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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Detemination of water productivity under different prunning intensity in dalbeigia sisoo-turmeric agroforestry system
    (JNKVV, 2016) Kumar, Yogesh; Sahu, M.L.
    ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Determination of water productivity under different pruning intensity in Dalbergia sissoo- turmeric agro forestry system” was carried out during crop growing season 2014-15 at Dusty Acre Area, Department of Forestry, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.). The present investigation was aimed to find out the water productivity under different pruning classes in a dalbergia sissoo + turmeric base agro forestry system and Determination of water productivity of three selected farming practices viz., silviculture (only D. sissoo) agriculture (only turmeric), and agro forestry (D. sissoo + turmeric). To test the water productivity of turmeric + tree (Agroforestry),total 2 treatment viz. farming practices (Agroforestry & Silviculture) in main plot and total 4 pruning treatments viz., P0 (no pruning), P25 (25% pruning), P50 (50% pruning) and P75 (75% pruning) in subplot were tested in split plot design with 4 replications. To compare the water productivity of agroforestry and agriculture, total two treatments viz., farming practice (Agroforestry & Agriculture) in main plot and three different date of sowing in sub plot were tested in split plot design with four replications and finally the water productivity of agroforestry was also compared with the silviculture by taking two main treatments (agroforestry and silviculture) and four sub-treatments ( pruning intensities) Various observations on meteorological parameters (daily rainfall & daily pan- evaporation), soil texture, diameter at breast height and crop yield were recorded. The water productivity were also determined in terms of kg per hectare per centimeter of water used basis. The crop water productivity was worked out by dividing the turmeric equivalent yield by total water used. In case of agriculture, the total output was rhizome. In agroforestry, the total output was rhizome, large-sized timber, small- sized timber and fuel wood and in case of silviculture, the total output comprised large-sized timber, small-sized timber and fuel wood. All output other than rhizome was converted into turmeric equivalent yield considering market rates of produce. The water used was effective rainfall + irrigation applied for agroforestry & agriculture and only effective rainfall for silviculture. By considering daily rainfall data, mean monthly pan-evaporation, soil properties the effective rainfall has been derived by Potential Evapotranspiration/Precipitation Ratio Method (India) (FAO, 1974). Amount of irrigation water was obtained by multiplying the pump discharge rate with time of irrigation and number of irrigation applied to experiment plot. Among different pruning intensity viz., (P0 P25, P50& P75) of a agroforestry system, the pruning intensity P25 gave the highest water productivity (466 kg ha-1 cm-1), while in the other three pruning intensity i.e., P0 (298 kg ha-1 cm-1), P50 (260 kg ha-1 cm-1) & P75 (296 kg ha-1 cm-1), the water productivity was statistically at par. Agroforestry was more efficient than agriculture regarding water productivity i.e., it produced more turmeric equivalent yield per unit of water (321 kg ha-1 cm-1) as compared to agriculture (90 kg ha-1 cm-1). The water productivity did not vary significantly between agroforestry (321 kg ha-1 cm-1) and silviculture (343 kg ha-1 cm-1). It was statistically at par. Effects of date of sowing on water productivity were found That Turmeric equivalent water productivity of D1(233 kg ha-1 cm-1) was significantly superior to D2(192 kg ha-1 cm-1) and D3(192 kg ha-1 cm-1).The Interaction effects on water productivity were also observed that TEWP of P25(411 kg ha-1 cm-1) was significantly superior than P75(265 kg ha-1 cm-1). But TEWP of Po (281 kg ha-1 cm-1), P25(411 kg ha-1 cm-1) and P50 (328 kg ha-1 cm-1) were at par. Here lowest TEWP was recorded in P75. In contrast to agroforestry practices silviculture practices exhibits lowest TEWP in P50 (207 kg ha-1 cm-1). The significantly superior TEWP under silviculture was recorded in P25 (496 kg ha-1 cm-1). In silviculture TEWP of Po (330 kg ha-1 cm-1) and P75 (342 kg ha-1 cm-1) were at par.