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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of NPK fertigation in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum l.) under naturally ventilated polyhouse
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. PIN - 263145, 2022-11) Rawat, Sonam; Bhatt, Lalit
    A field experiment was conducted at Vegetable Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India during October to April 2020-21 and 2021-22 to study the effect of NPK fertigation levels and its scheduling on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under naturally ventilated polyhouse. The experiment was laid out in two factorial randomized block design with one additional treatment consisting of four fertigation levels viz., F1 :120 percent of RDF, F2 : 100 per cent of RDF, F3: 80 per cent of RDF and F4 : 60 per cent of RDF and three fertigation scheduling viz., S1 : 15, 10 and 10 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 15-45 days after transplanting (DAT), respectively, 40, 40 and 40 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 46-76 DAT, respectively, 30, 40 and 40 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 77-107 DAT, respectively, 15, 10 and 10 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 108-138 DAT, respectively, S2 : 25 per cent of each N, P2O5 and K2O between 15-46 DAT, 46-76 DAT, 77-107 DAT and 108-138 DAT, respectively and S3: 20, 20 and 20 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 15-46 DAT, respectively, 30, 30 and 30 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 46-76 DAT, respectively, 30, 30 and 30 per cent per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 77-107 DAT, respectively and 20, 20 and 20 per cent N, P2O5 and K2O of fertigation levels between 107-138 DAT, respectively, along with one control (soil application of RDF with flooding) replicated thrice. The findings of present investigation revealed that performance of tomato was significantly influenced by different drip fertigation levels and scheduling. Among the different fertigation levels, fertigation of tomato at 120 and 100 per cent of RDF was found at par and significantly better over other fertigation levels with respect to plant growth characters, yield parameters, quality attributes, nutrients content and nutrients uptake by plant and water use efficiency. Among the three scheduling tested, scheduling S1 was found best in terms of growth parameters, yield parameters, quality attributes, nutrient content and uptake in plant. On the basis of pooled data, fertigation at 100 per cent of RDF with scheduling S1 recorded higher yield (189.51t ha-1), net return ( 1,19,647.12) and benefit-cost ratio (2.92) was best treatment combination. Based on the overall performance, it could be concluded that under naturally ventilated polyhouse, fertigation of tomato at 300:150:150 kg N, P2O5 and K2O ha-1 (F2) through scheduling S1 is the best and most economical for cultivation of tomato. Hence, the same is recommended for commercial cultivation of tomato under polyhouse condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Heterosis, combining ability and screening for red pumpkin beetle resistance in bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.]
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. PIN - 263145, 2022-09) Bhatt, Rajendra; Raghav, Manoj
    Bottle gourd is one of the most widely grown cucurbitaceous crops in the world and is known as the versatile therapeutic crop in all vegetables. Exploitation of heterosis in bottle gourd is considered as most latent avenues for quantum increase in yield. Therefore, the present investigation was carried out to assess the heterosis and identify the best parent with promising single crosses for yield and its attributing characters and also identify the genotype for resistance against red pumpkin beetle (RPB). The observation on different agro- orphological characters were recorded on five randomly selected plants from each genotype and the appropriate statistical methods were used to draw the conclusion. A half diallel involving eight genotypes were used to produce twenty-eight hybrids at Vegetable Research Centre, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, (Uttarakhand) during zaid 2021. All the thirty-eight genotypes including eight parents, twenty-eight F1s and two check variety were evaluated in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications during kharif season of 2021 and zaid season of 2022. The pooled mean data of parents and hybrids revealed that the parent P2 and hybrid P3 × P8 had observed maximum fruit yield. Among twenty-eight crosses, the sufficient degree of relative heterosis, heterobeltiosis