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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative study on the major lymphoid organs of local hill fowl of Uttarakhand and Rhode Island Red
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-05) Mahanta, Dwipjyoti; Meena Mrigesh
    The present study was conducted on the thymus, spleen and bursa of Fabricius of 24 birds of the local hill and 24 birds of RIR divided into four age groups viz. day old, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months old birds with six birds in each age group. The thymus consisted of two long chains of lobes located on either side of neck, which were embedded in the subdermal connective tissue in both Local hill fowl and Rhode Island Red (RIR). The number of lobes in each half of thymus varied between the two birds. The average weight and size of thymus increased up to 3 months of age, thereafter started declining and its rate of regression was more rapid in local hill fowl than RIR. Histologically, the thymus was covered by a capsule and consisted of outer darker cortex and inner lighter medulla. Both the cortex and medulla were composed of lymphocytes, reticular cells, macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells, dendritic cells, fibroblasts and erythrocytes. The Hassall’s corpuscles were formed by the concentric arrangement of reticuloepithelial cells and were found in cortex, cortico-medullary junction and medulla of the thymus. Their number increased, but their size decreased during involution of thymus. The collagen, elastic and reticular fibres were the connective tissue fibres present in the different regions of thymus. The capsule, trabeculae and Hassall’s corpuscles showed PAS positive and Alcian blue activities. The spleen was almost triangular in shape with rounded edges, dark-reddish in colour and located on the right side of the junction between the proventriculus and gizzard in both the birds. Histologically, the spleen was covered a capsule and the parenchyma consisted of white pulp and red pulp regions. The white pulp was having lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells and several types of blood vessels. The packed mass of lymphocytes gathered around the central artery and capillaries formed the PALS and PELS. The red pulp comprised of venous sinuses and splenic cords. The pulp cords consisted of erythrocytes, reticular cells, various sized lymphocytes, plasma cells and heterophils. The collagen, elastic and reticular fibres were the connective tissue fibres present in the different regions of spleen. The capsule, blood vessels and some cells of white pulp of spleen showed moderate PAS positive activity. Under ultrastructural studies fenistrated basement membrane of splenic sinus was cearly visible. The bursa of Fabricius originated from the proctodeal wall of the cloaca and was placed dorsal to the rectum. It was oval in shape and creamy white in colour in both local hill fowl and RIR. The bursa of Fabricius became largest at 3 months of age and then it completely disappeared at the age of 6 months in Local hill fowl, but in RIR, it became regressed, but still persisted at this age. Histologically, the wall of the bursa of Fabricius comprised of innermost tunica mucosa, middle tunica muscularis and outermost tunica serosa. The mucosa was arranged into longitudinal folds forming larger and smaller plicae. The follicle-associated epithelium of the bursal plicae was made up of pseudostratified ciliated columnar and few patches of simple cuboidal epithelium. Each plicae of bursa of Fabricius was filled with number of irregular shaped lymphoid follicles and the individual follicles were separated by layer of interfollicular connective tissue. The cortex and medulla of lymphoid follicles had lymphocytes, reticular cells, macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells, dendritic cells and fibroblasts. The collagen, elastic and reticular fibres were present in the different regions of bursa of Fabricius. The apical border of surface epithelium showed PAS positive and Alcian blue activities in both the birds. Ultrastructural studies revealed that the thymus, spleen and bursa of Fabricius of both local hill fowl and RIR were composed of lymphocytes, reticular cells, macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells, dendritic cells, fibroblasts and erythrocytes. The present study provided a detailed comparative age wise development of thymus, spleen and bursa of Fabricius in the local hill fowl and RIR.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Osteo-morphological studies on the vertebrae, ribs and sternum of blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-05) Sathapathy, Srinivas; Singh, Balwinder
