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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on laparoscopic anatomy of abdominal visceral organs and comparative evaluation of laparoscopic and open surgical technique of neuterization in female dogs
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2013-08) Kandpal, Manjul; Sharma, V.K.
    To evaluate and compare the physiological, haematological and biochemical effects of the conventional open surgical method and laparoscopy assisted method of neutering on the female dogs twelve mongrel animals were equally divided into two groups A and B. Animals of group A were subjected to laparoscopic neutering whereas open surgical method was adopted for the animals of group B. In addition, laparoscopic diagnosis of pre existing undiagnosed abdominal disorders was also done in four animals of group C. Satisfactory general anesthesia using xylazine and ketamine was induced in atropine pre medicated animals in all the groups. Pneumoperitoneum of 12 mm Hg was produced for laparoscopy assisted neutering for which one 10 mm telescope probe and two 5 mm accessory probes were used. Coagulation and transaction of ovarian and uterine attachments were achieved with monopolar cautery. Conventional open surgical neutering was performed through post umbilical ventral mid line incision. Physiological parameters i.e. heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature revealed insignificant changes whereas tidal volume and minute volume were decreased significantly (P<0.05) in group A and B post operatively. Haematological parameters i.e. haemoglobin, PCV, TEC, TLC, DLC, MCV, MCH and MCHC revealed no significant change in group A and B post operatively. Biochemical parameters i.e. ALT, AST and BUN revealed insignificant changes whereas AP, cortisol, glucose and creatinine were changed significantly (P<0.05) in group A and B post operatively. However, all the parameters near normalcy during the period of observation. No complication was observed during intra and post operative period in any group. Animal of group A and B were completely recovered at 5 and 7 days post operative day respectively. Intra-abdmonal disorders i.e. closed pyometra, perineal hernia, macerated foetus and spleenic tumour were confirmed during laparoscopic examination in the animals of group C. Thus, based on the present study it can be concluded that laparoscopy assisted method of neutering can safely be adopted for the female dogs as an alternative method to the conventional open surgical method in female dogs with early recovery and less stress. Laparaoscopy can also be used as an effective mean to diagnose intra-abdominal disorders.