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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Use of mobile phones in agricultural extension- a study in Uttarakhand
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-06) Sahota, Charneet; Kameswari, V.L.V.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study on job performance and job satisfaction of KVK personnel in Uttarakhand state
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2009-07) Sharma, Shubhanjana; Kashyap, S.K.
    Development is a complex phenomenon, especially development of rural people. Training has been utilized as a crucial intervention for rural development. To impart vocational training of agriculture in school drop-outs and rural youths, ICAR appointed a committee under chairmanship of Dr.M.S.Mehta for formulating an institutional model. Hence KVK emerged as an innovative institution for vocational trainings in agriculture. KVKs have evolved as the frontline and indispensable organization for the agricultural extension system of the country for dissemination of agriculture knowledge. It has been proved through researches that proper functioning of any organization depends on its functionaries performance and the satisfaction which they draw from their jobs. KVKs are also not apart from it. Analysing the present existing situation of KVK, the problems that confront their performance are; their plan-budget status, headwise budget allocation, their location and situation etc. The present study has been designed with this mindset that a primeproject as KVK, confronting visible challenges should undergo a formal study to analyse the job performance and job satisfaction of KVK personnel and the factors which affect job performance and job satisfaction. The study revealed that majority of the KVK personnel were male (62.5percent) and of middle age group (71.87 percent) having Ph.D. degree (81.25 percent). Majority of KVK personnel (56.25 percent) were having urban background and would like to work in urban locality (71.87 percent) having 0-5 years of experience at present post (71.87 percent). Majority of KVK personnel (81.25percent) considered organizational climate as paternalistic. ‘Facilities of Communication’, ‘Scope for professional growth’, and ‘Subject matter knowledge’ were considered to be the most important factors by the KVK personnel in context of factors affecting job performance. Discussion and informal talk were used as a most preferable method for training need assessment as reported by majority of KVK personnel. Majority of KVK personnel gave maximum importance to preparation of course programme schedule in context of planning of course programme. In context of design and development of course content, planning of training session with specific course objectives was found to be adhered by majority of KVK personnel. In context of selection of training methods, KVK personnel showed preference for demonstrations, group discussions and lectures while innovative and participatory methods such as games, workshops, buzz session and brainstorming were considered to be the least preferred methods. Majority of KVK personnel had medium level of satisfaction with regard to salary (78.12 percent), advancement prospects (87.5 percent), job security (96.87 percent), work load (96.87 percent), status and prestige of job (96.87 percent), leave facility (100 percent), residence facility (96.87 percent), opportunity for initiative (96.87 percent), opportunity for self achievement (96.87 percent), sense of ability utilization (81.25 percent), nature of work (78.12 percent) and recognition and awards (81.25 percent). Majority of KVK personnel (68.75 percent) had medium level of job satisfaction followed by low (18.75 percent) and high level of job satisfaction (12.5 percent).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Perceptions of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among undergraduate agriculture students of G.B. Pant University
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2007-06) Rajput, Aparna; Ansari, M.A.
    ICT skills are currently of great interest to governments, businessmen and individuals. Consequently, ICTs have been increasingly integrated in educational systems to enhance and support teaching and learning. More importantly, it is expected that those who are ICT savvy stand the chances to be counted first for the emerging challenges and opportunities. Thus, the study entitled “Perceptions of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Undergraduate Agriculture Students of G.B. Pant University”. An exploratory research design was followed. Following stratified random sampling, 100 respondents (Undergraduate Agriculture Students) were selected. A pre-structured Questionnaire was distributed to the respondents. The findings indicated that 95 % students had positive perceptions about ICTs. Students used mostly Information Communication Technology such as mobile followed by computer, Internet and email for a variety of purposes but very few (33 %) reported that they used it for educational purpose. The study indicated an urgent need to strengthen the Information Communication Technology system in the University in terms of infrastructure, facilities, accessibility and connectivity. The ICT competency needs to be up-scaled through specialized courses included in curriculum to enhance skills of the students so that they can use information communication technologies more efficiently.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study of rural knowledge centres in Nainital district of Uttaranchal
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2006-05) Barala, Purushotam; Kameswari, V.L.V.
