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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Thermodynamic analysis of collins Helium liquefaction system based on I & II law
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2013-08) Pal, Amit Kumar; Pratihar, A.K.
    Collins cycle or the modified Claude cycle is the one which is normally used for the liquefaction of helium gas. The liquefaction of helium is obtained by compressing the helium to a higher pressure and then cooling by heat exchangers and finally by the expansion through Joule Thomson valve.In present study, Collins helium liquefaction system with six heat exchangers, two expanders and a J-T valve is taken for the thermodynamic analysis based on I and II law. Parameters that mainly affect the performance ofCollins system are compression efficiency, efficiencies of expanders, effectiveness of heat exchangers and mass fractions diverted to expanders. The results shows that to obtain higher yield of liquid helium, expander’s efficiency and heat exchanger’s effectiveness of the system should be greater than 0.75 and 0.95 respectively. The diverted mass fraction in certain ratio only leads to higher yield and higher exergetic efficiency. This mass fraction found in this study is 0.85.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Theoretical and experimental analysis of CI engine fuelled with Calophyllum inophyllum biodiesel and diesel with ethanol as an additive
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2017-08) Gautam, Puneet Singh; Gupta, V.K.
    Energy is a basic contribution for social and economic development. The energy strategy of a nation goes for productivity and security and to give access which being environment friendly and accomplishment of primary resources for energy generation. Petroleum fuels will keep on playing a predominant part in the area of energy in our country in couple of few decades. However, traditional or petroleum fuel resources are limited, non-renewable, polluting and, accordingly, should be utilized judiciously whereas renewable energy sources are indigenous, non-polluting and its availability is unlimited. In this way, their utilization ought to be supported in every possible way. The aim of this present work is to extract biodiesel from a new non edible oil known as calophyllum inophyllum (tamanu oil). The retained finished biodiesel is further blended with the reference baseline fuel i.e. diesel and ethanol in proposed percentage and to test the performance parameters such as brake power, brake specific fuel consumption, brake thermal efficiency, and emission characteristics (exhaust temperature, smoke density) experimentally on 4.4kW rated power, single cylinder four stroke compressed ignition engine. Then few of the experimental results are validated using two zone, zero dimensional model after discretizing empirical correlations with forward difference method and solving the same in matrix laboratory (MATLAB) and some other important theoretical results such as bulk in-cylinder pressure, in-cylinder temperature, heat release rate, power, torque, work done etc. at different loads are analysed.