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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparison of yield and yield attributes of wheat and barley under poplar based agroforestry system
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-05) Soman, Divya; Tewari, Salil K.
    The field experiment was carried out in Agroforestry Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand during the rabi season for 2016-17 to study the yield and yield attributes of wheat and barley under poplar based agroforestry system. Eight different treatments in poplar (poplars of different planting stocks) were arranged in randomized block design with three replications. Wheat and barley crops were sown under poplar plantation and in open field. Growth parameters and yield attributes of wheat and barley significantly reduced in treatments of agroforestry system except T1 and T2 than the open system. Poplars of normal ETP origin and 2 years ETP origin outperformed the other treatments. Among different treatments of agroforestry biological yield was found highest in T1 plot (9101.67 kg/ha for wheat and 11907 kg/ha for barley), grain yield was found highest in T1 plot (3715 kg/ha for wheat and 3711.67 kg/ha for barley), straw yield was found highest in T1 plot (5386.67 kg/ha for wheat and 8196 kg/ha for barley). The average tree growth parameters viz., tree height, diameter at breast height and volume showed an increased trend during the period of study. Among different planting stocks T1 (1 year old ETP), T2 (2 years old ETP) and T7 (Cutting from ETP) were found at par with each other and significantly higher growth for height. Diameter and volume growth showed non-significant differences among the different planting stocks. Different soil parameters such as soil EC, organic carbon, available soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was higher under poplar based agroforestry system as compared to open farming system. Soil pH did not show significant difference among two farming systems. Thus, the study indicated that poplars of normal ETP and 2 years ETP origin should be incorporated in agroforestry system to improve the productivity and growth of crops under agroforestry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Growth and yield performance of wheat under different nutrient management modules in poplar based agroforestry system
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-06) Das, Subrata; Sah, V.K.
    The field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2016-17 at experimental site of Agroforestry Research Centre (old site), Patharchatta of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand to study the effect of various nutrient sources on growth and yield of wheat crop, effect on soil properties and growth of poplar trees. The experiment was laid on randomized block design with seven treatments, i.e., Control (T1), recommended NPK (T2), 150% of N and recommended P, K (T3), recommended NPK + ZnSO4 @25 kg/ha (T4), 150% of N and recommended P, K + ZnSO4 @25 kg/ha (T5), recommended NPK + ZnSO4 @25 kg/ha + FYM @10 t/ha (T6) and 150% of N and recommended P, K + ZnSO4 @25 kg/ha + FYM @10 t/ha (T7). All the growth and yield related parameters of wheat crop was found maximum in treatment T7. In soil chemical properties, a significant changes were also observed. Soil pH, soil available N, P and K were reduced drastically after experiment was finished due to excess uptake of nutrients by crop. In economic point of view, maximum net returns was obtained from treatment T6. Thus, the study indicated that, T7 treatment provided higher yield but higher B:C ratio was obtained from treatment T4.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of Colocasia esculenta L. germplasm under poplar based agroforestry system
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-06) Singh, Rajat; Lavania, S.K.
