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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A Study on the Impact of Vocational Training Conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra on Income Generation among Women in Jabalpur District M.P.
    (JNKVV, 2013) Jain, Payal; Singh, D.K.
    ABSTRACT Krishi Vigyan Kendra has been established by ICAR, New Delhi at district level to enhance the productivity, profitability, and sustainability of different agricultural occupations in the district level through various extension methods considering socio-economic and environmental conditions of the districts. KVK imparts various need based and skill oriented vocational trainings to create the income for women. Vocational Training Programme plays a positive role for the empowerment of women. Vocational trainings are the important tool to prepare respondents for job that are based on manual or practical activities traditionally non-academic and totally related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the respondent directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques or technology. Income generation through Vocational Training Programmes is a major mandate of Krishi Vigyan Kendra. KVK has emphasized on four categories for imparting Training i.e. agriculture, agro processing, agro based enterprise and non farming sector. KVK imparts need based and skill oriented trainings to create the income for women. Vocational Training Programmes take into account all methods and means which will result in skill development in rural youths in the area of their interest. Keeping the view, the present study entitled “A study on the impact of Vocational Training conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra on Income Generation among women in Jabalpur District (M.P.)” was undertaken with the following specific objectives. Objectives of the study:’ 1. To know the profile of selected trainees. 2. To determine the extent of income generation. 3. To analyze the association between profile of selected trainees and income generation. 4. To find out the problem faced by the women and suggest ways for effective training. Methodology: The investigation was carried out in panagar block of Jabalpur district in the operational area of KVK, Jabalpur. Maximum numbers of vocational training on tailoring & stitching and handicraft have been conducted among women by KVK, Jabalpur during the years 2007-10.Out of which ninety women respondents was taken as sample for the study. The data were collected with the help of pre-tested structured schedule by personal interview method. Percentage and chi square test was used to analyze the data. Variables: Independent: Age, education, caste, Size of family, type of house, social participation, annual income, attitude towards vocational training, number of training received, employment generation. Dependent: Income generation. Conclusion: The majority of respondents belonged to young age group and was formally educated up to higher secondary and above, higher percentage of respondents was found in schedule caste/schedule category, the majority of the respondents had medium size of family structure, higher percentage of respondents had pakka type of house, majority of the respondents had low social participation and was from low annual income group. Higher percentage of respondents belonged to the medium attitude towards vocational training, majority of the respondent received only one training. Majority of the respondents who received vocational trainings in aspects, namely tailoring & stitching and handicraft were having medium employment and majority of respondents had medium level of income generation. Caste, size of family and type of house were found non-significantly associated with income generation of the respondents. Age, education, social participation, annual income, attitude towards vocational training, number of vocational training received and employment generation were found significantly associated with income generation of the respondents. The important problem faced by rural women were lack of marketing facilities, duration of training were not sufficient, complex learning procedure, lack of capital to start work, methodology of training were not explained in detail by trainer etc. Some suggestion were given as - marketing facilities should be created by involving government and KVK, duration of training programmes should not be less than one week, easy and local terminology should be used during training progromme, involving Government and KVK should provide credit to start work, methods of training should be explained in detail by the trainer.