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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evapotranspiration studies on wheat (Triticum aestivum) and soybean (Glycine max) in a mollisol of tarai region of Uttaranchal
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-07) Sunil Kumar; Suman Kumar
    This study was conducted at the Crop Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar for quantifying evapotranspiration losses of wheat and soybean under Uttaranchal tarai conditions and to select some suitable mathematical methods based on meteorological parameters for estimating wheat and soybean ET of this type of agroclimatic conditions. Evapotranspiration of wheat and soybean was measured with weighing type lysimeters. Data on pan evaporation measured with USWB class A pan evaporimeter and various wheat parameters for the corresponding period were collected from Meteorological Observatory. Evapotranspiration of wheat and soybean was also estimated by using mathematical methods of Thornthwaite, Turc, Stephens-Stewart, Jensen-Haise, Blaney-Criddle and Modified Penman. The relationship of measured ET with pan evaporation and ET estimated by different mathematical methods was studied by linear regression and simple correlation. It can be concluded that the evapotranspiration of wheat and soybean under tarai conditions is about 445.2 mm and 513.1 mm respectively. The average total rainfall during wheat and soybean season is 256.8 mm and 1187.9 mm respectively. Thus supplementary irrigation is required during wheat season due to low rainfall and also for soybean season during the years of low rainfall. As the Pan evaporation did not give accurate estimate of wheat and soybean ET, both on seasonal and as well as weekly basis. So Pan evaporation does not seem to be good criteria for ET estimation in wheat and soybean in this region and Modified Penman and Jensen-Haise methods are very suitable for estimation of ET in this tarai region of Uttaranchal.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of coriander (Coriandrum sativum l.) germplasm for growth and yield characters under tarai conditions of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2012-07) Sunil Kumar; Singh, J.P.
    Ninety genotypes and three checks (Pant Haritima, Hisar Anand and ACr-728) of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) were evaluated in Augmented Block Design during Rabi season of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Vegetable Research Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, to study the genetic variation for thirteen growth and yield characters namely, days to 50 per cent flowering, plant height up to main umbel, plant height including main umbel, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant ,number of umbels per plant, number of umbelletes per umbel, number of fruits per umbel, number of fruits per umbellate , seed yield per plot(g), seed yield per plant (g), seed yield kg per ha and 1000-seed weight (g), The pooled data were subjected to statistical analysis. The results of analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for number of fruits per umbel and significant differences were observed between checks for plant height upto main umbel and number of umbels per plant in 2009-10. In 2010-11 highly significant difference was observed between block for number of umbellates per umbel and highly significant difference was observed between check for plant height upto main umbel, number of secondary branches per plant, number of umbellates per umbel, seed yield per plot(g), seed yield kg per ha, and weight of 1000-seed and significant diffeferance for plant height including main umbels. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among genotypes indicating sufficient amount of variation for those characters in the germplasm collection. Character association indicate seed yield (kg per hectare) have significant and positive correlation with plant height upto mainumbel (0.325), plant height including main umbels (0.331), number of fruits per umbel (0.290), seed yield per plot (0.743) and seed yield per plant (0.361). The path coefficient analysis revealed that the highest direct effect was shown by seed yield per plot (0.6975), toward on seed yield (kg per hectare) followed by number of fruits per umbels (0.2716), seed yield per plant (0.1143), 1000-seed weight (0.060), days to 50 per cent flowering (0.0281), number of primary branches per plant (0.0734) and plant height upto main umbels. The principal component analysis was done on correlation matrix of important economic traits. First 10 principal components explain 94.72 per cent of total variation. Present investigation germplasm of coriander the maximum variation of 21.67 per cent was explained by first latent vector followed by 16.79 per cent (second vector) and 12.31 per cent (third vector). Ninety genotypes and three checks were classified into six non-over lapping clusters on the basis of non-hierarchical Euclidean cluster analysis for yield and growth traits. The maximum (2.997) intra cluster distance was seen in cluster III and minimum (0.000) was observed in VI and V. The maximum inter cluster distance 13.414 was found in between clusters VI and V, followed by 10.279 between clusters I and VI than 10.047 between clusters II and VI. Whereas, minimum inter cluster distance 2.694 between clusters IV and II, followed by 2.890 between clusters III and I and 3.085 between clusters II and I. Cluster I have the maximum number of genotypes (25) followed by cluster II and III have 23 genotypes in each cluster. The minimum numbers of genotypes i.e. one were present in cluster V and VI. The performance of genotypes is evaluated on the basis their performance with respect to best check for that character. Genotypes UD-725, ACr-10 and UD-752, showed best performance for seed yield and its components in 2009-10 and in 2010-11 genotypes ACr-23, UD-601, MKSM-1117 and UD-789 showsed best performance. Based on the average performance of two years UD-787 is best genotype for yield and its components.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) germplasm for growth and yield characters under Tarai conditions of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2012-07) Sunil Kumar; Singh, J.P.