and standard heterosis for fruit yield was observed in the top hybrids P4 × P5, P3 × P4, P3 × P8 and P1× P4 under pooled analysis. The assessed pooled data for analysis of variance for combining ability indicated that both additive and non- additive gene action were important for expression of different characters. The pooled estimates of σ² SCA were found to be higher than the corresponding σ2 GCA for all the characters under study indicating the presence of dominance gene action. The pooled analysis of GCA effects revealed that the parents P2, P3 and P5 were observed best general combiner for maximum characters under pooled analysis, where the parents P2 and P8 were observed the best general combiners for fruit yield. The hybrids P1 × P4 and P2 × P7 had good SCA effects for maximum characters under pooled analysis, where the hybrids P1 × P6, P2 × P5, P2 × P7, P5 × P8, P1 × P8, P2 × P4, P1 × P7, P4 × P5, P3 × P8, P1 × P4 and P3 × P4 exhibited good SCA effects for yield and yield attributing characters. The hybrids P3 × P4, P3 × P8 and P4 × P5 exhibited high per se performance along with good SCA effects for fruit yield, indicating the presence of both additive and non- additive gene action and hence, these hybrids may be utilized for heterosis breeding as well as for isolating the promising segregants in advanced segregating generations. During screening of thirty-eight genotypes for resistance against RPB, the results revealed that the population activity of RPB had significant positive correlation with the high temperature, leaf infestation and yield loss that’s why zaid season of 2022 was observed the high and longer peak period for population activity, leaf infestation and yield loss on different growth stages of crop, as compare to kharif season of 2021. The assessed data of leaf trichome and leaf biochemicals for the activity of RPB during both the seasons revealed that the number of trichomes, length of trichomes, total flavonoid, total phenol and total antioxidant were observed high in young leaf and showed less infestation of RPB, while total chlorophyll, total carotenoid and total protein were observed high in mature leaf and showed maximum infestation of RPB. On the basis of population activity and degree of damage on leaves, the genotypes P1 × P6, P1 × P8, P5 × P6 and P5 × P7 with check Arka Bahar were found resistant against RPB during both the seasons and these genotypes having ample scope towards the development of resistant varieties which is an important component for an integrated pest management and may work as a remedy for those areas where RPB is a major constraint in cultivation of bottle gourd
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic studies for growth and yield characters of coriander (coriandrum sativum l.) germplasm under tarai conditions of Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. PIN - 263145, 2022-08) Singh, Paras; Singh, Dhirendra
    Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) is the most important seed spice crop cultivated throughout the world both for seed and green leaf purpose. The present investigation entitled “Genetic studies for growth and yield characters of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) germplasm under Tarai conditions of Uttarakhand” was carried out at Vegetable Research Center, Department of Vegetable Science, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, during Rabi, 2021-22 in an augmented block design-II. Total 93 experimental coriander genotypes were planted in 6 blocks with each block consisted of 15 genotypes including 3 checks viz., Pant Haritima, Hisar Anand and RCr-728. The objectives of the present study were to, estimate the extent of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance, nature and magnitude of association between different characters, direct and indirect effects of various characters on seed yield , genetic divergence in coriander germplasm for exploring crop improvement and identify the elite germplasm lines for growth and yield characters. The observations were recorded for different growth and yield characters viz., number of days to germination, number of days to stem initiation, number of basal leaves, days to 50% flowering, plant height up to main umbel (cm), plant height including main umbel (cm), number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, number of umbels per plant, number of umbellates per umbel, number of fruits per umbel, number of fruit per umbellate, 1000-seed weight (g), seed yield per plant (g) and seed yield per m2(g). Visual observation were also recorded for 15 morphological characters viz., Leaf margin, leaf lusture, number of leaflets, leaf colour, streaks on stem, stem pubescence, stem