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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Combinations of oat and berseem for crossbred heifers – a study on nutrient digestibility and degradability
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-08) Brij Lal; Rastogi, S.K.
    Four different combinations of oat straws and green berseem fodder mixed in ratio of 80:20 (T1), 70: 30 (T2), 60:40 (T3) and 50:50 (T4) were prepared. The chemical composition, digestibilities in sacco disappearance, DM and digestibility constant correlation were worked out. Sixteen crossbred heifers weighing about 70 to 150 Kg were randomly divided into four groups of four animals on randomised block design basis. Each experimental group of four animals were fed, one particular combination of fodder for 30 days. First 21 days were for adaptation and the last 7 days were for digestibility trial. To determine the digestibility of various nutrient and DM, simultaneously samples of fodder combination were incubated in 3 rumen fistulated animals to determine the DM disappearance, the average content DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, Hemicellulose and Total Ash of T1(O:B : : 80:20) were 45.76, 90.44, 7.93, 63.35, 41.20, 9.26, 22.15, 31.94 and 9.56 percent respectively while in T2 and T3 it was 43.85, 90.17, 9.01, 62.08, 40.89, 8.70, 21.19, 32.10, 9.83 and 40.66, 89.66, 9.68, 61.39, 41.76, 8.85, 19.63, 32.91 and 10.14 percent respectively and in T4 it was 37.41, 89.75, 11.20, 58.14, 38.90, 8.14, 19.22, 30.78 and 10.25 percent respectively. The digestibilities of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF, Hemicellulose and Cellulose were highest in group T4 while lowest in T1. The voluntary DM intake did not differ significantly. Among the four fodder combination the disappearance of DM at 96 hours was highest in T4 and lowest in T1 and it increased with increase in time. Also the difference of degradability of DM between the beginning and end of in sacco experiment was also highest in T4, hence it can be concluded that there exist considerable difference in chemical composition and digestibility of fodders with combination of dry oat and green berseem and it is possibly due to higher structural component present in dry forages. Further a dry:green ratio of 60:40 and 70:30 on DM basis is best suited for nutrient utilization, growth and productivity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Live stock waste management strategies: evaluation of therapeutic efficiency of cow urine
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-07) Manirajan, P.; Sharma, R.J.
    In recent years, our vision is going to search for various naturally occurring compounds with antimicrobial activities because the development of resistance amongst the pathogens against so many synthetic antibiotics and fungicides. Many advocates claim that urine as a ‘panacea’. Admiration of the cow’s gentleness, products and power led the secular associations with the status of mother. Any place plastered by cow dung and any house sprinkled by cow urine are considered as sacred (or) pollution free. The ancient literature available in ayurveda is full of versions of utilization of cow urine as a potent medicine for various ailments of human beings and also it throws magnificent light on the importance of cow. The antimicrobial properties of cow urine were tested against the E. coli, Staph. aureus and S. enterica and found that the cow urine in pure form have comparatively more antimicrobial effect than in diluted form. In case of pharmacological properties of cow urine were tested in laboratory rats and Ascaridia galli (Poultry intestinal worms). The result on body weight gain weight gain of alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed higher weight gain when compared with other group of rats. Effect of cow urine on plasma glucose level of alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed no definite trend in reduction. The anthelminitc effect of cow urine and its extract on the spontaneous motility of Aseardia galli proved its anthelmintic properties. The cow urine and its extract reduced the blood pressure in rats. Finally, the cow urine extract showed increased amplitude and PR interval on ECG of rats with increased doses. The present studies showed that urine have both antimicrobial and pharmacological properties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Variation in seminal plasma specific proteins due to semen freezability in tarai buffalo bulls
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-06) Tiwari, Madhu; Prasad, R.B.