    Ninety genotypes and three checks (Pant Haritima, Hisar Anand and ACr-728) of coriander (coriandrum sativum L.) were evaluated in Augmented Block Design during Rabi season of 2009-10 and 2010-11 at Vegetable Research Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar,to study the genetic variation for thirteen growth and yield characters namely, days to 50 per cent flowering, plant height up to main umbel, plant height including main umbel, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant ,number of umbels per plant, number of umbelletes per umbel, number of fruits per umbel, number of fruits per umbellate , seed yield per plot(g), seed yield per plant (g), seed yield kg per ha and 1000-seed weight (g), The pooled data were subjected to statistical analysis. The results of analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for number of fruits per umbel and significant differences were observed between checks for plant height upto main umbel and number of umbels per plant in 2009-10. In 2010-11 highly significant difference was observed between block for number of umbellates per umbel and highly significant difference was observed between check for plant height upto main umbel, number of secondary branches per plant, number of umbellates per umbel, seed yield per plot(g), seed yield kg per ha, and weight of 1000-seed and significant diffeferance for plant height including main umbels. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among genotypes indicating sufficient amount of variation for those characters in the germplasm collection. Character association indicate seed yield (kg per hectare) have significant and positive correlation with plant height upto mainumbel (0.325), plant height including main umbels (0.331), number of fruits per umbel (0.290), seed yield per plot (0.743) and seed yield per plant (0.361). The path coefficient analysis revealed that the highest direct effect was shown by seed yield per plot (0.6975), toward on seed yield (kg per hectare) followed by number of fruits per umbels (0.2716), seed yield per plant (0.1143), 1000-seed weight (0.060), days to 50 per cent flowering (0.0281), number of primary branches per plant (0.0734) and plant height upto main umbels. The principal component analysis was done on correlation matrix of important economic traits. First 10 principal components explain 94.72 per cent of total variation. Present investigation germplasm of coriander the maximum variation of 21.67 per cent was explained by first latent vector followed by 16.79 per cent (second vector) and 12.31 per cent (third vector). Ninety genotypes and three checks were classified into six non-over lapping clusters on the basis of non-hierarchical Euclidean cluster analysis for yield and growth traits. The maximum (2.997) intra cluster distance was seen in cluster III and minimum (0.000) was observed in VI and V. The maximum inter cluster distance 13.414 was found in between clusters VI and V, followed by 10.279 between clusters I and VI than 10.047 between clusters II and VI. Whereas, minimum inter cluster distance 2.694 between clusters IV and II, followed by 2.890 between clusters III and I and 3.085 between clusters II and I. Cluster I have the maximum number of genotypes (25) followed by cluster II and III have 23 genotypes in each cluster. The minimum numbers of genotypes i.e. one were present in cluster V and VI. The performance of genotypes is evaluated on the basis their performance with respect to best check for that character. Genotypes UD-725, ACr-10 and UD-752, showed best performance for seed yield and its components in 2009-10 and in 2010-11 genotypes ACr-23, UD-601, MKSM-1117 and UD-789 showsed best performance. Based on the average performance of two years UD-787 is best genotype for yield and its components