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Anand Agricultural University, Anand

Anand Agricultural University (AAU) was established in 2004 at Anand with the support of the Government of Gujarat, Act No.(Guj 5 of 2004) dated April 29, 2004. Caved out of the erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU), the dream institution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. K. M. Munshi, the AAU was set up to provide support to the farming community in three facets namely education, research and extension activities in Agriculture, Horticulture Engineering, product Processing and Home Science. At present there seven Colleges, seventeen Research Centers and six Extension Education Institute working in nine districts of Gujarat namely Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Kheda, Panchmahal, Vadodara, Mahisagar, Botad and Chhotaudepur AAU's activities have expanded to span newer commodity sectors such as soil health card, bio-diesel, medicinal plants apart from the mandatory ones like rice, maize, tobacco, vegetable crops, fruit crops, forage crops, animal breeding, nutrition and dairy products etc. the core of AAU's operating philosophy however, continues to create the partnership between the rural people and committed academic as the basic for sustainable rural development. In pursuing its various programmes AAU's overall mission is to promote sustainable growth and economic independence in rural society. AAU aims to do this through education, research and extension education. Thus, AAU works towards the empowerment of the farmers.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Milk is a wholesome food for people of all age groups ranging from infants to old. However, image of milk as food is tarnished due to menace of adulteration. In past few decades adulteration of natural milk with a chemically formulated milky fluid (synthetic milk) has been as a matter of serious concern due to its potential harmful effects on human health. This fluid expertly prepared so as to imitate as natural milk prepared from refined oil, detergent, carbohydrates, non-protein nitrogenous compounds, salts and soda by dissolving/dispersing calculated amount of different ingredients of the formulation using water as a medium. Hence it easily passes the routine tests (fat and lactometer reading) carried out at the collection centres.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1982) Patel, Keshavlal Hemrajdas; Sharma, R. S.
    An experiment was planned to assess the effect of addition of sodium and potassium metabisulphites on the shelf-life of khoa. Khoa was prepared from buffalo milk in a steam jacketed stainless steel kettle. The treatments imposed were control (no additive), addition of sodium metabisulphite (T1) and potassium metabisulphite (T2) each separately at the rate of 1000 ppm on the basis of milk used for preparation of khoa in a particular batch. The added sodium and potassium metabisulphites supplied respectively 673.9 and 576.3 ppm of sulphur dioxide. The samples of khoa were stored in plastic boxes of 21.5 cm x 11.5 cm x 11.5 cm size at room temperature (31°C). Khoa was filled in boxes upto three-fourth of their capacity and the lids were put on only when the samples attained normal temperature.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1990) Thakuria, Hemanta; Patel, S. M.
    This investigation was planned and carried out to elucidate the effects of level of total solids of buffalo skim milk and inoculation with three specific strains of Streptococcus thermophilus on some of the quality attributes of dahi. The total solid content of buffalo skim milk was adjusted to 10.0 (T1), 12.5 (T2) and 15.0 (T3) per cent using condensed buffalo skim milk and inoculated with D3(C1), MD2 (C2) and MD8 (C3) strains of Streptococcus thermophilus. Incubation was done at 40 ± 1°C till the desired acidity of 0.75 (% lactic acid) was obtained. Samples were then stored at 5 t o 7°C for about 12 h after which the samples were considered to be at 0 h of storage (fresh product). To study the physico-chemical and organoleptic changes taking place and also to study the shelf - life of the dahi under room temperature, the samples were stored at 37 ± 1°C and analysed at the interval of Oh, 12h, 24h and 48h. Similarly for study under refrigerated condition samples were stored at 5 t o 7°C and analysed at the interval of Od, 6d, 12d and 18d of storage.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1982) PATEL, GIRISHBHAI DAHYABHAI; Singh, Sukhminder
    The present study was undertaken to develop two types of powders from mixtures of lactose hydrolysed milk, skim milk and soyabeans by the indigenous method of open pan heat desiccation and to study the physicochemical properties of these powders. The soya-lactose hydrolysed milk (soya-LHM) powder and soya-lactose hydrolysed skim milk (soya-LHS) powder were made from lactose hydrolysed milk and lactose hydrolysed skim milk, respectively, after adjusting their ratios to 1:2 (total solids basis) with soya pests. The chemical composition of milk, skim milk and soyapests was determined before these basis materials were admired.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1982) SKHEMLON, DONKUPAR; Singh, Sukhminder
    Soya-lactose hydrolyzed citric acid whey powder (S-LH-CAWP) and soya-lactose hydrolyzed rennet whey powder (S-LH-RWP) were prepared from mixtures of whey (citric acid whey or rennet whey) and soyabeans in the ratio 1:2 (solids basis) by the indigenous open pan heat desiccation process. Prior to mixing with soya paste, lactose in citric acid whey and rennet whey was hydrolyzed and then used in the manufacture of S-LH-CAWP and S-LH-RWP, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1984) Parmar, Shantilal Shibabhai; SHARMA, R. S.