    In the present study of “Variation in seminal plasma specific proteins due to semen freezability in Tarai buffalo bulls” were undertaken with the following objectives: 1. To estimate quantitative changes, if any, in total proteins in seminal plasma due to freezability at different interval. 2. To identify seminal plasma proteins in fresh as well as cold treated semen. A total of six Tarai buffalo bulls maintained at Animal Instructional Farm under the project “Animal Genetics Resource Biodiversity: Characterization and Conservation of Tarai Buffaloes” were studied for seminal characteristics, total protein concentration of seminal plasma and protein profile of fresh and diluted semen that was stored at different temperature for various time periods. A significant variation was found among bulls (genotypes) for seminal characteristics and protein profile of fresh semen though total protein concentration of seminal plasma had non significant variation. A significant variation was also found among bulls for seminal characteristics and protein profile of diluted semen stored for various periods at different temperatures. A significant increase in total protein concentration of seminal plasma was noticed in diluted semen stored at -200C and -1960C for 30 days.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Mimosa pudica (Lajvanti) and Melia azedarach (Bacain) on clinical cases of gastric ulcers in dogs
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-08) Pankaj Kumar; Sharma, V.K.
    In the present study therapeutic efficacy of Mimosa pudica (Lajwanti) and Melia azedarach (Bacain) alone and in combination was evaluated in sixteen confirmed clinical cases of canine gastric ulcer. The efficacy of treatment was judged on the basis of clinical symptoms, haematological, biochemical and radiological examinations. Excessive salivation, inappetance, dullness, depression, and pain on palpation in left epigastric region were observed as major clinical symptoms of gastric ulceration in these dogs. The animals with gastric ulcer passed black/chocolate coloured faeces of soft consistency. The mucous membrane of all animals was observed pale. The extremities were cold. In most of the cases, owners complained that bouts of vomition were observed soon after feeding. In most of the cases vomitus was of brownish in colour. All the clinical symptoms observed in the patients revealed mild to moderate clinical recovery within 10-12, 3-7, 5-7 and 3-5 days following treatment in group A, B, C and D respectively. Delayed reaction of skin tenting, decreased haemoglobin, lower PCV, higher TLC level, initial neutrophilia, lymphopenia and presence of occult blood in faeces were the constant feature of every animal under this experiment. On biochemical examination hyponatremia and hyperkalemia was the prominent feature. Mucosal damage and gastric hemorrhage were detected through the pH of gastric content and colouration of the vomitus. An increased level of gastric pH with pinkish to brownish colour was observed in all groups of animals on day 0. On contrast radiographic examination retention or adherence of contrast material with gastric mucosa and delayed gastric emptying were the constant features. Thus, on the basis of comparative evaluation of clinical, haematological, biochemical and radiological parameters of Group B and C, it can be concluded that Mimosa pudica is a marginally better drug than Melia azedarach in gastric ulcer healing in dogs. However, as per the present day information, possible mechanism of action of these herbal drugs may be due to their ability to be a coating agent, motility modifiers, antimuscarinic effect, H2-receptor antagonist and prostaglandin analogue or proton pump inhibitor. Their definite mode of action in these lines is to be investigated further.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Thermal Humidity Index (THI) on growth performances and immunocompetence in turkey and guinea fowl
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-07) Elizabeth Yhome, K.; Atheya, U.K.
    Turkey and Guinea fowl, apart from being an important germplasm resume for America and African country respectively, is being looked as a potential protein for developing and under developing countries and India is having a great scope in this context. In the present study experiments were undertaken with five groups each of Turkeys and Guinea fowl comprising of 5 and 20 birds respectively were taken to assess the effect of hot-humid and hot-dry seasons on their growth rate, fertility, hatchability, mortality, haematological parameter, immunity and endocrine function. Temperature and relative humidity of the environment outside and inside the bird houses were recorded separately in both seasons and THI was calculated. Environmental THI during hot dry ranged between 60-79 and during hot humid ranged between 74-84 and THI inside the bird‘s houses ranged between 59-93. There was no significant effect on growth rate when THI was in the range of 61-71, the Turkey and Guinea fowl were quite comfortable, but when THI went above 83, it show signs of stress and bird‘s begin to pant out. Fertility and hatchability show significant (P<0.05) variation probably due to seasonal breeding pattern, age of bird, photoperiod etc. There were slight changes in haematological parameters in both seasons; changes observed may be due to age, sex and nutritional status. Antibody titre was significantly higher (P<0.05) in both Turkey and Guinea fowl except during May and June. Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) estimation were performed in hot-dry season in Turkey and Guinea fowl and no significant differences was observed except that morning T3 and T4 were significantly higher then afternoon T3 and T4. From the above study as conclusion it can be inferred that rearing Turkey and Guinea fowl would be economical at farmers level, but more, studies need to be conducted during the hot humid season especially May – June and various measures of amelioration of heat stress need to be practiced during the hotter climates of Tarai and Tarai like regions.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Livestock waste management strategies: Physical and biochemical characterization of cow urine
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-06) Davis, Justin; Sharma, R.J.
