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Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar

After independence, development of the rural sector was considered the primary concern of the Government of India. In 1949, with the appointment of the Radhakrishnan University Education Commission, imparting of agricultural education through the setting up of rural universities became the focal point. Later, in 1954 an Indo-American team led by Dr. K.R. Damle, the Vice-President of ICAR, was constituted that arrived at the idea of establishing a Rural University on the land-grant pattern of USA. As a consequence a contract between the Government of India, the Technical Cooperation Mission and some land-grant universities of USA, was signed to promote agricultural education in the country. The US universities included the universities of Tennessee, the Ohio State University, the Kansas State University, The University of Illinois, the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Missouri. The task of assisting Uttar Pradesh in establishing an agricultural university was assigned to the University of Illinois which signed a contract in 1959 to establish an agricultural University in the State. Dean, H.W. Hannah, of the University of Illinois prepared a blueprint for a Rural University to be set up at the Tarai State Farm in the district Nainital, UP. In the initial stage the University of Illinois also offered the services of its scientists and teachers. Thus, in 1960, the first agricultural university of India, UP Agricultural University, came into being by an Act of legislation, UP Act XI-V of 1958. The Act was later amended under UP Universities Re-enactment and Amendment Act 1972 and the University was rechristened as Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology keeping in view the contributions of Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, the then Chief Minister of UP. The University was dedicated to the Nation by the first Prime Minister of India Pt Jawaharlal Nehru on 17 November 1960. The G.B. Pant University is a symbol of successful partnership between India and the United States. The establishment of this university brought about a revolution in agricultural education, research and extension. It paved the way for setting up of 31 other agricultural universities in the country.


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 9 of 47
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Analysis and design of substrate integrated waveguide based leaky wave antennas and compact self-quadruplexing antenna
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-11) Singh, Abhay Kumar; Paras
    The presented work includes different Substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) based leaky-wave antenna (LWA) for beam steering applications. Phased-array antennas, which offer beam steering capabilities by tuning the phases of individual radiating elements, are most commonly used in beam steering applications. However, the tunable phase shifters utilized are limited by the continuity of the phase shift. In contrast, frequency beam steering offers a more economical and convenient solution for a number of applications. This thesis focuses on the solutions of the problems like Open Stop Band (OSB) and beam scanning coverage area. The OSB problem is solved using the impedance matching and lumped modeling technique. In the first contribution, beam steering is defined, and enhanced technology based on a dispersive element is proposed. The dispersive element is used to engineer the slope of the dispersion curve of the unit cell in LWA. Though having a flat response in its dispersion curve, the beam steering coverage is enhanced. The proposed LWA has the capability to cover the entire range 360° of E-plane. In the second contribution, improved impedance balanced condition based on the distributed transmission line model is derived in periodic LWA based on EH2-mode are designed. The EH2-mode LWA has beam steering capabilities from backward to forward quadrants in a quasi-E plane. In the third contribution, two-dimensional beam steering is achieved by incorporating the LWA with the R-KR lens beamforming. By changing the ports of the R-KR lens, antenna beam scans in the E-plane, while by changing the operating frequencies beam scan in the Hplane has been achieved. In the fourth contribution, a SIW-based self-quadruplexing antenna is proposed. This design eliminates the need for employing external circuitry in quadruplexes design. The fabricated prototype responses closely matched theoretical predictions, verifying the proposed concept.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Real-time detection of Salmonella Typhimurium using optical fiber plasmonic biosensor based on surface plasmon resonance
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-08) Joshi, Abhishek; Mathur, Sanjay
    Foodborne pathogens have remarkably caused food contamination at every stage of food production, processing, and distribution. Salmonella is one of the main organisms causing the outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, and pork is one of the major vehicles of foodborne salmonellosis throughout the world. It is therefore highly desirable that the presence of Salmonella Typhimurium be detected at the preprocessing stage of the product been made from any such source which may carry this bacteria and that may contaminate the product. In this thesis an optical fiber index sensor based on surface plasmon resonance is proposed for label-free and real-time detection of Salmonella Typhimurium. The sensing properties of the sensor are numerically simulated in COMSOL Multiphysics5.5. The first layer of silver nanoparticles is coated on the fiber probe sensor and the second layer as grapheme oxide. The reflection properties and the refractive index sensitivity of the sensor are systemically investigated. The results shows that by changing refractive index on the surface of multimode optical fiber gives a remarkable shift of resonance peak. In addition the proposed sensor is very easy to make and the layer of graphene oxide enhances the field to a great extent and also protect the silver film from oxidation. This refractive index sensor is highly sensitive and best choice for bio-medical applications.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Design and implementation of high performance hybrid full adders using XOR-XNOR in 90nm CMOS technology