colour, early plant vigour, leaf size, corolla colour, seed colour, seed shape, seed size, seed ridges and seed splitting. The results of visual observation revealed that characters like leaf luster, leaf colour, early plant vigour, leaf size, seed shape and seed size contributes more towards diversity then the other characters. The analysis of variance revealed that adequate amounts of genetic variability were present in the experimental materials for all the growth and yield related characters. Hence, provide an opportunity to improve the character through selection. A wide range of variability was found for all the characters studied. The range of variation was maximum for seed yield per plant followed by seed yield per m2, number of secondary branches per plant and number of basal leaves of coriander. PCV magnitude was slightly higher than the GCV for all the characters indicating the minimal effect of environment on these traits. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance as percent of mean was observed for seed yield per plant, number of umbels per plant, seed yield per m2, number of fruits per umbel, number of secondary branches per plant, number of basal leaves, number of fruit per umbellate, number of primary branches per plant, 1000-seed weight and plant height up to main umbel. The seed yield per m2 exhibited significant positive correlation with seed yield per plant, number of umbels per plant, number of fruits per umbel, 1000-seed weight, number of secondary branches per plant, number of primary branches per plant, plant height including main umbel, plant height up to main umbel and number of fruit per umbellate. Path coefficient analysis reveals that seed yield per plant followed by plant height including main umbel, number of fruits per umbel and 1000-seed weight are the traits which show the high direct effects as well as significant and positive correlation with seed yield per m2. Through genetic diversity analysis the whole experimental material was divided into six clusters. The highest inter cluster distance was observed for the cluster III and V, followed by cluster III and VI and cluster II and III. Based on genetic divergence analysis, cluster mean values and per se performance, genotypes found as most desirable to be exploited as superior donors for different characters includes genotype NCor-215 for number of days to germination, SC-1 and JCr-235 for number of days to stem initiation, JCr 61-28 and NDCor- 124 for number of basal leaves, SC-1, JCr-235, LCS 68-59, JCr-345 and NDCor-124 for days to 50% flowering, HD 34-41 and PD 21-22 for plant height up to main umbel, HD 34-41 and PD 21-22 for plant height including main umbel, ACr 15-58 for number of primary branches per plant, CS 57-44 and PD 42-31 for number of secondary branches per plant, UD 30-66 for number of umbels per plant, JCr 61-28 for number of fruits per umbel, PD 21-22, HD 34-41 and PD-43-06 for number of umbellates per umbel, JCr 61-28 for number of fruit per umbellate, JCr 61-28 and LCS 68-59 for seed yield per plant as well as for seed yield per m2 and LCS 68-59 for 1000-seed weight. Based on overall performance, it can be concluded that genotype LCS 32-55, JCr 1-290, CS 57-44, JCr 61-28 and LCS -654 were identified as most promising genotypes as it produce higher seed yield over the best performing checks variety Pant Haritima. Hence, these new high yielding genotypes hold good promise for further exploitation as pure line variety or can be utilized in future for crop improvement programme of coriander.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Augmenting heterosis using Pc, F/Acr genes for protected conditions and molecular diversity studies in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, District Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand. PIN - 263145, 2022-09) Bisht, Yashpal Singh; Singh, Dinesh Kumar
    The present investigation was carried out at Vegetable Research Center of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar with the objectives to estimate heterosis for metric and quality traits, GCA and SCA of parents & hybrids, screening for powdery mildew disease and molecular diversity study in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). The analysis of variance for RBD and combining ability revealed the significant genetic differences among 44 cucumber genotypes for the 12 yield contributing traits under study. The magnitudes of PCV estimates were higher than the corresponding GCV estimates for all the characters. Moderate to high GCV together with moderate to high heritability and genetic advance as per cent of mean was reported for majority of the characters under study except days to first female