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Anand Agricultural University, Anand

Anand Agricultural University (AAU) was established in 2004 at Anand with the support of the Government of Gujarat, Act No.(Guj 5 of 2004) dated April 29, 2004. Caved out of the erstwhile Gujarat Agricultural University (GAU), the dream institution of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr. K. M. Munshi, the AAU was set up to provide support to the farming community in three facets namely education, research and extension activities in Agriculture, Horticulture Engineering, product Processing and Home Science. At present there seven Colleges, seventeen Research Centers and six Extension Education Institute working in nine districts of Gujarat namely Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Kheda, Panchmahal, Vadodara, Mahisagar, Botad and Chhotaudepur AAU's activities have expanded to span newer commodity sectors such as soil health card, bio-diesel, medicinal plants apart from the mandatory ones like rice, maize, tobacco, vegetable crops, fruit crops, forage crops, animal breeding, nutrition and dairy products etc. the core of AAU's operating philosophy however, continues to create the partnership between the rural people and committed academic as the basic for sustainable rural development. In pursuing its various programmes AAU's overall mission is to promote sustainable growth and economic independence in rural society. AAU aims to do this through education, research and extension education. Thus, AAU works towards the empowerment of the farmers.


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  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (AAU, Anand, 1992) Ahir, N. J.; Singh, P. K.
    In this study an attempt has been made to identify the factors influencing the farmers' decisions on dairying. An average milk producer of the Zone maintained 2.56 milch animals. Buffaloes were preferred by the households over cows. The average investment in the dairy enterprise was Rs. 9907 per farm which increased with an increase in the size of farm. Of the total investment in dairying milch animals accounted for the lion's share with 83 to 86 per cent of the- investment on different categories of farms. Crossbred cows were kept by large group of farmers only. At the over all level the total annual maintenance cost of an in-milk local cow was Rs. 5 391, The total maintenance cost of a lactating buffalo and crossbred cow was Rs. 7568 and Rs. 11455 respectively. Among the items of cost,feeds accounted for about 55 per cent to 54 per cent of the maintenance of different classes of milch animals. Average productivity of the milch animals in the area was low and ranged from about 843 litres per annum in case of in-milk local cow, 2421 litres for crossbred cow and 1523 litres for an average buffalo. The results revealed that maintaining a buffalo and crossbred cow was profitable however keeping a local cow was remunerative only over paid out costs. An average household had a marketed surplus of 1915 litres of milk. The share of different categories of households in the total marketed surplus of milk in the Zone ranged from 22 per cent to 26 per cent meaning there by that it was fairly uniform . Milk producers sold their cow milk preferably through co-operative societies and buffalo milk to private traders. The study has indicated that dairying in the study area though popular is still a supplementary enterprise to crop farming. Almost all farms maintain few dry milch animals and youngstock. The maintenance of such animals push up cost of dairying making it unprofitable activity. In the area there is scope to increase milk yield by adopting better and scientific feeding and livestock management practices.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1995) Patel, Anilkumar Parsottamdas; Patel, R. M.
