Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati
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ThesisItem Open Access PROCESS OPTIMISATION AND SHELF LIFE STUDY OF LOW CALORIE LASSI ADDED WITH CARDAMOM(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2017-08) BRAHAMANI, DUGGINAPALLI; KOTILINGA REDDY, Y(MAJOR); VIJAYA GEETHA, V; NAGESWARA RAO, KABSTRACT: Lassi is the one among the most popular dairy beverages of India. Many people are aware of the possible link between sugar intake and obesity, while seriously attempting to control their body weight. The food industry has responded to this trend by utilizing low calorie sweeteners. Hence, there is need to develop lassi with low calorie sweeteners which carry health benefits when consumed by diabetic and dietetic people. Satisfactory quality lassi was prepared using low calorie sweeteners with addition of bulking agent (sorbitol) and cardamom in the present investigation. The method of manufacture of lassi using low calorie sweeteners including bulking agent with sorbitol was standardized. Two low calorie sweeteners were added at three different levels to the lassi to select the appropriate level of sweeteners i.e. aspartame was added at 80, 90 and 100 ppm, and sucralose at 20, 25 and 30 ppm levels by total replacement of sugar. The artificial sweeteners added to lassi was compared with control containing sugar. Based on the physico-chemical and sensory quality parameters aspartame with 90 ppm and sucralose with 25 ppm are found to be the best when compared to the other levels and almost similar to the control. After selecting the suitable sweeteners level, bulking agent (sorbtiol) was added at three different levels i.e. 7, 7.5 and 8.0 % respectively to achieve the mouth feel of the product as comparable to that of control. It was found that 7.5% sorbitol level is suitable as compared to the others with respect to physico-chemcial and sensory evaluation. The low calorie lassi was prepared with sucralose 25 ppm plus 7.5 % sorbitol and aspartame 90 ppm plus 7.5% sorbtiol respectively are added with cardamom to study the shelf-life of the product during the storage period. Cardamom was added to the low calorie lassi in three different levels 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 % respectively. The lassi samples were stored at refrigeration temperature and examined for the physico-chemical changes, microbiological quality and sensory quality for 3 days intervals till the product found to be sour. During the storage period the control sample made without cardamom and 0.1% cardamom added samples were found to be sour and reported to have lower pH, flavor scores correspondingly with higher titratable acidity by the end of 12 days of storage. Further, 0.15% cardamom added lassi samples were found to be sour at 15 days. However, the 0.20% cardamom added samples were still found to be acceptable even at 15 days of storage period.ThesisItem Open Access STUDIES ON THE QUALITY OF SUBCLINICAL MASTITIC MILK(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 1993-09) SRINIVASA RAO, MADDULA; JAIRAM, B.T(MAJOR); SRINIVASA MOORMY, P; HAMZA, P.A; NARASAIAH NAIDU, KABSTRACT: Teat w i s e screening of individual m i l k s a m p l e s f r o m 16 c o w s situated a t college dairy and 69 crossbred c o w s sltuated a t TTD farm w e r e done using CMT and SLST test. B a s e d upon gel f o r m a t i o n m i l k samples w e r e graded into negative, doubtful, 1+. 2+ and 3+. The proportion of ~verall'ne~ativt eea t s i n the population w e r e 57.8, 67.96% and doubt w e r e 9.58 and 8.53% as revealed by CMT 1 and SLST test respectively. Irrespective of the position of teats the frequency of negativee i n the population w e r e h i g h e s t , next i n the descending order w e r e I+, f and the least w e r e 2+ or 3+. Breed w i s e studies showed that jersey breed was highly resistant t o subclinical mastitis being maximum proportion of population showed negative followed by HF and miscellaneous breeds and the lowest were FB crosses of the college dairy farm. Somatic c e l l count between CMT and SLST t e s t in different grades of subclinical mastitis milk showed no difference concluding any one - t e s t was equally good. Highly significant differences were observed between grades in a l l the parameters namely SCC, SPC, chloride content and pH and a l l are showing ascending with increase in grade of milk. However COB t e s t showed no coagulation and RRT showed significant difference between the grades both in college as well as TTD farm. The milk samples graded 1+ and abwe exceeded the l i m i t s of quality in a l l the parameters requiring rejection of milk samples salvaging doubtful cases t o some extent. The parameter studies of t e a t w i s e samples showed no significant differences between the position of teats and breeds similar were the cases with age wise studies, lactation numbers, stage of lactation and farms indicating