flower, days to first harvest, days to last harvest, vine length and internodal length. Three cross combinations namely PPCUC-3 × PCUC-8, PPCUC-3 × PCUC-28 and PPCUC-11 × PCUC-8 in 2021 and PPCUC-4 × PCUC-8, PPCUC-7 × PCUC-8 and PPCUC-9 × PCUC-28 in 2022 have significant positive heterosis for maximum numbers of traits and showed their value in combining ability studies. For quality traits, PPCUC-10 × PCUC-28 followed by PPCUC-3 × PCUC-28 and PPCUC-12 × PCUC-28 have significant positive heterosis for maximum numbers of traits. Therefore, these cross combinations can be commercially exploited for hybrid development after multi location testing. PPCUC-3 was identified as a best general combiner for maximum number traits followed by PPCUC-9 and PPCUC-10. The best specific combiner were PPCUC-9 × PCUC-51 followed by PPCUC-2 × PCUC-8 in 2021 and PPCUC-10 × PCUC-51 was best specific combiner in 2022 for metric traits. For quality traits, PPCUC-12 × PCUC-28 followed by PPCUC-4 × PCUC-51 was best combiner. Hence, these crosses can be utilized in heterosis breeding for improvement in yield and quality related traits. For powdery mildew disease resistant reaction, out of all parents and F1 hybrids only check variety ‘Poinsett’ exhibited moderately susceptible reaction while none of the parents and hybrids showed resistant reaction to powdery mildew. Susceptible reaction against powdery mildew was observed in three genotypes viz., PPCUC-2 × PCUC-28, PPCUC-3 × PCUC-28 and PPCUC-7 × PCUC-8. Eleven SSR primers were used for the molecular diversity analysis. Out of eleven primers, four primers generated polymorphic bands. Total 15 bands were amplified by 11 SSR primers in the 14 cucumber genotypes of which polymorphic and monomorphic bands were 8 and 7, respectively. The range of amplified products was 100-400 bp approximately. Average number of bands per primer was 2. The PIC values of SSR markers ranged from 0.133 (SSR 11742) to 0.408 (SSR 19493) with mean value of 0.262 in which marker, SSR 11742 was least informative while marker, SSR 19493 was most informative due to highest PIC value among other markers, therefore this type of marker system could be efficiently applied to detect polymorphism in cucumber. Jaccard’s similarity coefficient varied from 0.71 to 1.00. Minimum Jaccard’s similarity coefficient was found among PPCUC-11 with PPCUC-2.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Stability analysis for yield and yield attributing characters in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
    (G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, 2022-07) Reddy, Manjulapur Sampath; Singh, J.P.
    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) is a leguminous vegetable crop mainly grown in both Kharif, spring and summer season in most parts of India. Cowpea is an essential component of sustainable cropping systems in the sub-humid tropics and generally, dried regions across the globe. Though, wide genetic diversity exists in this crop with regards to the yield and yield contributing characters,sixty nine genotypes (IC-559405, IC-628893, Kashi Gauri, IC-628900, COPBVAR-3, IC202826, IC-628899, IC-628895, EC-97306, EC-390241, IC-628897, EC-19736, EC-528382, Kashi Unnati, EC-390216, EC-390223, IC-202718, IC-202824, COPBVAR-2, IC-51154, EC-472272, IC-337932, IC-536635, IC-202790, IC-201098, EC-37588, PVCP-21, EC-572715 EC-202858, IC-628894, EC-390628, EC-97738, IC-209711, IC-331250, IC-201095, WB-9, COPBVAR-4 and COPBVAR-6, COPBVAR-1, IC-628898, IC-559399, IC- 628896, PVCP-20, EC-394756, EC-528412, IC-628892, IC-559387, EC-37587, EC-91487, IC-222810, KASHI NIDHI, IC-202280, KASHI SHYAMAL, EC472260, IC-628902, EC- 399251, EC- 559389, EC- 390261, COPBVAR-5, EC- 390210, EC- 39252, IC- 202797, PVCP-3, EC- 390237, EC- 15296 and IC- 628901) with two check varieties Pusa Komal and Kashi Kanchan were evaluated in Randomized block design, during Summer and Kharif season 2020 and 2021 at Vegetable Research Centre, G.B.P.U.A&, T, Pantnagar. The objectives of the experiment was to undertake studyG x E interaction and varietal stability by using AMMI model, nature and extent of Genetic Variability and Heritability, nature and magnitude of association and direct and indirect effects of various component characters on yield, Genetic Divergence, estimationof Biochemical properties and Population Dynamics of Insect-Pest, to study the thirteengrowth, yield and morphological characters namely., Growth Pattern, Leaf size, Pod shape, Pod colour, Seed colour, Plant height (cm), Number of primary branches, Days to first flowering, Days to 50% flowering, Days to first pod emergence, Days to first pod maturity, Number of pods per cluster, Number of seeds per pod, Pod length, Green