    The general vertebral formula of Blue bull was observed as C7T13L6S5Cy15-21. Amongst the cervical vertebrae, the atlas, axis, C6 and C7 were atypical type, but C3-C5 were typical type. The typical cervical vertebrae were characterized by presence of foramen transversarium and bifid transverse process, where as the atlas had dorsal and ventral tubercles, fovea dentis that articulated with the dens of axis. The ventral division of transverse process of C6 was quadrilateral plate like. The C7 was devoid of foramen transversarium and characterized by presence of undivided transverse process, well developed dorsal supraspinous process and presence of costal facets on both the sides of the caudal end of the body. The thoracic vertebrae presented long supraspinous process, cylindrical, but shorter centrum. The cranial articular processes were oval, slightly convex, placed on the dorsal border of the arch and faced directly upwards. The caudal ones were located at the base of the supraspinous processes and were slightly concave. The transverse processes were short, thick and undivided. They presented a tubercular facet on their ventral aspect for articulation with the corresponding facet present on the tubercle of the rib. The transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae presented thick rounded non-articular mamillary processes on the dorsal aspect. The lumbar vertebrae were characterized by long transverse process, broad and flattened dorsal supraspinous process and well developed cranial and caudal articular processes. The average length of transverse process gradually increased from L1 to L5 and then it suddenly decreased in L6. The sacrum was almost triangular in shape and formed by five sacral segments. It presented wings, base and apex. It had a median sacral crest, two lateral sacral crests and four pairs of dorsal and ventral sacral foramina. The first three to four coccygeal vertebrae were characterized by presence of body, bifid dorsal and ventral spines, sulcus vasculosus, cranial nonarticular process and a pair of transverse process. The remaining caudal vertebrae had cylindrical bodies and reduced processes. The ribs were longer, wider, flatter, less curved and less regular in form. There were thirteen pairs of ribs in Blue bull, out of which first eight were sternal, last five were asternal and the last pair was considered as floating ribs. They presented proximal end, shaft and distal end. The proximal end further consisted of head, neck and tubercle. The costal groove was present at the proximal end of caudal border of shaft. An accessory tubercle was located below the main tubercle at the caudal border of the shaft of 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th and 11th pairs of ribs in both the sexes of the Blue bull. The distal end of the ribs was wide, flattened and attached with the costal cartilage. The sternum was a long plate of osteo-cartilagenous structure formed by seven sternebrae. It was flat except at its anterior end, which was compressed laterally. The lateral borders accommodated seven pairs of sternal facets on either side of the intersternal junctions. The manubrium sterni presented extensive facets dorso-laterally for articulation with the first pair of costal cartilages. The eighth pair costal cartilages joined the sternum between 6th and 7th sternebrae along with the seventh pair costal cartilages. The xiphoid cartilage was rounded and present in the caudal aspect of 7th sternebra attached with the xiphoid process
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Light and ultrastructural studies on the blood cells of Uttara fowl
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2014-06) Khan, Idrees Mohd; Meena Mrigesh
    The present study was conducted on the blood cells of ten Uttara fowl. The nucleated erythrocytes were elliptical or oval in shape with mean size 11.20±0.25 µm in length and 6.99±0.14 µm in width. The heterophils were round in shape with mean diameter 9.07±0.55 µm and had spindle or banana shaped light pinkish granules in the cytoplasm. The eosinophils were 9.21±0.60 µm in mean diameter with rounded and strongly eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules. The basophils were round in shape with mean diameter 9.38±0.55 µm and had metachromatically stained cytoplasmic granules. The small, medium and large lymphocytes were observed with mean diameter 5.80±0.12 µm, 7.00±0.22 µm and 10.92±0.20 µm respectively. The monocytes were the largest leucocytes observed in the blood of Uttara fowl, with mean diameter 11.83±0.44 