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University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

The University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad was established on October 1, 1986. The University has 5 Colleges, 27 Research Stations, 6 Agriculture Extension Education Centers, 6 Krishi Vigyan Kendras and ATIC. The University has its jurisdiction over 7 districts namely Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, and Uttar Kannada in northern Karnataka. Greater diversity exists in soil types, climate, topography cropping and farming situations. The jurisdiction includes dry-farming to heavy rainfall and irrigated area. Important crops of the region include sorghum, cotton, rice, pulses, chilli, sugarcane, groundnut, sunflower, wheat, safflower etc. The region is also known for many horticultural crops. Considerable progress has been registered in the field of education, research and extension from this University.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad., 2014-06-01) D. Grace Priyanka; Dr. Chhaya Badiger
    Millets are also known as poor man’s cereal. People usually go for other cereals such as wheat or rice, though the millets are highly nutritious. With regard to nutritive value, millets score over most of other grains. Individual, Group and mass methods are used with variety of teaching aids to diffuse the information. To stimulate the learners’ interest, the extension worker should use varieties of teaching aids in every contact of teaching situation. Hence, the study was conducted in Narendra, Yettingudda, Byahatti and Kusugal villages of Dharwad and Hubli taluka in Dharwad district with 120 rural women using pre tested schedule. The essential information was collected through interview schedule. To know the impact of different extension teaching methods folders were developed on selected minor millets and distributed. The knowledge gained by farm women was measured through pre and post test. The different teaching methods selected for the study were folder with lecture, method demonstration, radio lessons of Krishi Community Radio Station of University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad. For Byahhatti village folder with lecture was used, for Kusugal village various minor millets receipes were prepared through method demonstration was done, for Yettigudda village Krishi Community radio lessons were broadcasted and for Narendra village all the three treatments were used. Cent per cent knowledge was observed regarding usage of fingermillet, foxtailmillet and littlemillet, colour and sprouting of millets which makes food nutritious. The highest knowledge index of 82.88 was ranked as first in Narendra village where all the methods Lecture + folder, Method demonstration and K.C.R.S were used in combination. Knowledge index of 79.33 secured rank second in Kusugal village where method demonstration was used followed by Yettinaguda village (76.22) which ranked third place where lessons through K.C.R.S were employed and Byahatti village ranked fourth with knowledge index of 75.77 where method used was lecture and folders.