    A study was carried out to clucidate the effect of addition of mango seed kernels (MSK) or its pre-extract on the oxidative stability of ghee. A composite sample of mango seed kernels powder (MSKP) prepared from the kernels of raw and ripened mangoes of various varieties available in the area contained 4.80 per cent moisture, 6.74 per cent protein, 12.96 per cent lipids, 2.19 per cent ash and 73.31 per cent carbohydrates as the major constituents and 6.39 per cent total phenolics, 575.5 mg per cent phospholipids and 0.85 per cent flavanols.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1999) Sharma, Pragati; Aparnathi, K. D.
    A study for enhancement of shelf life of khoa was undertaken in four phases. In phase one, suitable packaging materials were selected; in phase two, the effect of vacuum packaging was studied and phase three comprised evaluation of the effect of different physical and chemical treatments and storage studies were conducted at 32±1°C. The most effective treatments from the three phases were selected and in the final phase khoa was given the best treatment, packed in the best packaging material under vacuum and shelf life was studied at 32±1°C as well as 4±2°C. Packaging materials studied in the phase I include (A) LDPE; (B) LD:LLD; (C) HD:LD:HD;" (D) HMHD; (E)PET:Aluminium foil:LDPE; and (F) PET:Aluminium foil:(LD:LLD). Three packaging materials A, D and E were selected and then in the phase II, influence of vacuum packaging on the shelf life of khoa was observed. In phase III, the effect of thermization (Tn); microwave exposure (TMW); incorporation of potassium sorbate (TKS) and addition of sugar (Ts) for improvement in the shelf life of khoa was assessed. Finally, in phase IV, the effects of the best packaging material, vacuum packaging and TKS were combined and their performance was compared with the samples packed under atmospheric pressure without any treatment. The samples were stored at room temperature (32+1 °C) as well as at refrigerated temperature (4+2°C). The fresh khoa samples were analysed for their chemical composition and microbiological quality. Deterioration during storage was monitored by measuring changes in chemical parameters viz. titratable acidity, free fatty acids content and tyrosine value. Microbiological changes were estimated as total viable count, yeast and mold count and coliform count. Fresh as well as stored samples of khoa were evaluated for their sensory attributes by a panel of 10 judges. During storage the samples were analysed daily for 3 days in Phase I and II and 4 days in Phase III. In the fourth phase the samples stored at 32+1 °C were analysed on 1, 3, 5 and 7 day and samples stored at 4±2°C on 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 day. One of the samples (with added potassium sorbate and packed under vacuum) kept at 4+2°C was analysed upto day 45. Four replications were carried out in each phase and the data were analysed statistically. Statistical analysis using Randomized Block Design indicated that the packaging materials included in the study had no significant effect on the shelf life of khoa. Regression analysis of the data, however, showed that rate of spoilage was better controlled by aluminium foil laminates closely followed by HMHD. Vacuum packaging significantly (P<0.05) reduced the rate of lipolysis and microbial growth (total viable count and yeast and mold count). Similarly, sensory (flavour and overall acceptability) scores were also found to be significantly (P<0.05) higher during storage under vacuum. However, vacuum packaging hadV no significant effect on rate of proteolysis, titratable acidity and coliform count. Various treatments (TH, TMW, TKS and Ts) significantly (P<0.05) increased the shelf life of khoa. However, Ts and TKS were found to be better than TMW and TH. Simple refrigerated (4±2°C) storage increased the shelf life of khoa to about 14 days, whereas, a combination of vacuum packaging, incorporation of potassium sorbate and low temperature storage increased the shelf life to about 45 days.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1996) Jain, Aditya K.; Sharma, R. S.