    The present investigation was carried out to study instability in prices and production of rapeseed-mustard, inter and intra-year behaviour in prices, price integration, marketing pattern of arrivals of rapeseed-mustard in the selected markets of Mehsana district. An attempt was also made in the present study to identify the various price and nonprice variables associated with present area allocation of rapeseed-mustard in the district. The study is centred in six selected markets of Mehsana district viz., three primary wholesale markets of Visnagar, Chanasma and Sidhpur and three secondary wholesale markets of Unjha, Patan and Mehsana. The study pertains to time series data from 1975-76 to 1992-93. Instability index was used to measure the instability in prices and production of rapeseedmustard. Inter-year price behaviour was studied through scattered diagrams and through various regression models viz., linear, quadratic and exponential. To study intra-year price behaviour in rapeseed-mustard price a multiplicative model of time series analysis was employed. The simple correlation coefficient approach as well as Koyck's distributed lag model were used to examine market integration among the spatially located markets. For studying pattern of rapeseed-mustard arrivals and prices, the marketing year was divided into peak (March to June), mid (July to October) and lean (November to February) seasons. Nerlovian model was used to identify (price/non-price) variables associated with present acreage allocation of rapeseed-mustard in the district. Among the selected markets, the wholesale as well as farm-harvest prices recorded a higher instability index ranging from 15 to 20. As compared to price instability, production instability index ranged from 27 in Banaskantha to 58 in Sabarkantha district. This resulted into more fluctuations in the income level of rapeseed-mustard growers in the district. Wholesale as well as farm-harvest prices of rapeseedmustard continued to increase over time, with few exceptions. Gross increase in the prices during two selected trienniums was in the range of 202 to 308 per cent for wholesale and 150 to 257 per cent for farm-harvest prices. The compound rate of increase in case of both prices ranged between 7 to 9 per cent per annum in the selected markets/districts. Thus, no marked variations in inter-year price behaviour of rapeseed-mustard was noticed across the markets during the study period. Prices of rapeseed-mustard in the selected markets followed the normal seasonal pattern. In majority of markets lower seasonal price indices (88 to 91) were there in the harvesting month of March and highest (around 107) in sowing season months of November-December. Among the selected markets, the Average Seasonal Price Variations (ASPV) as well as coefficient of variation (%) for seasonal price indices were highest in Mehsana market and lower in Patan and Sidhpur markets. Rapesed-mustard markets located at varied distances have registered higher correlation coefficient (clustering around 0,98) and as such they were well integrated with respect to price movement. Majority of market pairs showed negative price differences in more number of months indicating thereby that movement of produce from primary to secondary wholesale market was not profitable. However, current prices of primary market (Pi, t) were significantly influenced by their lagged month's prices (Pi, t-1) of same market as well as by the prices of their corresponding secondary wholesale market (Pj, t). About 40 to 75 per cent of total market arrivals of rapeseed-mustard was reported in the peak marketing season in the selected markets. In this season prices were lower by Rs. 20 to Rs. 60 per quintal over mid and lean marketing seasons. Monthly arrivals and prices of rapeseed-mustard in the corresponding as well as in the subsequent months were negative and significant in all the markets. Among the price and non-price variables included in the acreage response model, only lagged year harvest price of rapeseed-mustard exhibited positive and significant influence on present acreage allocation under rapeseed-mustard in Mehsana district of Gujarat state.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1993) Patel, Dinesh K.; DESAI, M. M.
    Cost of cultivation, cost of production, agro-technology, some marketing aspects of summer groundnut-1991-92 and farmers' opinion were studied from 100 randomly selected farmers from the ten villages of five talukas (Anand, Borsad, Matar, Nadiad and Petlad having 85 per cent area vmder summer groundnut) in Kheda district. The average cost of cultivation was Rs.9972.08Aia. Average total cost of production was Rs,651.85/qtl, Major cost components per hectare were : rental value of owned land (26,.00 % ) , human labour (24.66 % ) , seeds (23.15 %), fertilizers (7.54 %), bullock and tractor charges (6.78 %) and irrigation charges (5.49 %), Average yield per hectare was 15.32 quintals. Average harvest price was Rs. 1038.52 per quintal. Average gross income was Rs,16,065.37 per hectare. Overall input-output ratio was 1:1,60 and it was highest 1:1,68 on large farms and lowest (1:1.50) on marginal farms. All farmers adopted recommended seed variety and seed treatment, 21 per cent followed recommended seed rate, 44 per cent followed recommended fertilizer and 42 per cent followed recommended plant protection. About 59 per cent of total groundnut produce was marketed during survey, 86 per cent preferred to sell to village merchants, 91 per cent marginal and 72 per cent small farmers sold within 3 -4 weeks after harvesting and 38 per cent medium and 35 per cent large farmers sold after 5 - 6 weeks after harvesting, grading was done by only 5 per cent farmers. About 91 per cent farmers informed that they got seed at proper time, 98 per cent got seed of proper variety, 83 per cent farmers got technical guidance from gram sevaks, 88 per cent opined that private merchants gave higher prices, and 91 per cent farmers grew groundnut because of higher prices.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1997) SUTARIA, VINOD BHAGVANBHAI; Desai, M. M.