µm. Thrombocytes were pleomorphic but usually round in appearance with mean diameter 4.89±0.20 µm. The heterophils showed weak positive reaction for SBB, alkaline phosphatase and mild reaction for cytochrome oxidase and peroxidase. The eosinophils revealed strong positive reaction for glycogen, general lipids, cytochrome oxidase, peroxidase and weak positive reaction for acid and alkaline phosphatase. The basophils showed strong positive reaction with toluidine blue stain. Four types of leucocytes were observed under SEM and the thrombocytes were roughly round or oval in shape having varying sized cytoplasmic processes. The erythrocytes under transmission electron microscope were elliptical or oval in shape. Reticulocytes were also observed having mitochondria and polysomes within the cytoplasm. The cytoplasmic granules of heterophils and eosinophils were pleomorphic in appearance. The cytoplasmic granules of basophils were generally of two types - round electron dense and honey comb like. Lymphocytes were almost round in shape with numerous cytoplasmic processes and pseudopodia. Monocytes had kidney or dumbbell shaped nucleus with finger like cytoplasmic processes on cell surface. The thrombocytes were nucleated containing cell organelles close to nuclear membrane and peripheral ectoplasm with ribosomes and glycogen granules.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Gross morphological, light microscopic and ultrastructural studies on urinary system of Uttara fowl
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2017-07) Jaiswal, Pallavi; Meena Mrigesh
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Osteo-morphological studies on the skull and appendicular skeleton of blue bull
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2016-07) Bharti, Sanjay Kumar; Singh, Ishwer
    In the present study, the skull was dolichocephalic in type. The cranial bones included occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, interparietal, parietal frontal, temporal, and facial bones were maxilla, premaxilla, palatine, pterygoid, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, vomer, turbinates and mandible. The foramen magnum was large and roughly oval in shape. The foramen orbitorotundum was situated in between the wings of pre and post sphenoid bones. The interparietal was a small quadrilateral bone. The frontal bone was paired and formed the roof of cranial cavity. The supraorbital foramen was present over the frontal bone. The infraorbital foramen located above the 1st cheek tooth. The facial tuberosity was placed just above the 3rd cheek tooth, maxilla in front and lacrimal bone below. The turbinate bones were delicate, scroll-like, complex bony plates. The turbinate were clearly visible in radiographs. The cranial cavity was little with an ovoid cavity being elongated posteriorly, situated on the dorsal aspect of the nasal sinus. The scapula was a flat triangular bone. The lateral surface was divided by the scapular spine into a small and elongated supra-spinous fossa and a much larger and triangular, infra-spinous fossa. The spine was sharp and wavy in outline extended up to the neck of the bone. The acromian was pointed and tuber spine was in-distinguishable. Sub-scapular fossa was not markedly deep. The tuber-scapulae or supra-glenoid tubercle was small and the coracoid process was ill developed. The glenoid cavity was shallow and rounded. A small glenoid notch was present over glenoid cavity. The scapular index was 56.60. In humerus, the musculo-spiral groove was shallow. The deltoid tuberosity was large and prominent. The head was roughly oval in outline and the neck was well-defined. The lateral tuberosity was large and curved over the bicipital groove. The medial tuberosity was much smaller and did not divide noticeably. The coronoid fossa and olecranon fossae not communicated to each other and olecranon fossae had nutrient foramen. The radius was relatively shorter and broader as compare to ulna. The radius was fused to the ulna through the entire length except for two inter-osseous spaces, namely, proximal inter-osseous and distal inter-osseous spaces. The ulna was the longest bone of the fore-limb and was strongly curved. The carpus consisted of six short bones arranged in two transverse rows one above the other. The bones of the proximal row from medial to lateral were radial, intermediate, ulnar and accessory carpal. The bones of the distal row were second and third fused carpal and fourth carpal. The metacarpus comprised of two metacarpal bones. The large metacarpal bone consisted of fused III and IV metacarpals. One small metacarpal as metacarpal V