    A study was carried out to elucidate the effect of addition of antioxidant principles of onion skin via a preextract on the oxidative stability of ghee. A composite sample of onion skin obtained from local vegetable market contained 9.56 per cent moisture, 0.79 per cent fat, 0.56 per cent protein, 8.35 per cent ash and 80.74 per cent carbohydrates as major constituents. It also contained 3.17 per cent total phenolics, 0.41 per cent water extractable phenolics and 0.015 per cent phospholipids. Fresh ghee manufactured in a commercial dairy by creamery butter method employing prestratification and clarified at 110°C without' any holding period was used for the study. The antioxygenic compounds of onion skin were extracted into methanol, dried and ground to get a fine powder which was added to ghee at a rate of 0.5 per cent (w/v). The mixture was kept at 40 ± 2°C for 12 h and then at 50 ± 2°C for about 3 h followed by decantation of clear ghee, the pre-extract. This pre-extract was finally added to ghee at the rate of 0 (T0, control), 10 (T1), 15 (T2) and 20 (T3) per cent levels constituting different treatments. For comparison, the last treatment was addition of butylated hydroxy anisole (BHA) at the legally permitted rate of 0.02 per cent (T4) . To monitor the effectiveness of the additions, peroxide value of all ghee samples was determined immediately after receiving the ghee and after every 48 h interval of storage at 80 + 2°C in a memmert type oven. The pre-extract contained on an average 21.3 mg per cent water extractable phenolic compounds. The water extractable phenolics content of ghee samples added with the pre-extract at various levels were in order : 3.580 mg/100 g (T3) > 2.894 mg/100 g (T2) > 2.211 mg/100 g (T1) > 1.106 mg/100 g (T4) > 0.843 mg/100 g (T0). The antioxygenic indexes were in the order : 1.22 (T4) > 1.19 (T3) > 1.17 (T2 and T1) > 1.00 (T0). From the results of this study, it is concluded that the antioxygenic compounds of onion skin can be extracted in a crude form using methanol, dried and ground to obtain a fine powder. Addition of these antioxygenic compounds in the form of pre-extract enhanced the oxidative stability of ghee. Addition of such pre-extract at all the levels studied in this experiment (10, 15 and 20 per cent, v/v) was found to be almost at par with addition of BHA at 0.02 per cent level. The phenolics present in the onion skin appear to be the main contributory factors in enhancing the oxidative stability of ghee. Quercetin and anthocyanin, the phenolic compounds reported to be concentrated in the onion skin are expected to be the principal antioxidants. Besides these compounds, carotene, Vitamin C and phospholipids/ phosphorus containing compounds of onion skin could also be responsible for part of the antioxidant effect observed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1996) Sinha, Bibhuti Prasad; Patel, S. M.
    This study was undertaken to develop a simple process to manufacture milk chocolates by panning of batch method on the process based to manufacture caramel. Roasted groundnuts were added to ascertain economical viability of the product as well as to increase the protein content without adding any preservative, hydrogenated fat or cocoa butter. It was also planned to evaluate the impact of various ingredients on the composition, physicochemical, organoleptic and storage characteristics of the milk chocolates and thereby to suggest a simple process for manufacture of acceptable milk chocolates with a small but reasonable shelf life. Raw groundnut kernels were roasted in tray in an air-oven maintained at 150 + 10 °C for 15 min. After this treatment, the skin and hearts were removed manually and the skin free and heart free cotyledons were cut into small pieces manually. For the preparation of golden syrup, concentrated hydrochloric acid was added at the rate of 1 per cent to a sugar solution (67° brix) and the solution was heated to 85°C for 40 min. After cooling the pH of the solution was adjusted to 7.00 by using sodium bicabonate. Milk chocolates were prepared by using buffalo milk as base and other ingredients such as roasted groundnuts/ sugar, golden syrup/ table butter/ cocoa powder/ glycerol mono-stearate/ shellac and tri-sodium orthophosphates were incorporated in the formulation of four types of recipe to manufacture four types of milk chocolates namely CT-1/ CT-2/ CT-3 and CT-4. The' milk chocolate type/ CT-1, contained 15 g table butter and 75 g roasted groundnuts per batch. Type CT-2 contained 25 g table butter and 50 g roasted groundnuts whereas CT-3 contained 20 g table butter and 60 g roasted groundnuts. The recipe of CT-4 consisted of 10 g table butter and 100 g roasted groundnuts. In addition to these two ingredients, all the four types of milk chocolates consisted of equal amount of rest of the ingredients