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Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, Hyderabad (Telangana State)


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dietary Factors Contributing to Iodine Deficiency Disorders and Effect of Supplementation
    (Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, 1998) Anuradha, M.; Uma Reddy, M.
    Staplefood and drinkingwatersamples fromfourregionsofAndhraPradeshselectedbasedonsoiltypes,wereanalysed foriodinecontentinordertoidentifyan Iodinedeficientareaforconductingthepresent study. Zaheerabad Mandal ofMedak districtwasselected,astheiodinecontentwasfoundtobelowestinsamplescollected fromthisregion, in comparison withtheotherthreeregions, namely, Lam(Guntur), Chipurupalli(Vijayanagaram),andNagari(Chittoor). FourremotevillagesinZaheerabadwereselectedandtheentirepopulationwasscreened for clinical symptoms of iodine de ficiency. Diet surveys in individualhouseholds wereconductedto assess the nutritional intake with special reference toiodine intake. All the drinking water samples of the four villages and commonlyconsumed foodsamplesfromselectedhouseholdswereanalysedforiodinecontentandgoitrogenic substances (thiocyanates). Based on results obtained, Zaheerabad was identifiedasa“new”regionendemicforiodinedeficiencyasthetotalgoiterrateinall fourvillageswasfoundtobemorethan5%. Iodinedeficiencydisorders(lDD)were prevalentwith“moderate”intensitybutnotof“mild”or“severe”nature.Allsymptoms ofdeficiency were prevalent inalmost alltheagegroupsofthepopulation studied. Schoolgoingchildrenbetween6-14yearswerefoundtobemostproneto[DDFemales inallagegroupswereaffectedtoasignificantlygreaterdegreethanmales.Foodand drinkingwateranalysesrevealedthatIDDinthisregionwasmainlyduetolowiodine levelsinthesoilandnotduetothepresenceofthiocyanates. ' Asmallsub-sampleof30schoolgoingchildren wereselectedforanintensivestudyincludingsupplementation.Thesubjectswereexaminedforclinicalsymptomsof iodine deficiency and their serum samples were analysed for the presence of thiocyanates.Effectofsupplementationofiodisedsaltforthreemonthsattwodoselevels based on the extent ofdeficiency was evaluated. Parameters recorded were clinical symptoms,urinaryiodinelevels,anthropometricmeasurements(height,weightandmidarmcircumference)andserumthyroxinelevels, Clinicalmanifestationswerepresentin all children but goitrogenic thiocyanates were not detected in serum samples. All children recorded low urinary iodine indicating moderate iodine deficiency. Height, WeightandMid-armcircumferencewerefoundtobesignificantlylower(p<0.1)than NCH/WHO “standards prescribed. However, 50% of the children exhibited serum thyroxinevaluesinthe“Normal”range,butlower(p<0.05)thanthoseofnormalchildren innon-endemicHyderabadaswellasendemicZaheerabad.Supplementationofiodineat 30ppmlevelaffectedasignificantimprovement(p<0.l)inurinaryiodinelevelsand serumthyroxine(p<0.05)levels.Supplementationat15ppmlevelonlyincreasedurinary iodine levels(p<0.05)butnotserumthyroxine levels. No changeswererecordedin clinicalsymptomsoranthropometricdataasaconsequenceofsupplementationforthree months.TheimpactofthepresentstudyonawarenessaboutIDDandtheconsumptionof iodisedsaltwasalsostudied. Ahighlysignificantimprovement(p<0.l)wasfoundin bothawarenessandiodisedsaltconsumptionasaresultofthepresentstudy. drinkingwateranalysesrevealedthat[DBinthisregionwasmainlyduetolowiodine levelsinthesoilandnotduetothepresenceofthiocyanates, Asmallsub-sampleof30schoolgoingchildren wereselectedforanintensivestudyincludingsupplementation,Thesubjectswereexaminedforclinicalsymptomsof iodine deficiency and their serum samples were analysed for the presence of thiocyanates.Effectofsupplementationofiodisedsaltforthreemonthsattwodoselevels based on the extent ofdeficiency was evaluated. Parameters recorded were clinical symptoms,urinaryiodinelevels,anthropometricmeasurements(height,weightandmidarmcircumference)andserumthyroxinelevels. Clinicalmanifestationswerepresentin all children but goitrogenic thiocyanates were not detected in serum samples. All children recorded low urinary iodine indicating moderate iodine deficiency, Height, WeightandMid-armcircumferencewerefoundtobesignificantlylower(p<0.l)than NCH/WHO standards prescribed. However, 50% of the children exhibited serum thyroxinevaluesinthe“Normal”range,butlower(p<0.05)thanthoseofnormalchildren innon-endemicHyderabadaswellasendemicZaheerabad.Supplementationofiodineat 30ppmlevelafifectedasignificantimprovement(p
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, 1993) KARUNA SAGAR, G.; NARSA REDDY, S.
