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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization of plant based ingredients for development of organic coating powder and its application on litchi fruit
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2019-08) Patidar, Shubham; Singh, Anupama
    Increasing urban population and altering food patterns lead to agro-waste generation in the form of peels, pulps, seeds, stalks. Careful attention to utilize lowıcost and ecoıfriendly method not only resolve the present issues of agro-waste generation, but also helps to improve the shelf life of fresh produce with an integrated and environmentally friendly approach. Many coating materials are presently being used to enhance the shelf life of fruits and vegetables but many of them consist of inorganic chemicals or non-food grade compounds. Organic coating from plant extracts not only prolongs the shelf life and reduce wastage of fresh produce, but also allows nutrients, flavor and moisture to be maintained, thus improving consumer acceptance. Hence, the present research work has been investigated to develop an organic coating powder from plant-based ingredients and to see the efficacy of it on the shelf life of litchi fruit. For the development of organic coating powder, designed experiment (BBD) having three independent variables with three levels of each i.e. starch to gum ratio (1:1, 2:1, 3:1), kinnow peel extract conc. (0.2, 0.3, 0.4%) and particle size (300, 450, 600μ) and four responses (solubility (%), flowability (CI), hygroscopicity (%) and color measurement) were carried out. Analysis of experiment data using Design Expert (10.0.1) software revealed that the optimum values of independent parameters for development of coating powder obtained by numerical optimization were 1:1 for starch to gum ratio, 0.4 % for peel extract, and 300μ for particle size having powder characteristics i. e. solubility 83.58%, good flowability (CI= 12.65), hygroscopicity 3.45 % and L* 64.12. The developed coating powder with starch to gum ratio 1:1, peel extract 0.4 %, and particle size 450μ combination was quite efficient in enhancing the shelf life of litchi fruit up to 6 days with maintained quality. Suitability of the second order polynomial model was proved with high correlation coefficient indicating the success of BBD (RSM) design in optimizing the independent variables in the prediction of developed organic coating powder characteristics.