67 to 54.80 and similarly in FES basis from 72.46 to 88.00. Mortality (%) ranged from 2.94 to 4.73. Aseel crosses had marginally lower mortality than Kadaknath crosses.