    The traditional system of information dissemination will not be able to meet to the needs of a diversified Indian agriculture. Access to relevant information and knowledge is crucial for empowerment and development of agriculture sector. Therefore, there is an urgent need to ensure access to ICT in rural areas and to disadvantage communities to disseminate simple, practical knowledge through Rural Knowledge Centers (RKCs). Keeping this in view, the present research investigation was carried as an exploratory study on RKCs in Nainital district of Uttaranchal. A pre-tested interview schedule was administrated for two types of respondents i.e. farmers and general users who used the services of RKCs. Data were collected from 152 respondents of 7 RKCs. Besides this, information was also gathered through content analysis of the portal, observations and checklist for assessing the infrastructure facilities The findings of the study revealed that RKCs provides two type of information i.e. static and dynamic. The respondent who used the services of RKCs had an average age of 31 years, educational up to intermediate level and most of the users were students. Majority of the farmers revealed that services of RKCs are expensive but easily accessible, more reliable and credible then traditional agriculture extension services. Farmers rated RKCs ―moderate‖ in terms of convenience and comprehension of services of RKCs, and they had negative perception about the immediacy of feedback, diffusion of innovation and extent of knowledge gain towards RKCs.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    A study of Information and Communication Technology intervention in integrated functioning of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2006-12) Matsepe, Maqalika Yessel; Singh, B.B.
    Scientists of Agricultural Universities are continuously engaged in the activities related to teaching, research and extension. Developments of the agricultural scientists can expedite the development of agriculture, which is ultimately useful for the society. Their professional growth and development are enhanced by acquiring current information through the use of new means of communication, mainly through Information and Communication Technologies. Thus, the study entitled “A study of Information and Communication Technology intervention in integrated functioning of Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar.” was conducted. Based on the major findings of the study, it can be concluded that scientists used ICT mostly computer for various professional purposes. Also, the scientists perceived use of ICT very useful for performing their professional activities. Specialised training courses should be organised to improve skills of scientists to use ICT efficiently. There is a need to include other stake holders like students, librarians and farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An in-depth study of Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) Pantnagar (Uttaranchal)
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Yadava, Neelam; Mishra, O.P.
    ATICs are established under the technology dissemination component of NATP. These are serving as a „single window system‟ with an objective to help the farmers and other stakeholders both to provide location specific solutions to their problems and to make available all the technological information alongwith technological inputs and products for testing and use by them. The study was conducted at ATIC of G.B.Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttaranchal with the objectives: 1.To study the profile of farmers who visited ATIC and scientists associated with ATIC. 2.To study the farmers‟ level of awareness about ATIC services. 3. To study the farmers‟ level of satisfaction and constraints faced by them in utilizing ATIC services. 4. To study the constraints faced by the scientists associated with ATIC. 5.To seek the suggestions of the scientists for the improvement of ATIC functioning. The data was collected from a sample of 120 respondents which included 65 farmers and 55 scientists associated with ATIC. Data was collected by structured and semi- structured Interview Schedule and analyzed after tabulation by using appropriate statistical techniques. Findings of the study reveal majority of farmers were of middle age, intermediate, large land holding and high level of farming experience and the scientists were of middle aged, doctorate degree holders, medium level of job experience, rural background and from Agriculture College. Major source of information about ATIC was farm literature for farmers and for gain of information. Most of the farmers have medium degree of awareness about ATIC services and high level of satisfaction with the services such as breeder seeds, dissemination of information through agricultural literature etc. Farmers as well as scientists faced constraints regarding the functioning of ATIC and scientists suggested for improvement of ATIC effectiveness.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An in-depth study of Farm-School-on-AIR programme produced by GBPUA&T, Pantnagar on scientific cultivation of sugarcane
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Bisht, Kamini; Singh, A.K.
