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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Nutritional composition of garden cress seeds (Lepidium sativum L.) flour enriched ready-to-eat (RTE) snacks
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-11) Manju; Dobhal, Neetu
    The present study was conducted to analyze the physical characteristics, functional properties and nutritional composition of garden cress seeds. Physical characteristics included thousand seed weight, seed volume, seed density, bulk density, hydration capacity, hydration index, swelling capacity and swelling index. Functional properties included water and oil absorption capacity, gel consistency, gelation capacity and flour solubility of garden cress seeds flour. In nutritional composition, proximate composition, physiological energy, minerals, dietary fibre, in-vitro iron availability and in-vitro protein digestibility, antinutritional factors and antioxidants were analyzed. The findings of the study showed that thousand seed weight, volume and seed density of garden cress were 1.95g, 2.6 ml and 0.77 ml/g, respectively. The water and oil absorption capacity of garden cress seeds flour was 4.8 and 2.69 ml/g, respectively. The gel consistency, gelation capacity and flour stability of garden cress seeds flour was estimated as 48.78 mm, 7.90 per cent and 21.20 per cent, respectively. Moisture, total ash, crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre and total carbohydrate of garden cress seeds flour were estimated as 6.25, 4.89, 23.9, 12.68, 8.09 and 44.19 per cent, respectively. The physiological energy of garden cress seeds flour was found to be 386.28 kcal/100g. In-vitro iron availability and in-vitro protein digestibility of garden cress seeds flour was found to be 12.30 and 52.56 per cent, respectively. After nutritional analysis, sweet and savoury cookies were prepared by incorporating 10, 15 and 20 per cent of garden cress seeds (GCS) flour, in which cookies with 10 percent incorporation were found most acceptable on the basis of sensory evaluation. The nutritional composition analysis was done for most acceptable sweet and savoury cookies. Results obtained revealed that GCS incorporated sweet and savoury cookies were more nutrient dense than the control cookies. All the nutrients viz. crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat and minerals along with the antioxidants, in-vitro iron availability and in-vitro protein digestibility were significantly higher in cookies developed with 10 percent incorporation of garden cress seeds. Therefore, it can be concluded that products developed with incorporation of garden cress seeds flour are nutrient dense foods which may be used to manage the nutritional deficiency disorders.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization and nutritional quality evaluation of mulberry (Morus alba Linn.) leaves based beverage
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-09) Chand, Monika; Srivastava, Sarita
    The present study was conducted to formulate mulberry leaves based beverage using fresh mulberry leaves, amla, ginger and lemon extract. Box-behken model of response surface methodology was used for optimization of recipe. Optimization of mulberry leaves based beverage was done on the basis of nutritional and sensory parameters. Optimized mulberry leaves based beverage was analyzed for nutritional quality, antioxidant activity, consumer acceptability and keeping quality. For optimization process mulberry leaves extract (ME), sugar and amla extract (AE) were taken as independent variables. The effect of independent variables on the dependent variable viz. total soluble solids, pH, vitamin C, taste, flavor, color, appearance and overall acceptability was investigated. The results revealed that the total soluble solids varied from 3 – 7.7 brixº. The pH value varied from 3.9 to 5. Vitamin C content varied from 11.9 to 23.8 mg/100ml. The score for taste, flavor, color, appearance and overall acceptability varied 6.5 to 8.15, 6.7 to 8.11, 7.5 to 8.39, 7.8 to 8.93 and 7.4 to 8.18, respectively. The nutritional quality analysis revealed that optimized mulberry leaves based beverage contains 3.52% crude protein, 0.60mg/100ml iron, 2.78 mg/100ml calcium 4.16mg/100ml beta carotene and 80±0.05% antioxidant activity. The consumer acceptability of optimized beverage showed that 11% extremely liked the product, 44% liked very much, 41% liked moderately while no subject disliked the products. During the storage the total soluble solids significantly increased from 5.5 to 6.3, while pH decreased significantly from 4.05 to 3.70. Microbial analysis during storage revealed that the beverage was stable up to 2 months. Sensory evaluation of beverage showed that it was acceptable after 60 days of storage at room temperature (temperature 24-30 ℃, RH 55 ± 5% when packaged in glass bottles).The present investigation report that the optimized beverage is rich in crude protein(3.52%), iron(0.60mg/100ml), calcium(2.78mg/100ml), beta carotene(4.16mg/100ml), (DPPH) antioxidant activity (80±0.05%) and has high consumer acceptability. It can be recommended as healthy cum tasty beverage for all age groups.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study of overweight/obesity among adolescents of Nainital district and use of IEC module to tackle the problem
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2021-02) Agarwal, Garvita; Dutta, Anuradha
    The present study entitled, “study of overweight/obesity among adolescents of Nainital district and use of IEC module to tackle the problem” was undertaken with a view to assess thepresence of overweight and obesity in Nainital district among adolescents identify dietary and lifestyle factors responsible for overweight/obesity and evaluate an IEC module that had been developed as a management tool to reduce the problem. In phase I, a study was conducted among 357 adolescent from Haldwani and Ramnagar blocks of Nainital district, Uttarakhand. In phase II, an IEC (Information, Education and Communication) module was developed. The IEC module was aimed to improve the knowledge status and bring healthy lifestyle changes of adolescent in the study. The effectiveness of IEC module was also assessed through an intervention study in a group of adolescents (30 experimental and 30 control) pre and post intervention knowledge in test was done and anthropometric indicators were also assessed. The results of the study showed that age, education status of respondents, father and mother education status had a positive correlation with respect to BMI, and family size of the respondents had a negative correlation with respect to BMI. Exercise time per day, mobile playing per day, T.V watching per day had a positive correlation with respect to BMI and sleep per night and sleep after school had a negative correlation with respect to BMI. Number of meals per day and drinking water per day had a positive correlation. Only the consumption of fruits, and nuts and oil seeds had a negative correlation with respect to BMI. When IEC module exposure was shown at intervals then a significant difference in knowledge score was observed at all the stages in experimental group. A statistically significance difference in knowledge score was only observed in the last exposure between the two groups. A statically significant difference in weight was observed in the experimental group after each exposure which was statically non-significant in the control group at all durations of IEC exposure. A statically significant difference was seen in the BMI of the experimental group in all the stages of exposure. A statically significant difference was found between the BMI of experimental and control group of respondents on 1st day and at 3rd exposure (after 9 week). The data revealed that the increase in height of the experimental group exposed to IEC module at regular intervals was greater than the control group, and decrease in weight of the experimental group exposed to IEC module at regular intervals was greater than the control group indicating that motivation to the adolescent for leading a healthy life style may have a positive impact on their overall health and nutritional status. Overall a significant positive impact of IEC module exposure was observed on the respondent’s height, weight, BMI, and knowledge score. The IEC module developed in the present study proved to be effective in improving knowledge pertaining to overweight and obesity among adolescent. Result also showed good retention of knowledge gain. So, the module may be implemented to a larger extent with multiple exposures to bring a change in overweight and obesity presence among adolescent.