Two fully developed digits (III and IV) were observed in each forelimb. Each digit had three phalanges. The first or proximal phalanx was laterally compressed. Second phalanx was nearly half the length of the first phalanx. The third phalanx was irregularly prismatic bone; a prominent extensor process was present on the dorsal border. Two small, crescent shaped proximal and one rounded distal sesamoid bones were present in each digit. The os-coxae was a flat irregular bone comprising of ilium, ischium and pubis. The ilium was the largest and was irregularly triangular in shape. The gluteal surface was concave, the iliac surface was smooth and the sacral surface was wider at its proximal and distal parts. The external angle was very large and prominent. The internal angle was a little below the level of the sacral spines. The ventral angle was the lower extremity of the bone. The ischium was placed behind the ilium and the pubis. The pelvic surface was smooth and concave. The ventral surface was nearly flat. The pubis was irregularly triangular; the anterior border presented an oblique sub-pubic groove. The antero-internal angle formed symphysis pubis with the opposite bone. The acetabulum was formed by the union of ilium, ischium and pubis and presented three notches. The obturator foramen was a large oval opening found on the floor of the pelvis and was formed by the ischium and the pubis. The femur was the largest, weighty and the most massive long bone. The shaft was cylindrical in the middle and prismatic below. The anterior surface presented the nutrient foramen. The proximal extremity was very wide and was composed of a head, neck and trochanter major. The trochanter major was placed laterally and was very massive. The distal extremity was large and composed of a trochlea in front and two condyles behind. The patella was small narrow irregularly triangular in outline. The tibia was a long prismatic bone, the shaft was distinctly curved, and three sided above. The nutrient foramen was placed in the upper-third, close to the lateral border. The anterior border was very prominent in its upper-third and constituted the tibial crest. The proximal extremity was large and consisted of three tuberosities and two condyles. The rudimentary fibula was attached to the lateral condyle. The lateral malleolus was a four-sided piece of bone compressed from side to side. The tarsus consisted of five short bones. The bones of the proximal row were tibial; fibular tarsal and in distal row were central and fourth fused, second and third fused and first tarsal. The metatarsus comprised of one large metatarsal bone and one rudimentary small metatarsal. The large metatarsal bone was quadrilateral in form and small metatarsal bone was ill developed. Two fully developed digits (III) and IV) were observed in each hindlimb. Each digit had three phalanges. The first or proximal phalanx was laterally compressed. Second phalanx was nearly half the length of the first phalanx. The third phalanx was irregularly prismatic bone; a prominent extensor process was present on the dorsal border. Two small, crescent shaped proximal and one rounded distal sesamoid bones were present in each digit.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Light and ultrastructural studies on the blood cells of pig (Sus scrofa)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2010-08) Mehta, Suresh; Singh, Ishwar
    The present study was conducted on blood cells of ten healthy pigs. The erythrocytes were non nucleated and 5.7±0.17 μm in size. The neutrophils were round in shape and 12.00±0.44 μm in size. The eosinophils were round in shape and were 12.25±0.28 μm μm in size. The basophils were the largest leucocytes and measured13.25±0.24 μm in size. The small, medium and large sized lymphocytes were 7.44±0.23 μm, 9.65±0.16 μm and 12.05 ±0.23 μm in size, respectively. The monocytes were round in shape and measured 13.20±0.27 μm in size. The neutrophils showed positive reaction for alkaline phosphatase, cytochrome oxidase and beta glucuronidase. The eosinophils revealed positive reaction for glycogen, general lipid, alkaline phosphtase, peroxidase, nonspecific esterase, beta glucuronidase and arylsulphatase. Basophils showed positive reaction for mucopolysaccharides, peroxidase and non-specific esterase. Lymphocytes and monocytes were positive for succinate dehydrogenase. Under scanning electron microscope erythrocytes were biconcave disc in appearance. There were four types of leukocytes. The platelets appeared irregular in out line with cytoplasmic processes. Ultrastructurally cytoplasmic granules of the neutrophils were varied greatly in shape, size and density. Eosinophils were round in outline and had four types of cytoplasmic granules distributed homogeneously thought out the cytoplasm. The basophils were roughly spherical in outline with pleomorphic electron dense cytoplasmic granules in the cytoplasm. Lymphocytes were almost round in outline with comparatively long cytoplasmic processes and pseudopodia. The monocytes showed large number of variable sized cytoplasmic processes and characterized by large number of pinocytic vesicles and vacuoles. The platelets were non-nucleated and cytoplasm had different types of double membrane bound granules.