    With the significant advances in farming technologies, speedy dissemination of those innovations become inevitable to reflect their fruitful effects in the farm front. As a result „farm and Home‟ unit of AIR started „Farm-School-on-AIR‟ programme for effective dissemination of evolving new farm technologies. The success of developmental programme like „FSA‟ depends on the audience participation and their feedback towards the programme. It is, therefore, of interest to any development communicator to know what happens to farm broadcast information at the farmer‟s end. Keeping this in view the present study was carried out on the registered farmers of FSA programme on scientific cultivation of sugarcane, which is being broadcast from AIR, Rampur. The data was collected with the help of structured mailed questionnaire. The findings of the study indicates that majority of respondents were of young age, belonged to OBC category, had joint families, medium educational level, medium size of land holding, had farming as the main occupation with medium mass media exposure. Further the study reveals that most of the respondents considered FSA as credible source of information and they had a favourable attitude towards FSA programme. The audience activity indicates the effectiveness of programme. The audience activity of the FSA programme listeners was found to be at medium level. The study shows that majority of the FSA programme listeners were satisfied with the different aspects of FSA programme like language, voice, day, duration, time and style of presentation etc. However a majority of the respondents found that the speed of delivering lessons was fast. Thus, they suggested that the lectures should be delivered at a slower pace and simple language and local terms should be used in the programme.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Training of agricultural graduates in communication skills for competitive edge in placement market – a study at G.B. P.U.A.T., Pantnagar
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Sreedevi, M.; Kumar, B.
    The existing system of agricultural education has been found to be inadequate not only in providing all the required skills to agricultural graduates to compete in the placement market but also in finding opportunities of self-employment requiring their knowledge and expertise. The major source of weakness in the existing system lies in either a complete lack of emphasis or inadequate emphasis on the development of communication skills. Keeping this in view, the present study on assessment of training needs of agricultural graduates for a competitive edge in placement market was undertaken at the College of Agriculture with exploratory research design. The data were collected from structured questionnaire with focus on knowledge and self perception tests in all the areas of communication skill referred to above. The study revealed that agricultural graduates require training in all areas of communication skill. To begin with, attention needs to be focused on developing negotiation and interview skills. The findings of the study may be of help in arranging training for agriculture graduates of GBPUAT in communication skills.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    An analysis of monthly farm magazines published by G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar
    (G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar - 263145 (Uttarakhand), 2005-06) Sharma, Krishna Chandra; Hasan, Shamsul
    With the start of community development programme in 1952 and establishment of university several farm journals and magazines were started. As a part of the efforts to reach the farmers as well as rural community, university published two monthly farm magazines i.e. Indian Farmers' Digest and Kisan Bharati .To analyze the content and to know the readerships behaviour of the subscribers this study was conducted with the following objectives.1.To study the socio-economic profile of the subscribers of the two monthly farm magazines published by G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar.2. To study the content and coverage of both the farm magazines.3. To study the readership behaviour of the subscribers of two monthly farm magazines namely Indian Farmers’ Digest and Kisan Bharati.4. To study the opinion of the subscribers towards farm magazines. The study conducted by selecting the six issues of both the farm magazines Kisan Bharati and Indian Farmers' Digest of 2004 from three months of Rabi season viz. December, January, February and three months of Kharif season viz. July, August and September of both magazines of the year 2004were selected for the study. The subscribers of farm magazines from Uttaranchal state and adjoining districts were taken by Census method. After analyzing the content of magazines and readership behaviour of the subscribers, findings of the content of both the magazines Kisan Bharati and Indian Farmers' Digest comprised of articles, illustrations and advertisements were analysed. Among articles agriculture had the highest frequency followed by general category, animal science, agricultural engineering, home science and fisheries science in both the farm magazines. In illustrations maximum number of illustrations were from agriculture (80.84% in Kisan Bharati and 52% in Indian Farmers' Digest) followed by animal science. In advertisements there was maximum number of advertisements in general category followed by agriculture and agricultural engineering in both the farm magazines. Regarding the readership behaviour of subscribers, majority of the subscribers of both the magazines were satisfied with the present format of the magazines.