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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of rice based double and multiple cropping system in kymore plateau of madhya pradesh
    (JNKVV, 2014) Bagri, Mukesh Kumar; Maurya, B.M.
    ABSTRACT The present investigation “Evaluation of the effectiveness of herbicides in direct-seeded rice under puddled conditions” was carried out during kharif season of 2013-14 at Agriculture College Farm, Department of Agronomy. JNKVV, Rewa. (M.P.) The soil of the experimental field was silty-clay having pH 6.50, EC 0.42 ds/m, O.C. 0.60%, available N 234 kg/ha, available P2O5 18 kg/ha and available K2O 314 kg/ha. The total rainfall received during July to November, 2013 was 1154 mm with 31 rainy days. The treatments comprised nine weed control methods which are laid out in randomized block design with four replications and with the following objectives: 1. To study the weed-flora under direct seeded rice grown in puddle conditions. 2. To assess the effectiveness of herbicides in controlling weeds and enhancing yield of direct-seeded rice under puddled conditions. 3. To work out the economics of the treatments. Observations were recorded on the basis of five competitive plants (characters for plant height, panicles weight, and weight of 1000 grains) and one square meter randomly selected (for studies on weeds, plant population, number of tillers and number of panicles) from each treatment separately and weed population were evaluated as per standard procedure and economics were also calculated. The analysis of variance components were worked out by Panse and Sukhatme (1967).The important findings of the present investigation are summarized as below. On the basis of present investigation, it is concluded that the application of Flucetosulfuron 10%WG 25g a.i./ha. and Flucetosulfuron 10%WG 20g a.i./ha. as pre emergence on direct seeded rice under puddled irrigated condition responded well in terms of chemical weed control of Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, Echinochloa crusgalli and Digra arvensis, growth and yields. The maximum reduction in weeds and increased in grain yield was noted in plot of weed free and it had weed control efficiency of 100% followed by Flucetosulfuron 10%WG 25g a.i./ha. (64.34%) and Flucetosulfuron 10%WG 20g a.i./ha. (64.25%). Significantly higher grain yields 38.70 q/ha and straw yield 61.47 q/ha was obtained with the weed free(hand weeding thrice) in direct seeded rice under puddled condition. The net return of Rs. 41113/ha was obtained under treatment weed free(hand weeding thrice) followed by flucetosulfuron 10% WG 25g a.i. /ha as pre-emergence gave grain yields of 33.57 q/ha and straw yield 67.04 q/ha/. And the net return of Rs. 38921/ha. . The study reveals that weed control in upland direct-seeded rice by weed free treatment (hand weeding thrice) (T6) appeared to be more effective for getting higher production. However, looking to the labour problem flucetosulfuron 25 g a.i./ha (2 DAS pre-emergence)( T2),may be the best substitute of hand weeding thrice giving less income only up to Rs.2192/ha. and also equally good to hand weeding thrice(weed-free condition) not only for getting higher income but also from economic point of view. This fact has got a deep concern due to problem of non-availability of labours for timely weeding of the crop.