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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Status And Response Of Sulphur To Groundnut-Wheat Cropping System In Upland Soils Of Ranchi District
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 2000) Arun Nath Puran; Surendra Singh
    In order to delineate plant available sulphur in soils of Ranchi district, altogether, 250 status surface soil samples (0-0.15 m) were collected from the cluster of 13 villages of the farmers field in Khunti and Angara blocks. Field experiments were conducted during Kharif and Rabi seasons of 1998-99 to study the direct and residual effect of S levels on crops yield, S content, S uptake, oil content and protein content. Groundnut (AK 12-24) was grown for direct effect of S while wheat (HD 2402) after groundnut was grown as succeeding crop in groundnut-wheat cropping system. Analysis of the soils of the farmer's field reveal an acidic rection (4.3 to 6.6) poor organic carbon content (0.03 to 0.87 %), low content of plant available sulphur and coarse texture Available sulphur (0.15% CaCl2) in these farmer's field soils ranged from 2.30 to 39.1 and 1.32 to 56.7 mg kg 1 soil in Khunti and Angara blocks, respectively. The magnitude of S deficiency in these soils was rated to be low as 41.9 and 28.3 per cent in Khunti and Angara blocks, respectively. Positive correlation of available sulphur was noticed with organic carbon, silt and clay. Soil pH and sand had negative correlation with available sulphur. Results of field experiments indicated that direct response of groundnut to S was evident upto 30 kg. S ha ¹. Further increase in the S level beyond 30 kg S ha 1, straw and pod yield of groundnut decreased. In case of residual response of applied S levels to wheat, straw. and grain yields were maximum with 45 kg S ha level. Anincrease of 4.2 q hal of groundnut pod and 4.53 q hal of wheat grain were obtained due to S application. Application of 30 and 45 kg S ha resulted significantly higher S content in groundnut and wheat over control. S uptake by the crops were also influenced considerably with application of S levels. Total S uptake by groundnut was higher than that with wheat. Oil content and oil yield of groundnut due to S application varied from 44.3 to 51.6 per cent and 500 to 787 kg ha-1, respectively. On the other hand protein content and protein yield ranged considerably from 25.5 to 27.3 per cent and 282 to 384 kg ha, respectively. Apparent S utilization of added S levels in groundnut and wheat ranged from 18. 18 to 23.43 and 10.02 to 12.43 per cent, respectively. The crop response in term of kg grain kg ¹ applied S varied from 8.13 to 14.00 in groundnut and 10.07 to 13.83 in wheat.