these factors were not influencing the parameters to a signi f ican t extent. There was no correlation between two parameters stuaied so f a r except i n two cases i n college dairy farm. Shelf l i f e studies of different grades of subclinical mastitis milk and control milk samples stored a t room temperature showed no significant variation i n the levels of acidity be tween a torage timing but significant dif f erences i n RRT between timings and tendency to coagulate on heating i n 9th hour storage onwards indicating the pattern of quality of milk stored a t room temperature. Refrigerated storage samples showed significant degradation of quality from 36 hour storage onwards. Mixed milk samples stored a t room temperature showed significant difference between different grades as well as between storage timing in the estimates of t i t r a t a b l e acidity and only between storage timings i n the estimates of RRT the pattern of variation revealed mixing of each grade of milk into normal milk decreased the tendency of acid production beyond 9th hour storage i n a l l proportions. Refrigerated storage of mixed milk samples showed the lowering acidity a t 72 hour of incubation to a level a t 12 hour storage w i t h decreasing RRT. A definite reduction of acidity was indicated as storage time advances 48 hour and above with s l i g h t decrease i n RRT due to possible proliferation of Psychrophilics and s i m u l - taneous reduction of acid producing mesophilics. . Shelf .life..of curd samples of d i f f e r e n t grades of subclinical mastitis milk and normal milk kept a t room temperature reveals s i g n i f i c a n t t o highly siqnificant differences i n the means of a c i d i t y between grades as well as between t i m e intervals. The finding that decrease i n a c i d i t y a t 12th hour indicated the upper l i m i t of shelf l i f e of curd at room temperature. Curd samples stored a t r e f r i g e r a t i o n temperature showed s i g n i f i c a n t &iff erence in a c i d i t y between grades and intervals and highly s i g n i f i c a n t r e s u l t s in curd tension between grades only indicating the pattern of quality of milk curd was good upto 24 hour storage as long as the a c i d i t y was increasing phase irrespective of the grades. It would be concluded that the grades of subc l i n i c a l mastitis milk 1+ and above require t o t a l rb jsction on par with mastitis milk samples. Routine t e s t i n g of the t e a t with milk samples is necessary using e i t h e r CMT or SLST t e s t which ever i s available i n addition t o s t r i p cup t e s t t o eradicate the daily Samples showing 1+ and above grades of subclinical mastitis. Only 50-60% of population showing negative quarters i n the population showing negative could be milked safely and those doubtful cases salvaged i f necessary and others should be discarded outrightedly. Proper package practices should be restored for improving the udder health and the milk quality i n the present production systems for the supply of milk and i n the preparation of fermented milk and milk products. Further studies are necessary t o find out exact. bacteriological picture of different grades of milk t o come up with further conclusions.ThesisItem Open Access A STUDY ON THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE FROZEN SEMEN PRODUCTION CAPACITY OF BULLS(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 1997-04) ANANDA RAO, K; NARASAIAH NAIDU, K(MAJOR); MAHENDAR, M; VENUGOPALA NAIDU, K; SUBRAMANYAM REDDY, KThesisItem Open Access Studies on Some Aspects Of Performance Of Holstein -Friesians In India(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 1982-06) Laxmi Narayana, V; Prabhakar Rao, V(MAJOR); Sarma, P.L.N; Satyanarayana, AThesisItem Open Access A Study on productive and Reproductive Traits on ongole cattle(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 1976-07) Mahaboob Hussain, Shaik; Sarma, P.L.N(MAJOR)ThesisItem Open Access Formulation Of Instant Gulabjamun Mix From Skim Milk Powder(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2002-04) Chandra Sekhar, Tenali; Ramakota Reddy, C(MAJOR); Moorthy, P.R.S.; Shankara Reddy, I; Khaleelullah, SThesisItem Open Access Preparation Of Paneer From SkimMilk By Incorporating Coconut Milk(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2002-04) Venkateswarlu, Upputuri; Kotilinga Reddy, Y(MAJOR); Ramakota Reddy, C; Shive Kumar; Subramanyam Reddy, KThesisItem Open Access Quality Of Milk And Milk Products Marketed In Hyderabad City With Special Reference ToPublic Health(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2001-06) Venkateswara Rao, L; Ranganadham, M(MAJOR); Rao, B.V.R; Laxminarayan, M; Seshagiri Rao, A; Satyanarayana, AThesisItem Open Access Development Of Lowfat Probiotic Ice Cream(SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2001-02) Ramana Reddy, K.V.; Shive Kumar, (MAJOR); Ramakota Reddy, C; Sarma, K.S.; Sankara Reddy, I; Moorthy, P.R.S