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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Genetic variability in chilli (Capsicum annuum L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2008-06) Gaur, Geeta; Singh, Durvesh Kumar
    An experiment involving ninety three genotypes of chilli was carried out during spring summer season of the year 2007 at Vegetable Research Centre, G.B.P.U.&T, Pantnagar to determine the most promising and high yielding genotypes of chilli for cultivation and to select the important genotypes suitable to this area on the terms of their phenotypic and genotypic characterstices.The extent of genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance and correlation coefficient in respect of twenty five different characters regarding growth, yield, quality and incidence of diseases were studied under Tarai region of Uttarakhand. Wide variations were observed for all the characters indicating diverse genetic nature of the base population. The genotypes viz., SKAU-11, EC-519625, Selection-11, PC-2057, Indo Sem Yeda, HDC-75 and PC-7-1-2-1 were promising as they had more than two desirable traits. They produced higher yield over the checks Pant C-1, JCA-283 and LCA-206, respectively. There was high phenotypic variability was recorded for incidence of Leaf Curl Virus (49.93), followed by incidence of anthracnose (46.97) and seed yield /plant (37.66). Heritability estimates were high along with high genetic advance was observed for number of fruits/plant, shoot weight/plant and ascorbic acid content which could be improved by simple selection. The significant positive association of economic traits like number of branches/plant, number of fruits/plant, weight of fruits/plant, fruit body length and total fruit yield (q/ha) was recorded, suggesting that selection for these characters could lead to improvement in yield. Thus, emphasis should be given on these characters to improve yield potential.Incidence of anthracnose disease was found minimum in HSHP-154, HDC-75, DLC-524 and UtkalYellow and PC-56, KCS-2013, PC-7-1-2-UP and PC-2004-UP-13(a) should low incidence of leaf curl virus. However, nematode incidence was minimum in Indo Sem Dona, Pant Chilli-4, KCS-2013 and PC-56. These genotypes may be used in resistance breeding programme.The traits such as fruit yield, number of fruits/plant, weight of fruits/plant, seed weight/100 g of fruits are important yield attributing characters and deserved due weightage, while formulating selection strategies for improvement of chilli crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on heterosis and combining ability in early cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2014-01) Gaur, Geeta; Singh, Dhirendra Kumar
    The present investigation was carried out at vegetable research centre (VRC),G.B.Pant Uuniversity of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhnad during cropping season of 2011 and 2012. The major objectives of the study were to estimate the extent of genetic variability, correlation, path analysis, manifestation of heterosis, general and specific combining ability effects. The experiment was laid down in randomized block design with 3 replications, fifty one crosses were evolved in line x tester mating design with 17 genotypes as a female parents (lines) and 3 genotypes as a male parents (testers). The analysis of varience revealed highly significant differences among genotypes for all the attributes under study. Plant diameter showed high amount of heritability and high genetic advance as percentage of mean showed in curd size index. The F1 cross PCF 103 x PG-6 found best hetrotic combination for number of leaf per plant, lamina length, marketable curd weight, curd size index and curd yield (q/ha) over better parents. Inb 9-5 x PG-6 was best heterotic cross over standard parent. The other combination showing significant value for all types of heterosis were Inb-9 -5 x PG-3, Inb 20-3 x PG-6, PCF 103 x PG-3, PCF 102 x PG-6, Inb 9-5 x PG-6 and Inb 20-3 x PG-5. For the development of early curd, negative heterosis is desirable for days to curd initiation, and days to curd maturity. The hybrids, for days to curd initiation were PCF-103 x PG-3, Inb 20-3 x PG-6, PCF-103 x PG-5, Inb DC-5-3 x PG-6, PEC1x PG-5 and for days to curd maturity was PCF-103 x PG-5, PCF-103 x PG-3, PCF-79 x PG-5, PCF-79 x PG-6, Inb 20-3 x PG-6, were most promising hybrids. The findings of present investigation revealed that the parent, Inb-5-2 (plant gross weight, marketable curd weight , net curd weight, curd size index, harvest index, curd yield), Inb- DC 5-3 ( plant height, number of leaf per plant, plant gross weight, stalk length, net curd weight, curd size index), Inb-9-5( plant height, plant diameter, leaf length, leaf width, lamina length, petiole length, plant gross weight), PCF-92 ( plant height, plant diameter, leaf length, leaf width, lamina length, plant gross weight, curd size index ), Inb-20-3 ( plant height, leaf length, stalk length, marketable curd weight , net curd weight, harvest index, curd yield ), PCF-79 ( plant height, petiole length, plant gross weight, marketable curd weight , net curd weight, curd diameter, curd size index, curd yield), Inb 10-1 ( plant diameter, leaf length, leaf width, lamina length, marketable curd weight , net curd weight, days to curd initiation, days to curd maturity, harvest index, curd yield), PCF-103 (plant height, plant diameter, number of leaf per plant, leaf length, leaf width, lamina length, petiole length, plant gross weight, marketable curd weight , net curd weight, days to curd initiation, days to curd maturity, curd size index curd yield ).,while among the testers PG-3( plant height, leaf length, petiole length, plant gross weight, marketable curd weight), PG-5 (plant diameter, leaf width, lamina length, plant gross weight, marketable curd weight, net curd weight), PG-6 ( number of leaf per plant, stalk length, curd depth, curd diameter, days to curd initiation, days to curd maturity, curd size index, harvest index, curd yield),were promising donor based on general combining ability. The cross PCF-1 X PG-6 and PCF 92 x PG-5 showed maximum sca effects hence, these crosses may be advanced to recover desirable segregants for the improvement of yield and yield contributing characters.