pod weight, 100 seed weight, Number of pods per plot, Green pod yield per plot with five quality characters namely protein content, total phenols, ash content, antioxidant activity and elemental analysis and Population Dynamics of Insect-Pest. The resulting data were subjected to statistical analysis. The result of analysis of variance revealed that difference among cowpea genotypes was highly significant for all the characters.The G x E interaction and varietal stability of thirteen elite cowpea genotypes were estimated byusing AMMI model and it was observed that the main effect as well as G x E interaction effect wassignificant for all the traits under study. AMMImodel having two principle components axis (IPCA I and IPCA II) is found as the best predictive model inthis study.The genotype IC-202824, IC-202280, EC-528412, EC-390210, IC628902, Kashi Nidhi, COPBVAR-5, EC-390216, COPBVAR-5, WB-9, EC-390241, EC-37588 and Pusa Komalwas identified to be most stable genotype for green pod yield per plot and some important characters.The highest value of PCV and GCV obtained for plant height followed by green pod yield per plot. High heritability and high genetic advance as percentage of mean reported in the character plant height (cm) followed by green pod yield per plot. High positive significant correlation for green pod yield per plot (kg) reported by pod length(cm), 100 seed weight(g), number of pods per plot, green pod weight and green pod yield per plot. Path coefficient analysis showed positive direct effect on green pod yield per plot (kg) was exhibited by green pod weight, days to 50% flowering, 100 seed weight, pod length. Analysis of quality characters indicated that cowpea served as excellent source of protein and good source of minerals and antioxidants.The D2 analysis was carried out for thirteen characters, which partitioned the sixty nine genotypes into nine, seven, thirteen and six clusters in four environments. By population dynamics of insect-pest, management of insects can now suppress this hidden pest in timely prediction of the pest incidence in cowpea. The effect of abiotic factors on the incidence of insect pests provide suitable congenial weather conditions for the development of insect pests, thus immensely helpful in formulating the management strategy against insect pests of cowpea. On the basis of the study conducted, it was concluded that there was a wide range of variance between the genotypes which was considered as scope for improving the cowpea cultivar through selection. Selection based on the characters like plant height (cm), pod length (cm), number of pods perplot, green pod yield per plot will substantially increase the yield. Out of sixty nine genotypesEC-572715,WB-9, IC-202280, Kashi Shyamal, IC-628899, EC-97306, EC-390216, EC472272,COPBVAR-3, EC-390241, COPBVAR-6, COPBVAR-1, COPBVAR-5, Kashi Unnati, Pusa Komal, Kashi Kanchan, and Kashi Nidhi are identified as promising ones for their performance for yield related characters and can be used for the improvement of the cowpea cultivars in breeding programmes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Combining ability for quantitative traits and inheritance and marker based studies for rust resistance in garden pea [Pisum sativum (L.) var. hortense]
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-09) Yadav, Hirdesh; Singh, Y.V.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Heterosis, combining ability and gene action for yield and quality traits in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)”
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-01) Pallavi; Singh, Y.V.
    The present investigation involving two experiments was carried out during 2014-2015 at G.B.Pant University of agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. First experiment was undertaken to estimate the relative importance of combining ability and heterosis for 13 quantitative characters including seed yield in cowpea (Vigina unguculata (L). Walp). Second experiment was conducted to understand the nature of gene effects involved in the inheritance of various quantitative characters. Pant Lobia-1, Pant Lobia-2, Pant Lobia-3, Pant Lobia-5, PGCP-59, PGCP-63 and PVCP-20 along with their 21 F1’s were evaluated for genetic analysis using Griffing’s numerical approach (1956). Six generations viz;- P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 of each two families, PGCP-63 X Pant Lobia-1 (Family 1), Pant Lobia-3 X Pant Lobia-1 (Family 2), were evaluated in Compact Family Block Design with three replications and data were subjected to generation mean analysis following scaling test (Mather 1949). Analysis of variance revealed significant mean squares of general and specific