    India is the world’s largest milk producer and ranks first in cattle and buffalo population. India has 221.90 million cattle and this huge population of cattle produces tonnes of waste products per day. Cow dung and urine are the major livestock wastes in cattle farming. Cow dung is utilized for application as manure to crops, for making of dung patties for burning, composting, bio-gas production etc. Cow urine if collected separately is a valuable product from the cow. There are still no scientific methods for utilization of cow urine. But traditionally cow urine is used therapeutically, as urine or in combinations, as medicine for human and animal treatment and in application on plants as bio-pesticides. Advanced studies on therapeutic efficiency of cow urine will require the knowledge on the properties of cow urine. So the present study was under taken to investigate the physical and biochemical characterization of cow urine produced from different genetic and age groups of cattle. The animals for the study were divided into two genetic groups namely, Sahiwal and crossbred and three age groups namely lactating cows, heifers and calves. The organic solvent extraction of urine was done with dioxane and the urine extracts obtained were also studied. The physical characterization of urine and urine extracts revealed that specific gravity, surface tension and refractive index were higher for crossbreds than Sahiwal, where as the viscosity was higher for Sahiwal than crossbreds. The max of U.V. absorbance showed same values for all groups of animals. The study on age groups showed that lactating cows had highest value followed by heifers and calves incase of viscosity, surface tension and refractive index; whereas heifers had highest value followed by lactating cows and calves for specific gravity. The urine samples had higher values than corresponding urine extracts for surface tension and max of absorbance while the urine extracts had higher values for specific gravity, viscosity and refractive index. The biochemical characterization of urine and urine extracts showed that, among genetic groups, pH, total solid, ash, urea, creatinine, total protein, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and manganese concentration were higher for crossbreds while, sodium, copper and zinc concentration for urine and urine extracts were higher in Sahiwal. Among age groups, lactating cows had higher values for pH, urea, creatinine, calcium, magnesium and manganese concentration and heifers had higher values, in case of total solid, ash, total protein, potassium, copper and zinc concentration of urine and urine extracts. The calves had higher values of sodium and iron concentration. The micro minerals namely cadmium, chromium and lead could not be detected in any sample of urine or urine extracts. Urine samples had higher values than urine extracts for total solid, ash, urea, creatinine, total protein and all the macro and micro mineral concentration, where as pH was more in extracts than urine. The present study showed that urine varied for the physical and biochemical characters for the different genetic and age groups under study.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Livestock waste management strategies: Evaluation of therapeutic efficiency of cow urine
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-07) Manirajan, P.; Sharma, R.J.
    In recent years, our vision is going to search for various naturally occurring compounds with antimicrobial activities because the development of resistance amongst the pathogens against so many synthetic antibiotics and fungicides. Many advocates claim that urine as a „panacea‟. Admiration of the cow‟s gentleness, products and power led the secular associations with the status of mother. Any place plastered by cow dung and any house sprinkled by cow urine are considered as sacred (or) pollution free. The ancient literature available in ayurveda is full of versions of utilization of cow urine as a potent medicine for various ailments of human beings and also it throws magnificent light on the importance of cow. The antimicrobial properties of cow urine were tested against the E. coli, Staph. aureus and S. enterica and found that the cow urine in pure form have comparatively more antimicrobial effect than in diluted form. In case of pharmacological properties of cow urine were tested in laboratory rats and Ascaridia galli (Poultry intestinal worms). The result on body weight gain weight gain of alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed higher weight gain when compared with other group of rats. Effect of cow urine on plasma glucose level of alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed no definite trend in reduction. The anthelminitc effect of cow urine and its extract on the spontaneous motility of Aseardia galli proved its anthelmintic properties. The cow urine and its extract reduced the blood pressure in rats. Finally, the cow urine extract showed increased amplitude and PR interval on ECG of rats with increased doses. The present studies showed that urine have both antimicrobial and pharmacological properties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of training needs of livestock owners in improved animal husbandry practices - a study in tarai area of Uttaranchal
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-07) Gangil, Deepak; Dabas, Y.P.S.