    A study was made to review the progress, functioning and assess the problems of. Kutch Gramin Bank (KGB). Three talukas, nine branches and 108 beneficiaries were randomly selected. Dena Bank is the lead bank for the district . Within eight years of establishment of the bank it had 41 branches (highest among other regional rural banks) and surpassed other banks in growth rate , deposits and advances. Financing under agriculture and allied schemes was studied. Out of 103 beneficiaries selected, 35 were marginal farmers, 37 were small farmers and 36 were "others" Borrowings for bullock-carts/bullocks were 18, for crops 17, for digging/ repairing wells 14, for buffaloes 11, for electric motors 9, for water tanks/pipelines 8, for cows, sheep and goats 6, for fishing 5 and one was for gobar gas plant . Time required for sanctioning loans was also studied. Beneficiaries gave different seasons for prefering KBB. Most branch managers contracted opined to have 3 to 8 villages , 3 opined to have 1000 accounts, and 6 opined to have 6,000 to 10,000 population per branch. Timely disbursement, supervision, lending in instalment and letiding in kind were the suggestions for improvement in working. Linking of credit v/ith marketing, timely approach for recovery and support of other government agencies were main suggestions for recovery of loans. Lack of roads/transportation, illiteracy and lack of knowledge were main constrains of the GMstomers. Agricultural graduates/ any graduate for branch managers and any graduate as field supervisifor were the suggestions for appointment. Salaries offered were opined as low, should be at par with nationalised banks were opinion of the branch managers. It was opined to have only one conttolling authority,staff should stay at the places of service and security in branch for vehicles and for cash Branch, managers suggested to provide lending to nontarget group at higher interest rates and banks to take up other banking functions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1998) Bhatt, Jigar J.; Bhatt, B. D.
    The present study was carried out in the Anand district of Gujarat state with the objectives to study the extent of Bank finance utilization, sources of funds for recovery of loans, overdues, position and its reasons, and financing aspects under agricultural schemes of Bank of Baroda (BOB). A sample of 120 borrowers were selected from the two branches, i.e. Amul Dairy branch (Anand) and Borsad Branch (Borsad) of Bank of Baroda (BOB). The number of borrowers selected for the study were 60, consisted of 20 small, 20 medium and 20 large farmers from each branch of BOB. Regression analysis, simple average and percentage were used as analytical tools. The average loan per borrower came to Rs. 55.48 and Rs. 62.34 thousand from Amul Dairy branch and Borsad branchy respectively. On an average,about 85 to 86 per cent of total available credit was utilized for productive purpose by selected borrowers of the both the branch of BOB. Agricultural loans were provided for different purpose, among them, most of the borrowers had taken crop loan followed by tractor loan and buffalo loan from both the branches of BOB. Majority of repayment of loans were made by sale of farm produce. About 42.25 and 39.44 per cent of total repayers of Amul Dairy and Borsad branch respectively, repaid their loans by selling farm produce. Percentage of overdues to demand was maximum in small farmers,followed by medium and large farmers in case of Amul Dairy branch, while in case of Borsad branch it was also maximum in small farmers but minimum in medium farmers. The average amount of overdues per defaulter for Amul Dairy and Borsad branch borrower were Rs. 39.47 and Rs. 45.10 thousand respectively. Regression analysis for the factors affecting the overdues, indicated that the size of holding had negative relationship and unproductive use of loan per borrower had positive relationship with amount of overdues. Further, it was revealed by the analysis that the size of holding and unproductive use of loan per borrower are the main cause for the overdues in case of selected borrowers. In case of Amul Dairy branch, the recovery percentage was very less under I.R.D.P. scheme and the highest under indirect Agril. loan during 1996-97. While in case of Borsad Branch, Recovery percentage under I.R.D.P. scheme was higher as compare to Amul Dairy branch but minimum among different schemes. The cent percent recovery was found in indirect agricultural loan in both the branches of BOB. Percentage of achievement was more than cent percent in both the branches.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1994) CHAVADA, C. H.; SINGH, P. K.