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-12) Kandpal, Jyoti; Tomar, Abhishek
    The demand for high computational power of processor and dependency on portable application is constantly growing day by day. In the processor thirty percent of power is consumed by the data path. Arithmetic unit is a critical component of this data path. In arithmetic unit, adder plays a vital role not only for addition but also in multiplier, comparator, error detection and correction etc. Many techniques and topologies have been proposed by various authors in the quest of improved performance of adder in terms of power consumption, lesser propagation delay, full voltage swing at the internal and external nodes, and a smaller number of internal nodes. Hybrid logic style is used for implementing the full adder circuit in this thesis. In the hybrid logic style, appropriate logic style is chosen to realize the different modules of the full adder. In this work, at first a XOR-XNOR module is implemented using the complementary pass transistor logic (CPL) and restorer circuit with 10 number of transistors. Furthermore, using this proposed XOR-XNOR design four new full adders are implemented. The proposed work is simulated using the cadence software tool. The proposed XOR-XNOR design showed 7.5% improvement in the power delay product (PDP). The proposed full adder design showed 2 to 28.13 % improvement in PDP. Inaddition proposed full adder circuits are compared with different reviewed designs in varying supply voltage, process corner and loading conditions. Among the proposed four full adder designs, Design-4 showed best performance. The results of the virtual fabrication of the proposed XOR-XNOR design and Design-4 of full adder circuit are presented and discussed in the present work. The proposed full adder is appropriate for usage in different everyday used electronic applications, for example, in memory and processor-based devices.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Behavioral modeling & analysis of digital predistorter for Hpa using neural committee machine
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-03) Bhatt, Manoj; Mathur, Sanjay
    For efficient use of HPA, HPA should be operated in high-power region near saturation, which severely distorts the information signal. Due to non-linearity, there always exists an elemental tradeoff between the linearity and the efficacy of the HPA. These nonlinear distortions become more vulnerable when communication system demands high data rate transmission, achieved using bandwidth-efficient modulation techniques, for instance, QAM or multicarrier signals in OFDM having large envelope fluctuation with high PAPR. For improving the linearity-efficiency trade-off along with spectral efficiency, an efficient DPD technique must be required. The distortion effects of PA are more critical in the presence of other transmitter impairments i.e. I/Q imbalance and DC offset which further degrade the performance of communication systems. Since conventional DPD does not mitigate these effects in a single step, hence in this work an attempt to formulate a single step solution to solve this problem is made. In this thesis, the NN committee machine i.e. MoE is studied to implement behavioral modeling, predistorter, and DPD for linearizing the DUT. Firstly, MoE is used to implement the behavioral model of the memoryless Saleh model and then DPD characterization is performed for it, and the simulation results present that MoE performs both the tasks in an efficient manner. Then, MoE is used to perform behavioral modeling of dynamic PAs/transmitters in the presence of other transmitter impairments and is also used to implement predistorter for it. Simulated results show that MoE very closely follows the characteristic of dynamic PAs/transmitter and its inverse characteristic in the presence of other transmitter impairments. After that augmented method and kernel method are incorporated with MoE for enhancing the performance of solo MoE. The simulated results for that show the improved performance with respect to its solo performance. At last, measurement is conducted for validation of digital predistortion and the obtained results show that spectral regrowth in the adjacent band in the system is substantially reduced with respect to no DPD case.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of adaptive sorting algorithm using tag array and multi core processing
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-01) Saini, Chakshu; Tomar, Abhishek
    Data sorting is the pivotal part to the management of the data because it is the mostly used data structure in today’s world. And for the sorting purpose we have many algorithms with their pros and cons. One of the biggest challenge is the time complexity of these sorting algorithms. So, we have used divide and conquer principle using tag array and multi-processing to utilize the system potential fully. Proposed sorting algorithm gives the better results than the existing array sort algorithm in terms of time complexity in the worst case and in average case.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Design & performance analysis of trigate junctionless 22nm TFET
