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Anand Agricultural University, Anand

Anand Agricultural University (AAU) was established in 2004 at Anand with the support of the Government of Gujarat, Act No.(Guj 5 of 2004) dated April 29, 2004. Caved out of the erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU), the dream institution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. K. M. Munshi, the AAU was set up to provide support to the farming community in three facets namely education, research and extension activities in Agriculture, Horticulture Engineering, product Processing and Home Science. At present there seven Colleges, seventeen Research Centers and six Extension Education Institute working in nine districts of Gujarat namely Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Kheda, Panchmahal, Vadodara, Mahisagar, Botad and Chhotaudepur AAU's activities have expanded to span newer commodity sectors such as soil health card, bio-diesel, medicinal plants apart from the mandatory ones like rice, maize, tobacco, vegetable crops, fruit crops, forage crops, animal breeding, nutrition and dairy products etc. the core of AAU's operating philosophy however, continues to create the partnership between the rural people and committed academic as the basic for sustainable rural development. In pursuing its various programmes AAU's overall mission is to promote sustainable growth and economic independence in rural society. AAU aims to do this through education, research and extension education. Thus, AAU works towards the empowerment of the farmers.


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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of Azospirillum liquid bio-inoculants fortified with micronutrients and their assessment on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.)
    Present research was carried out to isolate efficient Azospirillum cultures from soil samples of two different locations practicing organic farming viz. Kathwada (Ahmedabad) and Ravipura (Anand). Three strains were screened out from two locations soil. All three native Azospirillum isolates were characterized based on their morphological, biochemical and physiological nature. Isolates As-1, As-2 and As-3 were found gram negative, curved motile rods with optimum pH range 4 to 8 and salt tolerance up to 5 % NaCl concentration. In vitro compatibility of Azospirillum isolates with micronutrients was assessed through qualitative 100 ppm and quantitative tests recommendation dose concentration of micronutrients indicated compatibility with all isolates. In vitro studies on PGPR traits of native potential Azospirillum isolates demonstrated that nitrogen fixing potentiality of these isolates were ranged from 11.1 to 25.0 mg N2 fixed/g of sucrose consumed. Estimation of phosphate solubilization capacity in the liquid medium revealed that all the strains released P from tri calcium phosphate (TCP) and isolate As-3 recorded maximum soluble phosphorous (20.8 µg/ml) at 3 DAI. Among isolates, As-1 and ASA-1 (standard strain) are able to solubilize zinc oxide. lAA production was recorded by all three isolates of Azospirillum at 5 DAI, ranged from 0.30 to 25.85 µg/ml lAA in tryptophan supplemented media. Isolates As-2 and standard ASA-1 showed ACC deaminase enzyme production. Isolate As-1 and As-3 produced yellow-orange color zone on CAS agar plate showing siderophore production. Among the tested isolates, As-2 found to possess cellulase, lipase and chitinase enzyme, while isolate As-1 was found to produce cellulase and lipase enzyme, whereas As-3 showed lipase and chitinase enzyme and among standard strain ASA-1 showed lipase, protease and chitinase activity. Isolate As-1 showed inhibition of Aspergillus and Fusarium and As-2 showed inhibition of all tested plant pathogenic fungi and isolate As-3 inhibited M. phaseolina and standard strain ASA-1 showed inhibition of Fusarium and M. phaseolina. All isolates showed varied results for PGPR activity. Isolate As-1 showed 69% PGPR activity, As-2 has 77% and As-3 has 54% and standard strain ASA-1 has 77 % activity. Cyst based formulation of Azospirillum isolates fortified with micronutrients at desired concentrations showed self-life up to 12 months of storage with 10 to power 8 cell cfu/ml. In laboratory assay on tomato, all native Azospirillum isolates and standard checks showed better growth over un-inoculated control. In pot experiment isolate As-2 along with micronutrient + 75 % RDF was found better to promote different growth parameters of tomato by seed and soil application methods during Kharif 2011 and 2012. Among the application methods, seed application showed better performance. In nursery experiment, also the isolate As-2 along with micronutrient + 75% RDF was found better to promote different growth parameters of tomato during Kharif 2011 and 2012. Micronutrient analysis of plant showed that, mobilization of micronutrient occurred in tomato seedlings when treated with Azospirillum + micronutrients and also showed 25 % possible saving of 'N' fertilizer. Entire consequence of experimentations signifies that, Azospirillum isolate As-2 possesses multiple plant growth promotion traits with best potency on tomato pots and nursery and also found to mobilize micronutrients in tomato seedlings.