    The present investigation was carried out in Mehsana district of North Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone to make an economic evaluation of the community biogas plants (CBPs). For the investigation, five villages having CBPs were chosen. The beneficiaries of the community biogas programme were grouped into small and large size groups according to their land holding size and thereafter five member beneficiaries from each group were chosen at random. Thus, the total sample consisted of 50 respondents. The required data were collected by survey method during the year 1991-92. To measure the efficiency of investment in CBPs, the economic evaluation of different capacities of plants was made using the concepts of Net Present Worth, Benefit Cost Ratio, Pay Back Period and Internal Rate of Return. The initial investment at constant prices in largest and smallest biogas units was Rs.12,26,395 and 3 Rs,2,66,251 respectively. The investment per m capacity *in respective plants came to about Rs.2,000.5 and Rs.1,836.2, The annual total cost of production of gas was observed to increase with plant size from Rs.62,493 for a unit of minimum capacity to Rs.4,33,814 for the maximum capacity unit. The total benefits realised by the co-operative societies of member beneficiaries (co-ops) of Vadpura, Gokulgadh, Meloj, Varsila and Methan units were about Rs.80,578, Rs.1,68,832, Rs.1,81,372, Rs.2,77,256 and Rs.7,88,024. The net present worths of all the units were positive and reasonably high at all the three discount rates of 10, 15 and 17 per cent and under all the three subsidy situations (i.e.. Zero per cent, 70 per cent and 90 per cent subsidies). The benefit cost ratios of these units at the above discount rates and subsidies were also greater than unity. It indicates that the investment in CBPs was economically viable. The estimated pay back periods revealed that the gas units would take 2.67 years to 4.70 years under without subsidy situation and relatively less time i,e, 0.29 years to 0.47 years only at 90 per cent subsidy depending on plant size. The internal rates of return of all units were much higher than the prevailing interest rate of 15 per cent. All the CBPs were organised and managed by the co-operative societies of member-beneficiaries. The members faced-more or less similar technical, socio-economic and organisational problems, To satisfy the high expectations of members there is an urgent need to develop local resourcefulness,leadership and management qualities among the local people in the area, For the successfully running of the CBP, it should be well designed and the employees of co-ops be provided necessary training in operating and making minor repairs of the units.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (AAU, Anand, 1993) VYAS, J. R.; DESAI, M. M.
    Sale of varietywise cotton to different agencies, ascertaining marketing costs, study of selected marketing aspects and obtaining opinions/suggestions were the objectives of this study through selected 110 cotton growers of different size of vadodara district for 1988-89. Patidars were 60 per cent and Rajputs were 12 per cent resondents. Primary education was with 57 per cent and secondary education with 25 per cent families. Operated area was 0.86 t o 9.58 hectares and 47 per cent area was irrigated. Hy-6 cotton was grown by 68 per cent farmers giving highest yield, other varieties were Desi, D.H.7 and Hy-4. Sixty-five farmers used cart, 37 human labour and 7 tractors for carrying cotton from farms to houses. Immediate weighment was done by 64 farmers. Sales within 2 ana 3 weeks was by 65 farmers; 62 sold to co-operatives, 44 local private traders, 8 at regulated markets and 6 to the C.C.I of the 80 farmers 54 transported cotton by bullock carts, 25 by tractors and one by hand-cart to the market covering 1.00 km to 36 kms. Sale to private traders were for immediate payment, smallness of quantity for sale, less transport costs and lack of transport facility of 108 sales to co-operatives, 57 gave reasons of higher price, others lack of malpractices, credit advance against: sale & efficient administration. Sale by 8 farmers at regulated markets were for their nearness. To the C.C.I., reasons were nearness, higher prices and no cheating. Marketing costs were worked out and transport costs formed 59 to 82 per cent. Prices received ranged between Rs.465/qtl (for Desi cotton) to Rs.885/qtl(for Hy-6 cotton). Eighty-five out of 110 farmers were satisfied with their and purchasing agencies and 25 were not for which they gave reasons.