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Cytomorphological, cytochemical, cytoenzymic and ultrastructural studies on blood cells of Equus asinus
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2011-07) Meena Mrigesh; Singh, Ishwar
    The present study was conducted on blood cells of ten apparently healthy donkeys. The erythrocytes of donkey were 6.0±0.20 m in size. The neutrophils were round in shape and 11.75 ± 0.40m in size containing 2 to 5 nuclear lobes. The eosinophils were measured 13.35 ± 0.3m in size and appeared mulberry shape. The basophils were the largest cells among leukocytes and measured 13.85 ± 0.25m in diameter. The lymphocytes were of three different size i.e. small (mean diameter 5.8 ± 0.11 m), medium (mean diameter 7 ± 0.15 m) and large (mean diameter 9.4 ± 0.20 m). The monocytes were round in shape and measured 13.5 ± 0.17 m in size. The platelets were round, oval, fusiform and elliptical in shape. Only a few reticulocytes, siderocytes and basophilic erythrocytes were observed. The neutrophils were showing positive reaction for Periodic acid Schiff’s stain (PAS), acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphtase, beta glucuronidase, arylsulphatase. The eosinophils revealed positive reaction for PAS, Sudan black B, alkaline phosphtase, cytochrome oxidase, peroxidase, arylsulphtase and beta glucuronidase. Basophils were showing positive reaction for toluidine blue (1%) and PAS stains. Lymphocytes showed positive reaction for acid phosphtase. Lymphocytes and monocytes showed positive reaction for succinate dehydrogenase. Under scanning electron microscope erythrocytes were biconcave disc in appearance. The leukocytes were of three types. The platelets appeared irregular in out line with cytoplasmic processes. Ultrastructurally the granules of neutrophils varied in shape, size and electron density. Granules of eosinophils were mostly large, globular and electron dense. The basophils were roughly spherical in outline with pleomorphic electron dense granules in the cytoplasm. The lymphocytes were small, medium and large in sized. The monocytes were characterized by mitochondria, a few azurophilic granules and large number of pinocytic vesicles and vacuoles. The platelets had microtubules and different types of membrane bound granules.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Osteo-morphological studies on the skull and appendicular skeleton of Indian blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263145 (Uttarakhand), 2015-03) Choudhary, Om Prakash; Singh, Ishwer
    In the present study, the skull was dolichocephalic in type. The cranial bones included occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, interparietal, parietal frontal, temporal, and facial bones were maxilla, premaxilla, palatine, pterygoid, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, vomer, turbinates and mandible. The foramen magnum was large and roughly oval in shape. The sphenoid resembled the shape of a bat. The foramen orbitorotundum was situated in between the wings of pre and post sphenoid bones. The interparietal was a small quadrilateral bone. The supraorbital foramen was present in the supraorbital groove. The infraorbital foramen located above the 1st cheek tooth. The facial tuberosity was placed just above the 3rd cheek tooth. The lacrimal bone was pyramidal in shape. The frontal surface below the orbit presented a triangular opening the ‘Lacrimal fissure’, which was bounded by frontal and nasal above, maxilla in front and lacrimal bone below. The turbinate bones were delicate, scroll-like, complex bony plates. The turbinate were clearly visible in radiographs. The cranial cavity was an ovoid cavity being elongated posteriorly, situated on the dorsal aspect of the nasal sinus. The scapula was a flat triangular bone. The lateral surface was divided by the scapular spine into a small and elongated supra-spinous fossa and a much larger and triangular, infra-spinous fossa. The spine was sharp and wavy in outline extended up to the