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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Immunopathological effects of kitazin, an organophosphorous pesticide in broilers
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-05) Kohila, P.; Thathoo, A.K.
    The present experiment was carried out to assess the acute and sub acute toxic effects of Kitazin, an organophosphorous pesticide in broiler chicken. To assess the acute toxic effects of Kitazin, a total of 48 day old broiler chicks were randomly divided in four groups of 12 birds each. After one week of acclimatization period, a single oral dose of Kitazin was administered @ 300mg, 600mg and 900 mg/ Kg body weight to group 2 (T1), group 3 (T2) and group 4 (T3) respectively. To assess the sub acute toxic effects of Kitazin, a total of 48 day old broiler chicks were randomly divided in four groups of 12 birds each. After one week of acclimatization period, Kitazin was incorporated in the feed @ 100 ppm, 200 ppm and 400 ppm to group 2 (T1), group 3 (T2) and group 4 (T3) respectively for a period of 6 weeks. In both the studies the group 1 birds served as control (C). Blood and serum samples were collected once in a week in acute toxicity study, and once in two weeks interval in sub acute toxicity study to assess the haematological and biochemical parameters respectively. In acute study, the birds were sacrificed at the end of 14th and 21st day of age, to study the pathomorphology of organs. In subacute study, the birds were sacrificed on 49th day of age. Acute toxicity of Kitazin produced typical neurological signs such as ataxia, in coordination, drooping of wings, tremors, convulsions and death. The average body weights of experimental birds measured at once in 14 days interval revealed a significant decrease in Kitazin treated birds in both acute and sub acute toxicity study. Effects of Kitazin on the haematological parameters were significantly decreased haemoglobin, PCV and TEC values in both acute and sub acute toxicity study. A significant decrease in TLC, lymphocyte count, MCV and MCH values were also observed. The results of the biochemical studies had a significant increase in serum glucose, total cholesterol, SGOT and creatinine values in both the studies. A significant increase in SGPT and BUN values were observed in sub acute toxicity study. The levels of total proteins, albumin, globulin and A/G ratio were significantly decreased in both the studies. Results of Lymphocyte Stimulation Test (LST) showed a significant decrease in mean delta OD values of both Con-A and LPS stimulated lymphocyte cultures from treatment groups in comparison to control group.A significant reduction in the organ/body weight ratio was observed for liver, spleen and bursa in both the studies. Grossly, congestion of all organs was noticed. Histopathological examination of liver showed hyperemia, mononuclear cell inifiltration and hepatocytes undergoing various stages of degeneration. Kidney showed glomerular nephritis, nephrosis and haemorrhages. Desquamation of bronchial epithelium, edema, emphysema and congestion were observed in the lungs. Degenerative and necrotic changes were observed in the spleen and bursa. The lesions in the brain were congestion, perivascular cuffing, chromatolysis, neuronophagia and extensive spongiform changes. From the findings of the present study, it may be concluded that, Kitazin has adverse effects on the general health, body weight and immune status of the birds and these effects are dependent on its dose and duration of exposure.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinicopathological studies on effects of brass industry effluent in animals
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2007-01) Manjunatha, K.N.; Thathoo, A.K.
    The present experiment was conducted to study the clinicopathological effects of Brass industry effluent in animals. For this, various samples (effluent, soil and fodder) were collected around the brass industries located in Moradabad and subjected to physico-chemical analysis. Toxicity of the effluent was studied by using mice as an experimental animal model. The physico-chemical analysis of effluent samples showed significantly (P<0.05) increased levels of COD, BOD, TS, TDS, TSS, and heavy metals as compared to control. There was significantly higher levels of metals in soil (Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb) and in fodder (Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, Cd, and Pb) samples that were collected from and around the industries compared to the control site. Animal experimentation revealed significant effects of the effluent on body and organ weights, hematological and biochemical parameters. There was significant decrease in body and liver weight as compared to control. Total erythrocyte count was increased significantly, whereas total leukocyte count decreased significantly as compare to the control. There was decrease in percent monocyte (%) and percent increase in the neutrophils as compared to the control. On serum biochemical examination it was evident that there was significantly (P<0.05) higher levels of BUN, Creatinine, AST and ALT, where as significant decrease in total protein and albumin levels as compared to the control. The levels of zinc, cadmium and lead in serum and liver samples of mice exposed to effluent were significantly (P<0.05) increased as compared to the control. The histopathological examination of various organs revealed, congestion, edema, adhesion of glomerulus to the Bowman‟s capsule, interstitial nephritis, extensive degeneration of tubular epithelium, proteinacious casts, atrophy of glomerulus, glomerular hemorrhages and necrosis in kidneys. Liver showed congestion, edema, vacuolar degeneration and dilatation of sinusoids. Congestion hemorrhages and focal areas of necrosis were seen in spleen. Lungs showed congestion, edema, emphysema, interstitial pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and focal areas of accumulation of mononuclear cells around bronchus. Testes showed mild congestion, edema, degeneration, detachment of cells from basement membrane, impaired spermatogenesis and atrophy of seminiferous tubules. In the brain, congestion, edema, perivascular cuffing, chromatolysis, neuronophagia and extensive vacuolations were observed. Based on above findings, it may be concluded that the effluent from brass industries have higher levels of COD, BOD, TS, TDS, TSS and heavy metals. Effluent discharged from these industries has increased the heavy metal concentration in and around the areas of these industries (soil and fodder). From the animal experiment, it is suggested that the brass industry effluent causes significant chronic health effects on animals.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinicopathological studies of chronic endosulfan and chlorpyriphos intoxication in poultry
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Singh, Atul Kumar; Agrawal, D.K.
    The present investigation was carried out to study the prolonged, toxic effect of endosulfan and chlorpyriphos in poultry using “No Observable Adverse Effect Level”. Hundred 2-week-old chicks (divided into 3 groups) were used for a period of 2 months. The birds of group I given normal basal ration served as control. Group II birds were fed endosulfan (30 ppm) while group III birds were given chlorpyriphos (0.3 ppm) treated feed. Five birds from each group were taken after every 10 days interval for collection of blood and serum samples. Tissue samples from liver, spleen, thymus and bursa of Fabricius were collected for Histopathological examination after conducting the post mortem. In addition, liver, kidney and muscles were taken to study the level of pesticide residues in these organs. In the present investigation, no significant change in Hb and PCV occurred in any group. Leucopenia and lymphopenia recorded in present study. A decrease in total serum protein and albumin content in the pesticides treated birds due to hepatic dysfunction. Histopathological examination of organs collected showed mild to severe damage with increase in duration. From the present study, it may be concluded that even NOAEL dose of endosulfan and chlorpyriphos can cause hemato-biochemical and pathomorphological changes, which may be responsible for immune competence, vaccinal failure and mortality among birds.