per batch. Milk chocolates were manufactured by adding various ingredients to the buffalo milk taken in a pan. The contents of the pan was stirred at a temperature 90-95°C till a viscous mass was obtained. This viscous mass was transferred to a tray to harden and after hardening/ it was cut into small pieces and wrapped in aluminium foil. These small pieces of milk chocolates were transferred to plastic boxes. Four such trials were conducted and the product were stored at 27-30°C as well as 4-8°C under a domestic refrigerator. The major ingredients were analyzed for their proximate chemical composition and the milk chocolates were analysed for their compositional, rheological properties/ organoleptic characteristics and chemical changes occurring during storage for a period of 60 days. The roasted groundnuts contained 45.88 per cent oil/ 26.21 per cent protein, 2.90 per cent moisture, 2.10 per cent ash and 22.91 per cent total carbohydrates. The cocoa-powder used possessed 14.58 per cent fat and 6.00 per cent moisture. The table butter was found to contain 83.70 per cent fat and 16.73 per cent moisture. The golden syrup was found to contain 60 per cent sucrose and total solids 69°brix. The yield of the four types of milk chocolates CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 were 384.66, 371.05, 371.16 and 388.55 g per kg of the ingredients used. The chemical composition of the four types of milk chocolates showed that CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 on an average contained moisture 9.63, 9.84, 6.92 and 7.49 per cent; total fat 31.06, 31.84, 29.87 and 32.69 per cent; total protein 11.72, 11.38, 11.84 and 12.54 per cent; sugar (sucrose) 48.18, 49.56, 52.76 and 49.93 per cent; total ash 0.88, 0.99, 0.98 and 0.96 per cent; sodium 179.28, 177.39, 196.10 and 147.81 mg per 100 g; calorific value 4295.36, 4117.18, 4099.21 and 4327.13 calories per g and soluble matter 66.90, 60.72, 61.64 and 56.37 per cent respectively. The rheological characteristics of CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 were hardness, 15.82, 15.52, 22.47 and 17.76 kg; brittleness, 4.11, 4.80, 5.02 and 2.91 kg; cohesiveness, 0.030, 0.038, 0.029 and 0.034; springiness, 1.62, 2.06, 1.75 and 1.87 mni; gumminess/ 47.12, 60.73, 65.81 and 55.45 kg and chewiness, Q.11, 1.41, 1.13 and 1.05 kg mm respectively. The physico-cheroical changes namely status of moisture, pH, free fatty acids and peroxide value were evaluated in fresh and during storage at various intervals for a period of 60 days at two different storage conditions i.e., at 27-30°C and at 4-8°C under a domestic refrigerator. The initial levels of moisture in CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 milk chocolates was 7.85, 8.02, 5.63 and 6.09 per cent respectively which on 60 days storage changed to 5.97, 6.43, 7.07 and 7.33 per cent respectively. The milk chocolates stored at 4-8°C for a period of 60 days showed the moisture content to be 5.87, 7.55, 5.60 and 5.91 for CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 respectively. The pH values of CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 milk chocolates were 7.02, 6.87, 6.79 and 6.78 initially which on storage at 27-30°C dropped to 6.86, 6.75, 6.76 and 6.76 respectively while those stored at 4-8°C increased to 7.09, 6.97, 6.87 and 6.96 respectively. The free fatty acids content (as per cent oleic acid) of CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 milk chocolates were 0.08, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.09 initially which increased to 0.16, 0.17, 0.14 and 0.18 on 60 days storage at 27-30°C while those stored at 4-8°C increased to 0.11, 0.09, 0.11 and 0.10 respectively after a storage period of 60 days. The peroxide content (milliequivalent per kg of sample) was initially 1.50, 1.00, 3.50 and 3.00 which increased to 9.50, 2.50, 6.00 and 5.00 for milk chocolates stored at 27-30°C and 5.50, 5.50, 6.50 and 6.00 for milk chocolates stored at 4-8 C after a storage period of 60 days for CT-1, CT-2, CT-3 and CT-4 respectively. The sensory quality of different types of milk chocolates wno evaluated for colour, flavour and texture as affected due to storage. The effect of treatment as well as effect of storage period on colour score was found to be non-significant (P <0.05) under both conditions of storage. The flavour score was decreased but the effect of treatment and storage period were nonsignificant (P < 0.05) under both storage conditions. Milk chocolate types, CT-2 and CT-4, were unacceptable after a storage period of 60 days at 27-30°C from flavour point of view. The effect of treatment and storage period on texture score was nonsignificant (P <0.05) under both storage conditions. Milk chocolates type, CT-2, and CT-3, was unacceptable with respect to texture after a storage period of 60 days at 27-30°C.