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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Physiological evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency of different rice varieties
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2007-05) Lohani, Nidhi; Bains, Gurdeep
    Rice not only forms the mainstay of diet but also is the livelihood for a large percent of world’s population. Nitrogen directly affects yield contributing parameters as it is an important constituent of various biomolecules. Rice plant requires nitrogen during vegetative and reproductive growth phases which is made available through soil mineralization and nitrogen fertilizer application. Rice accounts for approx 35 % of worldwide nitrogen used, however nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency of rice is respectively between 30-35 % and 25-30%. Increase in nitrogen uptake is highly correlated with the grain yield, hence to meet the world’s ever growing rice demand, appropriate fertilizer management practices are a must. Plant parameters were undertaken with the idea to evaluate nitrogen use efficiency of nine rice varieties HYVs Ajaya, BPT-5204, NDR 359, aromotic varieties Pusa Basmati-1, Tarouri Basmati, Vasumati and hybrid varieties KRH 2, PA 6444, PHB 71 under three nitrogen treatments viz. urea @ 0, 100 and 200kg N/ha.. The morphological and physiological parameters viz plant height, number of leaves, LAI, TDM, LAR and NAR gave maximum values at N-200 and minimum at N-0. RGR gave maximum values at N-100 while RLAGR and HI were found maximum at N-0. SPAD gave maximum value at N-200 (33.73 at Tmax and 33.72 at flowering for HYV BPT-5204) & minimum at N-0 (26.23 at Tmax and 29.93 at flowering for aromatic rice variety Tarouri Basmati). NRA was maximum for hybrid PHB 71 at N-100 & minimum for aromatic rice variety Vasumati at N-0. Grain protein was also recorded maximum at N-100 (for hybrid PHB 71) & minimum at N-0 (for HYV NDR-359). The nitrogen estimated in plant parts at Tmax was recorded maximum at N-200 (3.54 % for hybrid PHB 71) & minimum at N-0 (1.09 % for BPT-5204), however at flowering no specific correlation was found among the nitrogen treatments & percentage nitrogen estimated in plant parts. The residual soil nitrogen before fertilizer application was constant in whole field. After fertilizer application, it increased with increasing amount of nitrogen applied to the field. Most of the yield components like primary and secondary branches per panicle, spikelet per square metre, number of grains per panicle, panicle TDM, grain yield and straw weight increased linearly with nitrogen applied. The number of panicles per square metre were recorded maximum for N-100 (475 for HYV BPT-5204) & minimum for N-0 (237.5 for NDR-359). Overall, the quantitative characters were recorded maximum at N-200 while the qualitative characters were recorded maximum at N-100. Hence, to obtain higher NUE, nitrogen should be applied @ 100 kg/ha. Further, the studies can be exploited in nutrient management in different rice varieties to enhance nitrogen efficiency.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biology of some winter season weeds: germination behaviour and seed bank dynamics
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-07) Rawat, Neha; Guru, S.K.
    Biology of weeds include morphology of the plant, seed dormancy and germination, physiology of vegetative and reproductive growth, phenology and competitive ability. In the present study, germination and emergence of five winter season weed species of the tarai region viz., Vicia sativa, Vicia hirsuta, Phalaris minor, Rumex acetosella and Lathyrus aphaca was studied as well as the weed seed bank was estimated in long term herbicide trials and long term tillage trials. Effect of different concentrations of three chemicals, viz., KNO3, H2O2, thiourea and the growth regulator GA3 on germination was evaluated. All the chemicals and the growth regulator GA3 promoted germination of the weed species under study except Rumex acetosella at different concentrations. Emergence of weeds from different soil depths revealed maximum emergence of weed species from D1 depth (2 cm) and minimum from D4 depth (8 cm). A total of three monocot and seven dicot weed species were recorded in long term herbicide trials whereas Phalaris minor was the dominant species. A total of three monocot and seven dicot weed species were recorded in long term tillage trials and two monocot and six dicot weed species were identified in direct seeded rice trials. There were several unidentified species at each depth in all the trials. Depth distribution of weed seeds was uniform in direct seeded rice trials, whereas in the long term tillage trials, higher number of seeds was recorded in D1 depth in conventional tillage.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Biogenesis of chloroplast and photosynthetic efficiency in mango (Mangifera indica L.) leaves
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-08) Sah, Chitra; Singh, M.
