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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    WATER AND NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT STUDIES IN CABBAGE (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata)
    (University of Agricultural Science, Dharwad, 1999) Bhagavanthagoudra, K H; Rokhade, A K
    "Studies on the effect of irrigation schedules and methods of irrigation, levels and sources of sulphur, levels of nitrogen and methods of Azospirillum inocultaion on growth, yield and quality of cabbage cv. Pride of India were conducted at University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad in red sandy clay loam soils during the rabi seasons of 1997-98 and 1998-99. Scheduling of irrigation at 1.6 IW/CPE ratio resulted in significantly highest yield of 34.40 t ha-1, which is 28.76 per cent more than that obtained with irrigation at 1.0 IW/CPE ratio (25.94 t ha-1). Furrow method of irrigation has resulted in significant increase in cabbage head yield (31.28 t ha-1) by 9.21 per cent over alternatively alternate furrow method (28.40 t ha-1). Based on the economics of irrigation methods, the quantity of water saved by irrigating through alternatively alternate furrow method was 38 per cent compared to furrow method. By utilizing the water saved, an additional area of 0.61 ha can be irrigated to get an additional yield of 14.44 t by which an extra income of Rs. 57,760 can be realised by following alternatively alternate furrow method in place of furrow method. Application of sulphur in the form of single super phosphate, gypsum and elemental sulphur at two levels viz; 20 and 40 kg 3 ha-1 showed a mean increase in cabbage head yield by 9.99 to 26.60 per cent over control. Based on the economics and other merits of gypsum, application of S at 40 kg ha-1 in the form of gypsum was found to be economical for higher productivity. Inoculation of Azospirillum through soil + seedling dipping recorded significantly highest yield of cabbage (41.61 t ha-1) which is 33.67 per cent more than that obtained in control (31.13 t ha-1). The highest B:C ratio of 4.29 was obtained by application of Azospirillum through soil +seedling dipping along with 100 per cent RDN. Application of Azospirillum through soil +seedling dipping along with 100 per cent RDN produced 31.76 per cent higher yield over only RDN (100%) without Azospirillum."