combining abilities for all the traits studied. Pant lobia-2, Pant Lobia-3 and Pant Lobia-5 had good GCA for seed yield per hectare. Pant Lobia-1 was best general combiner for number of pods per plant and 100-seed weight whereas; Pant Lobia-2 for number of pods per plant, seed weight per plant, seed yield per hectare, iron content and zinc content. Pant Lobia-3 for seed yield per hectare, seed weight per plant, zinc content and days to pod maturity; Pant Lobia-5 for plant height, seed yield per hectare, 100-seed weight, seed weight per plant and iron and zinc content; PGCP-59 and PGCP-63 were for plant height; PVCP-20 for green pod weight per plant and pod length. The hybrids Pant Lobia-2 X Pant Lobia-1 and PGCP-63 x Pant Lobia-5 revealed highest SCA effects for seed yield per hectare. Specific combing ability analysis indicated that the cross Pant Lobia- 3 x Pant Lobia-2 was best cross combination for days to 1st flowering, Pant Lobia-2 x Pant Lobia-1 was for number of pods per plant, seed weight per plant, green pod yield per plant and seed yield per hectare; PVCP-20 x PGCP-63 for pod length, Pant Lobia-3 x Pant Lobia-2 for number of seeds per pod; PVCP20 x Pant Lobia-5 g for green pod weight per plant; PVCP-20 x Pant Lobia-3 for days to pod maturity; Pant Lobia-3 x Pant Lobia-1 for 100-seed weight and Pant Lobia-5 x Pant Lobia-1 for plant height and iron content and Pant Lobia- 5 x Pant Lobia-3 for zinc content. The magnitude of relative heterosis, heterobelteosis and economic heterosis for seed yield per hectare ranged from 9.03 to 67.10%, 6.20 to 54.47% and 4.95 to 82.75% respectively. Significant estimates of additive [d] and dominance [h] effects as well as all three types of epistasis were observed for most of the quantitative characters in all the two families. The opposite signs of [h] and [l] indicated that duplicate epistasis was important in inheritance for some of the traits in both the families. In the present investigation both additive and non-additive gene action are involved in controlling seed yield and related traits. The presence of additive gene action suggested that a part of the heterosis can fixed in subsequent generation to take advantage in further selection. The preponderance of non-additive gene action, however brought out that heterosis component could be explained in hybrid development in cowpea.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on heterosis, combining ability and molecular diversity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2017-07) Sahoo, Tusar Ranjan; Singh, D.K.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of nitrogen scheduling on growth, yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2017-07) Pandey, Pooja; Manoj Raghav
    The present investigation entitled “Effect of nitrogen scheduling on growth, yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)” was carried out during winter season of two consecutive years 2014-15 and 2015-16 at Vegetable Research Centre, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, U. S. Nagar, Uttarakhand. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications having ten treatments in each. During the study, observations for growth characters, yield characters, quality attributes, nitrogen uptake, nitrogen use efficiency and apparent recovery were analyzed. Besides of this, to assess the profitability, cost of cultivation, net profit and benefit-cost ratio also were worked out. Two year investigation revealed that nitrogen scheduling significantly influenced the performance of potato crop. Among all the treatments, T9 (25% N of RDF as basal + 50% top dressing at 25 DAP + one foliar spray of urea @ 3% at 40 DAP) was proved best with respect to overall plant growth, tuber yield (36.62 t ha-1 and 31.53 t ha-1) and nitrogen apparent recovery (65.8 % and 62.5 %) and also registered maximum benefit-cost ratio (1.69 and 1.48) during both the years, respectively. It not only recorded 7.23 % higher yield over recommended treatment T1 (50% N of RDF as basal + 50% top dressing at 25 DAP) but also save 15 % nitrogen (25 kg ha-1). While, treatment T7 (50% N of RDF as basal + two foliar spray of urea @ 3% at 25 & 40 DAP) produced maximum quality tubers having dry matter (19.4 % and 19.3 %) and specific gravity (1.09 g/cm3) during both the years, respectively. Based on overall performance, it could be concluded that under prevalent climatic conditions of tarai region of Uttarakhand, 25% N of RDF as basal + 50% top dressing at 25 DAP + one foliar spray of urea @ 3% at 40 DAP can be recommended to get maximum potato tuber yield and higher net return whereas, 50% N of RDF as basal + two foliar spray of urea @ 3% at 25 & 40 DAP can be recommended to get quality tubers.