neck of the bone. The acromian was pointed and tuber spine was in-distinguishable. Sub-scapular fossa was markedly deep. The tuber-scapulae or supra-glenoid tubercle was small and the coracoid process was ill developed. The glenoid cavity was shallow and rounded. A small glenoid notch was present over glenoid cavity. The scapular index was 61.05. In humerus, the musculo-spiral groove was shallow. The deltoid tuberosity was less prominent. The head was roughly rounded and the neck was well-defined. The lateral tuberosity was large and curved over the bicipital groove. The medial tuberosity was much smaller and did not divide noticeably. The coronoid fossa and olecranon fossae communicated by a small supra-trochlear foramen in some specimens. The radius was relatively shorter and broader as compare to ulna. The radius was fused to the ulna through the entire length except for two inter-osseous spaces, namely, proximal inter-osseous and distal inter-osseous spaces. The ulna was the longest bone of the fore-limb and was strongly curved. The carpus consisted of six short bones arranged in two transverse rows one above the other. The bones of the proximal row from medial to lateral were radial, intermediate, ulnar and accessory carpal. The bones of the distal row were second and third fused carpal and fourth carpal. The metacarpus comprised of two metacarpal bones. The large metacarpal bone consisted of fused III and IV metacarpals. One small metacarpal (splint bone), metacarpal V was also present. Two fully developed digits (III and IV) were observed in each forelimb. Each digit had three phalanges. The first or proximal phalanx was laterally compressed. Second phalanx was nearly half the length of the first phalanx. The third phalanx was irregularly prismatic bone; a prominent extensor process was present on the dorsal border. Two small, crescent shaped proximal and one rounded distal sesamoid bones were present in each digit. The os-coxae was a flat irregular bone comprising of ilium, ischium and pubis. The ilium was the largest and was irregularly triangular in shape. The gluteal surface was concave, the iliac surface was smooth and the sacral surface was wider at its proximal and distal parts. The external angle was very large and prominent. The internal angle was a little below the level of the sacral spines. The ventral angle was the lower extremity of the bone. The ischium was placed behind the ilium and the pubis. The pelvic surface was smooth and concave. The ventral surface was nearly flat. The pubis was irregularly triangular; the anterior border presented an oblique sub-pubic groove. The antero-internal angle formed symphysis pubis with the opposite bone. The acetabulum was formed by the union of ilium, ischium and pubis and presented three notches. The obturator foramen was a large oval opening found on the floor of the pelvis and was formed by the ischium and the pubis. The femur was the largest and the most massive long bone. The shaft was cylindrical in the middle and prismatic below. The anterior surface presented the nutrient foramen. The proximal extremity was very wide and was composed of a head, neck and trochanter major. The trochanter major was placed laterally and was very massive. The distal extremity was large and composed of a trochlea in front and two condyles behind. The patella was small narrow irregularly triangular in outline. The tibia was a long prismatic bone, the shaft was distinctly curved, and three sided above. The nutrient foramen was placed in the upper-third, close to the lateral border. The anterior border was very prominent in its upper-third and constituted the tibial crest. The proximal extremity was large and consisted of three tuberosities and two condyles. The rudimentary fibula was attached to the lateral condyle. The lateral malleolus was a four-sided piece of bone compressed from side to side. The tarsus consisted of five short bones. The bones of the proximal row were tibial; fibular tarsal and in distal row were central and fourth fused, second and third fused and first tarsal. The metatarsus comprised of one large metatarsal bone and one rudimentary small metatarsal. The large metatarsal bone was quadrilateral in form. Two fully developed digits (III) and IV) were observed in each hindlimb. Each digit had three phalanges. The first or proximal phalanx was laterally compressed. Second phalanx was nearly half the length of the first phalanx. The third phalanx was irregularly prismatic bone; a prominent extensor process was present on the dorsal border. Two small, crescent shaped proximal and one rounded distal sesamoid bones were present in each digit.