    An investigation was taken up in rabi season of1991-92 and 1992—93 at the College Farm, College of Agriculture, Andhra Pradesh Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad, to study the "Response of groundnut based intercropping systems to different irrigation levels in rabi season". The experiment was laid out in split—plot design replicated four times withthree irrigation levels (IW/CPE ratio of 0.8, l.0 and 1.2) as main—plot treatments and seven cropping systems (sole groundnut, sole sunflower, sole mustard, sole pigeonpea, groundnut + sunflower, groundnut + mustard and groundnut +pigeonpea) as sub—plot treatments. Scheduling irrigation to groundnut and sunflowerin sole or intercropping at 1.0 IW/CPE ratio increased significantly the growth, yield components and yield over 0.8 IW/CPE ratio; while in mustard and pigeonpea maximum growth characters, yield attributes and yield were recorded at an Iw/CPE ratio of 0.8. Groundnut pod equivalence, net returns ha and benefit-cost ratio were highest with irrigation scheduled at 1.0 IW/CPE ratio. The seasonal crop evapotranspiration increasedwith increase in levell of irrigation from 0.8 to 1.0 and 1.2 IW/CPE ratio; while crop water use efficiency decreased. Soil moisture extraction from surface soil layer increased with increase in irrigation frequency. From 20~40 cm soil depth, the moisture extraction did not vary much. The percentage of moisture extracted from deeper layer (40—60 cm) was comparatively higher at less frequency of irrigation of 0.8 IW/CPE ratio than higher frequency of irrigation of 1.0 and 1.2 IW/CPE ratios. The yield and yield components of groundnut,sunflower, mustard and pigeonpea reduced significantly in intercrop system as compared to respective sole crops. The relative performance of groundnut when intercropped, indicated that the competition from pigeonpea was severe as compared to mustard or sunflower. Total productivity expressed as groundnut podequivalence was maximum in groundnut + mustard cropping system and was on par with groundnut + sunflower system. The yield advantage in terms of land equivalent ratio as average of two years, was more in groundnut + mustard and groundnut + sunflower intercropping systems. These intercropping systems were _ ost economical as they realised higher net profits ha . Benefit-cost ratio was highest in sole mustard followed by sole sunflower. The seasonal crop evapotranspiration was highestin groundnut + pigeonpea intercropping system. Crop water use efficiency was more in intercrop system compared to sole cropping and the higher values were obtained in groundnut + mustard intercropping system. The soil moisture extraction pattern revealed that maximum moisture was extracted from 0—20 cm soil layer with sole sunflower recording highest values. In intercropping treatments moisture extraction was higher in 20-40 Cm soil layer compared to sole crops. The moisture extraction from 40— 60 cm soil layer was higher in sole mustard and pigeonpea than other sole crops and intercropping systems.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Realised Genetic By Early Generation Selection For Physiological And Yield Components In Groundnut (Archis Hypogaea L)
    (Andhra Pradesh Agricutural University ; Hyderabad, 1984) Koteswara Rao , M.V
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Agroforestry Investigations Involving Nitrogen Fixing Tree Species And Arabic Crops With Nitrogen Levels In Drylands
    (Andhra Pradesh Agricutural University ; Hyderabad, 1995) Suresh Guduru; Digitized under eGranth Project
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Analyis Of Information Flow And Communication Linkages In Transfer Of Dairy Management Practices A System Perspective
    (Andhra Pradesh Agricutural University ; Hyderabad, 1984) Pandarinatha Reddy , K; Digitized under eGranth Project
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Comparative Analysis Of Thrift And Credit Groups Working Under Government And Non Government On The Status Of Rural Women
    (Andhra Pradesh Agricutural University ; Hyderabad, 1998) Sneha Latha , M
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Bio-Ecology And Management Of Cashew Tree Borer Plocaaderus Ferrugineus Linnaeus
    (Agricultural College Bapatla, 1999) Ramadevi, M
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study Of Technological Gaps In Diversified Farming Of Small Farmers In Krishna District Of Andhra Pradesh
    (Andhra Pradesh Agricutural University ; Hyderabad, 1992) Ananda Rao , V