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-12) Rajput, Poshita; Tomar, Abhishek
    Nowadays, Nano scale devices are in demand due to their higher packing density and high performance in microelectronics circuits. These nano-scale devices, suffer with short channel effects including DIBL, Sub-threshold slope, small Ion/Ioff ratio, large leakage current etc. To overcome these short channel effects, we have proposed a 22 nm Dual Material Gate Tri-gate Junctionless FinFET. The gate of this device is made up of two material Tungston and Silver, with work function of 5.2 eV and 4.74 eV, respectively. The proposed DM DG JL FinFET is simulated using software Visual TCAD. The Effect of Dual Material Gate work function Difference on Electrical Characteristics like ION/IOFF, Subthreshold slope, DIBL is simulated. The simulation results of proposed device show subthreshold slope of 62.64mV/dec – 68.19mV/dec, ION/IOFF ratio of 5.49E+07- 3.898E9 and DIBL 18.6 mV/V-60.02mV/dec for a workfiunction deiffenece from 0.0eVto 0.8eV. The proposed devices due to three side gates have better control on charge carriers in the channel. Further, two metal gate improves carrier transport efficiency, reduce short channel effects in term of DIBL, Subthreshold slope and improves ION/IOFF ratio. The reduction achieved is 5% - 23% in subthreshold slope and 67% - 85% in DIBL. The proposed device has low leakage current and is very useful for memory circuits.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance evaluation of 22nm and 14nm TG-FinFET using parametric analysis
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-11) Tewari, Kanika; Sharma, K.K.
    Relentless scaling of planar MOSFETs over the past four decades has delivered ever increasing transistor density and performance to the Integrated Circuits (ICs). The continuing trend of scaling of planar MOSFET in nanometer regime has become challenging as it brought several detrimental effects such as increased leakage current and short channel effects (SCEs). Hence, to face these formidable challenges in nanometer regime FinFET has emerged as the best successors. In this proposed work, a study of various process parameter variations on the operation of Multigate transistor has been done. For this, Tri-gate FinFET (TG-FinFET) structure of 22nm and 14nm device has been designed by using TCAD tool. The parameters such as fin height, fin width, channel doping, oxide thickness and underlap length has been varied for both low-k dielectric material and high-k dielectric material and the device performance has been observed. The simulation results with high-k dielectric and low-k dielectric were observed. It showed that with the increase in doping concentration and decrease in fin height and width the performance of device improved and the short channel effects reduced. Replacing low-k dielectric with high-k dielectric material results in improvement in device performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Image enhancement using equalization and fusion with scale-invariant feature transform
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-12) Dangwal, Anusha; Mathur, Sanjay; Mathur, Sanjay
    Image enhancement is a technique which is used to improve the appearance of the image or to extract the finer details in the degraded images. The purpose of image enhancement is to process an image so that the resulting image will be more suitable for a specific application than the original image. Contrast Enhancement was focused and pursued in this research. Image contrast enhancement techniques simply expand the range of brightness values in an image so that the image can be efficiently displayed. In the present work, we have investigated a histogram based algorithm along with SIFT for enhancing low contrast color images. The given RGB image is converted into HSV color space to preserve the chromatic information contained in the original image. To enhance the image, only the V component is stretched based on certain enhancement parameters and then Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is applied. The proposed method enhances contrast and offers a good appearance to the poor images. We have also analyzed the images based on change in brightness to the PCQI factor to see the impact of the algorithm on processed image objectively and verifying that at which brightness level the subjective and objective measures are found in good agreement.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Speech recognition using Gaussian mixture model with MFCC feature extraction
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2020-09) Kalakoti, Suraj; Mathur, Sanjay
    This research work is about the design and analysis of the Speech Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Model With MFCC Feature Extraction is implemented in the Linux operating system using python language. This thesis contains the basics and detailed view of speech recognition, in which different problems, applications and challenges are discussed. Speech recognition is related to biometric problem recognition, so pattern recognition is very important part. For the proposed model we have used Gaussian mixture model, it is a probabilistic model which work on expectation maximization algorithm. For feature extraction the proposed algorithm uses mel-frequency cepstral coefficient, which is replica of human hearing system. We extract features form each individual speaker audio and create a Gaussian mixture model for them. For prediction we give input speech signal, features are extracted from it then pattern is matched. The speaker having same pattern is the predicted speaker. Accuracy is measured with the help of confusion matrix in which for the proposed model we have calculated accuracy, precision, F1-score and recall.