    The present investigation was carried out at Agroforestry Research Centre of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India, during March to October, 2017. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with three replications (3 open field + 3 under poplar canopy) and ten treatments. Study was conducted on Populus deltoides and ten germplasm of Colocasia esculenta namely PA-12, PA-16, PA-18, PA-29, PA-33, PA-49, PA-56, PA-60, PA-63 and PA-73. The quantitative characters of taro for days needed to 50 % sprouting, plant height, collar diameter of plant, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, leaf breadth, leaf area index, weight of corms and cormels per plant, number of corms and cormels per plant, width of corms and cormels, length of corms and cormels and tuber yield were recorded, which were higher in the open system as compared to poplar based agroforestry system. Among the germplasm, the maximum (145.74 q/ha) yield was recorded in germplasm PA-16 under agroforestry system while under open system, maximum yield was observed in germplasm PA-12 (364.10 q/ha). In poplar tree height, tree diameter, crown spread and tree volume was measured, which were increased and found that poplar gave 0.029 m3 per hectare. The physico-chemical property of soil for pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon, available soil nitrogen, available soil phosphorus and available soil potassium were analysis, which were better under poplar based agroforestry system as compared to open farming system.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of different varieties of mint (Mentha arvensis L.) under poplar based agroforestry system
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-06) Singh, Manendra; Singh, Virendra
    The present investigation entitled “performance of different varieties of mint (Mentha arvensis L.) under poplar based agroforestry system” was carried out during 2017 at Experimental Site of Agroforestry Research Centre, Patharchatta, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with two farming systems (open farming system and poplar based agroforestry system) and four varieties of Mentha arvensis namely CIM Saryu, CIM Kranti, Kosi and Saksham with four replications. Vegetative parameters of different varieties of Mentha arvensis such as plant height, number of branches per plant and plant spread was maximum under open farming system as compared to poplar based agroforestry system. The maximum total fresh herbage yield of 224.00 q ha-1 and 109.25 q ha-1 was recorded in variety Kosi under open farming system and polar based agroforestry system. The maximum total above ground dry matter production was 414.96 g m-2 in CIM Kranti under open farming system. Oil content of 1.21% and 1.27% was maximum in CIM Kranti at 1st and 2nd harvest under open farming system. Total oil yield of 186.19 l ha-1 was maximum under open farming system but it was 72.72 l ha-1 under poplar based agroforestry system. CIM Kranti variety yielded maximum oil of 270.38 l ha-1 under open farming system. The gross returns of ` 4,52,661.50 and net returns of ` 3,47,522.40 ha-1 was obtained from variety CIM Kranti under open farming system and ` 2,36,227.00 and ` 1,45,073.50 ha-1 respectively, from poplar based agroforestry system. The maximum B: C ratio of 3.30 and 1.59 was also estimated for CIM Kranti under open farming system and poplar based agroforestry system, respectively. Under poplar based agroforestry system, maximum evolved CO2 was 127.26 mgC in Kosi variety whereas minimum was 108.83 mgC in Saksham variety. However, under open condition, total evolved CO2 being 96.49 mgC was minimum after 30 of days incubation period.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Comparative performance of promising wheat varieties under poplar and Eucalyptus based Agroforestry systems
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2018-06) Sharma, Asha; Sah, V.K.
    The present investigations entitled “Comparative performance of promising wheat varieties under Poplar and Eucalyptus based Agroforestry systems” was carried out during winter season of 2016-17 at experimental site of Agroforestry Research Centre (old site), Patharchatta of G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Distt. Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand to study the comparative performance of wheat varieties (UP-2526, UP-2565, UP-2628, DPW-621-50) under poplar and Eucalyptus based agroforestry system. Experiment was laid out in Split plot design with three main plots (open farming, poplar and Eucalyptus agroforestry system) and four sub plots (different wheat varieties). The observations on growth and yield parameters of wheat crop were recorded during rabi season. Germination count, plant height, number of tillers and dry matter accumulation were higher under open farming system than agroforestry system (poplar and Eucalyptus). Among wheat varieties UP-2526 showed higher germination count and maximum height, number of tillers and dry matter accumulation. Yield attributes like grain yield was higher in open farming (3.55t ha-1) system as compared to agroforestry system. Among wheat varieties grain yield was significantly higher in UP-2628 (3.13t ha-1). Biological yield was also higher under UP-2628. Soil parameters like EC, organic carbon and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was higher in agroforestry system as compared to open farming system. Growth parameters of poplar and Eucalyptus tree showed increase in height, diameter and volume. However results showed that crops shown in open farming system and poplar based agroforestry system was suitable for higher growth and yield of wheat crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Assessment of wheat varieties under poplar based agroforestry system
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2017-07) Lalremruati, Bethsebi; Lavania, S.K.