    Need based training is most important and effective means for developing technical and managerial competence of livestock farmers in improved animal husbandry practices. A survey was conducted on 234 livestock owners covering five villages of U.S. Nagar district to study the level of knowledge, training needs of livestock owners in improved animal husbandry practices and relationship of these two variables with socio-economic and communication characteristics of livestock owners. Findings revealed that the knowledge of live stock owners was very poor on identification of infertility and reproductive problems, urea treatment of straw, prevention of mastitis, weaning, castration of male calf, naval cord disinfection, preparation of ice cream, conservation of fodder and importance of maintenance of records. Majority of livestock farmers have intense desire to be trained in the areas like preparation of balanced ration, knowledge about common diseases of animals, first aid treatment, care at calving and weaning. For better participation of livestock owners, trainings should be provided in their own village by the method of lecture followed by demonstration and group discussion, which would ensure more benefits to the livestock owners. Level of knowledge of livestock owners was positively and significantly associated with age, education, land holding, herd size, milk production, milk consumption, milk sale, mass media exposure and extension worker’s contact while non-significantly associated family size of respondents. Training needs of respondents showed positive and significant relationship with their herd size while non significant association was observed with age, education, land holding, milk production, milk consumption, milk sale, mass media exposure and extension worker contact. Therefore these variables should be considered at the time of organization of training programme for livestock owners.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Prophylaxis against salmonellosis through Salmonella toxoid vaccine and competitive exclusion
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-08) Gammi, Taking; Ashok Kumar
    The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the immunoprophylaxis efficacy of Salmonella toxoid vaccine by the various routes of administration- subcutaneously and orally to individual chick and orally through drinking water to chicks ageing 21 days by dividing into four groups. The blood sera were assessed upto 90th DPV by ELISA test, also challenge test were conducted by dividing the four groups into eight subgroups and challenged with S. Weltevreden and S.Gallinarum @ 4 x 109 c.f.u. The clinical symptoms with mortality pattern were studied upto 30th DPC and the liver, caeca and spleen samples were collected from the birds died of challenge infection and the sacrificed survivor for bacteriological examination. The maximum humoral antibody titres were obtained from the subcutaneously vaccinated birds and the 90-100% protection were afforded by the vaccine. The mortality pattern of vaccinated and control birds were also studied and compared. The passive transfer of maternal antibodies were assessed by detecting the saline extraction of antibodies in the egg yolk which obtained a high antibody titres. Also protective efficacy of maternal antibodies were evaluated by the challenge test which obtained a 90-100% protection. The cross-protection against E.coli was evaluated by challenging the four groups of birds by the commonly occurring E.coli serovars 0-78 @ 4 x 109 c.f.u intraperitoneally on 21st DPC, which obtained a 83.33% protection. The protective efficacy of one year old vaccine were evaluated by ELISA test, AGPT and challenge test. The equal antibody titres of freshly prepared vaccine were obtained from the sera collected on 21st DPV and precipitation line was obtained in between the serum of vaccinated birds and antigen, also 90-100% protection were afforded by the vaccine. The prophylaxis against salmonellosis by the competitive exclusion (probiotic) was studied and obtained a improvement of growth rate, gained in body weight by the probiotic feed chicks of day old upto a Av. Wt. gain of 5gm/chick. Also, gave cross-immunity and powerful degree of competitive exclusion between two or more serovar were obtained.