  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (AAU, Anand, 1998) Brahmbhatt, Nachiketa B.; Patel, G. N.
    The present investigation was undertaken to study the cost of production and some marketing aspects of banana crop in Kheda district of Middle Gujarat. Kheda district was purposively selected for the present study where banana is grown extensively. Further, Borsad and Anand talukas of Kheda district were considered for the present investigation on the basis of their share to banana area in the district. Then, 10 banana growing villages comprising of six from Borsad taluka and four from Anand taluka were randomly selected with the help of two stage stratified random sampling design. Ten banana growers from each of selected villages were randomly chosen in proportion to the number of farmers in different farm sizes viz., 51 small (below 2 hectares), 33 medium (2 to 3 hectares) and 16 large (above 3 hectares) farms. In all, 100 banana growers were selected for detailed study. The study covered the agricultural year 1996-97 and the data were collected by survey method. Banana occupied 77.37 per cent of the total gross cropped area on sample farms. Basarai and Robusta were the most popular varieties among the growers. About 94 per cent of the net sown area was under irrigation on seunple farms. Per hectare use of human labour was 225.56 man-days on sample farms which ranged from 235 man-days on large sized farms to 219 man-days on medium sized farms. Use of manures and fertilizers increased with the increase in size of farms. Use of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash was 1199.3, 659.1 and 509.3 kgs, as against the recommended dose of 850, 425 and 850 kgs, respectively for banana production. Average cost per hectare was Rs. 70270.4 and it was highest (Rs, 73422.9) on large farms and lowest (Rs. 66535.4) on small farms. Further, the break-up of total cost on sample farms indicated that manures and fertilizers accounted for the highest share (31.95 per cent), followed by rental value of own land (25.39 per cent), human labour (11.96 per cent) and irrigation (10.05 per cent). Cost A was about 70 per cent of the total cost oa the sample banana farms. The average yield per hectare was 288.75 quintals and it ranged from 291.47 quintals on medium farms to 283.53 quintals on small farms. The average harvest price per quintal was Rs. 371 which ranged from Rs. 377 on medium sized farms to Rs. 356 on small sized farms. The gross-income per hectare was Rs. 1,07,097.37 on sample farms. On an average, banana growers realised net income of Rs. 36827 from one hectare of banana cultivation. It varied from Rs. 34401.3 on small farms to Rs. 39626.7 on medium farms. On an average, the cost per quintal on the basis of cost-C was Rs. 243.36 and it increased with the increase in size of farm. The input-output ratio was 1.52. Further, farm business income and family labour income was Rs. 57747.37 and Rs. 39561.6 respectively on sample banana farms. The production elasticities of area (X1) and cost of suckers (X4) showed significant and positive impact on the production of banana crop on all categories of farms (except large farms, where area (X1) has negative impact on the production). The function showed good fitness as revealed from higher value of R2 (ranging from 0.7479 to 0.9745). About 98 per cent of the total banana production was marketed by the farmers. Further, the maximum (51.25 per cent) disposal of surplus banana was in the month of August and September and minimum (17 per cent) in the month of November. The study reveals that in the absence of any farmers' co-operative society in the study area, banana was sold through commission agent to the up-country traders at a very high discount (cash) rate. Further, about 69 per cent growers got their pajonents after one to two weeks. Among the different months, higher price was observed in the month of August (Rs. 482 per quintal) and lower in the month of November (Rs. 287 per quintal). Banana growers incurred Rs. 27.95 per quintal as marketing cost for marketing of their produce. Out of which major share of Rs. 20 (70.13 per cent) was accounted for by commission agent, followed by excess weight (20 per cent). Majority of banana growers realised the absence of banana growers' association, and market intelligence. They also had a problem of high commission charges and marketing cost for selling their produce. Further, they were largely dependent on 'dalals' or commission agent for disposal of their produce.