    Mango (Magnifera indica L.) is an important fruit crop of India. The fruit yield depends upon flowering and proper fruit set, which is largely influenced by the environmental variables. Vegetative growth in mango is periodic with major number of flushes occurring in the months of April-June when temperature is high coupled with strong irradiance and low humidity. The proposed study was undertaken to correlate the effect of environmental variables with biogenesis of chloroplast and acquisition of photosynthetic ability in expanding immature leaves. These leaf flushes were analysed morphologically, anatomically and bio-chemically. The growth stages classified as S1, S2 and S3 were studied for plastid/chloroplast development through transmission electron microscopy. The chlorophyll fluorescence variable yield (Fv/Fmax) was monitored to study the acquisition of photosynthetic efficiency. Immature and mature leaves differentially acquired photosynthetic ability. The young leaves were found susceptible towards mid-day depression of their Fv/Fmax compared to the mature leaves. The mature leaves were less affected under high temperature. Investigations related to PS II performance showed ca. 50 % less photosynthetic efficiency in young leaves as compared to the mature leaves. Thus, our findings suggest that acquisition of photosynthetic machinery in the form chloroplast biogenesis seems to be coupled with photosynthetic efficiency of the leaves.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on the growth, development and some physiological and biochemical parameters of problematic weed spp. of winter season
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2004-06) Bisht, Smita; Guru, S.K.
    The experiment was conducted in Plant Physiology Department of G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, to study the growth, development and some physiological and biochemical parameters of ten problematic weed species, two monocot and eight dicot of winter season. Studies on germination and the effect of various chemicals and growth regulators on the process were carried out in petri dishes under laboratory conditions. Seed production potential was maximum in C. album, while its test weight (1000 seeds) was the lowest. All the chemicals such as potassium nitrate, H2O2 thiourea and the growth regulator GA3 promoted the germination of all the weed species, their concentration being specific for each species. Morphological parameters such as plant height, leaf number as well as leaf growth parameters; physiological growth parameter such as RGR and NAR, dry matter production, biochemical parameter such as chlorophyll and carotenoid content were estimated at different days after seedling emergence. Concentrations of N, P and K were determined at harvest. Chlorophyll fluorescence values (Fv/Fm) and SPAD meter reading were also recorded from time to time: Plant height of monocots weed were higher than dicots whereas the i,ea.f area was higher in dicot leaves. Shoot dry matter production was highest in I?. acelosella and lowest in L. aphaca. Total chlorophyll contents of weed species was positively correlated with their chlorophyll fluorescence values. But SPAD values could not be correlated with their chlorophyll contents. NR activity was higher during the initial growth stages (upto 45 to 60 DAE) and it correlated with the nitrogen-assimilating capacity of almost all the weed species. Contents of N, P and K were usually higher in the dicot weed species than in monocots. In all the weed species, N content was lower in the stem, whereas P and K contents were higher as compared to those of the leaves.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Plant performance and yield characteristics of mung bean (Vigna radiata L Wilczek) as affected by differential nitrogen application
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2008-06) Sharma, Ashish; Singh, Munna
    To feed the vegetarian masses of the world including Indian subcontinent and that too without deteriorating their protein composition pulses play immense role. Vigna radiata is one of the most important pulse crop grown in our country, accounting for about 9% of the total pulse production. The production of pulses including mung bean faces a set back because of the adverse climatic conditions prevalent in the major production zones of the country. Nitrogen plays an indispensable role in the production of any crop including pulses. Although pulses are thought to be self sufficient for nitrogen nutrition. The unavailability of nitrogen at the initial stages of growth results in the poor crop stand. To rectify this problem, exogenous application of nitrogenous fertilizer can be done to overcome with this problem to increase the yield and production in our country. Several parameters related to growth and yield of mung bean were studied in the present investigation to evaluate the best nitrogen dose in mung bean cv. Pant Mung-5 to increase its yield. Consequently, plant growth, development (plant height, leaf area, grain yield, etc.) and other associated physiological and biochemical processes were found to be optimal functional incase nitrogen applied as per its normal dose (20 kg/ha). The higher dose i.e., 200 kg/ha also seems to be effective similar to the normal dose of nitrogen. The micronutrients viz., Cu, Mn, Zn and Fe availability was found to be bit improved with the seeds harvested from the plants given exogenous nitrogen fertilizer. Hence, application of nitrogen fertilizer may be recommended to achieve better crop management, improvement and yield eventually.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Electroencephalographic responses to somato-sensory and visual stimuli in goats
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-01) Madan, Arun Kumar; Rastogi, S.K.
    EEG can serve as an index of mental state, which can be particularly useful for studies in animals, where mental states are much less accessible for objective study as in humans. Changes in EEG variables can be considered as reliable indicators of pain perception and visual assessment utilized for providing important diagnostic information. Keeping this in view the study was undertaken to develop a suitable montage under multiple electrode system in goats and utilizing it for possibility of pain assessment and perception area of brain through EEG. Fifteen heads of local X Jamunapari goats of about 2 years of age were fixed in 10% formalin-phenol solution and a mathematical relationship was developed between the underlying brain structures and surface points on the skull so that the electrode placement sites could be standardized. The findings were corroborated radiologically in live animals also. Seven goats were trained to experimental conditions and a seven channel monopolar montage was used for assessment of various somatic and visual stimuli. The somatic stimulations provided were skin brushing, intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injection with 18G and 20 G needles. In addition intradermal injection with 24 G needle was given. All the injections had NSS as injection material. The visual stimuli were blind folding with the help of cloth, lights off, lights off with photic stimuli at 2 Hz, 11Hz and 15 Hz. Visual stimuli was also provided with photic stimulations at 2 Hz, 5 Hz, 11 Hz, 13Hz and 15 Hz with lights on. After the EEG traces were screened for interference, three records of 3 seconds of qEEG was utilized for spectral analysis through FFT to raise Total Power, Spectral Edge Frequency, Median Frequency and Peak Power Frequency over entire spectrum and Relative Power over four bandwidths. The data was analyzed by ANOVA to statistical difference between different electrodes. The parietal and vertex areas of right side brain were identified as most active during the resting phase in goats. The somatic stimuli like skin brushing and intravenous injections were assessed on the contralateral side of the brain in the parietal electrode regions. These regions of the electrodes overlie the primary and secondary somatic areas of the brain. The intramuscular injections induced higher bioelectric activity in the parietal cortex but the extent of activation of ipsilateral or contralateral somato-sensory areas were variable and non-specific. The subcutaneous and intradermal injections were given on the back of the animals in lumbar region and in their case clear cut contralateral assessment could not be made, possible due to less representation of trunk in sensory cortex of ruminants or some ipsilateral projections from thalamic nuclei. The visual stimuli like blind folding was not able to provide a clear cut description of visual assessment in brain cortex however, other stimulations produced changes in right occipital with closely followed by left occipital regions with passage of stimulus from frontal to occipital through vertex region of brain in both, the light adapted and dark adapted goats.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Elucidating the potential of different rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties through photothermic indexing
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2008-01) Parminder Singh; Shukla, Alok
    The present investigation was carried out to evaluate photothermic response of different rice varieties namely Prasanna, Krishna hamsa, Abhya, Jaya, Rasi, Nandi, CSR-10, Yamini, Early samba and Kasturi under early and late sown conditions through field trials. The effects of these treatments were studied on different morpho-physiological and phenological characters (plant height, number of green leaves, days to panicle initiation, days to general flowering, days to maturity, cumulative degree days (CDD), cumulative nyctoperiods (CNP) and relative water content), biochemical characters (chlorophyll content, proline content and protein profiling) and yield parameters (thousand grain weight, biological yield, economic yield and harvest index). Temperature affects plant growth in early stages while nyctoperiod affects plant growth during transition from its vegetative phase to reproductive phase. Number of days to attain panicle initiation was reduced by 3.2 to 7.7 days under late sown conditions as compared to early sown conditions. Average reduction in days to flowering under late sown conditions is primarily due to longer nyctoperiods as compared to early sown conditions. So with the delayed sowing there was a considerable saving of thermal and nyctoperiod requirement with parallel reduction in yield. Protein profiling studies revealed that lower molecular weight protein showed less expression with low intensity bands under early sown conditions as compared to late sown conditions. Molecular studies revealed that rice varieties Rasi and Early samba have highest similarity coefficient of 0.733 followed by rice genotypes pair Yamini-Kasturi with SSR markers. Rice genotypes pair Rasi - Early samba showed highest similarity coefficient of 0.737 followed by rice genotypes pair Kasturi – Krishna hamsa with RAPD markers. High degree of polymorphism was shown by SSR markers as compared to RAPD markers. This study can be explored in selection and incorporation of phenological traits in breeding programmes to give rise better varieties with better yield.